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Jewish Chronicle'


9-The Jewish Chronicle of Pittsburgh, Thursday, February 12, 1981, Adar 1-8, 5741

State of the UJF

(Continuedfrom Page I, Cut. 4.)
Our efforts in focusing attention on the plight of Soviet Jewry have benefited from the inspired leadership of Eileen and Nicho las Lane. Some 1500 of Us expressed our concern for our brethren in the Soviet Union at a program not long ago.
And through Federation efforts during the past seven years we have resettled 730 Soviet Jews in Pittsburgh. The chairmanship of Dean Hirschfield has resulted in a magnificent community Wide approach with the Federation family of agencies and Synagogues setting a new benchmark for cooperation. The placing of Soviet newcomers in jobs has been superb and we owe a major debt of gratitude to Charles Deaktor and Eph Werner for their leadership.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES GERALD OSTROW, President Stanley levine. Vice Pros. Dr. Stanley Hirseh, Vice Pres. Dr. Ellen Frank, Treasurer Mrs. Buz Reicher, Secretary Harold Bigler Mrs. Paul S. Caplan Harvey J. Eger Mrs. Dene Fingeret Dr. Michael Friedberg Mrs. Seymour Klein Nicholas Lane Jerome lieber Casey Neuman Dr. Zalntan Shapiro -

^\CAN Jf. Albert W. Bloom. Executive Editor </*Y^I^N\^f' Albert D. Zecher, Builneu Manager T/ *Sk\fes \% *t JTVffT "1*" Joel Rotemon, Assistant Editor + \$JBL$4* Ruth Altshuler, Ant. Businass Manager
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chair of Public Information. The Ampers' 1 project will deal with many of the confusions and distortions the general public has regarding the Middle East plus the various biases directed against the Jewish people. The Endowment Funds are carefully managed by the Investment Committee chaired by Jerry Lieber.
If you have not yet seen our Federation building with its new decor and appearance we invite you to drop in for a visit. We owe a debt of gratitude to Chairman I.arry Deitch and his Building Committee and to Harold and Kitty Ruttenberg for the new look.

SUBSCRIPTION : $1 2 in Pennsylvania, $1 3 elsewhere Newstand Price: 25 cents per copy

Fifteenth in a Series

Vladimir Shakhnovsky
in 1971, anticipating his forthcoming emigration to Israel.
He says that the reason for the authorities' refusal of an exit permit is baseless. He never had, nor needed to have, security clearance in order to do his job. Moreover, many former colleagues, fellow mathematicians, some more senior than he, have been allowed to emigrate to Israel.

It was in 1973 that Vladimir (Zeev) Shakhnovsky, 39, a mathematician, first applied for permission to emigrate to Israel, where his brother has lived since 1972. He was refused, initially on the ground of alleged possession of State secrets. He applied again in 1977 and was again refused, this time without any explanation.
The injustice and suffering inflicted by these refusals can be understood only in terms of Shakhnovsky's personal history. He was born in Sverdlovsk, in the Urals, a city with some 40,000 Jews but without Jewish traditions. He nevertheless became an Orthodox Jew and a Hebrew teacher. In 1959 he sustained a severe spinal injury, which confined him to hospital for three years.

For 75 years our Jewish Homeand Hospi tal has and continues to serve the nursing, health and day to day living needs of the elderly of our community. During the past year the Home and your UJF have worked together in examining the impact of the limited reimbursement provided by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Nursing Homes. I am delighted to tell you that the UJF and the Home in working together are finding resolutions to these concerns. Irwin Goldberg, Executive Director of Montefiore Hospital, has been working with Federation and the Home.
In addition to developments at the Home, our Council on the Elderly under Bernard Halpern's leadership continues to plan for a more effective recreation, counseling, transportation and housing service to the elderly of our community.

Your Federation recogni/cs the potential of our youth, and our Central Scholarship Committee chaired by Gertrude Caplan dur ing the past year made it possible for 50 students to attend college. We coordinate the resources of a variety of organi/ations to make it possible for young people without adequate resources to pursue professional careers.
In this same spirit, the UJF-ZOA Israel Scholarship Committee chaired by Bob Shapiro made it possible this year for 70 youngsters to participate in a meaningful program in Israel.

Jack Meyers continues guiding the Israel Programs Committee. A special Pittsburgh Club has been developed in Israel to act as a bridge between Pittsburgh and those from our community who have made Aliyah. Lcon Nct/er's leadership of the Social Planning and Budgeting Committee has made it possible for our Federation to deal intelligently and with compassion with chal lenging service and fiscal mailers during this past year.
We are setting a pattern for America with a special Task Force, chaired by Ruth Schachter, dealing with the Quality of Jewish Family Life. This Task Force is developing special programs which will be implemented with the Synagogues of our community.

He underwent a number of operations, but never fully recovered after his discharge from the hospital, Mr. Shakhnovsky studied at Mos cow State University's department of mathematics, and later worked as a mathematician at the Nuclear Physics Scientific Research Institute. He left the institute

Apart from his back injury, Mr. Shakhnovsky suffers from asthma, and cannot obtain adequate treatment in the Soviet -Union. His. wife, Yelena, a . radio engineer, suffers from a heart com plaint. As he is unemployed. Vladimir Shakhnovsky has been threatened with internal exile for leading a "parasitic way of life."

