ANWARUZZAMAN Mohammad: Analytical Ability

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27C Bd Jourdan Paris-75014, France Tél : +33(0) 6.28.8177.67

17th March, 2009.

Paris, France.

Subject: Application for a Job (relevant field).

Dear Sir/M’am ,

As a master degree holder( June 2009) from one of the top Industrial Engineering School of Europe ( Paris Tech)
, I am recognized for my expertise in : strong analytical skills , managing high level of energy and performance in
academic and professional works, evaluate the best way to solve any problems, instant and effective decision
making then work until the solution is in hand and my cognitive credibility demonstrate that I’ve significant
ability to getting things done effectively and efficiently for tremendous financial and operational success of any

Though my resume sufficient enough to demonstrate my abilities but my previous few years of academics and
professional career are best summarized as follows:

Analytical ability:
My current research activities at HEC Paris, I’m involving with an industrial process improvement by
implementing complex mathematical formula to translate them into variable industrial process designing, though
it’s a really very difficult to bring out some revolutionary result within very short time but I’m been successful to
synthesize and ease those analogy to see some new improvement in the industrial process designing. In my
academics and last few years of professional career I always become successful to simplify any complex problems
and accelerate the wheels of accomplishment.

From my early boyhood to till now I’m a creative minded person. I know Intellectual and a creative idea comes
from past experience or even brain storming with the mastermind groups. Interestingly enough I always been
successful to create mastermind groups whenever I move along. So when some creative ideas pop-ups in my mind
or even from my group mates I easily take organized stapes and plan of action for accomplishment. Likewise I
was successful to formulate and design some automotive spare parts production which was pretty expensive for
import but my creative designed works create significant financial success for my previous employer.

Work - Performance:
In my jobs and internships I was positively appreciated by my colleague and supervisors. I was a person who can
able to work single mindedly, without get distracted by any internal and external interruptions, and that’s what I
also implement in my field of academics education. Farther more I love to work under pressure and get the things
done consciously and successfully.
In my previous work place we had some conflicts with our management level and labor union, but I was
successfully able to lead and handled that haphazard situation and makes a missive financial success by insisting
the labor worker to deliver 500K (USD) production within a week. In my academics career I have successfully
organized and lead many different curricular and extracurricular activities noticeably: organizing career fair,
campaigns, website building, making successful MOU( mutual understand) between student associations with the
board of governance.

I am an organized, self motivated individual who enjoys working in a team environment , but can work
independently to troubleshoot problems in a timely manner. I would love the opportunity to further apply and
build upon my understanding of basic engineering concepts and Industrial Manufacturing & production that
I have gained in my studies at ESTACA & ENSAM, France and from my professional career. Consequently
putting forth extra effort to achieve success in every challenge I have faced both educational and Industrial.

Extracurricular activities:
Beyond my academics and professional experiences I have published different publication in Mathematics,
Physics, English, Self help advising as well. And every quarter of a single year I make some ritual for learning
new skills in order to makes myself more adaptable in every possible scenarios in near future that’s includes :
Performance and productivity Management, Self-help and success, Organizational management, leadership,
Sales, Marketing ,Finance , relationships, & Human psychology etc. I also have vast range of interest in learning
new languages including French, Arabic, Swedish & Hindi.

I also please note that I have done another master program in automotive design engineering from a leading
French automotive Engineering school ESTACA, and I’ve a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from
IUT, Bangladesh and University of Florida, United states (exchange program).

I have been characterized by my referees and mentors as a quick learner, good negotiator, punctual, adaptable and
an individual’s who can make instate & effective decisions.

Currently, I am confidentially pursuing my first career change after completing of my master program in a
particular field which suite my expertise. My goal is to transition my experience into a new, faster-paced and
higher-growth organization where I can contribute to the Organization while advancing my professional skills.

I can easily schedule a phone interview at your convenience and would be very willing to travel to your office for
further discussions. I am confident I will convince you that I have the technical skills you looking for as well as
the intangible qualities enthusiasm, energy, dedication, sense of mission, and intellectual curiosity that
characterize your best employees.

Best regards,


Enclosure: resume

P.S. Availability: July 2009.


M.Anwaruzzaman is grew up in Dhaka Bangladesh and Florida , United

states, and spends almost 2 years in France. A graduate Mechanical engineer,
a Masters holder in Automotive designing and currently he is attending a research
Master Program in Knowledge-Integration in design and Process in French group
Ecole Paris Tech. Despite his studies he occasionally helps European busy
executives for achieving their maximum performance and success in their personal
and professional career.

