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Human resources personnel need to be prepared to modify job specifications and job descriptions on an everyday basis. To achieve organizational success, it is crucial to identify and determine the jobs that the organization needs performed in order to reach its strategic goals. Job analysis is therefore a vital function of human resources. What is job analysis? Job analysis may be defined as a methodical process of collecting information on the functionally relevant aspects of a job. Job analysis tells the human resources personnel:

the time it takes to complete relevant tasks the tasks that are grouped together under a single job position the ways to design or structure a job for maximizing employee performance the employee behavioral pattern associated with performance of the job the traits and attributes of a proper candidate for the job the ways the data can be used to develop human resource management

What is the need for job analysis? Three major factors create the need for job analysis:

statutory concerns, such as equal employment opportunity responses to business competitionrecruiting and retaining talent technological changes that create new jobs and render others obsolete

What are the uses of job analysis information? Job analysis information is used in human resources on a regular basis to define:

Job description: A job description gives an account of the work and duties associated with a particular job. It describes the way the job is performed currently. Most job descriptions contain the following information:

the job name summary description of the job a list of duties for the job a list of organizational responsibilities related to the job

Job specifications: Job specifications define the characteristics of the activities associated with the job and given in the job description. They describe the skill sets and qualifications that a candidate for the job should possess. Job classification: Job classification groups similar jobs into classes and families. This simplifies the overview for managers and is essential for streamlined functioning of an organization. Job evaluation: Job evaluation involves finding out the monetary worth of a job and helps to set up equitable pay structures. Job design: Job design integrates employee needs with productivity needs to maximize worker efficiency.

The conclusions draw from this data will often be:

Identifying training needs of personnel Creating recruitment strategies Making performance reviews

Without proper job analysis by the human resources department, it is difficult for any organization to remain competitive and be able to attract and retain talent.

METHODS OF JOB ANALYASIS OBSERVATION METHODS Observation methods consist of direct observation, work methods analysis, technique of critical incident. 1. Direct observation This form is based on analysis of job in order to observe and make records of behaviors/events/activities/tasks/duties when something is happening. 2. Work methods analysis

The form of analysis on work methods is applicable to describe manual and repeated manufacturing jobs, for example the jobs of assembly-line. Such analysis on work methods consists of analysis of time, motion study and micro-motion. 3. Critical incident technique (CIT model). The method of critical incident technique is applied to discovers behaviors towards working which can help classify performance into good and bad level. 4. INTERVIEW METHOD This tool is considered to be very useful to analysis of jobs. In which questions are given to both incumbents and supervisors under such form of individual or a group. Interview consists of structured Interviews, unstructured interview, open-ended questions QUESTIONNAIRE METHODS Questionnaire methods includes 6 techniques as follows: 5. Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ model) The model of PAQ is a technical of questionnaire for analyze jobs. In 1972, McCormick, Jeanerette, and Mecham (1972) developed this technique which is a structured instrument of job analysis to measure characteristics of job and then associate them with characteristics of human. Such technique includes 195 job elements that describe generic human behaviors during working. 6. Functional job analysis (FJA model) The model of FJA is a technique uses to analyze jobs. the Employment and Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor developed this technique. There are7 scales (numbers) of the technique that measure: 3 worker-function scales: measure % of time spent with: data, people, things; 1 worker-instruction scale; 3 scales that measure reasoning, mathematics, language. 7. Work Profiling System (WPS model) The method of Work Profiling System is a technique of questionnaire to analyze jobs. The technique makes use of a computer-administered system and discovered by Saville & Holdsworth, Ltd. 8. MOSAIC model The model of MOSAIC is a technique used to analyze jobs by gathering information from both incumbents and supervisors. The model includes 151 job tasks which are rankedbased on the level of importance to make sure that job performance is maintained efficient and 22 capacities which are ranked based on the level of importance, and also necessary effectiveness at entry. 9. Common Metric Questionnaire (CMQ model) This style was created by Harvey and regarded as a job analysis of worker-orientation. It is designed to be widely applied in a wide range

