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Word count: Date: 21/03/2012

Li Chun Ho IB Psychology Higher

Paper 3: Discuss considerations involved in setting up and carrying out an observation. Decide on type of observation -Unstructured-document everything. Data collection is difficult, writing everything down. Analysis is difficult. -Semi-structured-decide loosely which aspects of behaviour will be documented. Data collection is easier, writing relevant behaviour only. Deep analysis and high detail is also enabled. -Structured-decide strictly which behaviours will be documented. Data collection is very easy but analysis is restricted to preset categories.

Decide on type of notes to take -Descriptive-observe and write down. No inferences are made. For example, Girl is banging her head on a computer. -Inferential-comment on observations. Inferences are made about why behaviour occurred. For example, Girl is banging her head on a computer because she is frustrated. -Evaluative-comment on behaviour and evaluate. This makes a judgment about the behaviour. For example, Girl is banging her head because she does not have a positive relationship with computers.

Conducting an observation -Establish rapport. This is a good working relationship with the participant and is important especially for one to one interviews. -Remain aware of ethical conduct. -Remain objective. It would help if there are multiple researchers; increases inter-rate reliability, also known as inter-observer reliability. -Do not come up with built-in biases. Biases could affect participant behaviour. As a result, participant behaviour is then unnatural due to the Hawthorne effect and is not ecologically valid. It could result in selective perceptions. -This affects the credibility of trustworthiness of the data. -Take detailed notes. Include information from several perspectives.

Word count: Date: 21/03/2012

Li Chun Ho IB Psychology Higher

Paper 3: Discuss considerations involved in setting up and carrying out an observation. After the observation -Can conduct post-interviews. -For overt observations, debrief participants. -Covert observations do not have the advantage of disclosure. -Analyze data (field notes) using grounded theory. Grounded theory is a systematic generation of theory from data, includes stages of description, coding and connecting themes, produce an account. -Be aware of audience effect. Research by Zajonc (1965) has shown that if the observed mental task is easy for the participant, they were increased. However, when faced with an unfamiliar cognitively challenging task, such as difficult mazes, performance fell under the presence and observation of others. (Grounded theory is also under the Discuss how researchers analyze data obtained in observational research specification.)

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