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Astrology and Divination Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Ape-Men Dreams and Astral Travel ESP, Psychokinesis, and Psychics Fairies Ghosts and Haunted Places Lake and Sea Monsters Magic and Alchemy Mythical Creatures Shamanism Spirit Communications UFOs and Aliens Vampires Werewolves Witches and Wiccans



Consulting Editor: Rosemary Ellen Guiley

MYTHICAL CREATURES Copyright 2009 by Infobase Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information contact: Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing 132 West 31st Street New York, NY 10001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Godfrey, Linda S. Mythical creatures / Linda S. Godfrey ; consulting editor, Rosemary Ellen Guiley. p. cm. (Mysteries, legends, and unexplained phenomena) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9394-8 (hardcover : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-7910-9394-8 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Animals, Mythical. I. Guiley, Rosemary. II. Title. III. Series. GR820.G64 2009 398.2454dc22

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Foreword Introduction 1 Mixed-Up Monsters 2 Heroic Horses: Pegasus to Unicorns 3 Fabled Flyers 4 Half and Half: Beast-People 5 Flying Flame Shooters: Dragons of the World 6 Denizens of the Deep 7 Two Heads Are Creepier than One: Beings with Numerous Noggins 8 Creatures to Look Up To: The Giants 9 Dealers in Death: Werewolves, Hellhounds, and Vampires Timeline Endnotes Glossary Bibliography Further Resources Index About the Author About the Consulting Editor 71 79 91 104 110 115 128 132 136 143 144 6 11 15 23 33 45 55 63



id you ever have an experience that turned your whole world upside down? Maybe you saw a ghost or a UFO. Perhaps you had an unusual, vivid dream that seemed real. Maybe you suddenly knew that a certain event was going to happen in the future. Or, perhaps you saw a creature or a being that did not t the description of anything known in the natural world. At rst you might have thought your imagination was playing tricks on you. Then, perhaps, you wondered about what you experienced and went looking for an explanation. Every day and night people have experiences they cant explain. For many people these events are life changing. Their comfort zone of what they can accept as real is put to the test. It takes only one such experience for people to question the reality of the mysterious worlds that might exist beyond the one we live in. Perhaps you havent encountered the unknown, but you have an intense curiosity about it. Either way, by picking up this book, youve started an adventure to explore and learn more, and youve come to the right place! The book you hold has been written by a leading expert in the paranormalsomeone who understands unusual experiences and who knows the answers to your questions. As a seeker of knowledge, you have plenty of company. Mythology, folklore, and records of the past show that human beings have had paranormal experiences throughout history. Even prehistoric cave paintings and gravesites indicate that early humans had concepts of the supernatural and of an afterlife. Humans have always sought to understand paranormal experiences and to put them into a frame of reference that makes sense to us in our daily lives. Some of the greatest


Foreword 7 minds in history have grappled with questions about the paranormal. For example, Greek philosopher Plato pondered the nature of dreams and how we travel during them. Isaac Newton was interested in the esoteric study of alchemy, which has magical elements, and St. Thomas Aquinas explored the nature of angels and spirits. Philosopher William James joined organizations dedicated to psychical research; and even the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Alva Edison, wanted to build a device that could talk to the dead. More recently, physicists such as David Bohm, Stephen Hawking, William Tiller, and Michio Kaku have developed ideas that may help explain how and why paranormal phenomena happen, and neuroscience researchers like Michael Persinger have explored the nature of consciousness. Exactly what is a paranormal experience or phenomenon? Para is derived from a Latin term for beyond. So paranormal means beyond normal, or things that do not t what we experience through our ve senses alone and which do not follow the laws we observe in nature and in science. Paranormal experiences and phenomena run the gamut from the awesome and marvelous, such as angels and miracles, to the downright terrifying, such as vampires and werewolves. Paranormal experiences have been consistent throughout the ages, but explanations of them have changed as societies, cultures, and technologies have changed. For example, our ancestors were much closer to the invisible realms. In times when life was simpler, they saw, felt, and experienced other realities on a daily basis. When night fell, the darkness was thick and quiet, and it was easier to see unusual things, such as ghosts. They had no electricity to keep the night lit up. They had no media for constant communication and entertainment. Travel was difcult. They had more time to notice subtle things that were just beyond their ordinary senses. Few doubted their experiences. They accepted the invisible realms as an extension of ordinary life. Today, we have many distractions. We are constantly busy, from the time we wake up until we go to bed. The world is full of light and noise 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have television, the Internet, computer games, and cell phones to keep us busy, busy, busy.


We are ruled by technology and science. Yet, we still have paranormal experiences very similar to those of our ancestors. Because these occurrences do not t neatly into science and technology, many people think they are illusions, and there are plenty of skeptics always ready to debunk the paranormal and reinforce that idea. In roughly the past 100 years, though, some scientists have studied the paranormal and attempted to nd scientic evidence for it. Psychic phenomena have proven difcult to observe and measure according to scientic standards. However, lack of scientic proof does not mean paranormal experiences do not happen. Courageous scientists are still looking for bridges between science and the supernatural. My personal experiences are behind my lifelong study of the paranormal. Like many children I had invisible playmates when I was very young, and I saw strange lights in the yard and woods that I instinctively knew were the nature spirits who lived there. Children seem to be very open to paranormal phenomena, but their ability to have these experiences often fades away as they become more involved in the outside world, or, perhaps, as adults tell them not to believe in what they experience, that its only in their imagination. Even when I was very young, I was puzzled that other people would tell me with great authority that I did not experience what I knew I did. A major reason for my interest in the paranormal is precognitive dreaming experienced by members of my family. Precognition means fore knowing, or knowing the future. My mother had a lot of psychic experiences, including dreams of future events. As a teen it seemed amazing to me that dreams could show us the future. I was determined to learn more about this and to have such dreams myself. I found books that explained extrasensory perception, the knowing of information beyond the ve senses. I learned about dreams and experimented with them. I taught myself to visit distant places in my dreams and to notice details about them that I could later verify in the physical world. I learned how to send people telepathic messages in dreams and how to receive messages in dreams. Every night became an exciting adventure.

Foreword 9 Those interests led me to other areas of the paranormal. Pretty soon I was engrossed in studying all kinds of topics. I learned different techniques for divination, including the Tarot. I learned how to meditate. I took courses to develop my own psychic skills, and I gave psychic readings to others. Everyone has at least some natural psychic ability and can improve it with attention and practice. Next I turned my attention to the skies, to ufology, and what might be out there in space. I studied the lore of angels and fairies. I delved into the dark shadowy realm of demons and monsters. I learned the principles of real magic and spell casting. I undertook investigations of haunted places. I learned how to see auras and do energy healing. I even participated in some formal scientic laboratory experiments for telepathy. My studies led me to have many kinds of experiences that have enriched my understanding of the paranormal. I cannot say that I can prove anything in scientic terms. It may be some time yet before science and the paranormal stop irting with each other and really get together. Meanwhile, we can still learn a great deal from our personal experiences. At the very least, our paranormal experiences contribute to our inner wisdom. I encourage others to do the same as I do. Look rst for natural explanations of strange phenomena. If natural explanations cannot be found or seem unlikely, consider paranormal explanations. Many paranormal experiences fall into a vague area, where although natural causes might exist, we simply dont know what could explain them. In that case I tell people to trust their intuition that they had a paranormal experience. Sometimes the explanation makes itself known later on. I have concluded from my studies and experiences that invisible dimensions are layered upon our world, and that many paranormal experiences occur when there are openings between worlds. The doorways often open at unexpected times. You take a trip, visit a haunted place, or have a strange dreamand suddenly reality shifts. You get a glimpse behind the curtain that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.



The books in this series will introduce you to these exciting and mysterious subjects. Youll learn many things that will astonish you. Youll be given lots of tips for how to explore the paranormal on your own. Paranormal investigation is a popular eld, and you dont have to be a scientist or a full-time researcher to explore it. There are many things you can do in your free time. The knowledge you gain from these books will help prepare you for any unusual and unexpected experiences. As you go deeper into your study of the paranormal, you may come up with new ideas for explanations. Thats one of the appealing aspects of paranormal investigationthere is always room for bold ideas. So, keep an open and curious mind, and think big. Mysterious worlds are waiting for you! Rosemary Ellen Guiley

inged horses, one-eyed giants, and monstrous, intelligent lizards with re in their breaththese impossible creatures romp through the ancient storehouse of myth and legend that is humanitys shared legacy. People have always wondered two things: Where did the idea of mythic beasts originate, and is it possible they still exist outside the written page or whispered tale? The questions do not stop there. It is tempting to ask whether the Egyptians modeled their eerie, half human and half lion Sphinx on some beast glimpsed by priests who could see visitors from other worlds. Could ancient accounts of gods be based on actual creatures, living or extinct? Many historians believe dragons are almost certainly derived from sightings of giant snakes such as boa constrictors.1 And dinosaur bones may have inspired thoughts of other monsters in the imagination of early man. When looking at ancient mythology, it may help to remember that these tales involve much more than simple descriptions of weird creatures. The great myths of civilization are not just collections of fairy tales or childrens stories. They are meant to carry the great teachings of society to each generation through the power of vivid imagery. And what image could be more powerful than a creature that is not only monstrous in size, but is made of parts of many different beasts with special characteristics and powers? The mythology of India could be said to describe every experience and emotion of man, notes Indian Mythology by Veronica Ions.2 The Hindu character Garuda, for example, is part human, part eagle. Known as the king of all birds, Garuda possesses a human body but




an eagles head, brilliant red wings, and razor claws. One of Garudas special talents is the ability to identify evil men and eat them. This means Garuda is not simply a bizarre-looking bird, but a symbol of the idea that those who commit evil acts must expect punishment. Another Hindu gure is Hanuman, a giant, godlike, loyal but inquisitive monkey who tries to devour the sun but is knocked back to the earth for his greed. No one who hears about Hanuman can fail to grasp the warning about biting off more than one can chew. Hanumans and Garudas full stories are extremely complex, but even these brief excerpts hint at the depth and purpose built into their characters. Indian mythology is not alone in its complexity. Greek, Roman, Chinese, Irish, Native American, and many other mythologies also run the entire gamut of human expression. Their legendary beasts, from the snake-haired lady of ancient Greece, Medusa, to the screaming thunderbird of North America, embody the most important ideas and teachings. Not all beasts live in the musty past. Some so-called mythical creatures are still being sighted today. Modern reports of a winged humanoid dubbed Mothman in West Virginia and Man Bat in Wisconsin recall Greek creatures such as the winged harpies. Modern lm and literature often repeat these mythical icons; the ying monkeys in the 1938 lm The Wizard of Oz look like a cross between harpies and Hanuman the giant monkey. The wildly popular Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling have also renewed public interest in a whole menagerie of classic, mythical beasts from three-headed dogs (Cerberus to the Greeks, Fluffy to Potter fans) to hippogriffs (part horse, part bird of prey). Even highly regarded cable TV networks like the History Channel have produced shows such as Monsterquest, a series that explores everything from Bigfoot to werewolves and employs scientic gadgets and methods to follow their trails. Some mythical creatures do not look monstrous at all. A whole new generation searching for spirituality in nature has taken up the quest

Introduction 13 to discover whether little people, or fairies, still cavort in the few undisturbed forests that remain on this planet. The Internet teems with sites devoted to fairy lore, ogres, dragons, and other creatures popularized in the 1970s by role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons and the fantasy literature explosion spearheaded by J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings trilogy. This book will trace the footsteps of all manner of legendary entities, bizarre animals and humanoids, swimming rivers after mermaids, and chasing giants through their mountain dens. It will peer into the past to see where some of them may have been birthed and surf contemporary media and science to compare them to modern wonders and anomalies. Trying to sort them into some kind of order is no easy task. A grifn, part lion and part eagle, could t into a chapter on animal mixtures or one concerned with strange ying things. A centaur, half man and half horse, might be considered a horse-beast or a human-animal hybrid. At the risk of upsetting any leftover spirits of the ancients, creatures in this book will be found in the chapter the author judges closest to their dominant trait. Even more difcult was the task of selecting which fabulous beasts should be included. Since so much of the literature and art of the Western world is based on Greek and Roman mythology, an abundance of Greco-Roman creatures inhabit every chapter. A representative sampling from other cultures, countries, and eras rounds out each category to hint at the great variety of legends of strange creatures found worldwide. There is also the troublesome truth that one persons myth may be anothers devout belief. No disrespect is meant to anyones religion; for the purpose of this book the term mythical creatures merely implies a being of legend or tradition with attributes such as giant size, impossible anatomy, or supernatural powers not found in ordinary animals or people. A note of warning: If a few of these beasts should escape the boundaries of these pages to grab at the sun as if it were a ripened peach, or



to present a face that can turn the unwary reader to stone, do not be surprised. Mythological creatures are as unpredictable as their mundane, living counterparts, and possess magical powers as well. As their histories will reveal, they have survived for eons and will probably outlive every brave reader of this book. Such is their nature and their mysterious purpose.

Mixed-Up Monsters

n a time when giant gods ruled the earth, a massive serpent named Typhon cast furtive glances around the world with eyes that spewed re and decided he would be king of all. But someone else already held that title: mighty Zeus, Greek god of the sky. A battle was in the stars, and soon it was under way. The ght was long and desperate, with many attacks and retreats on both sides. During one break in the action, Typhon mated with half-woman, half-serpent Echidne, and she bore him a fearfully monstrous daughter, the Chimera (or Chimaera). Although a thunderbolt from Zeus arsenal nally found its mark in Typhons scaly coils and destroyed him, Typhon had managed to father a creature as terrifying as himself. The Chimera not only breathed re, she could claw and bite with the head and forepaws of a lion. She inherited Typhons lashing, dragon tail, while her midsection was like that of a goat. In fact, Chimera meant she-goat in ancient Greek.1 The king of Caria captured the Chimera and kept her as a dangerous pet, but she was too powerful to contain. Unleashed, she scorched the countryside of Lycia (modern-day Turkey) with her breath and devoured all the humans she could nd. Luckily for the lands rapidly dwindling inhabitants, the hero Bellerophon and his ying horse, Pegasus, sped to the rescue and fought




the grisly creature by ying above her grasp and showering her with arrows. To Bellerophons dismay most of the arrows glanced off the Chimeras hide and only further enraged her. Bellerophon nally ran out of arrows and was left with one weapon, his giant metal spear. As he urged Pegasus to y closer to the monster, the Chimera jumped and roared at him, searing Pegasus hooves and feet. As the Chimera leaped her highest, Bellerophon drove the spear deep into the monsters throat. The Chimera choked and rolled, her internal res melting the weapon until hot iron owed into her lungs and stomach and killed her. The Chimera was gone, but she has never been forgotten. Historians have debated the meaning and importance of the multipart creature ever since. David Adams Leeming, a University of Connecticut scholar, believes that the killing of the she-beast by Bellerophon symbolized the Greeks move from a goddess-worshipping society to one dominated by a male god, Zeus.2 But the idea of the Chimera persisted beyond the culture of the early Greeks, and artists portrayed the Chimera in artworks right into Renaissance times. It graced Greek pottery as early as 650 bce and popped up in a painting by Peter Paul Rubens in the early 1600s. As time passed and fewer people regarded the Chimera as an actual creature, her name came to mean either a being made up of parts of different creatures or any imaginary, impossible thinga chimera. Her patchwork pedigree was not uncommon when it came to early monster lore.


The ancient Egyptians were masters of the creature combo long before the Greeks ever put lion and goat together. Their most famous monster was probably the sphinx, which is actually a later, Greek word meaning strangler (in Greek mythology the sphinx strangled its victims). The

Mixed-Up Monsters 17 sphinx is a prime and early example of a zoomorph, or godlike being with animal characteristics, as it possessed the head of a man and the body of a lion. Its best-known portrayal is in the giant stone monument near the pyramids of Giza known as the Great Sphinx. Eroded by time and the elements, the Great Sphinxs true age has sparked great controversy. Its construction date has traditionally been estimated at 1400-2500 bce. But some scholars cite geological evidence that suggest it is much older, perhaps carved as early as 10,000 bce!

Figure 1.1

The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Cheops at Giza. (Brian

Lawrence/Getty Images)



Laboratory Chimeras: Rabbits that Glow and Pigs with Human Cells
hile many cultures over the ages have believed in magically blended creatures, most modern opinion has kept the chimera securely caged in the realms of religion, myth, and fantasy. After all, its easily observed that, with a few closely related exceptions such as the horse and donkey, animals of different species are unable to mate and produce offspring. The new science of genetics, however, has overturned the rules of reproduction. The result is an ever-growing number of true chimeras tumbling from petri dishes in laboratories worldwide. And like many of the Greek and Egyptian gods, some are part human. Medically speaking, a chimera combines DNA from at least two species within one body. In 1997 some media outlets mistakenly reported this had been accomplished when an ingenious University of Massachusetts medical team used cow cartilage to grow a structure shaped like a human ear on the back of a mouse. They implanted the ear between the mouses skin and muscle, where it continued to grow as a graft. The result looked startling, indeed, but the process left the mouses DNA unchanged, and thus no chimera was created. The Chinese were the rst to create human/animal chimeras, combining human cells with rabbit eggs in Shanghai in 2003. The resulting rabbit-human embryos were used to produce stem cells for medical purposes, but were not allowed to mature into full-blown rumans (or habbits).3 Others have since attempted to make a variety of chimeras hoping to grow human organs in the new creatures, or to use them for medical research. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota produced pigs with human blood in 2004. In March 2007 a professor at the University of Nevada announced he had grown a human-sheep chimera that contained

Mixed-Up Monsters 19

enough human organs inside its very sheep-like body to declare the animal 15 percent human.4 The professor, Esmail Zanjani, had intended to grow donor-compatible organs for transplants. Genetically engineered chimeras even rocked the world of art in 2000 when Eduardo Kac, a professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, announced he had created a rabbit with jellysh genes that gave it a green glow under ultraviolet lights. He called his project the GFP (green uorescent protein) Bunny and said that two French scientists helped him with the technical end. Art critics everywhere acclaimed the GFP Bunny; the San Francisco Weekly called it both a science and art experiment.5 But the expected exhibit of the famed rabbit, named Alba, never happened. Kac claimed that the French laboratory involved in Albas creation, the French National Institute for Argonomic Research, refused to release the animal to him. Genetic scientists continue to blur the borders between species; two tropical shes, the Rosy barb and the Zebra danio, were combined into a chimera species at Ocean University of China in 2004. Some combinations have been patented even when no actual chimeras were produced. In 2005 a New York scientist, Stuart Newman, applied for a patent on a human-ape chimera and was rejected because the creature would be too closely related to a human to be patentable.6 Newman was actually happy the patent was denied. His intent was to fail and set a precedent so that others would be prevented from receiving patents on living creatures. The chimera controversy, especially when it involves human and animal genes, is likely to continue. In June 2008 a group of Catholic bishops in England and Wales told the British Parliament that human-animal chimera embryos should not be destroyed before birth but should have the right to live and be treated like other humans.7 Perhaps the stories of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks were prophetic in ways their creators could never have imagined.



Since this estimate predates present knowledge of the earths earliest civilizations by several thousand years, it has been vigorously debated among scientists. Regardless, it can denitely be said that the Great Sphinx is one of mans most ancient, surviving monuments. Scholars do agree that statues of similar human-headed creatures, such as one whose face depicts Egyptian ruler Hetepheres II, existed circa 2500 bce, or at least 1,000 years earlier than the latest traditional construction date. Since the human faces of Egyptian sphinx sculptures often portrayed their leaders, the creature most likely symbolized the idea of a god-king. The Egyptians had invented other types of sphinx centuries earlier. Their oldest artwork shows lions with the heads of rams and hawks, and they began depicting these monsters or fantastic animals on royal and ceremonial objects around 3100 bce. One often-repeated motif was the serpopard, a creature with a falcon head, a snake-like neck, the body of a leopard, and wings.8

The Riddler
The sphinx was known in another cradle of early civilization, Sumeria, at about the same time the Egyptians began invoking its power. Rather than regarding the sphinx as a deity or god-king, the Sumerians saw the sphinx as an evil being, related to other monsters like scorpion-men or dragons. By the time the sphinx made its way into Greek mythology, it had mutated. To the Greeks, the sphinx was a female and a trickster possessing the added advantage of wings. She guarded the city of Thebes by permitting entrance only to those who could correctly guess a riddle and promptly devoured anyone lacking the wits to do so. That included everyone but a clever man named Oedipus, who considered the question, What speaks with one voice, walks on four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon and three feet in the evening? He answered, Man. The answer was correct because babies crawl on all fours, mature adults walk upright, and the elderly walk with a cane.