M. ANWARUZZAMAN In academic concern he has strong interest in Product concept design, their life
KIMP MASTER cycle, Human interface and Industrial supply chain
ENSAM PARIS TECH management. His current focus is on industrial Process designing, incorporate
HEC, PARIS. with basic control systems analogy to implement and ease the entire industrial
process design.

He has substantial motivation for succession of any project and its ultimate
accomplishment. He has strong potential getting things done not being destructed
by any external interruption.

In near future this 25 years old young man would like to work and contribute in the
Industrial field , specially where the field would be more challenging but having
ample privileges for improvement and Humans Productivity and Performance
issue is essentially vital.


Product concept design , Product life cycle improvement , Innovation of creative

ideas , Industrial process design , Virtual enterprise, Human Interface , Human
personal development , Productivity and Performance improvement , Sales and
Marketing & Entrepreneurship.

Sector of Interest:

Automotive, Agro-base industry, Cosmetics, Energy,Electronics,Consultancy ,

Industrial design, Aviation, Software, Textiles.

M.Anwaruzzaman, 27 C BD JOURDAN , Paris-14, France.Tél: +33(0) ;email : Ural:

Professional Experience:
2008-2009 FRANCE

Researcher, HEC Paris School of Management, Industrial Process Designing Domain, Department of Operations Management &
Information Technology, EUROPEAN leading Business School, (

* Mathematical Block Design: Formulate, use and understanding of Mathematical complex variables and translate those
formulas into simplified block diagram for user understandable block diagram.

* Industrial Process Design: Procurements , Processing and transportation is the main issue for recent industrial production
challenge , in order to eliminate process time , cost its essentially important to pre-determine the entire supply chain process less
time consumption and less expenditure of cost. In order to do that major impact of Simplified mathematical models can be
successfully applied within industrial entire process design.

* Validation and Industrial Implementation : Succession validations of the process design the proposed research findings
and solution should be applied in industrial supply chain sector for improvement of their Industrial process under
collaboration of OMIT Department HEC , Paris.

2007-2009 EUROPE

Self Employed/ Working Personally ( As a Personal Development Consultant) [Part-Time]

Executives Coaching Program for Performance & Productivity Management.(

* Performance & Productivity: Managing Time is not concern for recent busy executives , rather managing themselves is the
main concern that’s includes: Keep and stay focus single mindedly at work and personal life, managing and sustain high energy
level , love to work more under high stress, ad values for the others lives , eating healthy diet, living a purposeful life and
managing a healthy relationships with family and with the children’s.

2004-2006 BANGLADESH

Production and Design Engineer, Ashrafia group.

Ashrafia group is a medium sized multi business organization of Bangladesh ,their business includes real estate , Publication , Consumer
product & automotive spare parts production , having yearly turn over 15 million USD. (

* Design : Translation the need analysis to design by using measuring instrumentation, sample parts , Mathematical formulas and
initial sketching by draft shift.

* Simulation: Depending upon the complexity of the need and its translation by using block diagrams and for simulation uses
MATLAB simulation to ease and understand the actual behavior of the automotive parts.

* Details design3D : To make more accurate and more vivid the design parts translates into Three dimensional form by using
AUTOCAD which helps the Operation engineer to understand the actual form of the future product.

* Production Process design : As part of responsibility of my job was to design the entire production process design that's
noticeably includes : Time scheduling ( shifts -interval) , actual machining movement design etc.

* Supervisory: Occasionally I was involve in the supervisory works that’s includes: checking the inventory of the raw materials ,
accuracy of the parts machining ,scrap detection and packaging.


Traineeship Navana Motors - Sales (TOYOTA ).

Navana motors is an authorized sales distributor of Toyota Bangladesh. It’s a Part of Navana Group ( One of
the largest business portfolio in Bangladesh, Yearly revenue more than 1.5 Billion USD within the domestic market.
Sales promotion: Promote sales by offering the customers about the features of the vehicle , helping them for understanding the
basic and detail features and the ultimate benefits for personal car. During my three months traineeships me and my colleague was
successfully sold out more than 150 Toyota vehicles. The secret was nothing but “What in it for the customers".

