Statistics Institute August 09

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Statistics Summer Institute

August 31 to September 4, 2009

Sponsored by the Office of Catholic Education
and the Office of Nonpublic Federal Programs, School District of Philadelphia
What: Data Analysis and Statistics Institute is a week-long professional development
program for secondary mathematics teachers using the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition to
integrate statistics and data analysis instruction across the mathematics curriculum
in the spirit of the NCTM Curriculum, Teaching, and Assessment Standards for
School Mathematics. All topics, which are necessary for a firm foundation upon
which Advanced Placement Statistics will build, will be addressed through hands-
on activities. Topics include: Univariate and Bivariate Data, Least Squares Line,
Probability, Simulations, and Inference.

Where: Archbishop Ryan High School, N102

When: August 31 to September 4, 2009 (8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.)
Instructor: Sister Alice Hess, I.H.M.
Intended Participants: Participants in this Institute will be Sister Alice Hess’s Honors Pre
Calculus students who have requested AP Statistics for 2009-10 school year as well
as the first ten Archdiocesan Mathematics Teachers who register.

Student Objectives: To acquire a firm foundation upon which AP Statistics will build.
(There is no charge for Sister Alice’s students as they will render service instead.)

Teacher Objectives:
• To enhance understanding of statistics. (If you feel insecure with the content
matter, you will be rid of that insecurity by the end of the institute.)
• To develop teaching strategies and resource materials, which facilitate the
incorporation of statistics across the mathematics curriculum.
• To experience significant problem situations which take advantage of the use of
technology as a tool for learning mathematics.
• To learn how to use the statistical capabilities of the TI-84 appropriately in your

Credit: Thirty hours of Continuing Professional Education credit will be offered to those
who participate in and complete the institute.

Expectations: Participants are expected to

• brown-bag their own snacks and lunch
• attend the entire workshop
• bring a sweater in case the air-conditioning is cooler than you prefer
• bring your own TI-83-84 unless your school qualifies for the bonus below
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Registration: Registration fee is $150 (check payable to O.C.E. but mailed to Archbishop
Ryan H.S.) and includes all printed instructional materials as well as your choice of
one of the following:
• TI-84 SE View Screen handheld
• TI Presenter
• TI-Nspire with the interchangeable TI-84 Plus
keypad that slides in for instant compatibility
with the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus family as well
as the TI-Navigator system

Checks should be mailed to:

Sister Alice Hess, I.H.M.

Archbishop Ryan High School
11101 Academy Road
Philadelphia, PA 19154-3397

Please use the Registration Form which is attached. Also, please do not call
the school or try to register by fax. Be sure to include your self-addressed,
stamped envelope. Use your summer address as the letters of acceptance will
go out after the deadline for registration, which is June 15.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Sister Alice Hess at
Be aware that she will be out of state most of the summer conducting workshops.
Hence, registration must be received by June 15.
Registration Form
Statistics Summer Instituted
August 31 – September 4, 2009
8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the Office of Catholic Education
and the Office of Nonpublic Federal Programs, School District of Philadelphia

Name e-mail
My choice of equipment is (check one):
TI-84 SE View Screen handheld TI Presenter TI-Nspire

My level of comfort with statistical concepts is Answer 0 to 5 (very comfortable)


Number of years teaching secondary mathematics

More than anything else, this is what I would like to gain from this five-day workshop:


Return this form along with a check for $150 payable to O.C.E. and a self-addressed,
stamped envelope by June 15 to:

Sister Alice Hess, I.H.M.

Archbishop Ryan High School
11101 Academy Road
Philadelphia, PA 19054-3397

The check for $150 payable to O.C.E. is enclosed

will follow in the mail.

The self-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed .

(Please use your summer address and do not send registration without this. Also, please be sure
to send the check directly to S. Alice.)

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