Mixed-Up Monsters 21 His victory so distressed the monster that she dove off the nearest cliff and perished on the rocks below.

Man-headed Manticore
Another sphinx-like creature that migrated from ancient Mesopotamia to medieval Europe was the manticore, rst described for the Western world by Greek physician Mnemon around 400 bce. While the manticore kept the classic sphinxs lion body with human head, it gained wings and a spiny-tipped tail that shot barbed stingers. Three rows of teeth gave it extra chewing power for crunching its victims. Its name was probably derived from an ancient Persian phrase for manslayer, and it was sometimes used in medieval Europe either as an allegory of the devil or to symbolize the prophet Jeremiah.

Figure 1.2 The manticora, or manticore, has a lions body, a human head, three rows of teeth, wings, and spike-tipped tail. This artists rendition leaves the wings off the mythical beast. (Fortean Picture Library)

Heroic Horses: Pegasus to Unicorns

y wings are great sails, with feathers big as palm fronds, and I beat them viciously at the sky as I ee from the death of my master, Perseus. I, Pegasus, the mightiest of steeds, could not save Perseus from his half-brother, Megapenthes, and now I seek only the harshest of landscapes to mirror my grief. The rivers of Mount Helicon, home of the Muses, have all gone dry; there I shall go to mourn. In this land I can gnash my teeth and whinny long and loud for Perseus. The grass here has dried from root to stem and the trees are bare skeletons. As I touch the scorched earth where fresh streams once poured from underground springs, I stamp my heavy hooves. As I tear at the ground, I hear the lovely nymphs, the Muses cry, too. But no, the Muses do not cry, they laugh. Enraged, I turn to put an end to their mockery until I see that they laugh for joy. The deep prints from my hooves have brought up new springs, and the river ows again. They call this place the Hippocrene, the Horse Spring. Even my plan for mourning has gone awry. And now I hear the voice of the goddess Athena calling me. Although I vowed that no man should again master me, Athena has given the hero Bellerophon a golden bridle, and I cannot resist its soothing charms. I must allow Bellerophon to ride me, and together we y to kill the monster, Chimera. Because I can soar high above the




creature, Bellerophon spears it without being harmed. I feel sympathy for Chimera, since I came from such a monster myself. My mother was the snake-headed Medusa, and my father was Poseidon, god of the sea. Now Bellerophon has spurred me to take him high into the clouds in pursuit of Mount Olympus, home of the gods. I know he is wrong to trespass there, but I am powerless to resist. I can already see the tops of the ne white towers gleaming in the light of the sun. But suddenly, a erce pain alarms me; it is a gady, stinging me under my tail. The tiny devil must have been sent by Zeus, who gave it magical power to bite as no earthly insect could. I writhe and buck in torment, and as we reach the heavenly castle gate, Bellerophon tumbles from my back. He hurtles to earth, and so my second master has gone to his grave. The gate to Mount Olympus opens; Zeus bids me welcome. He sends his grooms to brush my lathered coat and tend to the gady wound, and tells me I belong to his own stable. I am overjoyed. I was never meant for mortal riders, and now my true master has claimed me. I, Pegasus, belong to the gods, and shall gallop the sky forever in the constellation that bears my name.


The legend of Pegasus and other stories of Greek mythology date from at least the time of the poet Homer, who is believed to have lived around 700 bce. Pegasus is not the only mythic horse in Greek legend; a more horric breed of giant equines appears in the story of the Mares of Diomedes, who were four giant mares that belonged to the giant, Diomedes. These four massive horses were erce eaters of human esh and had to be tied to a bronze manger to keep them from running away and devouring the populace. The hero Heracles (Hercules to the Romans) set out to steal the four mares as one of 12 tasks thought impossible by the gods. He accomplished the feat by killing Diomedes, and then feeding the giants esh to the horses to calm them. According to legend, the great

Heroic Horses: Pegasus to Unicorns 25

Figure 2.1

Bellerophon rides Pegasus and slays the Chimera. (Ivy Close


warhorse of the conqueror of the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great, was descended from these mares. Winged or giant horses often show up as companions to the gods in ancient art of Europe and the Near East.1 A Thracian helmet from around 400 bce, for instance, shows a rider god seated on his beautifully outtted mount.2 Almost as common as the winged or giant horse, and perhaps even older, is the fabled one-horned horse, or unicorn.




A favorite of modern fairytales and a staple of romantic fantasy, the unicorn is as familiar today as it was to people thousands of years ago. People who were children in the 1980s and early 1990s may remember Fizzy and Galaxy, unicorns in the animated series My Pretty Pony that was based on the best-selling Hasbro toy of the same name. Todays unicorn fans can visit a Web site called Unicorns.com3 that offers representations of big-eyed, white unicorns in everything from jewelry to garden statues. Proving that unicorns also trotted through human imaginations in the distant past, images of the one-horned beast have been found on hundreds of clay seals from Moenjo-Daro, a civilization that existed near present-day Pakistan around 2500 bce. An earlier, Chaldean (Babylonian) artwork from about 3500 bce4 shows a unicorn ghting a lion. But depictions of ancient unicorns often looked far different than the dreamy versions favored by modern artists. The earliest unicorns did not resemble horses but were derived from a variety of animals that included goats, oxen, gazelle, and the wild ass or onager. A Chinese version of unicorn called the ki-lin was described in the fourteenth century ce as an animal like a bull but with a single, curved horn. It was also sometimes believed to contain stag, horse, and deer parts, making it more chimera than unicorn. Anyone lucky enough to see a ki-lin could expect good fortune. Variations of the ki-lin exist throughout Asiatic culture. Its appearance also signied that a great person was about to be born, and according to legend, a ki-lin showed itself to the mother of Chinese sage Confucius before his birth. It was also said to have bowed before Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan to warn him against invading India. The Near East had its own unique unicorn, the karkadann. Arabian tales of the karkadann, which looked like a large type of antelope, usually revolve around hunters ghting this skilled and courageous beast. The lands inhabited by the karkadann were also home to a known antelope, the oryx. The two horns of an oryx align so perfectly when

Heroic Horses: Pegasus to Unicorns 27

Figure 2.2 The ki-lin, or Chinese unicorn, has several variations in Asiatic culture. Its appearance was said to signify that a great person was going to be born. (Nathan Godfrey)

seen from the side that many researchers believe mistaken sightings of the oryx started the karkadann lore. In the same way, the rhinoceros, the only quadruped with a naturally occurring single horn, may have sparked legends of unicorns in India. Despite early resemblance to wild bulls and rhinos, unicorns have generally been associated with positive qualities such as good fortune, power, gentleness, and beauty. One reason for the creatures sterling reputation is that the King James Version of the Bible contains several references to unicorns. The mentions also give unicorns a permanent place in Western literature.



Biblical Unicorns
One Bible-related legend contends that the unicorn was too high-spirited to ride on Noahs ark with the other animals and that is how it became extinct. The Unicorn, a popular 1967 song by the Irish Rovers with lyrics by Shel Silverstein, insisted the unicorns were too busy playing to make it onto the ark. Some scholars think that the word unicorn in verses such as Psalm 92:10: (But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of the unicorn; I shall be anointed with fresh oil), was a mistranslation. The original Hebrew word reem actually meant some type of unknown animal, but was mistakenly read as one-horned.5 Inspired by no fewer than seven verses about unicorns in the Old Testament, medieval Christians began to portray it in their tapestries and paintings. The unicorn came to signify Jesus Christ. Artists usually showed it as a pure white horse or goat with a long, straight spiraling horn projecting straight out from the forehead, similar to todays standard version. But there is a reason that the unicorns horn, once always shown as thick and curved like a rhinos, became long, straight, and spiraled.

Hunting the Horn

Sometime before the end of the rst millennium ce, Europeans began nding unicorn horns and grinding them into medicinal powder or making cups believed to neutralize poison. The horns, also known as alicorn, measured an average of eight feet long and were formed with a beautiful, tapering swirl. Its easy to see how people might have hoped and believed these had fallen from the noble forehead of a unicorn. Unfortunately, they had not. In 1638 a scholar named Ole Wurm proved that the cast-off horns came from a little-known species of Arctic whale, the narwhal.6 Still, it took at least three centuries for the knowledge of their true origin to seep into public awareness, and narwhal horns are still part of some European museum collections. Todays English coat of arms acknowledges the power of the one-horned creature with a lion and a unicorn locked in eternal combat.

Heroic Horses: Pegasus to Unicorns 29 It is also a testament to the power of the unicorn myth that in many places, people have attempted to create their own unicorns when none were to be found in the wild. As far back as the middle of the rst century ce, a Roman scholar named Pliny the Elder described a method of twisting the two horns of an ox together by using boiling wax to make them pliable.

Do-it-Yourself Unicorns
Kafr tribesmen in Africa also created faux-cattle unicorns in the late 1700s, if reports by a French traveler named LeVaillant are to be believed.7 The major breakthrough came in 1933 when Dr. W. Franklin Dove carried out an experiment on a calf at the University of Maine. He was able to transplant the calfs small buds of tissue that would later mature into horns so that they were side by side in the middle of its forehead. By the age of two and a half, the calf had a large, formidable single horn that seemed to give it an advantage over other young bulls. Dr. Dove published an article on his work in 1936, and the modern world beheld a photo of a bovine unicorn. Dr. Dove was not the last person to create his own unicorn. His one-horned calf did not in the least resemble the lovely white creatures of medieval artwork, so a married couple named Diane Morning Glory and Timothy Otter (now Oberon) Zell undertook their own project using an Angora goat. In 1980 the Zells (also known then as the GZells and now as the Ravenheart-Zells) released photos of a stunning white goat named Lancelot who sported a 10-inch-long single horn. With feathery, fringed fur, beard, owing tail, and cloven hooves, Lancelot bore a close resemblance to the medieval ideal, which was sometimes portrayed as a goat. Lancelot eventually wound up as an exhibit in the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Although the Zells refused to tell exactly how his horn was created, later medical tests showed it was the result of a simple grafting technique similar to Doves. It may be the closest thing to a living unicorn the modern world will ever see.




Although winged horses and unicorns are the most prominent mythical creatures associated with horses, lesser-known equine monsters abound. Besides Pegasus, the Greeks also had their hippocamp, or waterhorse. This hybrids front end looked like a horse, but its rear was like a sea serpents tail. It competed for sea dominance with the hydrippus, a horse/sh combo. In China the oni is a demon with horns and either the head of a horse or an ox. These creatures are three-eyed, multicolored, leave three-toed

The Human Unicorn

tashed among jars of pickled tumors and cases lled with deformed skeletons at the strange Mtter Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a wax model of the head of a French woman, Madame DiManche. The woman, who made her living in the early nineteenth century as a laundress, was included in the collection of physical oddities because from her forehead grew a thick, 10-inch horn! She was known around Paris as Mre la Corne, or Mother Horn. The horn was so heavy that it had to be supported by a sling attached to her nightcap. It was not a classic, graceful unicorn horn, either; it curved downward over her face. She lived with the startling nuisance for about six years, then nally allowed surgeons to cut it off when she was almost 80. Madame DiManche explained that she thought the horn looked like a mark of the devil and didnt want to appear at the heavenly gates looking as if she belonged somewhere else.8 The woman lived at least four more years, horn free. Several wax and plaster models had been made of her face and appendage before

Heroic Horses: Pegasus to Unicorns 31 footprints, and are associated with illness, death, and disease. One of their tasks is to ferry people to the underworld in ery chariots. Scotlands mythic equine is called the waterhorse, with several varieties to watch out for. Most famous was the kelpie, a shape-shifter that most often appeared near rivers or lakes in the form of a beautiful horse. It was said no traveler could resist the urge to mount the graceful beast but would soon nd himself carried into deep water and, usually, drowned. A more vicious form of kelpie, the ech-ushkya, resembled ponies but devoured their victims after drowning them.11 The Irish version is known as a pooka (phouka), and its appearance is always a bad omen.

the horn was removed, and one ended up in the Mtter Museum. The museums collection also boasts a similar, 12-inch horn taken from a 70year-old woman. Dermatologists call these weird facial features cutaneous horns, meaning that they grew from skin cells run amok. Cutaneous horns are very rare in humans, but proof of their existence has also popped up in places like the Museum of Edinburgh University. Its collection includes a horn a few inches long cut in 1671 from a 50-year-old woman named Elizabeth Love.9 Also, a London newspaper of the 1700s described how a London surgeon removed a three-inch growth resembling a rams horn from a womans forehead. According to C.J.S. Thompsons The Mystery and Lore of Monsters, the horn was presumed by the reporter to be a supernatural production.10 Small cutaneous horns, usually no more than half an inch long, are sometimes discovered growing out of peoples hands and feet, and occasionally from a nostril. They occur in both men and women. Some are cancerous but most are not. The peak age for cutaneous horns is between 60 and 70.



Odin, king of Germanic deities, rode an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir.12 Not limited to hoong it on land, Sleipnirs octopedic gallop carried him over water or through the air with equal ease. Like most mythic creatures he was of very mixed parentage; his mother was a shape-shifter named Loki (masquerading as a mare) and his father was a magically strong stallion, Svadilfari. Probably one of the most fantastic examples of mythic horse creatures was the centicore, or yale, a spotted horse-like animal with a goat head and elephant tail. Although rst described by Pliny the Elder, the lore of the yale survived into medieval and later times. Its strangest attribute was its ability to rotate its two horns strategically for battle. British writer Sir Arthur Shipley believed the concept of this creature originated in ancient Egypt, with its name derived from the Hebrew word for mountain goat, ya el.13 Wherever it came from, the yale has been immortalized in carvings on several college campus buildings in Cambridge, England.

Fabled Flyers

he autumn air on the night of September 26, 2006, was chill. At about 9 p.m., darkness cloaked the country lane called Briggs Road just outside of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, a town known for its choice location on the Mississippi River. A 55-year-old man and his 25-yearold son kept a close eye on the road ahead of them as they crested a hill and approached a private shooting range on the right side of Briggs Road. Suddenly, something huge ew straight at the windshield of their pickup truck. Both men were sure it was going to hit them. But just before impact, it sailed straight up and off into the night. Father and son both had a very good look at the creature at close range, and what they saw astonished them. It was some sort of ying beast, with bat-like wings that spanned about 10 feet. At the center of the wings hung a human-sized, sixto seven-foot tall, furred creature with an almost canine head, sharp fangs, and a long tail. Its arms and legs ended in claws, and as it sailed away, it uttered a long, piercing shriek that shook the men to their core. They both became sick almost immediately, and the son had to pull the car over to retch. The father, who preferred to release only his Cherokee name of Wohali to the public, was ill for the entire week following the incident. The men told their story to a relative who contacted this author.1 Wohali drew a sketch of his impression of the creature, adding notes that included these remarks: It seemed really angry, like we




surprised it . . . I remember the teeth and the scream we heard was terrifying. It looked hungry.

Wohali and his son are not the rst humans to have been terrorized by a ying menace. Men have gazed at the sky with fearful trepidation for eons. The ancient Assyrians believed in an evil demigod named Pazuzu, who bears some resemblance to the LaCrosse Man Bat. Author D.J. Conway describes Pazuzu as a winged demon genie of the rst millennium bce in his book, Magical Mystical Creatures.2 Like the Man Bat, Pazuzu possessed a canine-like face. Conway notes that in one depiction dating from about 1000-800 bce, Pazuzu is shown with four wings and bird-like feet.3 He also appears with clawed, lion paws and is the representative of storms and disease. The latter is an interesting detail, considering that the two men who observed the LaCrosse Man Bat instantly became ill.


The Greeks also had dire reason to keep looking up. Harpies, or Snatchers (from the Greek harpazein, to snatch), were woman-birds associated, like Pazuzu, with storms. It was their job to snatch away those who made the gods angry, and they usually worked in squadrons of three. Although from the torso up they looked like young women, their ngers ended in great claws and their bodies were like giant vultures. When bored or hungry, they would swoop down to steal food from unwary picnickers and then stuff themselves. This was always followed by a foul vomiting session, directed at those whose feast they had stolen. Greeks also had to watch out for sirens, another type of malevolent, bird-bodied woman that were originally depicted with beards.4 Like birds, they sang beautifully and were known to lure men to death with their alluring melodies. They could be defeated by plucking their

Fabled Flyers 35

Figure 3.1 The ancient Assyrian demon Pazuzu was associated with storms and disease. Pazuzu had a dog-like face, four wings, and bird-like claws. (Gianni

feathers or avoided by plugging ones ears. The poet Homer wrote in The Odyssey, . . . hes enchanted by the clear, sweet songs of the Sirens, who sit in a meadow, surrounded by a great heap of rotting men . . .5



Another menace of Grecian skies was the Stymphalian bird, named for its habitat around the city of Stymphalus. These creatures were dangerous, even from afar, since they could shoot individual feathers as if they were arrows. Their beaks and talons were made of bronze, and they loved to dine on human esh. The Greek hero Heracles (Hercules) defeated the Stymphalian birds after he discovered they could be frightened by the sound of a metal rattle and that they became vulnerable to man-made arrows as they ed.


Another ancient storm-bringer was the Native American thunderbird, known to many tribes across North America. Giant spirit birds whose wings make thunder and whose eyes ash lightning, they have the power to whip up great storms. Their natural enemy is the horned water serpent, and among some Alaskan tribes the thunderbird may also snatch away people and animals.6 Another giant bird-creature of indigenous Americans is the piasa. A restored rock painting on a cliff outside of Alton, Illinois, shows it as a winged, claw-footed monster with antlers, huge fangs, and a long, skinny tail. The Illiniwek people who created the artwork said that it preferred human esh as food, and in 1836 an explorer named John Russell discovered a cave full of human bones in the same area as the painting. Russell concluded from this that the man-eating bird really existed,7 but others have pointed out there is no evidence connecting the bones to the piasa. Flying monsters are not limited to the indigenous people of the western world. East Africans have long kept careful watch for the chemosit, half bird and half man, and also fond of human esh. What makes the chemosit truly unusual in the big bird pantheon is that it has no fewer than nine sets of buttocks.

Fabled Flyers 37


J.K. Rowlings ctional Harry Potter series brought many ancient, mythical creatures to public attention, and one of them was Professor Dumbledores pet phoenix, a bird that would burst into ame and then rise again from its own ashes. Physically similar to a heron but with red and gold feathers, it can be traced back to ancient Egypt, and various legends place its lifespan between 500 and 1,000 years. Greek writers adopted the fabulous bird enthusiastically as early as 800 bce, and similar birds appear in other cultures, often connected with the sun. The Chinese believed a ery-hued creature called the feng-huang came to them from the sun. And one of the most famous versions comes from Russia in the popular ballet, The Firebird, by Igor Stravinsky.8 The white-feathered roc of Arabia is quite different than the phoenix. It is big enough to hoist an elephant and lays eggs like massive boulders. The roc rst appears in tales of both ancient China and Arabia, described as being built like a huge eagle. The earliest story of a roc-like bird enters literary history in the fourth century bce in ancient tales of India. It was usually seen as helpful and benevolent to humans. As late as the early 1300s, explorer Marco Polo described the roc as part of the fauna of Madagascar.

Not all legendary yers are bird or bat. One of the most ancient, the grifn or gryphon, consists of a lions body with wings and eagles beak added. Derived from ancient chimeras such as the Egyptian sphinx, images of grifn-like animals predate written language in many cultures and date back at least 5,000 years.9 The grifn is most often described as noble but ferocious, and its name was probably taken from the Latin gryphus, which means to



Figure 3.2 The phoenix rises from the flames. (Caren Loebel-Fried/Getty

seize. Although it kept its basic lion/eagle makeup wherever it was found, each culture gave the creature its own style of head ornament. A survey of grifns in art through the ages reveals grifns topped

Fabled Flyers 39 with knobs, crests, wavy manes, or crowns, depending on their country of origin. A Greek writer named Aristeas, from about 800 bce, made the rst known written reference to grifns when he told of a one-eyed tribe of men in Central Asia. The tribes chief aim was to steal gold guarded by monsters that sounded so much like the grifns Aristeas knew from Greek tradition that he bestowed the name upon them in a poem.10 From then on, grifns were often regarded as guardians of treasure. Later legends even insisted that grifn nests were woven from gold. Like the unicorn, grifns were sometimes used as a symbol of Christ (the poet Dante was best known for this) and became one of the most popular gures used on medieval coats-of-arms. One scholar, Horace Wilson, has suggested the grifns closest cousins may be two giant birds of India, either the sacred bird-deity Garuda or the giant called Gold-Maker, which could create gold by mixing its own droppings with sand.11 Another relative of the grifn is the hippogriff, a creature with the rear quarters of a horse added to the lion and eagle mix. An inhabitant of remote mountain regions, the hippogriff was a popular entry in bestiaries of medieval Europe, and it became well known after playing a big role in the adventure poem, Orlando Furioso, by Italian writer Ludvico Ariosto around 1500 ce.