Brochure designing : Designing promotion stuff is vitally important for sales enrichment. As I'm had good knowledge in Adobe
Photoshop and Illustrator so I have successfully designed numbers of brochures, campaign materials . During that time I've
learned Basic ideas for building a Web page by implementing MS Front page.


Traineeship Pacific Motors , (Nissan )

Pacific group is one of the leading real estate, Mobile Phone and Automobile importer in Bangladesh. In terms of revenue its stood
high in comparable to its potential competitor. (

Vehicle Maintenance: Sales after service and maintenance is an essential issues while sealing new vehicle , to keep in mind I've
learned my first vehicle interiors stuff from Pacific motors sales after service workshop. During my three months of traineeship I've
learned how to open , indentify , diagnosis and rectify all those problems while the automotive vehicle run on the road to stay in
the garage in an un-functional condition.

Education :
2008-2009 FRANCE

Research Masters : Ecole National Supérieure des Arts et Métiers ( ENSAM) Leading French Engineering School Paris ,
France.( (Specialization: Product Design, Innovation , Industrial Design , Risk, geometrical modeling, Supply
chain ,Manufacturing, Knowledge Integration, Production and Processing ).


Masters : Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile (ESTACA);

( (Specialization : Automotive design, Embedded systems, Transportation safety , Vehicle Dynamics).


Bachelor of Engineering (4 years): IUT ,Dhaka. & University of Florida (academic exchange) (www.iutoic-; ( ; ( Specialization : Pure Mechanical engineering , Manufacturing and Process Engineering )

English (Native), Bengali (Native), French (Workable), Arabic (Workable), Hindi (Fluent) & Swedish (Basic).

Software :
Windows OS , MAC OS, MS Office, AUTOCAD, CATIA V5, MATLAB, Nastran, LS-Dyna, Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe Photoshop, Ms.Front Page.

Personal Interest:
Photography, Music, Singing, Reading, Writing. Movies, Travelling, Cooking, American Football, Self Help & Public
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) , United States(
Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE), United States (
Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) United States (
Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES), United States, (
International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI), United States(

Academics :

The quality of Mechanical Engineering education and its Improvement ( Undergraduate Final year Project) , Dr.Prof.Zakirul
Kabir , Asirul Haque, Ikhtier Shahabuddin, Mohammad Anwaruzzaman. Publication : 11/04 BSME ( Bangladesh Society of
Mechanical Engineers) Journal Page 61-69.

ECO CITY „10. ( Final semester Thesis) theoretical & financial analysis(top to bottom car design , & manufacturing ,) of
launching a low budget city car. ( ESTACA, Paris –May‟08). Group of 8 members.

A Mathematical representation “Dynamical behavior of a road commercial road vehicle” Dr.Peru , Anwaruzzama, Rajat
Pal,Navin Kumar. ( ESTACA, Paris , Jaunary-08).

Design of 64 cylinder V- Engine Architecture of a Naval SUBMARINE “ – Dr.Parnot , Anwaruzzaman, Erwan, Samson, (

Design the transmission system of a Small 2 seated passenger car , Prof.Therra, Anwarazuuzam,Sames, Pal ( May-08)

Designing the Breaking systems of a commercial vehicle” Anwaruzzaman & Dr.Schimitt.

A thesis work on Incorporation of Human factor Integration in Preliminary Design Phrase, M.Anwaruzzaman, Dr. Sebastian,
Dr. SCARAVETTI Dominique, Department of Knowledge Integration in Process design,March'09.

Non Academics:

Author of an E-Book “ Get Any Job You Want” ( Under Publication).

Author of -2 English Grammar books for Class -IX-X ,written under syllabus of Bangladesh Text Book Board.
Co- author of -Math Text book for Class -IX-X ,approved by Bangladesh Text Book Board.
Author of -Geometry Text book for Class -VI ,written under syllabus of Bangladesh Text Book Board.

Dr. Prof.M.Patrick Martin , Director, KIMP Master Program. ENSAM Paris Tech France.(
Dr. Andreas Robotics, Prof . Dept of Operation and IT , HEC, Paris, France.(
Dr-Ing . Naoufel Cheikhrouhou, Dept of Operations Management , EPFL , Switzerland. (
Dr. Prof.Abdur razzak Akhanda , Head Dept of Mechanical Eng.IUT , Dhaka.(
M.Hasanuzzaman , MBA , (CFO , Ashrafia Group) , Dhaka .(
Dr Gilleszwingelstein, Visiting Professor, ESTACA, Paris, France (

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