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Euro B2 Webset - Mediation Part Two - ANSWR KEY

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Give one mark for each distinct piece of information that is present. If the meaning is clear, the mark is awarded. The use of both third person and first person is acceptable. The meaning may be conveyed using different words from those used in the answer key. Errors of grammar and spelling are not penalised if the meaning is still clear. Write in English

Ex. 1 Ex. 2

Good morning. - What can I do for you?


Write in Ide irnytottak - egy kresetet szeretnk Hungarian bejelenteni. Write in English 1. youve come to the right place take a seat tell me
what happened


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Write in Hungarian

2. feltrtk az autmat 3. parkolban hagytam 4. mikor visszartem lttam felfesztettk az ajtt

Write in English

you should make a list stolen goods 5.

was the car badly/very [NO INTENSIFIER NO MARK!] damaged?

nem vszes 6.

Write in Hungarian

rtkes rdit s CD lejtszt [KELL AZ RTKES] 7. a paprjaim/irataim/ igazolvnyaim 8. eltntek/elvittk/elloptk 9. you SHOUDNT/MUSTNT have left them [=documents] 10. you must/have to keep 11. on you 12. anything else missing? [NO ELSE, NO MARK!]
a hitelkrtyimat is elloptk 13. nincs pnzem az orszgot sem tudom elhagyni tlevl nlkl 14. mit

Write in English

Write in Hungarian

tancsol? / mit tegyek?

Ill take/write down the details 15. youd better 16. to the embassy to get temporary papers /ID/passport

Write in English


Write in Hungarian

szksgem van egy mhely/garzs/szervz cmre ahol megjavttathatom a zrat



Page 2
Dialogue Ex1 Ex2 1 2 3 4 J reggelt. Segthetek valamiben?

Euro B2 Webset - Mediation Part Two - ANSWR KEY

Possible translation Good morning . What can I do for you? szeretnk

I was told to contact you, as Id like to report an Ide irnytottak, mivel egy kresetet incident. bejelenteni.

A megfelel helyre rkezett. Krem, foglaljon helyet Youve come to the right place. Please take a seat and s mondja el mi trtnt. tell me what happened? My cars been broken into. I left it in a parking lot Feltrtk az autmat. Egy parkolban hagytam and when I came back I found that the door had been s mikor visszartem azt lttam, hogy az ajtt forced open. felfesztettk. ssze kellene lltani egy listt a lopott trgyakrl. You should make a list of the stolen goods. Was the Nagyon megsrlt az aut? car badly damaged? No, its not too bad, but a very valuable radio and Nem vszes, de egy nagyon rtkes rdit s CD CD player were pulled out. My documents have been lejtszt vittek el s az irataim is eltntek. taken, too. You shouldnt have left them there. You know, you Nem szabadott volna ott hagynia ket. Tudja, azokat must always keep them on you. Is anything else mindig magnl kell tartania. Hinyzik mg valami? missing? My credit cards were stolen, too. So, at the moment A hitelkrtyimat is elloptk. gy jelenleg nincs pnzem I dont have any money and I cant leave the country s az orszgot sem tudom elhagyni tlevl nlkl. Mit without a passport. What should I do now? tancsol? Nos, elszr is felveszem az adatokat. Aztn jl Well, first Ill take down the details, and then youd tenn, ha elmenne a kvetsgre, hogy beszerezze az better go to the embassy to get some temporary ideiglenes paprokat. papers. s szksgem lesz egy mhely cmre is, ahol Ill also need the address of a garage, where the locks megjavttathatom a zrat. Ezzel kapcsolatban is tudna can be fixed. Could you help me with that, too? segteni?

How to mark the Mediation

Mediation 1: Translation The total number of pieces of text which are marked for meaning is 14. The number of points is obtained by dividing by 2. To this are added 5 points for language. Thus the total available points for the translation task is 12. Mediation 2: Dialogue The total number of pieces of text which are marked for meaning is 16. The number of points is obtained by dividing by 2. Thus the total available points for the dialogue task is 8. The mediation test By adding the marks from the translation part and the dialogue task the total number of points is 20. A percentage can be obtained by multiplying by 5. Example Translation: 10 correct out of 14. Number of points: 5 (10 / 2). Language mark 3. Total marks for translation 8 (5 + 3) Dialogue: 12 correct out of 16. Number of points: 6 (12 / 2). Marks for mediation test: 14 (8 + 6). The percentage result is 70% (14 x 5)

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