Sorting out the various monster blends that have occurred over time can be confusing, and one of the most puzzling creatures is the basilisk, part serpent and part rooster, which gained a roosters head and a new name, the cockatrice, in medieval times. To the ancient Egyptians, the basilisk was actually a type of cobra able to kill any type of plant, landscape, or creature with its breath. Associated with royalty because of its upright posture and a white, crownlike marking on its head, the kingly snake evolved into a winged monster by the Middle Ages, roughly the fth to fteenth centuries ce.



The serpent-lizard had merged with the rooster at least by 1218 ce, however, when a popular bestiary described a type of animal that grew from an egg formed in the body of a rooster and hatched by a toad, so that it retained parts of each. This bestiary also mentioned that a mirror could be used as a protective shield while hunting the creature, as any fan of the Harry Potter series will remember reading in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. However, according to medieval legend, another good protection against

New Jerseys Flying Devil

f all the mythical winged monsters in history, only one is described as a kangaroo with wings. Although a ying kangaroo sounds more comical than humorous, the Jersey Devil has terrorized a large swath of two states for centuries. In 1909 people in at least 30 different towns in Pennsylvania and New Jersey reported seeing a large, bat-winged creature with a head like a ram and a penetrating scream. Its footprints appeared to be made by hooves rather than talons. Some likened it to the medieval gargoyle, a ying monster often depicted on waterspouts or perched as a guardian sculpture on cathedrals or other large buildings. As sightings intensied during the week of January 16-23, 1909, a whole trolley load of people saw the thing in Haddon Heights, New Jersey, and agreed it resembled a winged kangaroo.12 Search teams went out with bloodhounds, schools were closed, and people in the New Jersey area called the Pine Barrens were afraid to travel. People reported pets killed and livestock missing. Well into the twenty-rst century, people still claimed to encounter the creature in the Pine Barrens. In the spring of 2007, a pair of campers in Sussex County reported they were followed by a tall, black gure whose

Fabled Flyers 41 basilisks was to carry a weasel, the only animal immune to the basilisks deadly powers. Today, the creatures name has reverted to reptile status. The basilisk of the natural world is a mild-mannered South American lizard, no more than two and one-half feet long. Far from the devilish reputation of its mythical counterpart, it is nicknamed the Jesus Christ lizard for its ability to walk on water using long, paddle-like scales on the outsides of its toes.

footsteps sounded like the hooves of an ox, according to a Web site devoted to the Jersey yer, But it is understandable that the monster has become so entrenched in local lore, considering that its history dates back to the areas earliest settlers. The legend actually began in 1735, when Deborah Leeds of Atlantic County, New Jersey, became pregnant with her 13th child. Because the family lived in extreme poverty, the woman was said to have cursed the babe in her womb, asking God to make it a devil. The baby turned into a hideous demon as soon as it was born, killing the mother, midwives, and other family members before making its escape into the Pine Barrens, where it lurked until something stirred it into its rampage in 1909. Area historians think the story may have a more logical origin and that perhaps Mrs. Leeds gave birth to a physically deformed child. As it grew and was glimpsed by neighbors, they eventually exaggerated its appearance into that of a monster. The creature is still known as the Leeds Devil to inhabitants of the Pine Barrens.14 The Jersey Devil will not soon be forgotten, whether it continues to make public appearances or stays put in its woodland home. It has played lead character in a number of books and movies, the states NHL hockey team is named after it, as is a Playstation video game, and the creature is now a very popular entity on Internet monster sites.




Although most people would probably prefer to leave giant monsterbirds safely in the past, new versions of mythic winged things, such as the LaCrosse Man Bat, keep cropping up. Before the Man Bat, there was Mothman, a large, winged gure that haunted West Virginias Ohio Valley area in 1966 and 1967. The epicenter of the sightings occurred in a small town called Mount Pleasant. The phenomenons chief investigator, John Keel, said that he interviewed hundreds of witnesses during those years.15 Witness accounts varied slightly, but the most usual description was a grayish, humanoid creature with 10-foot, bat-like wings, a head that blended straight into the body, and large, red eyes. Since several sightings were recorded in the days immediately before December 15, 1967, when the bridge over the Ohio River at Point Pleasant collapsed and killed 46 people, some think Mothman may have appeared as a foreteller of doom. Whatever it was, Mothman has been the subject of several books, documentaries, and a 2002 feature lm, The Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere.


As outlandish as the idea of giant, weird birds may seem, there are a few known creatures that may have sparked sightings from ancient times to present. One of the most impressive is the now-extinct Washington eagle, a russet-brown sea eagle with a 10-foot wingspan sighted by a number of early American naturalists. Its most famous witness was John James Audubon, still known today for his accurate and artistic paintings of birds and other wildlife. He sighted Washington eagles at least ve times, starting in 1814, and shot one in Kentucky that he was able to measure and describe in detail. Washington eagles were seen by other observers around the United States in the rst half of the nineteenth century.16

Fabled Flyers 43 These huge birds of prey have been presumed extinct for at least 150 years, but a few relict survivors could explain many bafing modern sightings. One witness claimed that he and his wife sighted one on the Mississippi River, near Stillwater, Minnesota, in 2004.17 (This was within easy ying range of the LaCrosse Man Bat sighting.) Could Washington eagles also account for Native American Thunderbirds? Another airborne creature from a far more distant past is often cited as a possible culprit to explain giant bird appearances. The pteranodon, a ying reptile of the late Cretaceous period (90-65 million years ago), is one of a larger group of extinct creatures known as pterosaurs. With wingspans ranging from 20-30 feet and heads accented by pointed, bony crests, even a single pteranodon would present an awesome spectacle. Hopeful believers may wonder whether a few may have survived in some remote location, or perhaps found a time/space portal that allows them to visit us on occasion. In 1976 a human-sized, leathery-winged creature swooped down on a Texas man, Armando Grimaldo, and attempted to carry him off. Authors Janet and Colin Bord include this story in a chapter of Creatures from Elsewhere titled Flight Across Time? with a subtitle, Terried witnesses have told of winged creatures that strikingly resembled pterodactyls . . .18 In another instance, Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans, a French/Belgian scientist known as the Father of Cryptozoology (the science of hidden animals), described a large, featherless ying creature known as a kongamato. This was no monster from the ancient past; it had been sighted in Zambia and Rhodesia as late as the 1920s. The animal, whose name meant boat-breaker, was known for attacking people trying to cross rivers in its territory. An explorer named Frank Melland, said Heuvelmans in Strange Magazine, showed Rhodesian eyewitnesses drawings of prehistoric creatures, and they unerringly chose pteranodon-like pterodactyls as dead-on likenesses of the leathery kongamato.19 A legend of a pterodactyl-like thunderbird photo has circulated among cryptozoology buffs for many years. It was supposed to have



been published in the Tombstone Epitaph in 1886, but no such picture can be found in newspaper records.20 The paper did publish a story about a 92-foot winged creature killed by two ranchers about that same time, but newspaper articles about monsters from that era are notoriously unreliable, and were often invented to sell more papers. Many Canadian television viewers have insisted that researcher Ivan Sanderson showed the photo on a 1970s talk show, but author Dr. Karl Shuker believes the viewers may simply remember their own visualization of Sandersons description of such a picture.21 Human memory, it seems, can be both inventive and resourceful.

Half and Half: Beast-People

alf man and half goat, the creature known as the goatman is as much a part of Prince Georges County, Maryland, as the woods and elds in which it is said to cavort. Its story began in the late 1700s when wealthy Marylander Thomas Snowden bought 9,000 acres northeast of Washington, D.C., and with the help of a large staff of slaves made it a prosperous tobacco plantation. When Snowdens daughter, Mary, wed, he gave her 475 acres as a wedding present. It was this little corner of Snowdens plantation that the U.S. government purchased in 1910 as the start of its main farm and agricultural research center, which now covers 6,700 acres. The Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC) became known for its pioneering research in genetics. Its Web site says that it has received awards for its discoveries of new forms of life.1 But did one unlucky government scientist at BARC accidentally discover the secret to becoming a goatman? Many area residents tell the story of a BARC scientist who was said to be working on a genetic experiment on a herd of goats in the 1970s. One of the genetically altered goats bit the scientist, and its mutated saliva worked a sudden transformation upon the man. As he watched the lower half of his body change into that of a goat and felt horns curl over his forehead, brown fur sprouted on his chest and




arms. He leaped in panic from the goat pen into the surrounding elds and made his way to the woods. Ever since, he has wreaked havoc on local people, pets, and livestock, often venting his madness by tearing animals heads from their bodies. The goatman is especially fond of searching lonely roads for parked cars occupied by teenage lovers. In one oft-repeated tale a young teen was busy fending off her love-struck prom date when they heard curious noises coming from under the car. The young man climbed out to investigate. As the girl looked out the window, she saw a six-foot-tall creature, part man and part goat, with glowing green eyes. Her date was later found torn limb from limb. One area writer, Mark Opsasnick, investigated the goatman and included what he found in a book titled Horror on Fletchertown Road: the Goatman of Prince Georges County, Maryland. Opsasnick interviewed farm families around the town of Bowie, which lies a few miles east of Beltsville. He discovered that some of them had used the story of the goatman as a bogeyman tale to keep youngsters in line for many decades. Opsasnick deduced that the story spread into area schools from the offspring of these farmers,2 and speedily mutated into an urban legend. However, unexplained, hairy creatures on two feet are still occasionally sighted in the area to this day, according to the book, Weird Maryland.3

The mythic image of the goatman has butted heads with reality since the ancient Greeks told of horned, goat-legged satyrs that terrorized their forests. Satyrs were known as enthusiastic party animals that loved to carouse until dawn. The son of the Greek god Hermes, Pan, looked much like the satyrs and although famous for playing beautiful music on his reed pipes, could pitch a frightening t when angered. The Roman god of rural land, Faunus, was a sort of a cousin to Pan. His goatman offspring, the fauns or fauni, also resembled satyrs but enjoyed a more

Half and Half: Beast-People 47

Figure 4.1 Legends of goatmen have circulated since the time of the ancient Greeks, who told of goat-legged satyrs lurking in their wooded areas. (Troy Therrien)

wholesome reputation. Their one negative trait was the ability to trigger nightmares by sneaking into a humans bedroom. The idea of combining man and beast into a single being does not stop with goats. Ancient legends overow with a bizarre zoo of manimals, or half-and-half creatures. One of the oldest ideas is that of the dog-headed man, or cynocephali. Dating this strain of hybrids back to the jackal-headed death god of the Egyptians, Anubis, author Patricia Dale-Green refers to the culture of humanized canines as dogmanity.4 As early as the fth century bce, the Greek doctor Ctsias wrote a book about India in which he described a race of dog-headed people



that cooked their prey by sun-baking it. Explorer Marco Polo also claimed around 1300 ce that a region near Indias Bay of Bengal was home to a nation of cynocephali that worshipped oxen. Old Irish legends include a tribe of dog-headed Celts called the Concheannaich, and as late as the Middle Ages, Greek Orthodox churches portrayed the martyr St. Christopher (circa 300 ce) as a dog-headed man. According to legend, the saint had prayed that God would make him ugly to keep himself from the sin of vanity. Christopher received his wish in the form of a hounds head. Although he was considered the patron saint of travelers for many years, in 1969 the Roman Catholic Church removed Christophers feast day from its calendar due to lack of historical evidence of his existence.

Bullish Beastmen
The professional basketball team known as the Chicago Bulls may lack horns and hooves, but ancient bull-men once pawed and stamped on earth, according to various legends. The bull was one of the earliest animals depicted in human art; it is found in clay statues and wall murals of the city of Catal Hyk, a city that ourished in what is now present-day southern Turkey around 6000 bce.5 Cattle were important as a food source and draft animal, and the strength and ferocity of the bull made it a natural selection for worship and ritual. The earliest known mythic adventure poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh, includes a character named Enkidu who was half man, half bull.6 The story, which came from Mesopotamia around 2000 bce, tells how the gods sent a wild, man-beast to help subdue the tyrant-king, Gilgamesh. Eventually the two became friends and battle comrades until Enkidu was killed, perhaps symbolizing mans taming of the beast within. The most famous bull-man was probably the Minotaur, another product of the unusual pairings of the Greek gods. His mother was a queen of the island of Crete, and she conceived the Minotaur with a white bull sent by Poseidon from the sea. The bull-man lived in a cave surrounded by a maze called the Labyrinth, and its diet required the

Half and Half: Beast-People 49 sacrice of 14 girls and boys per year. Theseus was the hero nally able to end the annual teen feast. Theseus accomplished his mission by unraveling a ball of yarn to mark his trail through the maze as he tracked the Minotaur and then slew it with a sword. One lesser-known bull-man was the bucentaur of Greek mythology, with the head, arms, and torso of a man growing from the fourlegged body of a bull.7

Horsing Around
The satyrs mentioned earlier were not the only Greek beast-men to party hearty; the half-man, half-horse centaurs were also famous for nightlong revelries, usually in the region of Thessaly. Like bucentaurs, their upper parts were human but they ran on four hooved feet. The centaurs were known for downing huge quantities of wine and fresh meat. One Greek centaur, Chiron, stood head and withers above the rest. Chirons parents were both of human shape, but his father, Cronos, sired him while in the form of a horse. This unusual origin gave Chiron the body of a centaur (although sometimes he is shown in Greek artworks with human legs) but a much wiser, gentler personality than centaurs were said to possess. Shunning the wild forest life of other centaurs, Chiron made his home in a cave where he shared his vast knowledge with Greek heroes who sought his wisdom. Scholars believe the rst centaurs date back to artwork created around 1750 bce by an ancient people, the Kassites, who were originally from the area now known as Iran.8 The Kassites carved images of centaurs on boundary marker stones, which implies that they regarded centaurs as guardians. And two centaurs still guard the boundaries of our night sky in the constellations Centaurus and Sagittarius.

Fishy Folk
Another universal and ancient pairing of man and beast is the familiar form of mermaids and mermen (mer means sea). The rst known



half-human, half-sh is Oannes, the Babylonian sea-god who gave humankind agriculture and other arts of civilization. The ancient Syrians and Philistines worshipped a mermaid goddess named Atargatis9 without whose permission shermen could not ply their trade, but the Romans destroyed her Syrian temple in 55 bce.10 The Greeks also had a race of merpeople, the Tritons, who were named after a son of Poseidon. Later their woman-headed birds called sirens evolved into mermaids, as explained in Chapter 3. But the Roman writer Pliny the Elder, 23-79 ce, wrote convincingly of mermaids as if they were real, saying, . . . it is no fabulous tale that goeth of

The Devil: Myth or Monster?

ne of the most familiar humanoid creatures in literature and lore is the devil, or Satan. He is usually depicted as a goatman with horns and a human form, but prancing on goat-like legs with hooves. Sometimes a barbed tail completes the picture, with red skin to represent the eternal res of his underworld abode. He has many other names from the Bible and other literature: The Adversary, Beelzebub, Old Nick, Lucifer, and Mephistopheles are just a few. Satan is also one of the most controversial gures in religion and philosophy. Many religious traditions regard him as an actual, living entity. Others say that he is real but only as a spirit. Some think he is merely a legendary symbol of mans lower nature. Jewish, Islamic, and Christian traditions often describe the devil as an angel that fell from his position in Heaven after he rebelled against God. He has functioned ever since as the originator of evil, the enemy of God, and the source of mans temptation to sin. The biblical New Testament idea of a hierarchy of demons and other evil spirits under Satans

Half and Half: Beast-People 51 them; . . . only their bodie is rough and scaled all over, even in those parts wherein they resemble women . . .11 About 600 years after Plinys time, an Irish document claimed that in 558 ce, a sherman caught a mermaid named Liban in his net in Lough Neagh in Ulster. Other Irish reports claim mermaids were also discovered in 887 and 1118.12 Occasional, unveriable accounts of mermaids have surfaced throughout Europe into modern times, with sightings in the Irish Seas Isle of Man in 1961 and from British Columbia and South Borneo in 1967. A somewhat troubling incident occurred in 1988, when a scuba diver named Robert Foster reported that

command is similar to that found in ancient Persias religion, Zoroastrianism, which also stated the devil had been around from the start of creation but would someday lose his position of power.13 Through the ages, Satan has been blamed for just about every woe to befall man. A list described by a Funk & Wagnalls article on the devil includes: crop failure, sterility, pestilence, heresies, individual vices, and the whole body of heathenism with its mythology and religious worship.14 As busy as that may keep him, the devil does not always appear as a goatman. According to the Bible, he also masquerades as an angel of light. According to a folk legend still circulating in rural areas of the United States, he also sometimes appears as a handsome, well-dressed stranger at barn dances. As the American legend goes, he quickly chooses a pretty girl to whisk around the oor and proceeds to wow the crowd with his light step and quick footwork. At the end of the dance he disappears into the night. When his chosen partner goes looking for him, all she nds in the sawdust on the oor or the mud outside the barn are the prints of goat hooves. Then, to her great dismay, she realizes that she has danced with the devil.



a mermaid menaced him with evil eyes in Floridas coastal waters. He was able to swim away before she could do him any damage.15 In these instances, witnesses saw the mermaids as living beings unknown to science rather than mythical creatures. Yet, most people believe that merbeings belong rmly in the category of ancient legend. Either way, nned beauties remain popular subjects of lm and fairytale. As of this writing, the Disney Corporation continues to prot from its animated lm versions of Hans Christian Andersens The Little Mermaid, and Denmarks Tourist Board claims Copenhagens mermaid sculpture is the worlds most-photographed statue.16

Elephant Man and Stomach Faces

In India, many sacred characters combine human and animal features. Hindu god Ganesha is portrayed in Indian art as a potbellied man with an elephant head. Ganesha combines both good and negative qualities. He is the patron of literature, having torn off one of his tusks in order to quickly pen the rst copy of the epic Hindu story, The Mahabarata. His potbelly symbolizes a negative aspect: greed. Still, he is considered a lucky emblem for businesses, with the ability to help new ventures succeed. Unlike most Greek manimals, he came by his elephant head not through monstrous mating, but because as a child his head was accidentally torn from his shoulders by the god Shiva. His mother, Parvati, insisted Shiva make up for the terrible deed, so Shiva replaced Ganeshas head with that of an elephant. One of the most unusual human-animal combinations, though, is the Greek-Roman monster called the gryllus. Pig-men who combined the head of a porker with a second facea human onepeering out from their stomachs, the grylli were mentioned by the Greek writer Plutarch around 100 bce. In Plutarchs tale, the sorceress, Circe, created the creatures when she punished a group of men by making them swine-like. Their name came from the Greek verb gryl, meaning to grunt.

Half and Half: Beast-People 53

Figure 4.2 The round-bellied Hindu god Ganesha has the body of a man and the head of an elephant. (Anthony Tahlier/Getty Images)

Flying Flame Shooters: Dragons of the World

he city of Silene loomed high over the desert, its thick, mud walls standing in square contrast to the curving palm trees in the surrounding oasis. One day, sometime around 300 ce, guards within the small Libyan fortress town watched suspiciously as a young man on an impressively armored mount approached. The lone rider, George, had traveled a long way from his home in Cappadocia in present-day Turkey. As his horse picked its way along the shore of a great pond that lay below the city, George heard a pitiful wailing. He followed the sound to discover a beautiful young woman seated on a rock near the waters edge. Her richly dyed and embroidered robes implied that this was her wedding day. Puzzled, George looked about him for the groom, but saw no one. Between sobs the woman explained her predicament. In the pond lived a giant dragon, she said, whose poison breath killed anyone it touched. The town had struck a deal with the beast to offer a sheep every week if he would leave them alone. It wasnt long before all the sheep were gone and then the rest of the livestock. Reluctantly, the townspeople began to draw lots to sacrice their sons and daughters. The kings family was not excluded, and this week had been the unlucky winners. The princess Cleolinda now




waited for her unthinkable fate: to disappear down the monsters gullet. Suddenly, a great splash startled the pair as the beast rose out of the lake on leathery wings. Its red eyes glittered as it waggled its long, clicking talons toward the shrieking Cleolinda. George whirled on his mount and charged the dragon. Taking deadly aim, he managed to pierce its soft belly with his lance. The creature staggered under the blow. George quickly asked Cleolinda to toss to him the fabric belt she wore around her garments. George threw the embroidered girdle over the creatures neck, and when it touched the dragon, the beast became weaker still. George led it to the city and returned Cleolinda to her father. He then beheaded the dragon with his sword, Askalon, and the entire city converted to his faith in their gratitude.