of both exempt and nonexempt jobs. There are 42 general questions in the background section, 62 questions on contacts with people, 80 questions relating to decision-making, 53 questions of activities in terms of both physical and mechanical, and 47 questions on setting of work. 10. Fleishman Job Analysis System (FJAS model) It includes 52 cognitive, physical, psycho-motor, and sensory ability, each of the categories consists of two parts an operational and differential definition and a grading scale. The method called Fleishman Job Analysis System is a technique used to analyze jobs in which jobs are described based on opinions of vital capacities. There are 52 cognitive, physical, psycho-motor, and sensory ability, each of them includes two parts: a grading scale and an operational and differential definition. OTHER METHODS 11. Task Inventory Indeed, a task inventory lists all discrete activities which create a certain job or certain company. 12. Job element method This style is somehow similar to the method of critical incident technique. The methodconcentrates on behaviors during working and such consequences that the behaviors bring about more than look at abstract characteristics. This method was developed by Ernest Primoff. 13. Diary method The method of diary is considered to be a very useful tool to analyze jobs. In this method, jobs are assessed thanks to workers daily records or their lists of activities that they practice day by day 14. Checklists and rating scales In this method, jobs are analyzed by using a list keeping track of such job elements. Many questions can be raised, such as working purposes, key roles and responsibilities, organization; relationships; decision making; authority; Skills, knowledge, experience; working conditions. 15. Competency profiling This form of job analysis is an activity that determines certain capacities which are characteristics of high levels of performance in a certain job. It includes skills, knowledge, capacities, values, interests, personalities. 16. Examining Manuals/reference materials In analyzing jobs, the analysts use manuals/ or materials of reference including quality manual, human resource manual, procedures, instruction, forms, job descriptionThese documents are available so that organizations can apply them in accordance with standards of ISO 9000. 17. Technical conference

This tool is of great usefulness in analyzing jobs based on Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). SMEs will implement sessions of brainstorming to discover elements of jobs. In this method, SMEs can apply a full mix of all methods of job analysis. 18.Threshold Traits Analysis System (TTAS model) In 1970, Felix Lopez developed the model of Threshold Traits Analysis System (TTAS model). The model includes a standard set of 33 traits in which ability traits are can do factors while attitudinal traits are willing to do factors. Combination of methods In process of analyzing jobs, experts can apply or make a mix of all methods to gather information relating to job. Take an instance, whenever direct observation is used,interviews are used at the same time. Purpose Of Job Analysis why is job analysis important ? Directly outcomes / results of job analysis are job description and job specification. Apart from job description and job specification, Functions / benefits of job analysis include elements as below. 1. Purpose of job analysis in Recruitment and Selection: Job analysis is very important for contentsas: Job duties that should be included in advertisements of vacant positions; Appropriate salary level for the position to help determine what salary should be offered to a candidate; Minimum requirements (education and/or experience) for screening applicants; Interview questions; Selection tests/instruments (e.g., written tests; oral tests; job simulations); Applicant appraisal/evaluation forms; Orientation materials for applicants/new hires 2. Purpose of job analysis in Job evaluation Judges relative worth of jobs in an organization Sets fair compensation rates 3. Purpose of job analysis in Job design Reduce personnel costs, streamline work processes, Increase productivity and employee empowerment, Enhance job satisfaction and provide greater scheduling flexibility for the employee.

Simplify job with too many disparate activities Identifies what must be performed, how it will be performed, where it is to be performed and who will perform it. 4. Purpose of job analysis in Compensation and Benefits: Job Analysis can be used in compensation to identify or determine: Skill levels Compensation job factors Work environment (e.g., hazards; attention; physical effort) Responsibilities (e.g., fiscal; supervisory) Required level of education (indirectly related to salary level 5. Importance of job analysis in Performance Appraisal: Job Analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop: Goals and objectives Performance standards Length of probationary periods Duties to be evaluated Evaluation criteria 6. Importance of job analysis in Training and development: Job Analysis can be used in training needs assessment to identify or develop: Training content Assessment tests to measure effectiveness of training Equipment to be used in delivering the training Methods of training (i.e., small group, computer-based, video, classroom) 7. Job analysis increases productivity How a job analysis increases productivity? Job analysis also identify performance criteria so that it promote worker for best performance. Job analysis can use methods of time and motion study or micromotion analysis in order to time and motion for job. 8. Importance of job analysis in Compliance with labor law: Identify requirements in compliance with labor law. Compliance with Civil Rights Legislation in US. EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) compliance in US Process Of Job Analysis How to perform / conduct a job analysis ? You should do 8 steps as follows for conducting / writing a job analysis. Step 1: Identify purpose of job analysis You should identify purpose of job analysisbecause that will determine what job analysis method, what data will be collected.

