WP - CD Ripping Installation Instruction Process

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Ripping Installation Instruction Process 1. Install Primera 4102 Bravo Software and Hardware using the Install Disc. Follow the given instructions on the Disc. 2. Install dBpoweramp Reference Software: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm 3. Install dBpoweramp Batch Ripper: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/batch-ripper.htm a. Click Install Batch Ripper R1.5 1MB 4. Install dBpoweamp Primera Driver: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/batch-ripper.htm a. Look for Primera (Modern: Xi-Series, Disc Publisher, Bravo II, BravoPro, Disc Publisher Pro, XR-Series): Install R3.0.2 5. Install Primera Developer Tool: http://www.primera.com/developer/supportdeveloper.html a. Under PTRobot (PC) Downloads (Requires SDK Password) b. Click Calibration Utility v1.05 c. When prompted, enter the user name and password (you will need provide information to Primera Developer support and they will email you a username and password to download the tool.) CD Ripping Calibration Process 1. Disconnect internal CD/DVD Drive in the computer (Computers internal drive confuses the Primera. You may have better luck but I have installed this setup twice and both times had to remove the drive in the PC even after remapping drive locations). 2. Set Drives in Primera 4102 (Both times I have installed this setup the drives in the Primera were mapped incorrectly and need to be manually fixed with this tool). a. CalibrationUtility1_0_5 >Version_1_0_5 > CalibrationTool.exe b. Click Set Drives in Publisher c. Click Reset Drive Location d. Answer Yes when prompted e. Close window f. Open CalibrationTool.exe again g. Click Set Drives in Publisher h. Click Open/Close for the first drive and look at the Primera to see which drive opens i. If the bottom drive opens, assign the drive to the bottom with the drop down list. If the top drive opens assign the drive to the top from the drop down list. j. Repeat for the second drive k. Click set l. Close the window

3. Open dBpoweramp Batch Configuration a. Programs > dBpoweramp Music Converter > Configuration > Batch Ripper Configuration 4. Configure Drives a. Under the heading unconfigured drives click configure for the first drive listed b. For Loading Method choose Primera-kiosk from the drop down menu (Kiosk mode allows to pull CDs from both left and right bins and ejects them in the middle bin. Non-kiosk mode pulls CDs from the right bin and ejects them into the left bin. This means kiosk mode can rip 100 CDs and non-kiosk mode only rips 50 at a time). c. For Offer Spindle Change chose 2 failed load attempts (This option is suggested by dBpoweramp and works well with kiosk mode. The Primera will pull all CDs in the right bin first. When finished it will try to pull from the right bin again, two times, hence 2 failed load attempts. When no CD is loaded, it will trigger the Primera to switch bins and start pulling CDs from the left. The reason for trying twice is so that if the Primera mistakenly misses loading a CD once from the right bin it will try one more time before switching bins, acting as a fail safe). d. Load 2 CDs into the right bin (facing the front of the Primera) e. For Load CLI click Test f. Click Start Test (The Primera should load a disc from the right bin into a drive) g. Click Configure Drive h. Repeat this same configuration process for the second drive, starting at instructional letter b. The hardware and software should now be successfully operating together as one.

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