The story of St. George and the dragon, even though it was added to the biography of the Christian martyr hundreds of years after his death, helped to make the dragon one of the most familiar fabulous beasts of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. George became the patron saint of England. In fact, British folklore went so far as to move the site of the slaying from Libya to England, at Dragon Hill near Ufngton where legend says the dragon is buried.1 Next to Dragon Hill is another hillside bearing a stylized horse or dragon from about 1000 bce cut into the chalky bedrock . Huge, reptilian monsters have been key players in legends since the time of our most ancient civilizations. Tiamat, a female dragon whose body began as seawater, represented power on a cosmic scale in the creation myths of the Sumerian and Babylonian people. According to the ancient document the Enuma elish, her body was as vast as the ocean, her skin so thick no sword could penetrate it. Formidable horns crowned her head, and she used her tail to ght enemies and whip up towering waves.

Flying Flame Shooters: Dragons of the World 57

Figure 5.1

An artists rendering of a fire-breathing dragon. (Linda S. Godfrey)

Tiamats husband, Apsu, was her freshwater counterpart, and the two of them spawned not only the sky and the earth, but countless and varied monsters. Tiamat was eventually killed by a clever offspring who rained arrows into her open mouth. Her blood owed so furiously that it became all the rivers of the earth.2



Ancients of Asia
Very similar to Tiamat is the Chinese Ti Lung, who oversees rain and owing waters of the world. Lung actually refers to a class of dragons, each with its own appearance and traits. The lungs scales, long neck, and clawed forearms are lizard-like, but its bearded head is more like that of a camel, with prominent and sometimes oppy ears. The lung prance in a rainbow of colors and may or may not y. The dragon is usually a symbol of happiness and good fortune in Oriental cultures. At least two ancient Chinese emperors (Hwang Ti, 2697 bce, and Shun, 2255 bce) were described as having faces that resembled those of dragons.3 This was considered an admirable trait. But dragons could be changeable in appearance and playfully elusive. An ancient Chinese document called the Twan-ting-tu, quoted in Charles Goulds Mythical Monsters, says of the yellow dragon: . . . He can be large or small, obscure or manifest, short or long, alive or dead; the king cannot drain the pool and catch him. His intelligence and virtue are unfathomable; moreover he assures the peaceful air, and sports in the pools.4 A ritual dragon dance performed with large, cloth puppets persists in modern celebrations such as weddings and the Chinese New Year festival. Along with the ki-lin (Chinese unicorn), the phoenix, and the tortoise, the dragon is still regarded as one of four sacred animals in Chinese culture. Ground-up dragon bones, usually obtained from dinosaur fossils, are sold in China as medicine.


The Greek word for pythons, the largest of the serpents, was draconta. The Romans shortened the word to draco, which became the source of the English word dragon. The giant python that guarded sacred springs and hoards of gold in Greek mythology was named Drakon. The hero Cadmus killed Drakon by pounding his head with a rock

Flying Flame Shooters: Dragons of the World 59

Figure 5.2 A Chinese dragon floats at sea. In Chinese culture, the dragon oversees rain and flowing water and usually symbolizes happiness and good fortune. (ForteanPicture Library)

and sowed Drakons countless teeth in the ground as if planting a crop. To his surprise, full-grown and battle-ready warriors sprang up from each of the seeds, and Drakons offspring formed a mighty army to serve Cadmus. The Greek hero Jason also had to battle a drakon to win the legendary Golden Fleece.


By the year 1000 ce, European lore had cemented the dragon into its favorite folk tales. One of the most famous was the Lambton worm, named after a young nobleman of the Northumbria region of England. The young man caught the worm as a small, unidentiable creature



while shing one day, and threw it down a well. He then went off to ght in the Crusades and returned years later to discover that the throwaway sh had grown into a monstrous, reptilian beast large enough to wrap itself around an entire hillwhen it wasnt devouring people and livestock. Lambton ordered an ingenious suit of armor equipped with curving, razor-sharp knives. He taunted the creature to charge him, and then turned so that it landed on the blades. The armor sliced the monster to ribbons and its reign of terror ended. Another serpent-like dragon of medieval Europe was the scitalis. A monster with elegant wings, two clawed front legs, and the lower body of a huge snake, scitalis appeared in several popular bestiaries around 1100-1200 ce. Its two main attributes were excessive body heat, which required it to shed its skin even in mid-winter, and a rainbow skin pattern whose colors had a hypnotic effect on anyone who saw them, to make them easy prey. The stollenwurm (tunnel worm) or tatzelwurm (clawed worm) has terried skiers and hikers in the Swiss Alps since 1789. That year, a pair of tatzelwurms literally scared a man named Hans Fuchs to death. Just before he died of a heart attack caused by the double dragon encounter, he managed to describe to his family what he had seen. One of his relatives created a drawing based on Fuchs report that continues to fuel tatzelwurm legend to this day.5 According to Fuchs, the body and head of the creatures were like those of a lizard, but the face was strangely catlike.6 It had a long tail, and its hide was a curious mixture of warts and bristles. The length was about six feet. Sporadic sightings have occurred ever since. In the 1950s a German magazine dispatched a crew to hunt down and photograph the tatzelwurm. The expedition failed, and interest in the creature lessened. A Swiss newspaper reported one of the last known sightings in 1970. A few researchers have maintained that the tatzelwurm is a real creature, perhaps some hardy member of the lizard family.

Flying Flame Shooters: Dragons of the World 61

Researchers have long noticed the universality of dragon lore, and many have tried to explain why this monster is so common in world mythology. Both a Munich geology professor and American astronomer Carl Sagan have suggested that an ancient memorycarried in genes inherited from our mammalian ancestorsis responsible for an inborn fear of large reptiles.7 Prehistoric memories of dinosaurs seep from our subconscious into our impressions of the world, according to this theory, and turn old nightmares into legend. These fears may have been conrmed in peoples minds whenever they accidentally uncovered fossilized dinosaur skeletons, seemingly real proof that such creatures existed.

The Dragon as Drugstore

lthough dragons are now considered mythical creatures, certain parts of their carcasses were once in great demand for medicinal purposes. Thats assuming, of course, a person could nd a dragon body to raid. The Greek writer Pliny the Elder, who catalogued both known and imaginary animals in his book, The Natural History,8 listed many benecial uses of dragon parts. Its head brought good fortune when buried under a homes front door, for instance,9 and its blood was said to heal many diseases. The fat made a salve that could repel venomous snakes. The eyes, if dried, beaten, and mixed with honey, were believed to cure people of nightmares. However, some authorities believe Pliny was actually discussing a species of python, as mentioned earlier in this chapter. Still, the fact that dragons were included in his well-respected encyclopedia of nature convinced many readers of the creatures reality for centuries.



Some ancient saurians still live, however. The Komodo dragon, a lizard named after the Indonesian island where Westerners rst learned of it in 1912, is the living creature that most closely resembles a traditional dragon. These carnivorous monsters may grow to more than 12 feet in length, and can eat large mammals such as goats. They are related to a fairly recently extinct Australian monitor lizard that could reach three times that length. Although they dont breathe re or y, Komodo dragons still present a very formidable appearance and might easily provoke terror-stricken witness reports of dragons if encountered unexpectedly. Author Peter Costello believes that human craft may have played a role equal to that of nature in reinforcing the idea of dragons. From the early to late Middle Ages, he says in The Magic Zoo,10 the custom of using giant, uttering windsock dragons as battleeld banners spread from Asia to Europe. Each banner held a aming torch to present the daunting illusion of a ying, re-breathing dragon, and may have helped turn the tide of many medieval battles. At night, in the heat of battle, the billowing gures may have appeared real, and those who lived to tell the tale probably swore they battled dragons.

Denizens of the Deep

ong ago, when the lakes of North America were new, a guardian was created to sleep below their depths and to keep the sacred waters clean and sparkling. He was named Misiganebic and his green, serpent-like body was 30 feet long. His head was shaped like that of a horse. When the sun shone on his body as he skimmed the surface, his scales glistened in rainbow colors. His beauty was dangerous to behold, however, because anyone who laid eyes on Misiganebic was doomed to die in the very near future.1 Those who left offerings to him in the lakes he inhabited were always careful to avert their eyes. Prowling even deeper in the earth and under the biggest bodies of water was Misikinipik, a serpent of unimaginable size that was known to the Cree people of Canada. Like his companions and allies, the water lynxes, Misikinipiks head was crowned with great horns.2 The water lynx, or mishipeshu, known to most indigenous people around the Great Lakes, was shaped like a cat rather than a serpent, with a long tail designed to curl around victims and drag them down into the water. From the horns on its round head to the tip of its tail, the mishipeshu grew a distinctive ridge studded with triangular points. Water lynxes were known to roil up waves and waterspouts, and often did so while ghting with their eternal airborne enemies, the thunderbirds. Some of the earliest European explorers of the Great Lakes claimed to have glimpsed the water lynx in the 1600s.3 The




Ojibwe and Menominee believed mishipeshu protected not only the Great Lakes but the sacred copper found on Michigans Keweenaw Peninsula and Isle Royale.4 A rock painting of mishipeshu exists near Lake Superior in Ontario, Canada, along with depictions of several snakes that may represent other water monsters. No one knows how old the paintings are, but those who still tell the tales of these giant beasts hint that they are ancient, indeed.


Water creatures form a category of monsters that overlaps with many others. There are water-dwelling dragons, chimeras, and the half-humans known as mermen. But lesser-known creatures also paddle and writhe through lake, sea, and stream, according to folklore around the world. Some are benecial, but most of them do not play well with others. The Greeks and Romans, as usual, are well represented in the eld of mythical sea beasts. Besides the tritons, mermen, sirens, and others already described, there are creatures known as sea snakes. The Roman poet Virgil wrote an epic poem around 20 bce called The Aeneid, about the travels of a Trojan hero named Aeneas. As Aeneas hometown of Troy pondered whether to accept a gift of a giant wooden horse offered to them by their enemies, the Greeks, one man named Laocoon decided (correctly) that the horse was a trap and threw his spear at it. Very shortly after that, the citizens of Troy were amazed to see two giant sea snakes swimming across the Aegean waters toward the citys harbor. The beasts made straight for Laocoon and immediately slurped him down, and then had his two sons for dessert. The people of Troy took that incident as an omen that they should accept the horse lled with waiting Greek soldiers, which of course was a huge mistake. So it could be said that the sea snakes had as much to do with the downfall of Troy as did the more famous wooden horse.

Denizens of the Deep 65 The Greeks also told of giant, golden seahorses that pulled the undersea chariots of the god Poseidon. Unlike the tiny creatures we know by that name, these sea horses had the bodies and heads of horses, bronze hooves on their front limbs, but sh tails instead of hind legs. They were also known as hippocamps.

Perhaps because undersea life has always been hard for land-based humans to observe, mythical water creatures have been described as some of the strangest of fabulous beasts. One of the weirdest, Tursus, comes from Finnish folklore. Its head looks like that of a walrus except for its tall, pointed ears. Its arms and torso appear human, while its hindquarters combine muscular, clawed legs with a sh-like tail. In Finnish legend, Tursus leapt from the ocean at the call of a creator-god, Wainamoinen, to help coax the rst oak tree to grow from an acorn.5 More sinister is manta, a monster from the sea off the coast of Chile. Manta is mostly eyes and tentacles, both of which surround its at, leathery, circular body. On top of the body a cluster of yet more eyes replaces the head, and a clawed tail drifts below. Manta uses its at body to envelope its victims and hold them in place while it eats them. While the at body and name are reminiscent of a known creature, the manta ray, the tentacles sound squid-like. According to Chilean folklore, when manta jumps back into the water after basking in the sun, great winds rake the seas.6 Another water nasty has the fairytale name of Nellie Longarms. Probably the origin of many night terrors in the United Kingdom, Nellie was a bogey-lady of ponds and swamps in several areas of England. English parents warned their children to stay away from water holes or be grabbed by the green, human-like Nellie who would snatch them from below with her long, rubbery arms. Her oating mass of hair, green as pond scum, would mufe the childrens cries as they disappeared between her long, emerald teeth.



The fear of Nellie Longarms probably saved many an English child from accidental drowning, and there is a childrens book about the legend (Nellie Longarms Will Get You If You Dont Watch Out)7 set in Wybunbury, Chesire. Similar English sea hags are known as Peg Powler and Jenny Greenteeth.


Off the shores of British Columbia is said to swim a strange aquatic creature known either as the sea dog or sea wolf. Named mostly for its canine-shaped head, native people of the area have considered it a

Cthulhu: Myth of the Bat-winged Squid God

ome myths are born of modern minds. Horror ction writer H. P. Lovecraft invented one terrifying sea-beast with the somewhat unpronounceable name of Cthulhu (Keh-THOO-loo) in the rst half of the twentieth century. The sea monster Cthulhu lived in a jumble of massive stone ruins somewhere in the Pacic Ocean, and his hideous appearance combined a squid-like, tentacled head with a green, dragons body and scaled, batlike wings. Cthulhus earthly home, wrote Lovecraft in 1928 in The Call of Cthulhu, lay in the submerged, nightmare, corpse-like city of Rlyeh, that was built in measureless eons behind history by the vast, loathsome shapes that seeped down from the dark stars. There lay Cthulhu and his hordes . . .8 These vast, loathsome shapes included other huge, alien beings that ranged from fairly pleasant Elder Gods to the evil Great Ones or Ancient Ones like Cthulhu. The creatures inhabited earth in its early, formative years, when the strange star-spawn built giant stone cities that now lie in ruins in the unexplored corners of the earth.

Denizens of the Deep 67 totem or tribal animal for hundreds of years. The creature swims with ipper-like limbs, is sometimes seen with tusks and wings, and has a long and sinuous body. Some authorities speculate these creatures may actually be leopard seals, a type of Antarctic seal with a spotted throat, long neck, and reptilian-shaped head. Leopard seals may grow up to 10 feet in length and may behave very aggressively. Sea dogs also show up on many European coats of arms. While the sea dogs body looks canine, scales rather than fur cover its skin. The European sea dog is also built to swim with webbed feet, ears and tail, and a serrated, sh-like n down the center of its back.

Lovecraft returned to his uneasy universe over and over in a group of stories written between 1928 and 1936. His fantasy world was so compelling that other writers such as Robert Bloch, Colin Wilson, and Lovecrafts publisher August Derleth wrote their own stories based on what Derleth called the Cthulhu Mythos, a ctional mythology with its own gods, cities, and even ancient texts. The Necronomicon, an imaginary book Lovecraft referred to and quoted in some of his tales, has taken on a life of its own. Supposedly written by a worshipper of Cthulhu with instructions on summoning The Old Ones, Lovecrafts invented codex has appeared outside his tales in hoaxed library catalogs and in full, ctional books purporting to be the original Necronomicon. Although Lovecraft never intended his stories to be read as other than ction, author Joyce Carol Oates says in a preface to one collection of his tales that some Lovecraft fans believe Cthulhu to be entirely real. They argue, Oates said, that . . . Lovecraft was in fact transcribing history, or prehistory.9 Whether or not Cthulhus fan base accepts him as ancient reality, Cthulhu enthusiasts support a wide range of tentacled Cthulhu merchandise from T-shirts to cuddly, plush Cthulhu dolls.



Figure 6.1 Cthulhu, a sea monster with tentacles on its head, a dragon-like body, and wings, first appeared in the work of horror-fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft in 1928. (Linda S. Godfrey)

European sailors from around 1500 ce began describing sea hogs, creatures with the tail of a sh but the front legs, head, and tusks of a hog. Later, the name referred to porpoises taken at sea for their meat.

Denizens of the Deep 69 The thirteenth through sixteenth centuries were also a time when sailors from Denmark to China reported sightings of a strange, human-shaped, and human-headed creature with scaled ippers and tail, and a torso that resembled the cape of a monk. Its hairstyle, shaven on the crown and the rest cut chin length, was also like those sported by some monastic orders. Altogether, its humble appearance earned it the title of monksh. Modern science considers these early descriptions of monksh to be fanciful legend, as they bear little resemblance to the large-mouthed, bottom dwelling species known to modern science as the monksh.

Mothers of All Monsters

For many ancient cultures, the original sources of life on earth were massive ocean monsters big enough to encircle the world. Perhaps early people connected the saltwater of the oceans with their own saltytasting blood and water-lled wombs. It may also have been that the sea and its foaming waves seemed like an immense, animated force, a serpent as large as the whole world. The Indian Sesha (or Shesha) is one of the oldest examples of world serpents. Sometimes called Ananta Sesha, this water beast had as many as one thousand heads that, when they yawned, created earthquakes. Sesha lay in a stack of its own coils on the ocean oor and acted as a bed for the god Vishnu whenever he wanted to sleep. According to Hindu mythology, Sesha will play his nal role at the end of the world, when each of his heads will spit poison. Norse mythologys world serpent, Jormungand, was also called the Midgard Serpent. Jormungand was born so hideous that his parents, the trickster god Loki and the giant frost goddess Angrboda, threw him into the sea. Loose in the unbounded waters, Jormungand gobbled up sh until he grew large enough to encircle the world. Like Sesha, Jormungand is also expected to play a role in the end of the world when he at last thrusts his rainbow coils out of the water to



unleash his venom upon humanity. Then he will wage his nal and mutually fatal battle with Thor, god of thunder. Moshiriikkwechep is the name of the vast, world-back trout of Japan. Pictured as a giant sh rather than serpent, Moshiriikkwechep is so large that its every movement can cause earthquakes or storms, so it is kept buried in ocean mud by other gods most of the time. The creature was designed to carry the world on its spine. Mythology from the region of the Pacic island of Fiji included several large serpent gods. One of the most interesting, Ratu Mai Bulu, could create islands by raising the ocean oor. He represented fertility and growth, and punished offenders by covering them with writhing snakes.

Two Heads Are Creepier than One: Beings with Numerous Noggins

n the mythic days of the ancient Greeks, it took extremely fearsome monsters to guard treasures or castle gates from invading heroes sent by the gods. A simple dog, no matter how large, could never do the job. So when the gods needed a guardian of the underworld, they sent a dog with three heads (some stories say up to 100), each one crawling with snakes. His name was Cerberus, and he was one of a handful of hideous children born to the half-serpent woman Echidne and the multi-dragon-headed Typhon. While Cerberus allowed most dead people to pass into Hades, his barking, biting heads efciently stopped any living visitors or wouldbe escapees. Greek heroes, however, have a way of overcoming monstrous obstacles, and no fewer than three of them connived a way past the yapping menace. Aeneas, hero of Troy, wanted to get into the underworld to consult with his dead father on some matters. The Sibyl, a long-lived prophetess, helped Aeneas by advising him to drug Cerberus with a mixture of honey and herbal opiates. The ploy worked, and Aeneas was able to wander freely in Hades. Another hero, Orpheus, had a search-and-rescue operation in mind for his visit to Hades. His wife had recently died from a snakebite, and




he wanted her back. Orpheus possessed a magical talent for music; both his voice and his playing of the lyre, or small harp, were said to enchant all living creatures. He used this skill to lull Cerberus to sleep, and then he slipped through the gate while the three heads all nodded off. The third hero to try his luck with the three-headed canine was Heracles (or Hercules, to the Romans). He had been commanded by the gods to descend to the underworld and fetch Cerberus, without use of any sort of weapon. Heracles, known for his great strength, didnt bother with trickery like music or drugs. Instead, he used his powerful hands to get a stranglehold on all three of Cerberus necks and wrestle the great beast into submission. He triumphantly dragged Cerberus back to earth and presented him to the gods, but the morning sun awoke the mega-mutt. Cerberus managed to hightail it back to Hades, and he has guarded the underworlds gate ever since.