Step 2: Selecting the analysts You can choose analyst from professional human resource, line mangers, incumbents or consultants. Step 3: Selecting the appropriate method Select representative positions to analyze because there may be too many similar jobsto analyze, and it may not be necessary to analyze them all. Review background information such as organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions of positions selected . Then identify methods of job analysis. There are many methods in job analysis, you should pay attention to advantages and disadvantages of each method in order to choose suitable one. Identify sample size of position. Step 4: Train the analysts If you intend to use internal analysts you have to teach them how to use the selected methods. Step 5: Preparation of job analysis Communicate the project in the organization. Preparing the documentation, for example: interview questions, questionnaires. Step 6: Collecting data Collecting data on job activities, employee behaviors, working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job Using one or more of the job analysis methods to collect data. Step 7: Review and verify Consolidate the results. You must review all data collected. This will help you to confirm that the information is factually correct and complete. How can review information? Review data with his or her immediate supervisor. Review data by technical conference (is a job analysis method). Review data with incumbents by interview. Step 8: Develop a job description and job specification Implement the results into the company procedures according to the goal-setting. Develop a job description and job specification from the job analysis information. A job description is a written statement that describes the activities and responsibilities of the job, working conditions and safety and hazardsA job specification summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for getting the job done. Classification Of Job Analysis Methods 1. Classification based on property

Classification of property include 2 types of qualitative job analysis techniques andquantitative job analysis techniques Qualitative job analysis techniques Interview Observation Participant Dairy / logs Questionnaire Quantitative job analysis techniques Functional job analysis Department of Labor Procedure (DOL) Position analysis questionnaire 2. Classification based on orientation Classification-oriented include 2 types of job-oriented and workeroriented. Job-Oriented: focus on work activities, focus on describing various tasks that are performed on the job, very specific task description Job Element Method Task Analysis Functional Job Analysis Worker-oriented: focus on traits and talents necessary to perform the job, examine broad human behaviors involved in work activities Position Analysis Questionnaire Critical Incident Technique Practical Problems With Job Analysis Problems with job analysis include as follows: 1. Lack of top management support Role of top management is to communicate to incumbents that purpose of job analysisis to enhance performance in organization. 2. Lack of training of the analyst and incumbent Incumbent should be trained about job analysis as purpose of job analysis, if not, incumbents distort data of job analysisbecause employee think that process seen as a threat to employee 3. Use of only one method Each method also has advantage and disadvantage so you should use at least 2 methods for job analysis. Note that job analysis includes both collecting of data and review data so that you should not use only one method. 4. Use of single source of data only Information source of job analysis include many one from internal one to external one One can not reflect all data about position so that you should use at least 2 ones of job analysis information. 5. Other problems are:

Intentional or unintentional distortion from incumbent Absence of a review Lack of participation of all stakeholders Job-based rather than person-based. Lack of reward for providing quality information Insufficient time allowed for the process Time spent of job analysis too lengthy.

Job Analysis - Job Description and Job Specification

Job analysis is primary tool in personnel management. In this method, a personnel manager tries to gather, synthesize and implement the information available regarding the workforce in the concern. A personnel manager has to undertake job analysis so as to put right man on right job. There are two outcomes of job analysis : 1. Job description 1.2. Job specification The information collected under job analysis is : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nature of jobs required in a concern. Nature/ size of organizational structure. Type of people required to fit that structure. The relationship of the job with other jobs in the concern. Kind of qualifications and academic background required for jobs. Provision of physical condition to support the activities of the concern. For example- separate cabins for managers, special cabins for the supervisors, healthy condition for workers, adequate store room for store keeper.

Advantages of Job Analysis 1. Job analysis helps the personnel manager at the time of recruitment and selection of right man on right job. 2. It helps him to understand extent and scope of training required in that field. 3. It helps in evaluating the job in which the worth of the job has to be evaluated.