Hostages and the PLO

(Continuedfrom Page 1, Col. 4.)
4. That I should fully inform Milton Wolf of developments to date and also advise Kreisky that, should future communications on this subject be desirable, they would be through Ambassador Wolf.
Accordingly, I had my fourth and final meeting with Kreisky, at his apartment, at which Charney and Amry were present. I so advised them, hopefully in the most diplomatic manner, and Kreisky's response seems to have been satisfactory. At that time he and Amry acknowledged that they had been aware of the earlier contact and private channel, and Kreisky said that he understood the necessity of going down only one track at a time in this matter. . . protect the integrity and national interests of the United States.

A most outstanding program of providing for our future: namely, leadership has been mounted under the chairmanship of Stanley Ruskin. During the past two years over 100 men and women have experienced an inten sive Leadership Training Program dealing with Jewish issues throughout the world. Many of the people who have gone through the training program are now serving on the Board of Director s of our agencies.
A recent leadership training program graduate, Joe Breman is giving special leadership to the Young Business and Professional group.

Some of the tasks that confront our Fed eration in the year ahead:
First, we have made enormous strides in our Campaign achievements. Our successes, however, have made only modest provisions for increases in allocations to our local agencies. It is my hope that as all of us stretch in our Campaign gifts, we will provide the necessary dollars to further support needed services.

In this Austrian-PLO situation he fulfilled that pledge.

The President refused to deal with the PLO (other than through non-public channels of communication previously agreed to by our government and by Israel), despite the possible assistance Arafat might have given to obtain the release of the hostages. Such action would have violated our nation's agreement with its friend, the State of Israel, an agreement which was made by Secretary of State Kissinger at the conclusion of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war.

The Synagogue Federation Committee, co-chaired by Edward Perlow and Albert Smolover has been doing superb work in such areas as Leadership Seminars for Con gregational Officers, a citywide Youth Council and recruitment of congregational membership. This Federation has gone on record encouraging all the Jews of Greater Pittsburgh to affiliate with congregations. The latest project is the launching of a Task Force on the Jewish single adult. Our Syn agogue/ Federation Committee is seen as the most outstanding and unique such effort in America.
To describe the work of our Women's Division under the caring leadership of Marilyn Latterman almost requires a separate meeting. Our Womens Division is planning for a professional women's group which will focus on the changing role of the working Jewish woman in the 1980s. Our Womens Division commitment to human needs is demonstrated through outstanding educational projects.

When I returned to Washington on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 15, I had dinner with the President and gave him an oral report summarizing my mission. 1 spent the night at The White House in the Lincoln bedroom, and the next morning gave an oral and written summary to Harold Saunders at the State Department.
Throughout my visit to Vienna, I was acutely aware of its reputation as "the spy capital of Europe" and as a city of international intrigue. Charney and I told anyone who inquired that we were two American lawyers on a business trip, but we assumed that any adversaries who wished to know about us, doubted that story.

Further, he never publicly revealed the close ties of the Iranian government and mil itants with the PLO and possibly the Soviet Union, which revelation might have endan gered even more the lives of the hostages.
Further, despite the tremendous political advantage which would have been his in the Presidential campaign, Jimmy Carter never revealed this "Austrian connection" and his refusal to legitimitize the PLO and reward their terrorist actions, even under these most tempting of circumstances.

Secondly, it is imperative that we examine the housing needs of our elderly and explore securing necessary Government financing to purchase existing structures which might be . converted to apartments for the elderly. Our Riverview and Forward Housing develop ments have 1500 people on their waiting lists who have little or no hope of ever being served and who urgently need such services.
Next, Amos Comay's Jewish Education Committee has developed a blueprint for an overall Jewish educational effort calling for close cooperation between the Hebrew Institute, the School of Advanced Jewish Studies, and Synagogue and Temple Religious Schools. This study will be continuing.

We never discussed our real "business" in our hotel rooms or on the telephone or in taxis or in restaurants; and when we felt it necessary to do so, other than in the Ameri can Embassy or on a secure phone, we did so in the hotel lobby with our hands concealing our lip movements! , ..._ Throughout the Iranian hostage crisis. President Carter stated that we had two guiding objectives:
1. To protect the safety and obtain the. release of the American hostages; and 2. to

And finally, despite the taunts of his crit ics that We should have asked the Israelis to show us how to rescue our people as they had done at Entebbe, he never revealed that, in fact, the Israelis had studied this problem intensively and concluded that they could see no way to effect a successful rescue mis sion. But again, to protect the safety of the American hostages from the PLO and their militant Iranian allies, he never revealed this fact to these fanatic enemies of Israel. Jimmy Carter rejected a very enticing proposal which might have ended the hos tage crisis earlier but would have tainted the honor of our nation. Further, he sacrificed his personal political interests by stubbornly rejecting actions which would have endan gered the lives of the American hostages.

Under the chairmanship of John Wolf the Greater Pittsburgh Committee has deve loped new services to the six neighboring communities which are part of our Federa tion. These communities contribute nearly a half million dollars to our annual Cam paign.
Our Endowment Program chaired by Jesse Cohen will shortly be announcing a new Endowment Director who together with the committee will carry out our announced goal of raising $20,000,000 in Endowment funds during the next seven years.

Also, our Federation, during the coming year should be addressing itself to Federa tion's relationship to Day Schools and to what degree of responsibility Federation has to the Day School movement in Pittsburgh. Is the present basis of allocating money to Day Schools a satisfactory approach? And finally, there remains a substantial number of people in the area who do not support our UJF through contributions Our plan during the coming year is to estab lish a special task force on how,we might effectively provide people with an opportun ity to become more active in the total Jewish community. There is no doubt that our Federation's leadership and the examples set by our agen cies have helped and will continue to help raise the quality of life for Jewish people throughout Greater Pittsburgh and the world.

Just last week Jackie and Alan Amper , provided a most generous Endowment fora

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