Fans of the ctional series Harry Potter will recognize Cerberus in J.K. Rowlings three-headed guardian of the sorcerers stone, Fluffy.1 Rowling followed the trail blazed by the Greek tale in giving Fluffy a weakness for music, and added a comic element with massive amounts of dog drool. But most polycephalic creatures are not so easily tamed. One of the most famous was Medusa, one of the three sisters known as Gorgons, huge women with hogs teeth and long, brass claws. Medusa is famous for her dreadlock-like hairdo composed of snakes rather than braids. Although Medusa actually possessed only one human head, the addition of the snakes gave her the appearance of a multiheaded creature. At one time, according to the legend, Medusa was a beautiful human female who was very proud of her long, shining tresses. Her fatal mistake lay in daring to compare herself to the goddess, Minerva, who didnt enjoy being challenged by a mortal. Minerva gave the maiden a

Two Heads Are Creepier than One: Beings with Numerous Noggins 73

Figure 7.1 Cerberus, a ferocious dog with three heads, guarded the entrance to Hades, the Greek underworld. (Nathan Godfrey)



monstrous makeover, and changed her silky hair into a nest of writhing serpents. Medusas extreme ugliness immediately turned anyone who saw her into stone, and the land where she lived became lled with what looked like statues of the men, women, children, and animals who had mistakenly set eyes upon her. The hero Perseus eventually killed Medusa after he cleverly used his metal shield as a mirror. He was then able to sneak up on the horrendous hag without looking directly at her, and cut off her head as a prize for Minerva.


Scylla was another female Greek monster that began life as a beauty. She was one of the loveliest of the sea nymphs, and several of the gods fell in love with her. That did not set well with the goddess Circe, who decided to make Scylla less attractive. Circe lled the sea around Scylla with a special poison, and the nymph suddenly found herself surrounded by six yowling, dog-like heads . . . all attached to her waist. Each head had a pair of canine legs, which also sprouted from Scyllas torso. Forced into a cave in the Straits of Messina, she survived by clawing at passing ships and devouring everyone aboard. Eventually, she was turned into a rock that became famous for causing shipwrecks.


Like his brother Cerberus, the Hydra also inherited the ability to grow more than one head from their father, Typhon. But while Cerberus was canine in form, the Hydra was all snakeor more accurately, all snakes. The exact number of serpent heads carried on the Hydras scaly shoulders ranges from seven to 1,000, depending on the source. But all of them exhaled poisonous fumes. Trying to decapitate the Hydra was a classic exercise in futility, since whenever one head was chopped off,

Two Heads Are Creepier than One: Beings with Numerous Noggins 75 two more would grow in its place. And one special head was immortal and could not be killed by any means. The hero Heracles, who would later drag Cerberus from the underworld, was also given the task of slaying the Hydra. Heracles quickly learned that he would have to do more than slash at the heads. He nally discovered that if he burned the esh of each neck as soon as its head was severed, it couldnt grow back. In this way, he cleared the monster of all heads except the invincible one. Since he could do nothing to that head, he attacked the body instead, slicing it away from the head, which he then buried deep in the earth. With no way to dig itself out, the last Hydra head would lie awake in its grave for all eternity.


Cacus, a giant spider-like creature whose name meant wicked, was yet another monster done in by Heracles. Although its huge body was like that of a house-sized spider, three human heads rode atop its dome-like torso on one long neck. Its legs were no spindly arthropods but grew thick like an elephants to more efciently stomp its enemies to death. The spider-monsters mother was Medusa, and his father was Vulcan, god of re. As a result, his three heads could all shoot ames from their mouths. This made Cacus very dangerous to approach. Cacus hid out in a cave when he wasnt out laying waste to the countryside and eating everyones cattle and relatives. He sealed his doom, however, when he stole some cattle from Heracles as the hero was passing through the area. Although he tried his best to ward off the enraged Heracles with great clouds of re, Heracles managed to grab him by his slender neck and tie it into a knot. This put the three heads in a mangled, twisted position so that they could no longer work together or shoot ames without burning one another, and after a while they all choked to death. Cacus body made a great feast for every bird of prey.



The Yakut people of Siberia live in a region of mountains and tundra, with brutally long and cold winters. In their folk belief a two-headed

Double Dragon: Real Creatures with Two Heads

ore dragons boast multiheads than any other legendary creature. Two-headed (bicephalic) and other multiheaded (polycephalic) dragons are almost a clich in fairy tales and mythology. But a California couple named Frank and Barbarba Witte were astounded in June 2007, when one of their pet bearded dragons, reptiles native to Australia, produced a two-headed offspring. Named Zak-n-Wheezie after a two-headed cartoon dragon in the Columbia Pictures series Dragon Tales, each head is fed slightly mashed Pakistani cockroaches to keep the whole critter healthy.2 Although bearded dragons may live 10 years and reach a length of about two feet, Zak-n-Wheezie made the Guinness World Records in 2008 when it reached its rst birthday as the longest-lived bicephalic bearded dragon known. And although two-headed lizards are rare, another was hatched to bearded dragon breeders William and Jan Davis in Kernersville, North Carolina, in early April 2008. Other reptiles have also doubled their brainpower. In 2006 a man from the Chinese city of Qingdao found a two-headed golden coin turtle at an animal market.3 Most of these creatures are actually created in the same way as conjoined twins, formed when two embryos partially merge early in their development. Each head will usually have its own brain, and the heads share control of the body and organs, which can make movement difcult. Some two-headed snakes have even been observed trying to swallow one another.

Two Heads Are Creepier than One: Beings with Numerous Noggins 77 eagle named ai tojon nests in the top branches of the giant tree that represents the world. He is the creator of light. In New Guinea, the Arapesh people believe that striped snakes with two heads inhabit their ponds. The monstrous creatures guard sacred hunting grounds and are a lesser type of spirit beings known as walinab.4 The Sioux Indians of the North American plains tell stories of a very hirsute giant with two faces and large, elephant-like ears that can digest human victims. Two Faces, as the creature is known, reproduces by turning humans into juvenile versions of itself.5 Aillen Trechenn, which means triple-headed, was the name of a three-headed monster that terrorized County Roscommon in Ireland. It lived near an ancient burial mound, and was most likely to attack humans on the Celtic holiday we now know as Halloween.6

Creatures to Look Up To: The Giants

itiko tasted the strong north wind, stretched forth one of his long, hoary arms, and wound his jagged claws around the trunk of the tallest pine tree. Snow ew in great swaths from the trees branches as Witiko wrenched it from the frozen ground, and then uprooted the next tallest pine. Laying the fallen trees on the hard-packed snow, he slipped a narrow, taloned foot between the branches of each and began to glide on them as if they were snowshoes. His hunger burned erce within the hollow that served as his stomach, and only human esh would give him some momentary relief. He strode until he came upon the moccasin tracks of two men. They would be hunters, he knew, looking for meat for their familys stewpot, but Witiko did not fear their arrows. His white fur was thick, and his heart of ice could break any stone tip. The white star on his forehead blazed brighter as he neared them, his massive stride covering many times the distance of a human step. When at last he sighted the buckskin clothing of the two hunters dark against the snow, he could not help letting forth an ear-splitting roar, so loud that a snowslide rumbled down a nearby mountain at the sound. The hunters turned, and their eyes grew wide in fear. One began to glide away on his own, expertly crafted snowshoes, but the




other was so frightened that he crouched in the snow. Witiko stopped for a moment, unsure what the man was going to do. The hunters body had reacted to his fear by making him relieve his bowels, and the panicked man then threw his excrement at Witiko. Witiko became so confused by this that he paused just long enough for the hunter to get back on his feet and scramble into a nearby cave in a rock cleft too narrow for Witiko to follow. Witiko turned his attention to the other hunter and caught up with him in two strides, bringing one pine tree snowshoe down on the hunter to kill him in a single stroke. Now he would have a meal. When he had devoured the hunter, he took the skull and hung it on a necklace made from the sinews of an elk. The necklace already hung heavy with the skulls of other victims. He turned to leave, but wrinkled his great nose in irritation at the smell of smoke. There stood the rst hunter, and this time his arm was drawn back and ready to release an arrow that burned with re the hunter had kindled in the cave. Before Witiko could move, the hunter let the arrow y and it sank deep into the monsters giant ice heart. Witiko clutched his chest and pulled the arrow out, but it was too late. His heart had begun to melt, and the re was spreading to his icy bones. He shrank and shrank until only the core of his ice heart remained, and nally it, too, dissolved to reveal a dead and very wrinkled old man. This, the hunter knew, was a man who had wandered into the forest years ago and had never been seen again. A tribe of Witikos had adopted the lost one, it was whispered, and changed him into one of them. The hunter could see now that the whispers were true. He then looked with sorrow at the skull that had belonged to his hunting companion. Shouldering the great necklace made of the Witikos trophies so that he could take them to be properly buried, he trudged back to his village to deliver his bittersweet news. The witiko, or windigo, is a prominent monster in the lore of North American native peoples from Wisconsin to Canada. There are many variations on the tale, but the cannibalistic ice giant that

Creatures to Look Up To: The Giants 81 stood taller than the trees is one of the most common visions of the monster. The creature could be defeated by magic or by melting its ice to reveal a lost human in its heart, but one other known defense was to ing excrement at the monster to blind and confuse it.1

Almost every known culture includes larger-than-life-sized villains and heroes in its legend and lore. And some anthropologists believe that creatures such as Witiko were based on memories of actual super-sized people, whose recovered bones show that giants have indeed walked the earth. Of course, there is always the question of how tall a person must be to qualify as a giant. But many skeletons that predate Columbus exploration and that measure over seven feet tall have been discovered around the United States. One burial mound near Charleston, West Virginia, contained an individual who once stood seven-foot-six and may have belonged to a culture now termed the Adena. The Adena people ourished between 1000 bce and 200 ce2 and probably did seem like giants to the other, shorter indigenous groups of the time. But these days, people seven to seven-and-one-half feet tall are simply considered examples of extreme height, and may be paid big bucks to play basketball.

Antwerps Anti-Twerp
Europeans tell their own tales of giants from days gone by. In Antwerp, Belgium, the most authoritative voices of the day reported around 1500 ce that the bones of a giant named Druon Antigoon lay in a stone castle in that town. Artist Albrecht Durer, known for his meticulously realistic drawings of people and animals, viewed the bones and estimated they belonged to a man who stood 18 feet tall. Historic Antwerp legends remembered Druon Antigoon as a massive oaf who camped by the Scheldt River and demanded payment from all those who crossed. Antigoon chopped the right hands from anyone



who failed to pay. A brave general in Julius Caesars army nally beheaded the terrifying giant. The problem with the Antigoon legend is that the bones were eventually proved to be those of a whale, not a human.3 Giant legends die hard, however, especially since they are found in so many ancient sources that seem to support their existence. The Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible hints at giants in chapter six, speaking of the days of Noah, the Nephilim were on the earth in those daysand also afterwardwhen the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.4

Giants of the Bible

Nephilim has often been taken to mean giants, but it actually means fallen ones in Hebrew. It did also denote very large and robust people, however, because in Numbers 13, the Nephilim are described as so big that the Israelites felt like grasshoppers next to them. According to some Hebrew texts, the great Israelite leader Moses mentioned at least one giant, Palet,5 also known as Og, as having survived the ood because he was either too tall to drown or was able to hitch a ride on the roof of the ark. He eventually battled Moses using a mountain as a weapon, but was defeatedor de-feetedwhen Moses chopped off his feet with a massive ax.6 Og is also referred to as the King of Bashan in the Book of Joshua. Various legends put Ogs height anywhere from nine feet to a few miles high. One of the most famous giants of all time is the biblical Goliath, a Philistine army champion who stood over nine feet tall and carried a spear as thick as a weavers rod. Goliath lost his big head, of course, to the young and comparatively small David, who ung a stone into Goliaths forehead before the giant could manage to draw back his spear. (Slingshots used in battle were somewhat larger than a baseball . . . hurled by a master slinger, they probably traveled at close to 100 miles per hour.)7 More clues to the nature of ancient giants may be found in the root of our word, giant, which comes from a Sanskrit phrase that

Creatures to Look Up To: The Giants 83

Figure 8.1 David (right) and Goliath (left) prepare to do battle. David defeated the giant Goliath by using a slingshot to propel a rock into Goliaths forehead before he had a chance to use his spear. (Time & Life Pictures/ Getty Images)

meant earth and giant.8 Most creation myths include some type of monstrous being that either arises from the earth or gives of itself to become the earth.



Giants of World Creation

The Aztecs believed that the substance of the earth came from a female giant named Tlaltecuhtli, who was large enough to ride the ocean as if she sat upon a horse. She was human-like in appearance, except for having great fangs rather than teeth and extra mouths on every joint

Gigantism: Too Much of a Good Thing

hey are not ogres, not primordial titans of creation, and certainly not gods, but human beings who suffer from a condition known as gigantism nevertheless tower over most other people. One of the earliest on record with reasonably reliable measurements, Englishman John Middleton, was born in 1578. Also known as the Childe of Hale, he measured nine feet, three inches tall and his hands were 17 inches long. In gigantism the bones are over-fueled by too much growth hormone, a substance secreted by the pituitary gland, until they surpass normal measurements. Its generally not a healthy condition. People with gigantism may have much shorter life spansJohn Middleton died at the age of 45and suffer from other symptoms such as thickened facial bones, headaches, vision problems, and disproportionately large feet and hands. When diagnosed early, the condition can often be arrested via surgery on the pituitary gland. Because gigantism is a very rare condition, those who have it often become famous. Giant people were once in demand by the crown heads of Europe for their sensational looks and because they made imposing courtiers and guards. Three brothers all around eight feet tall once guarded the Tower of London, and Queen Elizabeth employed a porter who stood over seven and one-half feet tall.9 Another set of giant brothers ranging from seven and one-half feet to nearly eight feet tall were born in Texas in the mid-1800s and appeared

Creatures to Look Up To: The Giants 85 of her body. The gods Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca ripped her in two to create the earth and the sky.10 Pan Ku was the gigantic man-god of the Chinese who named the sky and earth and whose body became their ve holy mountains. Rigi, a giant of Micronesian legend, was so tall that back when the earth and

with the Barnum and Bailey Circus in the late 1880s. Billed as The Tallest Men on Earth, advertisements promised a reward of $100 to anyone who could stand on the same ground as the brothers and reach a dollar bill they held over their heads. One of the most famous ultra-tall people in the United States was Robert Wadlow of Alton, Illinois, born in 1918 and called the Gentle Giant for his soft-spoken ways. Wadlow stood six feet tall by age eight, and ended up at a whopping eight feet, eleven and one-half inches in height by his early twenties. His parents refused pituitary treatment for him. Wadlow attended public schools and joined the Boy Scouts in pursuit of a normal life. But the weakness of his bones, an unfortunate side effect of gigantism, restricted his activity. Also, most objects that others take for granted such as furniture, writing implements, and even shoes and clothing were impossibly small for his use. Since this made going away to college very difcult, he accepted a job promoting shoes with the company that made his custom oxfords, and later appeared as a main big-tent attraction with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Wadlow died of a leg infection in 1940, partly because his long limbs had so little feeling in them that he didnt notice a sore in time to treat it. A bronze, life-sized statue of the Gentle Giant and a replica of the giant, custom chair he sat in stand in a park in Alton in memory of the towns most memorable citizen.



the sky were still mashed together, he was given the job of separating them and setting the sky up where it belonged. His upper body then formed the Milky Way, and his legs sank down into the ground and became the source of all earthworms. According to Norse mythology, the ice giant Ymirs body provided raw materials for the earth,11 and the re giant, Muspel or Surt, was associated with the end of the world as it gave of its ame to burn all living things. The Babylonian giantess, Tiamat, was also split in two to become both heaven and earth. A more unusual legend comes from the Mesopotamian people known as the Hittites. The Hittite giant Upelluri lived in the middle of the sea, where he stood not quite tall enough to reach the surface. The god Kumarbi used him as a supportive stand upon which to grow his son Ullikummi, who grew into a giant made of diorite stone. There are other numerous examples of ancient mythic giants, and the Greeks and Romans, as usual, provide a slew of them.

Freaks of the Greeks

The Titans were the original massive beings of the Greeks, birthed from a mating of the sky and the earth. They became the rst generation of gods, who ruled until defeated by Zeus and others of the second generation. But Zeus and his crew later had to ght against the giants, huge beings that looked human except for their snake tails. Zeus managed to defeat them by siring Heracles (Hercules), the halfdivine hero who did indeed kill them all off. The Cyclopes (thats a plural) were one-eyed gigantic beings that helped Zeus by making thunder and lightning for him. There were at least three Cyclopes; some tales suggest there were others. Polyphemus became one of the best-known Cyclopes because of his battle with the hero Odysseus, who robbed Polyphemus of his one eye so that he and his men could escape the giants cave. Talos was another famous Greek giant. Made of bronze, he guarded the island of Crete by heating his metallic body until it glowed, then

Creatures to Look Up To: The Giants 87

Figure 8.2 Robert Wadlow of Alton, Illinois, was almost 9 feet tall by his early 20s. (Bettmann/Corbis)



hugging invaders until they burned to a crisp. His weakness was that he had one vein in his body, and the Gorgon Medusa managed to slice his ankle so that his blood all rushed out, killing him. Perhaps the most famous Greek giant of all, however, was Atlas, whose shoulders were broad enough to hold up the heavens. He was able to trick the hero Heracles into taking over for him for a short time, but was in turn outsmarted by the hero and ended up eternally shouldering the sky.


Giants of medieval times are almost too numerous to mention. Often depicted as ogres ugly, misshapen, and cannibalistic monsters they survive in childrens fairy tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk with its ogre at the top of the beanstalk, screaming for the blood of an Englishman. Many of these tales crossed the ocean with European emigrants and mutated into American myths such as Paul Bunyan, legendary logger of Midwestern lumber camps. Bunyan, with his giant blue ox, Babe, was a kindly giant rather than an ogre. As a newborn, he was so large that ve storks had to carry him to his parents. He used a pine tree as a hairbrush, and his frying pan was so large that it had to be greased by four men skating around it with hog fat tied onto their boots. When a twisting river irritated him because it was hard for log barges to navigate its tight turns, he fashioned a giant chain and pulled the river straight. Another American giant turned out to be more mischief than myth. In 1869 several well-diggers working on a farm in Cardiff, New York, uncovered what appeared to be a petried (hardened to stone), 10-foot man.12 The Cardiff giant, as he came to be known, turned out to be the work of an atheist named George Hull who wished to poke fun at the idea of biblical giants. Hull commissioned a stonecutter to carve the gure, then plotted with the owner of the farm. He planned

Creatures to Look Up To: The Giants 89 to expose his own hoax after letting religious leaders claim it as proof that giants once existed. The hoaxed gure became such a popular attraction that showman P.T. Barnum built his own replica, which is now on display at Marvins Marvelous Mechanical Museum outside of Detroit, Michigan. The original stone statue is in the Farmers Museum in Cooperstown, New York.

Dealers in Death: Werewolves, Hellhounds, and Vampires

umans have always connected dogs and wolves with death, graveyards, and the underworld. Find a boneyard and some sort of canine will likely lurk nearbyeither to guard or to scavenge. In ancient times, the mythic, three-headed Cerberus guarded the gates of Hades for the Greeks, and Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the Egyptian underworld, served as god of the cemetery.1 But one type of otherworldly dog seems to have survived to present times. The hellhound, a black, phantom creature with glowing red eyes, appears at times of death and distress in macabre stories from around the world. Stories of hellhounds are particularly common in the British Isles where it is also known as Black Shuck, the gyrtrash and other names. These phantoms have terrorized Englands churchyards and crossroads for centuries. But hellhounds are by no means tethered to northern Europe. A California man who prefers to be identied only as John claims three encounters with hellhounds. Each incident occurred at a time when his life was in jeopardy. One night in late December of 2002, John and his girlfriend were sitting in the living room of his home in a town, which he noted, was built over a Chumash Native American burial ground. The couple was watching TV when suddenly they both felt a strong urge to look at the




front window. Staring back at them was a black dog with red, glowing eyes. It stood at least ve feet tall on all fours, and John noticed that although its muzzle was right next to the glass, the window did not fog. The dogs appearance was ethereal, said John, yet he and his girlfriend both saw it clearly. John estimated that they gazed at it in shock for 15-20 seconds before he gathered his wits and jumped off the sofa to ing open the door. But there was no dogor any other creaturein sight. A few days after the dogs appearance, John was almost killed in a car crash that wrecked his 1987 Caprice Classic station wagon. But it would take two other incidents before John began to connect the dog with dire moments in his life. The next year, in 2003, John was put on a pain medication for a chronic medical condition. He suffered an adverse reaction to the drug, and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. On the way, he happened to look out the vehicles rear window and was stunned to see the same black dog staring at him with those glowing red eyes! As it turned out, he nearly died before doctors were able to treat the reaction. Incredibly, the Black Shuck would make one more appearance. In 2004 John suffered yet another life-threatening reaction to medication for the same ailment, and this time, he was pronounced clinically dead for over two minutes. The last thing he saw before his heart stopped was the huge black hound, standing next to his hospital bed, its red eyes boring into Johns as he lost consciousness. John was never sure whether the creatures visits were intended to usher him into the next life, to warn him of danger, or if the dog simply came to observe like some type of spiritual vulture. In any case, he hopes never to see it again.