4. In those instances where smooth work force is required in concern. 5. When he has to avoid overlapping of authority- responsibility relationship so that distortion in chain of command doesnt exist. 6. It also helps to chalk out the compensation plans for the employees. 7. It also helps the personnel manager to undertake performance appraisal effectively in a concern. A personnel manger carries analysis in two ways : a. Job description b. Job specification 1. JOB DESCRIPTION is an organized factual statement of job contents in the form of duties and responsibilities of a specific job. The preparation of job description is very important before a vacancy is advertised. It tells in brief the nature and type of job. This type of document is descriptive in nature and it constitutes all those facts which are related to a job such as : a. Title/ Designation of job and location in the concern. b. The nature of duties and operations to be performed in that job. c. The nature of authority- responsibility relationships. d. Necessary qualifications that are required for job. e. Relationship of that job with other jobs in a concern. f. The provision of physical and working condition or the work environment required in performance of that job. Advantages of Job Description g. It helps the supervisors in assigning work to the subordinates so that he can guide and monitor their performances. h. It helps in recruitment and selection procedures. i. It assists in manpower planning. j. It is also helpful in performance appraisal. k. It is helpful in job evaluation in order to decide about rate of remuneration for a specific job. l. It also helps in chalking out training and development programmes. 2. JOB SPECIFICATION is a statement which tells us minimum acceptable human qualities which helps to perform a job. Job specification translates the job description into human qualifications so that a job can be performed in a better manner.

Job specification helps in hiring an appropriate person for an appropriate position. The contents are : a. Job title and designation b. Educational qualifications for that title c. Physical and other related attributes d. Physique and mental health e. Special attributes and abilities f. Maturity and dependability g. Relationship of that job with other jobs in a concern.

Job analysis is primary tool in personnel management. In this method, a personnel manager tries to gather, synthesize and implement the information available regarding the workforce in the concern. A personnel manager has to undertake job analysis so as to put right man on right job. There are two outcomes of job analysis : 1. Job description 1.2. Job specification The information collected under job analysis is : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nature of jobs required in a concern. Nature/ size of organizational structure. Type of people required to fit that structure. The relationship of the job with other jobs in the concern. Kind of qualifications and academic background required for jobs. Provision of physical condition to support the activities of the concern. For example- separate cabins for managers, special cabins for the supervisors, healthy condition for workers, adequate store room for store keeper.

Advantages of Job Analysis 1. Job analysis helps the personnel manager at the time of recruitment and selection of right man on right job. 2. It helps him to understand extent and scope of training required in that field.

3. It helps in evaluating the job in which the worth of the job has to be evaluated. 4. In those instances where smooth work force is required in concern. 5. When he has to avoid overlapping of authority- responsibility relationship so that distortion in chain of command doesnt exist. 6. It also helps to chalk out the compensation plans for the employees. 7. It also helps the personnel manager to undertake performance appraisal effectively in a concern. A personnel manger carries analysis in two ways : a. Job description b. Job specification 1. JOB DESCRIPTION is an organized factual statement of job contents in the form of duties and responsibilities of a specific job. The preparation of job description is very important before a vacancy is advertised. It tells in brief the nature and type of job. This type of document is descriptive in nature and it constitutes all those facts which are related to a job such as : a. Title/ Designation of job and location in the concern. b. The nature of duties and operations to be performed in that job. c. The nature of authority- responsibility relationships. d. Necessary qualifications that are required for job. e. Relationship of that job with other jobs in a concern. f. The provision of physical and working condition or the work environment required in performance of that job. Advantages of Job Description g. It helps the supervisors in assigning work to the subordinates so that he can guide and monitor their performances. h. It helps in recruitment and selection procedures. i. It assists in manpower planning. j. It is also helpful in performance appraisal. k. It is helpful in job evaluation in order to decide about rate of remuneration for a specific job. l. It also helps in chalking out training and development programmes. 2. JOB SPECIFICATION is a statement which tells us minimum acceptable human qualities which helps to perform a job. Job specification translates the job description into human

qualifications so that a job can be performed in a better manner. Job specification helps in hiring an appropriate person for an appropriate position. The contents are : a. Job title and designation b. Educational qualifications for that title c. Physical and other related attributes d. Physique and mental health e. Special attributes and abilities f. Maturity and dependability g. Relationship of that job with other jobs in a concern. Advantages of Job Specification h. It is helpful in preliminary screening in the selection procedure. i. It helps in giving due justification to each job. j. It also helps in designing training and development programmes. k. It helps the supervisors for counseling and monitoring performance of employees. l. It helps in job evaluation. m. It helps the management to take decisions regarding promotion, transfers and giving extra benefits to the employees. From the above advantages, we can justify the importance of job analysis and its related products. Both job description as well as job specification are important for personnel manager in personnel management function. Therefore, job analysis is considered to be the primary tool of personnel management.

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