John was not exactly comforted to learn that many others have witnessed similar black dogs. One of Great Britains most famous spectral

Dealers in Death: Werewolves, Hellhounds, and Vampires 93 hounds, Black Shuck, has been seen near Norfolk since the early 1840s and its description matches that of the creature in Johns California sightings. The size of a calf, with black fur and red eyes, the British animal is said to portend deathor at least, very bad luckfor anyone who sees it. A variation near Leicestershire is called the Black Shug. Both Shuck and Shug may be derived from the Anglo-Saxon word, soucca, which means Satan. Another British Isles harbinger of death is the Black Dog of Ardura, which has appeared on the island of Mull in the Inner Hebrides since the early 1900s. Witnesses included several family doctors who observed it lurking nearby the homes of patients about to die. According to author Patricia Dale-Green, sightings of this sort of phantom dog are reported all over Europe, especially near public byways, religious sites, and bodies of water.2 In northern EuropeScandinavia, Denmark, and Germanygiant phantom dogs are usually black poodles! Their glowing red eyes reveal their demonic nature. Patricia Dale-Greens Lore of the Dog tells the tale of a Dane on horseback who was attacked by a black, phantom poodle while riding at night. The poodle jumped atop the horse from the rear and began to grow in weight. The horse stumbled and faltered under the increasing passenger load and its legs had almost buckled from the pressure when the man reached home and the phantom dog sprang away.3 The black dog phenomenon occurs in South America, too. Argentine sugar mills, according to folk beliefs, are guarded at night by redeyed, black ghost dogs that do the bidding of the mills devilish owners andwhether real or notserve as efcient theft prevention.


Black phantom dogs may be related to another legendary canine, the werewolf. The main difference between the two is that the traditional werewolf is primarily a human that has either transformed his esh or projected his spirit-body double into the shape of a wolf,



while phantom black dogs are ghost-like but not at all human in nature. While earlier chapters have shown that the concept of human-animal combinations is ancient and widespread, many historians trace the modern concept of werewolves back to Scandinavian warriors known as berserkers. These warriors would wear bear or wolf skins into battle, often howling like beasts and even biting their shields to appear like ferocious animals. Some Norse legends claimed that the men actually transformed themselves into werewolves and werebears. This undoubtedly contributed to the berserkers ability to terrify their enemies. The stories lingered long after the battles had ended and spread widely, cementing the connection between animal skins and magical transformation throughout Europe. A Finnish folktale, for instance, tells of a Finn who used either the afterbirth (placenta) or the fur of a wolf to transform, simply by pulling the wolf remains over his head. Folklorist Knut Strompdal collected one such story in 1939 from a Norwegian farmer who said a friend had shown him his magic wolf skin and offered to let him try it. The farmer declined, afraid that he might commit mayhem under the skins inuence.4

Ways of the Werewolf

The werewolf has evolved from simple folk tales to a complex modern mythology aided and abetted by Hollywood movies. Thanks largely to the Wolfman lm series starring Lon Chaney, Jr., current folk belief dictates werewolves are created by a bite from another werewolf. They live most of the time as humans, but transform bodily and go on murderous rampages on nights when the moon is full. They can be resisted by holy water, crosses, and wolfsbane, but must be killed by a silver bullet. Once mortally wounded, the beast will revert to human form before death. A surprising number of contemporary people believe they are werewolves and call themselves lycanthropes, or lycans. They claim

Dealers in Death: Werewolves, Hellhounds, and Vampires 95 that they transform into wolves under the full moon, in body, spirit or both. Lycan Web sites feature forum discussions on topics ranging from transformation experiences to planned social events . . . often set in nature areas. While modern lycans claim the human-wolf transition is possible, they have yet to prove their magical transformations to the rest of the world. However, creatures resembling the stereotypical werewolf are occasionally sighted in present times.

The Beast of Bray Road . . . and Elsewhere

Hundreds of witnesses around the United States and other countries have reported seeing a wolf-headed, fully canine creature that walks upright and threatens or chases people but doesnt physically attack anyone. Some sightings are in broad daylight, and incidents seem unconnected to the full moon. While the phenomenon is widespread, the states of Wisconsin and Michigan are particular sighting hotbeds. (This author has chronicled many reports and theories in The Beast of Bray Road, Tailing Wisconsins Werewolf,5 and Hunting the American Werewolf.6) The creature was nicknamed The Beast of Bray Road in a December 31, 1991, newspaper story because many of the rst publicly reported sightings occurred outside of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, in the vicinity of a country lane by that name. In these reports, some supernatural elements are occasionally present such as human-like behavior, impressions of telepathic messages from the creatures, or even a glimpse of the creature partially morphing or transforming. However, most of the incidents describe a wolf-like animal that is unusual only in its behavior: walking or running upright and sometimes eating or carrying prey with its forelimbs. The author also believes it is possible these reports describe some little understood adaptation of natural wolves that has been misinterpreted through the ages and thereby brought about the idea



of werewolves. And yet, its hard to imagine such a large mammal remaining mostly undetected in areas of dense human population. Many indigenous traditions claim the creature is an ancient spirit being that comes and goes. Until one is captured, however, every guess as to its true naturehuman werewolf, natural species adapted to walk upright, or spirit creatureis as good as another.

Where werewolves tread, it seems, vampires also ap. Vampires are similar to other archetypal monsters in that almost every culture contains some tradition of a creature that sneakily drains people of their blood, life force, or even emotions. And vampires have followed werewolves as the inspiration of a modern mythos created by popular literature and lm. In 1819 a British doctor named John Polidori wrote The Vampyre, a short novel based on a story he had heard from one of his patients, the famous writer Lord Byron. Its success was followed by a novel published in 1847, Varney the Vampire; or The Feast of Blood. Although composed of shorter serials probably written by several authors in 220 episodes, research has shown the main Varney author was James Malcolm Rymer of Scotland. Irish writer Bram Stokers 1897 novel Dracula continued to hone the image of the cultured, antiheroic vampire that had already been set in the two earlier works. Since that time, fantasy authors galore and a slew of Hollywood movies have completed the creatures transformation into the caped, urbane creature of the night that permeates modern media. Contemporary vampire basics are well known. The modern vampire sleeps in a cofn by day and drains people of their blood at night in order to avoid injurious sunlight. New vampires are sired by the bite of an established vampire. Garlic, holy water, and crosses protect people against the ying ghouls, and a vampire has no reection in a mirror. A vampire is virtually immortal unless it is staked through the

Dealers in Death: Werewolves, Hellhounds, and Vampires 97 heart with a sturdy piece of wood, preferably white thorn aspen or a shard of the creatures own cofn, and can take the form of a bat to travel or get in and out of tight places.

The Female of the Species

Not all vampires are male, of course. Legends of female undead who rose at night to drink the blood of innocent youngsters date back to Old Testament times in the Middle East. A creature named Lilith, who was the rst wife of Adam according to Hebrew lore, turned to vampirism to attack Adams children with Eve. And Greek parents feared Lamia, a goddess who became a child-hunting, demonic vampire after Hera, her competitor for the affections of the god Zeus, killed Lamias children. The label of vampire has sometimes been applied to people even when there was little evidence to justify it. One incident occurred in Foster, Rhode Island, in the early 1800s when Nancy Young, the 19year-old daughter of a sea captain, became sick and died, perhaps of tuberculosis. Before she died, her sister and a handful of other young people also contracted Nancys malady. It was somehow decided that Nancy was a vampire, and her body was dug up and burned. The sick children were made to inhale the smoke from her corpse in hopes that they would be cured, and Nancy became forever known as the Vampire of Foster.7

Ghouls Go Global
Humanity has invented an endless variety vampires, each ethnic group creating its own unique undead. One of the weirdest was a Croatian vampire tale from the coastal island of Lastovo in the late 1730s that involved court testimony claiming vampires caused plague and diarrhea. A citizen group armed themselves with stakes made of black thorn, and began hunting vampires by opening graves to look for corpses that had not decayed.



Local legend had it that at least one grave contained a vampire that tried to run away but was shot by a priest. Any corpses that appeared too fresh for the length of time they had been buried were staked and otherwise mutilated. Eventually, the vampire hunts stopped after 17 participants were found guilty of desecrating graves.8 In the Philippines, people shudder at the aswang, one of the worlds most bizarre vampires. It appears either as a head with no body or a very old woman, and possesses the power of ight. The aswangs main prey is the unborn child, which it sucks from pregnant womens bellies with an ultra-long tongue. The aswang was the subject of a self-titled 1993 movie made by Aswang Productions.

Challenge of the Chupacabras

Another fast-growing body of mythology has wrapped itself around the entity known as the chupacabras, or goat-sucker, reported all over the Americas but particularly in Puerto Rico. Like a traditional vampire, it drains its victims, usually domestic animals, of blood, but its appearance is humanoid rather than human. Most eyewitnesses describe it as a grayish, bat-winged creature able to stand upright on muscular hind legs, and measuring three to ve feet in height. Its puny front limbs end in three-clawed hands, and its eyes are large and red. Glistening, iridescent spines run down its back and its sharp teeth can cleanly remove body parts or puncture skin for blood removal. Although the vampiric creature was whispered about in Puerto Rican folklore over the last several decades of the twentieth century, it rst came to worldwide attention in 1995 when villagers began complaining that they were losing pets and livestock to the beasts depredations. One eyewitness, Madelyne Maldonado, looked out her window one day to see a four-foot, dark-gray creature with feathery frills on its back approaching a cat that was slowly backing away from it.9

Dealers in Death: Werewolves, Hellhounds, and Vampires 99

Figure 9.1 The chupacabras is known throughout the Americas, especially Puerto Rico, for killing and draining the blood of pets and livestock. (Troy Therrien)

Noble Nightmares
Despite the grisly nature of all vampire stories, the vampire has been strangely co-opted as a less than scary childrens character, selling cereal as Count Chocula and teaching preschoolers their numbers



Mummy Dearest
trictly speaking, mummies are not mythological creatures. Or at least, they never used to be. A mummy is a whole corpseesh, bones, and skinthat has been preserved in some fashion. The usual methods are by chemicals, extreme dryness (desiccation), freezing, or lack of exposure to air. Well-preserved bodies many centuries old have been discovered in the airless peat bogs of Great Britain. And frozen, 1600-year-old mummies of aboriginal Alaskans still bear intact, soot-lled tattoos etched into their skin. Say the word mummy, however, and the modern image is that of a human form wrapped in strips of white cloth, with dark holes for eyes and mouth and an uncanny ability to come alive and kill people. The image, of course, comes from the mummies most familiar to contemporary culture, those of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians had been mummifying people since at least 4000 BCE. This involved removing the internal organs, then stufng body cavities with ointments, a salt called natron, and balsamic herbs before winding the remains with linen strips. The practice continued until around 700 BCE. Eventually Europeans discovered that Egyptian mummies contained resins that resembled a type of rare crude oil then in strong demand as a medicine. (The oil was called mummeia, from which the word mummy is derived.) Enterprising businessmen were looting Egyptian tombs and exporting mummies to be ground up and consumed as a mummeia substitute by the 1400s. But the discovery of boy king Tutankhamens tomb in 1922 brought worldwide attention to mummies. Public interest further skyrocketed after a series of strange deaths occurred among those connected with opening the tomb. King Tuts mummy appeared cursed.

Dealers in Death: Werewolves, Hellhounds, and Vampires 101

Only 10 years after Tuts tomb discovery, the rst Hollywood lm portraying the mummy as a cursed monster hit American movie theaters. Universal Pictures The Mummy, released in 1932, was followed by The Mummys Hand in 1940, The Mummys Tomb, 1942, The Mummys Ghost, 1944, and The Mummys Curse, 1945. Comedians have also exploited the potential for humor in the wrapped-up, staggering corpses; one of the earliest lms to poke fun was the comedy Abbot and Costello Meet the Mummy in 1955. And mummy lm collectors avidly seek out foreign and independent movies such as an offering from Mexico titled Robot Versus the Aztec Mummy. In more recent years, mummy movies have become blockbuster hits with Universals 1999 remake of The Mummy, its 2001 sequel, The Mummy Returns, and 2008s The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, all starring Brendan Fraser. The amazing fact is that in less than 100 years, mummies have gone from ancient funerary relics to vengeful, undead monsters wreaking havoc and unleashing dark curses. But this may not be the end of the mummys evolution. Strange as it may seem, a company in Salt Lake City has pioneered a modern method of mummication that preserves corpses as soft tissue in hopes that one day, they may be cloned and reborn with former memories intact. Summum Corporation operates from a golden, pyramid-shaped building, and has over 27,000 people waiting to be mummied by their patented process. The service costs between $60,000 and $350,000, and the companys founder, Corky Ra, says many celebrities have already ponied up the exorbitant fees in hopes of achieving immortality.10 The company has preserved hundreds of cats and dogs. And if future scientists really can bring back the remains of todays movie stars and millionaires, mummies may just have the last, mournful, hollow laugh after all.



as The Count on the TV show, Sesame Street. Vampire Halloween costumes for toddlers, cats, and dogs are common. These images, of course, are based on Bram Stokers count, which may have been partially based on the fteenth century Romanian prince named Vlad Tepes, or Vlad the Impaler. Although he became famous for killing hundreds of people by impaling them on poles and for committing many other gruesome atrocities, Vlad was not known for drinking blood. He did, however, appropriately inherit the title of Dracul, or Dracula, which means devil, from his ruthless father. Stoker discovered the name while researching his novel, and one of the cruelest monarchs ever to rule in Europe became forever linked with the mythic, caped gure that is now a pop icon.

Reinventing the Revenant

New generations continually spawn updated versions of the undead. Joss Whedons TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) and Angel (1999-2004) featured a romantic, good guy vamp as well as legions of endish night stalkers. Novelist Anne Rices best-selling Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, and other books in her series The Vampire Chronicles captured the publics imagination, and added to the modern view of vampires as sympathetic charactersespecially after popular actors Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt starred in the movie based on her book. Author Stephanie Meyers recent teen series that started with her book, Twilight, casts vampires as the ultimate in romantic boyfriends. A movie adaptation became a big hit in 2008. Its little wonder, then, that a modern subculture of self-proclaimed vampyres exists in the Western world today, with social networks in most major cities and online. Some participants in this widely varying movement may actually drink the blood of cooperative acquaintances, and many dress in capes, black clothing, and white makeup. Perhaps they themselves will one day become the stuff of legends,

Dealers in Death: Werewolves, Hellhounds, and Vampires 103 as memories of their activities grow and morph through time. After all, as we have seen in cases from ancient reptiles-turned-dragons to Viking berserkers-become-werewolves, time tends to smudge the supposedly sharp line between myth and reality.

c. 6000 BCE In Catal Hyk, an ancient city of present southern Turkey, artists depict sacred bulls and priests wearing animal skins in wall murals. c. 4000 Egyptians are known to practice sophisticated mummication of their dead. c. 3500 A Babylonian artwork shows a unicorn ghting a lion. c. 3100 The Egyptians depict fantastic creatures like the serpopard and grifn in their art. c. 2697 First Chinese emperor with a face said to resemble a dragons face. c. 2500 Unicorns appear on clay seals in Moenjo-Daro (presentday Pakistan). c. 2000 Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh includes Enkidu, a hairy character that is half man, half bull. c. 1750 The Kassites of ancient Iran carve the rst known centaurs onto stone boundary markers. c. 1400 The Great Sphinx of Giza is constructed in Egypt (traditional date). c. 1000 Estimated time that the giant, stylized horse or dragon was cut into the chalk rise at Dragon Hill near Ufngton, England, where the dragon slain by St. George was rumored to be buried. c. 1000 The Adena, an Amerindian people whose skeletons show they were signicantly taller than other indigenous people of the time, begin to ourish. c. 1000800 The Assyrians depict demigod bird-man, Pazuzu.


Timeline 105 c. 800 Greek writer Aristeas makes the rst written reference to grifns. c. 700 The Greek poet Homer immortalizes many ancient legends of Greek mythology in his poems The Odyssey and The Iliad. c. 650 Paintings of the Chimera, part human, goat, and lion, appear in Greek art. c. 450 Greek doctor Ctsias describes a race of dog-headed people in India. c. 400 Greek physician Mnemon writes about the manticore. c. 400 A Thracian helmet shows a rider god on horseback. c. 100 Greek writer Plutarch tells of the grylli, men with the heads of pigs and a human face set into their stomachs. c. 55 Romans destroy the Syrian temple of mermaid goddess Atargatis. c. 20 The Roman poet Virgil writes The Aenid, with giant sea snakes that attack a man and his sons in Troy. c. 50 CE Roman Pliny the Elder describes how to make a unicorn by twisting young ox horns together, and writes of mermaids as if they are real creatures. c. 300 Approximate time of the Christian martyr St. Christopher, often depicted as a dog-headed man. c. 300 St. George the dragon slayer saves the Libyan town of Silene from a dragon, according to legend. c. 558 Fisherman catches a mermaid near Lough Neagh in Scotland. c. 900 Europeans begin mistaking narwhal horns for unicorn horns and grind them into medicine. 11001200 The scitalis, a serpent-like dragon, appeared in bestiaries of Europe. 1218 The older serpent and rooster forms of the basilisk merge into a combination creature in a popular bestiary, or description of beasts. c. 1300 Descriptions appear of a Chinese unicorn called a ki-lin.



c. 1300 Explorer Marco Polo describes the roc, a giant bird, as a native animal of Madagascar, and says a race of dog-headed people live off the coast of India. 1500 Italian poet Ludvico Ariosto writes the poem Orlando Furioso, which popularizes the hippogriff. 1500 European sailors begin describing sea hogs, creatures with the tail of a sh but the front legs, head, and tusks of a hog. 1500 European writers report that the bones of a giant, Druon Antigoon, who stood 18 feet tall, lie in the castle at Antwerp, Belgium; the bones are later proved to be those of a whale. 1578 The nine-foot-three man, John Middleton, known as The Childe of Hale, was born in England. 1700s Kafr tribesmen produce faux unicorns from cattle. 1730s, late Vampire hunts, which lead to prosecution of citizens for grave desecration, are carried out on the Croatian island of Lastovo. 1735 Date cursed child was said to have been born in New Jersey, believed to be the origin of the Jersey Devil legend. 1789 A pair of tatzelwurms give a man in the Swiss Alps a heart attack and began a legend that continues into present times. 1800s, early Nancy Young, a teenager who died of a contagious respiratory disease, is exhumed after burial and becomes known as the Vampire of Foster, Rhode Island. 18001850 Washington eagle, now extinct, is sighted across the United States by observers, including John James Audubon. 1819 John Polidori writes pioneer vampire novel, The Vampyre. 1847 Novel Varney the Vampire, written as 220 short serial stories, is published. 1869 In Cardiff, New York, the carved stone hoax called the Cardiff giant is discovered in a farmers eld and presented to the world as a petried giant. 1886 The Tombstone Epitaph publishes a story, but no photo, about two ranchers who shot a pterodactyl-like bird.

Timeline 107 1897 Landmark vampire novel, Bram Stokers Dracula, is published. 1900s, early The Black Dog of Ardura appears on the Island of Mull in the Hebrides. 1909 Dozens of witnesses in Pennsylvania and New Jersey report seeing a ram-headed, screaming, hoofed, ying creature dubbed the Jersey Devil. 1912 Westerners rst learn of the Komodo dragon in Indonesia. 1918 American giant Robert Wadlow, who stood eight-foot-elevenand-one-half, is born in Alton, Illinois. 1920s The kongamato, a large, leathery-winged, ying creature, is reported in Zambia and Rhodesia. 1922 King Tutankhamens tomb is opened in Egypt, and resulting disasters suggest the mummys curse. 1928 Fantasy/horror writer H.P. Lovecraft publishes The Call of Cthulhu about a giant, squid-like alien that came to earth in prehistoric times; Cthulhu has now reached mythic status among some Lovecraft fans. 1932 Hollywood lm The Mummy helps turn ancient Egyptian mummies from funeral relics to horric monsters. 1933 Dr. W. Franklin Dove at the University of Maine produces a calf unicorn by means of a tissue graft. 1938 The movie The Wizard of Oz puts vivid images of ying monkeys, a type of chimera, into the public imagination. 1939 Norwegian folk tale is told of a contemporary farmer who used a magic wolf skin to turn into a wolf. 1961 Mermaid sighting is reported in the Irish Seas Isle of Man. 19661967 Mothman terrorizes inhabitants of Mount Pleasant, West Virginia. 1970s The role-playing fantasy game Dungeons and Dragons popularizes dragons, trolls, demons, and other mythical monsters of the past.



1976 Texas man Armando Grimaldo claimed to have almost been carried off by a man-sized, leathery-winged creature. 1980 A couple named Ravenheart-Zell release a photo of a white unicorn goat created using tissue grafts. 1980s1990s The animated childrens cartoon My Pretty Pony features two unicorns. 1991 The newspaper article The Beast of Bray Road breaks news of a local werewolf in The Week, a Walworth County, Wisconsin, newspaper based in Delavan. 1993 Aswang Productions releases a lm, The Aswang, about a Philippine vampire of folk legend. 1995 The Puerto Rican chupacabras, or goat-sucker, comes to worldwide attention after many sightings and reports of animals drained of blood. 1997 University of Massachusetts research team successfully grafts cow cartilage resembling a human ear onto the back of a mouse. 20022004 California man, John, reports three visitations by a phantom black hound, each at a time when his life was in jeopardy. 2003 Chinese team combines human cells with rabbit eggs to create a human/animal chimera. 2004 Man and wife claim to see Washington eagle on the Mississippi River near Stillwater, Minnesota. 2004 Minnesotas Mayo Clinic produces pigs with human blood; Ocean University of China combines two tropical sh species into one chimera. 2005 New Yorker Stuart Newmans request for a human/ape hybrid patent is rejected. 2006 Two Wisconsin men see a humanoid with bat wings dive at their truck near LaCrosse, Wisconsin. 2006 A two-headed turtle is found in an animal market of the Chinese city of Qingdao.

Timeline 109 2007 University of Nevada professor produces a sheep with enough human organs growing inside of it to be pronounced 15 percent human. 2007 A pet bearded dragon named Zak-n-Wheezie is born in California with two heads. 2008 A pet bearded dragon with two heads is born in Kernersville, North Carolina. 2008 Catholic bishops in the British Isles demand right-to-life for human/animal chimera embryos.

I NTRODUCTION 1. Janet Cave, ed., Mysteries of the Unknown: Mysterious Creatures (Alexandria, Va: Time-Life books, 1988), 7. 2. Veronica Ions, Indian Mythology (London, England: Drury House, 1967). CHAPTER 1 1. David Adams Leeming, The Chimera, In Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide (New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1988), 59. 2. Ibid.,108. 3. Maryann Mott, Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy, National Geographic News, http:// pf/62295276.html (Posted January 25, 2005). 4. Claudia Joseph, Now Scientists Create a Sheep thats 15% Human, Daily Mail, http://www. html?in_article_id=444436&in_ page_id=1770 (Posted March 24, 2007). 5. Karen Macklin, Clone Home: Jellysh DNA in a Rabbit? Its science; its art; its Gene(sis) at the Berkeley Art Museum, SF Weekly, html (Posted September 3, 2003). 6. Casey Sorrow, Patent attempted for human and ape lab chimeras, Monkeys in the News, http://monkey patent-attempted-for-human-andape-lab.html (Posted February 14, 2005). 7. Jonathan Petre, Chimera embryos have right to life, say bishops, Telegraph News, http://www.telegraph. Chimera-embryos-have-right-tolife%2C-say-bishops.html (Posted June 19, 2008). 8. Donald B. Redford, ed., The Oxford Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology (New York: Berkley Books, 2003), 117. CHAPTER 2 1. Theony Condos, Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans: A Source Book (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Phanes Press, 1997), 154. 2. David Bellingham, An Introduction to Celtic Mythology (Edison, N.J.: Chartwell Books, 2002), 59. 3., http://www. (Downloaded November 12, 2008).


Endnotes 111
4. Norma Gaffron, Unicorns: Great Mysteries, Opposing Viewpoints (San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 1989), 71. 5. Ibid., 44. 6. Peter Costello, The Magic Zoo, the Natural History of Fabulous Animals (New York: St. Martins Press, 1979), 97. 7. Costello, 99. 8. Jan Bonderson, The Two-headed Boy and Other Medical Marvels (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2004), 137. 9. C.J.S. Thompson, The Mystery and Lore of Monsters (New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1968), 62. 10. Ibid. 11. D.J. Conway, Magickal Mystical Creatures (Woodbury, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications, 2005), 48. 12. Reimund Kvideland and Henning K. Sehmsdorf, eds., Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend (Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota, 1988), 90. 13. Costello, 164165. CHAPTER 3 1. Linda S. Godfrey, Strange Wisconsin: More Badger State Weirdness (Madison, Wis.: Trails Books, 2007), 5254. 2. D.J. Conway, Magical Mystical Creatures (Woodbury, Minn.: Lewellyn Publications, 2005), 87. 3. Ibid. 4. Malcolm South, ed., Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Resource Guide (New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1988), 148. 5. Paul Murgatroyd, Mythical Monsters in Classical Literature (London, England: Gerald Duckworth & Co., 2007), 44. 6. Sam D. Gill and Irene F. Sullivan, Dictionary of Native American Mythology (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), 303. 7. Troy Taylor, Weird Illinois: Your Travel Guide to Illinois Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets (New York: Sterling Publishing, 2005), 8889. 8. South, 59. 9. Ibid., 85. 10. Costello, 74. 11. Ibid., 79. 12. Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran, Weird New Jersey: Your Travel Guide to New Jerseys Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets, (New York: Barnes & Noble, 2003), 104105. 13. Land of the Devil, Something Follows Campers in Sussex County, Land of the Devil Web site, http://www.landofthedevil. com/Subtopics/Sightings/sighting3. html (Posted August 20, 2007). 14. Hoag Levins, Halloween Crossed with History, Historic Camden County, http:// ccnews18.shtml (Posted on October 29, 2001). 15. Loren Coleman, Mothman and Other Curious Encounters (New York: Paraview Press, 2002), 38. 16. Scott Maruna, Substantiating Audubons Washington Eagle, Biofort Blog, http://biofort. substantiating-audubonswashington.html (Posted October 14, 2006).



17. Scott Maruna, Witness Claims a Washington Eagle Sighting, Biofort Blog, http://biofort. (Posted October 23, 2006). 18. Colin Bord and Janet Bord, Creatures from Elsewhere (London, England: Orbis Publishing, 1984), 24. 19. Bernard Heuvelmans, Lingering Pterodactyls, Part One, trans. Chorvinsky, Strange Magazine 6 (1990): 8. 20. Karl P. N. Shuker, The Search for the Thunderbird Photo, Strange Magazine 20 (December 1998): 4445. 21. Ibid. CHAPTER 4 1. Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, http://www.ars. rc1001.htm (Accessed February 19, 2008). 2. Janie McHugh, Legend of the Goatman still lives on in Bowie and around the world, The Bowie Blade-News, http://www. blade/2007/10/18-35 (Posted October 18, 2007). 3. Matt Lake, Weird Maryland, Your Travel Guide to Marylands Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets (New York: Sterling Publishing, 2006), 7779. 4. Patricia Dale-Green, Lore of the Dog (Boston: Houghton Mifin Co., 1967), 5.

5. Dora-Jane Hamblin, The First Cities (New York: Time-Life Books, 1973), 43. 6. Malcolm South, ed., Mythical and Fabulous Creatures (New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1987), 354. 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid., 225226. 9. Ibid., 134. 10. Costello, 35. 11. Ibid., 37. 12. Ibid., 38. 13. Devil, Funk & Wagnalls New Encylopedia, Vol. 7 (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Inc., 1979), 452. 14. Ibid., 453. 15. Ronan Coghlan, A Dictionary of Cryptozoology (Bangor, Northern Ireland: Xiphos Books, 2004), 160. 16. Richard Ellis, Monsters of the Sea (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994), 109. CHAPTER 5 1. Marc Alexander, The Sutton Companion to British Folklore, Myths and Legends (Gloucestershire, United Kingdom: Sutton Publishing, 2005), 300. 2. Carol Rose, Giants, Monsters and Dragons (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 2001), 360. 3. Charles Gould, Mythical Monsters (Detroit, Mich.: Singing Tree Press, reissue 1969), 219. 4. Ibid., 399. 5. Tatzelwurm, Unknown Explorers Online Resources, http://www.unknownexplorers. com/tatzelwurm.php (Accessed September 4, 2008).

Endnotes 113
6. Rose, 346. 7. Costello, 126. 8. Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, trans. John Bostock and H.T. Riley, Esq. (London, England: Taylor and Francis, 1855), chap. 20. Also available online at http://www. jsp?doc=Perseus:text:1999.02.0137: book=29:chapter=20&highlight=r emedies%2Cdragon (Downloaded September 9, 2008). 9. South, 38. 10. Ibid., 122. CHAPTER 6 1. Rose, 250. 2. Sam D. Gill and Irene F. Sullivan, Dictionary of Native American Mythology (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), 192. 3. Rose, 250. 4. Betty Sodders, Michigan Prehistory Mysteries (Au Train, Mich.: Avery Color Studios, 1990), 66. 5. H.A. Guerber, The Book of the Epic, authors-eng/h-a-guerber/the-bookof-the-epic-8-3/page-19-the-bookof-the-epic-8-3.shtml (Downloaded September 11, 2008). 6. Rose, 235. 7. John Bailey and Rose Quigley, Nellie Longarms Will Get You if You Dont Watch Out (Nantwich, U.K.: Quayside Creative, 2007). 8. H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu. Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Vol. 1, ed. August Derleth (New York: Ballantine Books, 1969), 29. 9. Joyce Carol Oates, ed., Tales of H.P. Lovecraft (New York: The Ecco Press, 2000), XIV. C HAPTER 7 1. J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (New York: Scholastic Press, 1998). 2. Diana Marcum, Leapin Lizards! Valley couples two-headed oddity of nature truly is one in a million believe it or not, The Fresno Bee, http://www.fresnobee. com/907/story/699961.html (Posted June 29, 2008). 3. Sean Markey, Photo in the News: Two-Headed Turtle Found in China, National Geographic News, 060317_two_headed.html (Posted September 3, 2008). 4. World Culture Encyclopedia, Mountain Arapesh: Religion and Expressive Culture, Every Culture, http://www.everyculture. com/Oceania/Mountain-ArapeshReligion-and-Expressive-Culture. html (Downloaded September 27, 2008). 5. Ronan Coghlan, A Dictionary of Cryptozoology (Bangor, Northern Ireland: Xiphos Books, 2004), 239. 6. Rose, 9. CHAPTER 8 1. Gill, 345. 2. Jim Miles, Pygmies and Giants, FATE Magazine (March 1985): 38. 3. Ruben De Somer, Real Giants in the Low Countries? FATE Magazine (January 2004): 2227.



4. The NIV Study Bible, Genesis 6:4, (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1985), 14. 5. Rose, 286. 6. Rachel Cotterell and Arthur Storm, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology (London: Anness Publishing, 2006), 306307. 7. The NIV Study Bible, 401. 8. South, 302. 9. C.J.S. Thompson, The Mystery and Lore of Monsters (New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1968), 143. 10. David M. Jones and Brian L. Molyneaux, Mythology of the American Nations (London, England: Anness Publishing, 2006), 110. 11. South, 204. 12. Alex Boese, Cardiff Giant, Museum of Hoaxes, http://www. museumofho Hoaxipedia/Cardiff_Giant/ (Downloaded October 2, 2008). CHAPTER 9 1. Donald B. Redford, ed., The Oxford Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology (New York: Berkley Books, 2003), 21. 2. Patricia Dale-Green, Lore of the Dog (Boston: Houghton Mifin, 1967), 5051.

3. Ibid., 55. 4. Reimund Kvideland and Henning K. Sehmsdorf, eds., Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend (Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1988), 78. 5. Linda S. Godfrey, The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsins Werewolf (Madison, Wis.: Trails Books, 2003). 6. Linda S. Godfrey, Hunting the American Werewolf (Madison, Wis.: Trails Books, 2006). 7. Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters (New York: Checkmark Books, 2005), 334. 8. Ibid., 176. 9. Neil Arnold, Monster: The A-Z of Zooform Phenomena (North Devon, U.K.: CFZ Publishing, 2007), 151-156. 10. Ron Laytner, The Mummy Makers, Edit International, http:// www.editinternationa php?id=47ddcf51d5a3e (Downloaded October 17, 2008).


A double-headed eagle in the lore of the Yakut people of Siberia that was known for creating light

A ILLEN TRECHENN A three-headed Irish monster that inhabited an ancient burial mound and attacked humans on Celtic holidays

A name for unicorn horn, especially in Europes Middle Ages, when ground into a medicinal powder, and now believed to have been produced from the spiral horn of a narwhal

A NUBIS An Egyptian god of the underworld with a human body and the head of a jackal, considered the patron god of embalmers

A Philippine vampire that looks either like a ying head or old woman that vampirizes unborn children with a very long tongue

ATARGATIS A mermaid goddess worshipped by ancient Syrians and Philistines at least up to the end of the rst century bce ATLAS A Greek giant, son of one of the Titans, known for his job of supporting the sky on his shoulders

A creature part serpent and part rooster, also known in medieval Europe as a cockatrice, and said to kill or turn to stone anything it breathed upon; could be defeated by its own reection in a mirror

B EAST OF B RAY ROAD A nickname for the upright, man-sized, wolf-headed creature rst publicly reported in the vicinity of Bray Road outside of Elkhorn, Wisconsin B ELLEROPHON Greek hero who defeated the Chimera with the help of Pegasus





Norse warriors who donned the skins of wolves or bears to appear fearsome in battle and to magically take on bear-like or wolf-like characteristics, and who, according to legend, could also transform into the animals whose skins they wore


An illustrated book of known and mythical beasts, their lore, and moral signicance and status, popular in the Middle Ages A creature with two heads


B LACK D OG OF A RDURA A phantom dog that has appeared on the island of Mull in the Inner Hebrides since the early 1900s B LACK SHUCK (B LACK SHUG) In the British Isles, localized names for hellhounds, phantom black dogs that appear at times of death or peril

Referring to or related to cattle


A creature of Greek and Roman mythology with a human head and torso growing out of the four-legged body of a bull

B UNYAN, PAUL Mythological giant of North American lumber camps, known for humorous stories of exaggerated feats C ACUS In Greek and Roman mythology, a huge creature with a body like a spider, three human heads branching from one long neck, and long, thick legs C ARDIFF GIANT A hoax perpetrated in New York state in 1869 involving a 10-foot stone carving of a human gure, intended to ridicule belief in giants of the Bible

A creature of Greek and Roman mythology with a human head and torso growing out of the four-legged body of a horse Also known as the yale, a spotted horse-like animal with a goat head and elephant tail, described by Romans but still popular in medieval times and believed to be able to rotate its two horns in battle


CERBERUS In Greek and Roman mythology, a giant dog with three or more heads who stood guard at the entrance to the underworld, or Hades

A esh-eating, man-bird creature of East African tradition, unusual in that it is portrayed with nine sets of buttocks

Glossary 117 Originally a Greek monster that combined parts of a lion, a goat, and a serpents tail, but the word now also means any fantastic animal, especially those made up of more than one type of animal; in science, it denotes an animal containing DNA from more than one individual


CHIRON A learned centaur, half man and half horse, in Greek mythology who was considered a benevolent teacher of many heroes and scholars

A ying, three-clawed, spiny-backed creature whose name means goat-sucker in Spanish, seen in Puerto Rico and much of the Americas and known for draining the blood of farm animals See basilisk An ancient dog-headed tribe of Ireland



CTHULHU A vast, alien creature with a squid-like, tentacled head; a dragon body; and immense, bat-like wings invented as part of the Old Ones race by early twentieth century horror ction writer H.P. Lovecraft, and now possessed of its own mythology and cult following

Grown from skin cells, as in the cutaneous facial horn of the French woman, Madame DiManche

CYCLOPES (CYCLOPS) In Greek and Roman mythology, one-eyed gigantic beings who helped Zeus and were originally creative and benevolent but who degenerated to eat human esh

Dog-headed humans thought by explorer Marco Polo and Greek writer Ctsias to exist near India A being of supreme evil of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths, also known as Satan, usually shown as a red-skinned man with the horns, legs, and hooves of a goat


D RACULA A word meaning devil that was a nickname of the bloodthirsty fteenth century Wallachian prince, Vlad Tepes, and also the name of the Transylvanian count in author Bram Stokers 1897 novel of the same name



D RAGON H ILL Also Ufngton Hill, a mound located near Berkshire, England, that bears a 365-foot prehistoric or Celtic gure that resembles a dragon or a galloping horse

Greek dragons, one of whose teeth provided warriors for the hero Cadmus when planted, and another that had to be defeated by the hero Jason in his quest for the golden eece

D RUON A NTIGOON A legendary giant of Antwerp, Belgium, thought to be 18 feet tall and who maimed those who would not pay a fee to cross the nearby river ECHIDNE OR ECHIDNA A cave-dwelling female monster in Greek mythology with a womans upper body but whose lower half was a serpent

A vicious form of Scottish waterhorse (shape-shifter) that devoured its victims after luring them into a pond and drowning them

ENKIDU A half man, half beast creature usually shown with the fur and horns of a bull, who fought and then befriended the hero Gilgamesh in a Mesopotamian epic of about 2000 bce

(FAUNI, PL .) The goatman offspring of the Roman god of rural land, Faunus, known to sneak into bedrooms at night to induce nightmares Animals of a certain place or time


FAUNUS The Roman god of rural land and agriculture, usually shown as a goatman

A Chinese version of the rebird or phoenix, a great holy bird with ame-colored feathers, associated with the sun

GANESHA A Hindu deity with the pot-bellied body of a man and the head of an elephant

A grotesque creature such as a winged chimera carved onto a waterspout, best known from medieval European cathedrals and intended to scare away evil spirits

GARUDA A Hindu god of India, shown as a great, eagle-like bird or half-bird, half-human; known as The Devourer, he was the enemy of the serpents called Nagas

Glossary 119 In Greek mythology, mortal giants with snake tails who battled the gods of Olympus and Zeus but were defeated by Heracles A medical condition caused when the pituitary gland overproduces growth hormone, resulting in stature much taller than normal human height The hero of a Mesopotamian epic from about 2000 bce




The Goatman of Prince Georges County, a half-man, half-goat creature of the rural areas of Virginia, north of Washington, D.C., that was created by government genetic experiments and roams the area, preying on livestock and pets

GOLD -M AKER A great bird of India that could make gold by mixing its droppings with sand GOLIATH A giant in the Old Testament of the Bible who was a champion of the Philistine army and was defeated by the future king, David, who wielded only a stone and slingshot GORGON One of three monster sisters, sometimes shown with wings, whose giant teeth and serpents-for-hair turned onlookers to stone in Greek and Roman mythology

(GRYPHON ) A combination of an eagles head and wings with the body of a lion, known in Greek legend as a guardian of gold treasure and often used in European coats of arms


A Greek and Roman monster with the head of a pig, a man-like body, and a second, human face set into its stomach that according to Greek legend was created by a sorceress named Circe Another name for hellhound in the British Isles


H ANUMAN In Hindu mythology of India, a giant, inquisitive monkey who demonstrates extreme loyalty to the god Rama but also may represent greed

Monsters with the head and upper torso of a woman but wings and legs of a large bird, known for snatching away enemies of the Greek gods


A phantom dog, usually black, that often appears at times of death or sickness, especially in church yards and crossroads




A creature of Greek mythology with the foreparts of a horse and rear quarters like a sea serpents tail, used to pull Poseidons chariot A variation of the grifn, with an eagles wings and head, a lions forequarters and a horses rear quarters, derived mainly from European tales and poems of the Middle Ages


HYDRA A dragon-like creature of Greek and Roman mythology with up to 1,000 heads, one of which was immortal; the rest had the power to grow two replacements if severed

A creature of Greek mythology that was half horse, half

sh J ERSEY D EVIL A legendary creature of the New Jersey Pine Barrens with sightings claimed from 1735 to present, said to resemble a kangaroo with fangs, leathery wings, and hooves on its hind feet J ORMUNGAND In Norse mythology, a serpent-monster, sired by the gods Loki and Angrboda, that grew large enough to encircle the earth and would eventually play a part in Ragnarok, the nal battle that ends the world

A unicorn of Arabian legend that resembled an antelope and bore a single, curved horn


A unicorn-like Chinese creature that resembled a bull with a single curved horn, dating from at least the Ming Dynasty circa the late 1300s-1600s ce

KOMODO DRAGON A carnivorous monitor lizard that is native to Indonesia and may reach lengths of 12 feet or more

A large, leathery-winged ying creature of Zambia and Rhodesia that resembled a pteranodon; reported in the 1920s, it was described as red-skinned, with a wingspan of four to seven feet

L AMBTON WORM A serpent-like dragon that terrorized the Northumbria region of England around 1100 ce L AMIA In Greek mythology, the goddess consort of Zeus who became a demonic type of vampire especially known for sucking the blood of infants after Hera, wife of Zeus, killed Lamias children

Glossary 121 L ILITH In Hebrew mythology, the rst wife of Adam who became a winged demon and preyed like a vampire on newborn babies

A class of Chinese dragons with scales, four legs, and very long tails, who guarded the waters of the earth


(LYCANS) People who believe that they transform into wolves and take on many of the wolfs characteristics A man-sized, furry creature with a bat-like wingspread of 10 feet, sighted by witnesses near LaCrosse, Wisconsin, in 2006 A creature that is part man, part animal



A at-bodied, tentacled, many-eyed sea creature of Chilean folklore


A sphinx-like fantasy creature of medieval times with a lions body, human head, wings, and a tail that shot barbed stingers

M ARES OF D IOMEDES In Greek mythology, four giant, man-eating mares who belonged to the giant Diomedes and were tamed when the hero Heracles fed them the giants esh M EDUSA One of the Greek Gorgons, who were three sisters with snakes for hair, giant fangs, and a gaze that turned people to stone

Creatures with human heads and torsos but having sh tails instead of legs, in legends dating back to the earliest civilizations

M INOTAUR A Greek creature half man and half bull that lived in the middle of a giant maze called the Labyrinth on the island of Crete until slain by the hero Theseus

The water lynx, a horned, long-tailed, cat-like creature believed by the Ojibwe and Menominee (Ho Chunk) people to guard underground springs and to war with the thunderbirds

M ISIGANEBIC A green, serpent-like creature believed by some Native American tribes to live at the bottom of North American lakes, and whose job it is to keep the lakes clean M ISIKINIPIK A serpent-like being of immeasurable size, believed by Cree nations to prowl beneath earth and sea




A sh whose cape-like torso and bald crown, claimed sailors of the Middle Ages, resembled those of a Roman Catholic monk

M OSHIRIIKKWECHEP The Japanese giant trout who could hold the world on its back and must be perpetually restrained in sea mud to prevent its causing earthquakes M OTHMAN A human-sized, winged creature with large red eyes and no visible neck seen by hundreds of people around Point Pleasant, Virginia, in the 1960s

A type of crude oil that bubbled to the surface in parts of Europe and was widely prized as a medicine in the Middle Ages and beyond


(MUMMIES) A corpse preserved in its entirety by means of chemicals, freezing, or lack of exposure to moisture or air

M USPEL (SURT) Norse re giant destined to burn all living creatures at the end of the world

A type of salt used in Egyptian mummication of human and animal bodies

N ELLIE LONGARMS In contemporary British folklore, an inland water hag with green teeth and seaweed-like hair, used as a bogeygure to warn children away from dangerous ponds N EPHILIM In Hebrew, the fallen ones, thought to be people of large stature who lived before the great ood OANNES A Babylonian god who came from the sea to bring the knowledge of architecture, agriculture, writing, and other gifts of civilization, described as part man and part sh O G (PALET) A giant of Hebrew legend said to have survived the great ood either because of his height or by riding atop Noahs ark; also connected with the King of Bashan in the Old Testament

A malicious giant, often the villain of fairy tales, and usually malformed, brutish, and an eater of human esh


A Chinese demon from the Buddhist tradition, with either the head of a horse or an ox, horned, and giant in size, possibly having three eyes

Glossary 123 PALET See Og.

PAN The Greek god of nature who resembled satyrs or goatmen, and was famed for his musical talent for playing utes PAN KU A giant Chinese man-god whose body became that countrys ve sacred mountains PAZUZU A winged demon-god of ancient Assyria, with a canine face and as many as four wings PEGASUS In Greek mythology, a great winged horse whose father was the sea god Poseidon and whose mother was the Gorgon monster, Medusa

A giant bird symbolizing rebirth due to its ability to selfimmolate at the end of its life, then rise anew from its own ashes A giant bird monster painted by the Illiniwek people on a cliff near Alton, Illinois, as a winged, claw-footed creature with antlers, huge fangs, and a long, skinny tail, and believed to eat human esh A creature with more than one head



POLYPHEMUS One of the better known Cyclopes of Greek mythology who lost his one eye to Odysseus as the hero rescued his men from Polyphemus cave

(PHOUKA) The Irish version of the Scottish waterhorse, or aquatic shape-shifter, whose appearance was a bad omen


A genus of toothless ying reptiles of the late Cretaceous period, that shed by skimming the ocean waves and with a wingspan of 23-30 feet. The rst pteranodon fossils, distinguished by their bony head crests, were found in Kansas


A term that includes all short-tailed, ying reptiles such as the genus pteranodon

R ATU M AI B ULU A huge serpent god from the Fiji Island area who could raise the sea oor to create new islands R IGI A Micronesian giant whose upper body became the Milky Way and from whose legs all the worms of the ground were made




A great bird that gures in the Arabian tales of Sinbad the Sailor and is best known for its strength, which enabled it to carry off elephants

ST. CHRISTOPHER A martyr of the Christian church from around 300 bce, often shown with the head of a dog in religious art

Greek goat-man spirits of the forest, known for drinking and revelry An animal that resembles reptiles such as lizards, crocodiles, or dinosaurs



A two-legged, winged dragon described in medieval European bestiaries, whose beautiful skin mesmerized its victims

SCYLLA In Greek and Roman mythology, a female sea monster, once a beautiful water nymph, who lived in a cave in the Straits of Messina and who devoured sailors from passing ships

(SEA WOLF) Aquatic creature of off-shore British Columbia with a canine-like head, long neck, and sometimes wings, thought by some to be mistaken sightings of leopard seals A mythical creature of about 1500 ce said by European sailors to possess the front quarters of a tusked hog and the hindquarters of a sh, later applied to porpoises taken at sea for meat



In the Roman poet Virgils epic poem The Aenid, two huge, serpentine creatures who rose up out of the sea to swallow the lone critic of the Trojan horse


An Egyptian mythical creature with a falcon head, a snake-like neck, the body of a leopard, and wings

SESHA (A NANTA SESHA , SHESHA) The great, multiheaded world serpent of the Hindu faith, supposed to lie coiled on the ocean bottom until its heads release their venom at the end of the world

A Greek woman-bird, sometimes bearded, feared for the ability to lure men to their deaths with their sweet song; the name later also referred to mermaids with the same skill

SLEIPNIR In Norse mythology, an eight-legged horse ridden by the god, Odin

Glossary 125 A creature combining the head of a woman, body of a lion, and wings of a bird, whose name is from a word meaning strangler; its form is depicted in the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt See Tatzelwurm



STYMPHALIAN BIRD Greek birds that could shoot feathers like arrows, defeated by the hero Hercules SUMMUM CORPORATION A company based in Salt Lake City, Utah, that has patented a modern process of human mummication SURT See Muspel TALOS A bronze giant who guarded the island of Crete and killed people by superheating himself, then hugging them

A creature of the Swiss Alps also known as the stollenwurm, sighted from the late 1700s to present, and having a long-tailed, lizard-like body but a cat-like face

THRACIAN Belonging to the ancient kingdom of Thrace that included parts of present day Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria

A gigantic bird, either real or in the spirit realm, held sacred by many North American indigenous peoples and believed to be able to make thunder and lightning and cause storms

TI LUNG One of the Chinese lung, or dragons, who was given the special task of overseeing springs and owing waters TIAMAT The cosmic dragon of Sumeria and Babylonia, formed from seawater, who with the god Apsu became the mother of many monstrous creatures and eventually the earth, sky, and riverways TITANS Greek giants whose father was Uranus and mother was Gaia, and who later helped Uranus struggle against Zeus TLALTECUHTLI A giant goddess of the Aztecs who was torn in half to become the earth and sky TRITONS A Greek race of mermaids and mermen named after Triton, son of the sea king, Poseidon TURSUS A Finnish folk monster with a walrus head, human torso, muscular hindquarters, and a sh-like tail, credited with helping grow the rst oak tree



TWO FACES A creature of Sioux lore said to be a hairy giant with two faces and massive ears that could digest humans TYPHON A 100-headed dragon of Greek and Roman mythology, so large that he was able to cause volcanoes after one of the gods threw a mountain on top of him, and the father of monsters such as Cerberus and the Chimera U LLIKUMMI A Hittite giant made of diorite stone U PELLURI Hittite giant who lived in the sea and was used as a support stand by another god to hold his growing offspring

A creature that lives by draining blood or life force from other beings, often a spirit of the dead that leaves its grave to subsist off the living

VAMPIRE OF FOSTER A legend created in the 1800s in Foster, Rhode Island, when a 19-year-old dead girl, Nancy Young, was thought to have become a vampire and was exhumed

The preferred spelling of people who consider themselves part of the contemporary vampire subculture

THE VAMPYRE A short novel by British doctor John Polidori that was published in 1819 and set forth many of the contemporary notions about vampires

A term for spirit beings among the Arapesh of New

Guinea WASHINGTON EAGLE A large species of eagle reported by naturalist John James Audubon in the mid-1800s, described as having a 10-foot wingspan and russet-brown color, and thought to be presently extinct

An aquatic shape-shifter of Scotland and Ireland, often appearing as a saddled horse in order to lure the unwary into rivers or ponds so it could drown them Traditionally, a human that transforms into a wolf, either physically or spiritually, usually by shamanic practices or magical means such as incantations or a belt of wolf fur



(WITIKO) A legendary monster of the Algonquian-speaking tribes of the northern United States and Canada, said to be tall as the trees, made partly of ice, and ravenous for human esh

Glossary 127 Also known as the centicore, a spotted horse-like animal with a goat head and elephant tail, described by Romans but still popular in medieval times and believed to be able to rotate its two horns in battle


YMIR Norse frost giant whose esh provided raw materials for the earth

A deity with physical characteristics of an animal, or art depicting animalistic forms

Alexander, Marc. The Sutton Companion to British Folklore, Myths and Legends. Gloucestershire, United Kingdom: Sutton Publishing, 2005. Arnold, Neil. Monster! the AZ of Zooform Phenomena. North Devon, U.K.: CFZ Publishing, 2007. Bellingham, David. An Introduction to Celtic Mythology. Edison, N.J.: Chartwell Books, 2002. Boese, Alex. Cardiff Giant, Museum of Hoaxes. Available online. URL: http:// Downloaded on October 2, 2008. Bondeson, Jan. The Two-headed Boy and Other Medical Marvels. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2004. Cave, Janet, ed. Mysteries of the Unknown: Mysterious Creatures. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1988. Coghlan, Ronan. A Dictionary of Cryptozoology. Bangor, Northern Ireland: Xiphos Books, 2004. Condos, Theony. Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans: A Source Book. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Phanes Press, 1997. Conway, D.J. Magickal Mystical Creatures. Woodbury, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications, 2005. Costello, Peter. The Magic Zoo: the Natural History of Fabulous Animals. New York: St. Martins Press, 1979. Dale-Green, Patricia. Lore of the Dog. Boston: Houghton Mif in Co., 1967. De Somer, Ruben. Real Giants in the Low Countries? FATE Magazine, January 2004. Devil. Funk & Wagnalls New Encylopedia. Vol. 7. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Inc., 1979.


Bibliography 129
Ellis, Richard. Monsters of the Sea. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2006. Gaffron, Norma. Unicorns: Great Mysteries, Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 1989. Gill, Sam D. and Irene F. Sullivan. Dictionary of Native American Mythology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. Godfrey, Linda S. The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsins Werewolf. Madison, Wis.: Trails Books, 2003. Godfrey, Linda S. Hunting the American Werewolf. Madison, Wis.: Trails Books, 2006. Gould, Charles. Mythical Monsters. Whitesh, Mont.: Kessinger Publishing, 2003. Guiley, Rosemary. The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters. New York: Checkmark Books, 2005. Hamblin, Dora-Jane. The First Cities. New York: Time-Life Books, 1973. Heuvelmans, Bernard (Chorvinsky, trans.). Lingering Pterodactyls, Part One. Strange Magazine, no. 6 (1990). Ions, Veronica. Indian Mythology. London, England: Drury House, 1967. Jones, David M. and Brian L. Molyneaux. Mythology of the American Nations. London, England: Anness Publishing, 2006. Joseph, Claudia. Now Scientists Create a Sheep thats 15% Human, Daily Mail. Available online. URL: Accessed on February 19, 2008. Kruszelnicki, Karl S. Mouse with Human Ear, ABC. Available online. URL: Downloaded on May 9, 2008. Kvideland, Reimund, and Henning K. Sehmsdorf, eds. Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota, 1988. Lake, Matt. Weird Maryland, Your Travel Guide to Marylands Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets. New York: Sterling Publishing, 2006. Land of the Devil. Something Follows Campers in Sussex County, Land of the Devil Web site. Available online. URL: Subtopics/Sigthings/sighting3.html. Posted on August 20, 2007. Laytner, Ron. The Mummy Makers, Edit International. Available online. URL: Accessed on October 17, 2008.



Leeming, David Adams. The Chimera. In Mythical and Fabulous Creatures: A Sourcebook and Research Guide. New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1988. Levins, Hoag. Halloween Crossed with History, Historic Camden County. Available online. URL: Posted on October 29, 2001. Levy, Joel. Fabulous Creatures and Other Magical Beings. London, England: Carroll and Brown Publishers, Ltd., 2006. Macklin, Karen. Clone Home: Jellysh DNA in a Rabbit? Its science; its art; its Gene(sis) at the Berkeley Art Museum, SF Weekly. Available online. URL: Posted on September 3, 2003. Marcum, Diana. Leapin Lizards! Valley couples two-headed oddity of nature truly is one in a millionbelieve it or not. The Fresno Bee. Available online. URL: Posted on June 29, 2008. Markey, Sean. Photo in the News: Two-Headed Turtle Found in China, National Geographic News. Available online. URL: http://news.nationalgeographic. com/news/2006/03/0317_060317_two_headed.html. Posted on September 3, 2008. McHugh, Janie. Legend of the Goatman still lives on in Bowie and around the world, The Bowie Blade-News. Available online. URL: http://www. Posted on October 18, 2007. Miles, Jim. Pygmies and Giants. FATE Magazine, March 1985. Mott, Maryann. Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy, National Geographic News. Available online. URL: news/pf/62295276.html. Posted on January 25, 2005. The NIV Study Bible, Genesis 6:4. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1985. Petre, Jonathan. Chimera embryos have right to life, say bishops, Telegraph News. Available online. URL: Chimera-embryos-have-right-to-life%2C-say-bishops.html. Posted on June 19, 2008. Redford, Donald B., ed. The Oxford Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology. New York: Berkley Books, 2003. Rose, Carol. Giants, Monsters and Dragons. New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 2001. Sceurman, Mark and Mark Moran. Weird New Jersey: Your Travel Guide to New Jerseys Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2003.

Bibliography 131
Shuker, Karl P. N. The Search for the Thunderbird Photo. Strange Magazine, no. 20, (December 1998). Sorrow, Casey. Patent attempted for human and ape lab chimeras, Monkeys in the News. Available online. URL: http://monkeydaynews.blogspot. com/2005/02/patent-attempted-for-human-and-ape-lab.html. Posted on February 14, 2005. South, Malcolm, ed. Mythical and Fabulous Creatures. New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1987. Thompson, C.J.S. The Mystery and Lore of Monsters. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1968.

Further Resources
American Folklore A wide sampling of mythic creatures and stories from a variety of American cultures, including Native American, African American, Cajun, French Canadian, Scandinavian, and Spanish American. Encyclopedia Mythica A vast, encyclopedic resource on mythology and folklore with images, denitions and stories from six geographical regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania. Greek Mythology Stories and lore on Greek gods, heroes, places, and fabulous creatures, with links to full-text online books such as Bullnchs Mythology and volumes by ancient Greek and Roman authors Homer, Euripides, Sophocles, and others. Land of the Devil A large Web site devoted to the lore of the legendary Jersey Devil, from the original history to new sightings and updates.


Further Resources 133

Arnold, Neil. Monster! The A-Z of Zooform Phenomena. North Devon, England: CFZ Press, 2007. A dictionary-style compendium of cryptozoological or mystery animals and fabled creatures of legend from around the world, from the Romanian bogeyman called the Bau Bau to a beast called Sheepsquatch. The book is sparsely illustrated in black and white but very far ranging in subject matter. Cotterell, Rachel and Arthur Storm. The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology. London: Anness Publishing, 2006. An oversized, coffee-table book featuring a comprehensive, lavishly illustrated cache of mythological lore from Eastern and Western ancient civilizations, enhanced by insightful sidebars. Keel, John A. The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2002. A probing inspection of contemporary mythic beings and cryptozoological creatures such as demon dogs, giants, Bigfoot, Man Birds, Mothman, and sea serpents by one of the most respected authorities on strange phenomena. Levy, Joel. Fabulous Creatures and Other Magical Beings. London, England: Carroll and Brown Publishers, Ltd., 2006. From chimeras to minotaurs, each creature is examined with historical art; photos of live, related animals; and a eldbook report with zoological sketches and a list of main characteristics. This volume was produced in cooperation with the Cryptozoological Society of London.



Rose, Carol. Giants, Monsters and Dragons. New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 2001. A volume of cryptozoological, mythic, or symbolic creatures arranged alphabetically, with entries that describe each creatures appearance, history, and environment.

Age of Mythology game series, Microsoft, 20022004 Choose from a series of video editions or even a board game (2003) in this game that pits heroes against legendary monsters. Players may control armies from Greek, Egyptian, and Norse cultures, each with mythical creatures unique to its civilization. God of War game series, Sony: God of War (2005), God of War II (2007), God of War: Chains of Olympus (2008), God of War III (2009) These Sony Playstation games are based on Greek mythology, starting with a single Spartan warrior ghting creatures such as Medusa, Cyclops, and the Hydra, and progressing to wars between the gods. In-game movies featuring the history of the Titans and other subjects enrich the understanding of the characters.

Clash of the Titans (1981) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, DVD Follow the adventures of the Greek hero Perseus as he tames Pegasus, captures Medusa, and battles the Kraken in this lm.

Further Resources 135 Jason and the Argonauts (1963) Columbia Pictures, DVD The classic tale of Greek mythology featuring encounters with Harpies, the Talos, the Hydra, and other beasts as the heroes pursue the legendary Golden Fleece. The Mothman Prophecies (2002) Lakeshore Entertainment, DVD Starring Richard Gere, this movie is a contemporary interpretation of a series of sightings of a humanoid, winged creature dubbed Mothman that occurred around the West Virginia town of Point Pleasant. The incidents were actually reported in the 1960s. The Mummy (1932) Universal, DVD The eerie tale starring Boris Karloff that helped popularize the idea of Egyptian mummies as supernatural creatures. Ulysses Against the Sons of Hercules (1961) Compagnia Cinematograca Mondiale, DVD Originally released in Italy, this lm tells the story of the Greek heroes who must escape Cyclops, giant bird-men, and other legendary beings. Vampire Secrets (2006) History Channel, DVD This review of vampires from different cultures digs back thousands of years, travels as far as Greece and China, and updates the concept of ancient human blood-drinkers with a look at Bram Stokers endish Dracula and vampires rampant in todays pop culture.

Italic page references indicate illustrations.

Adena culture, 81, 104 Aeneas, 64, 71 The Aeneid (Virgil), 64, 105 Africa, 29, 36, 43 afterlife, 6 Aillen Trechenn, 77, 115 ai tojon, 77, 115 alicorn, 28, 115 Ananta Sesha. See Sesha Andersen, Hans Christian, 52 Anubis, 47, 115 Apsu, 57 Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 7 Arabia, 37 Arapesh people, 77 Ariosto, Ludvico, 39, 106 Aristeas, 39, 105 Assyria, 34, 104 aswang, 98, 108, 115 Atargatis, 50, 105, 115 Athena, 23 Atlas, 88, 115 Audubon, John James, 42, 106 Aztecs, 8485

Belgian folklore, 8182, 106 belief, myth v., 13 Bellerophon, 1516, 23, 24, 25, 115 berserkers, 94, 116 bestiaries, 39, 60, 105, 116 the Bible, 2728, 5051, 82, 83 bicephalic (term), 116 bicephalic dragons, 76 Black Dog of Ardura, 93, 107, 116 Black Shuck, 9193, 116 Bord, Janet and Colin, 43 bovine (term), 116 bovine unicorn, 29 British Columbia, 6667 British Isles, 91, 93, 107. See also England bucentaur, 49, 116 Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 102 bull-men, 4849 bulls, 48 Bunyan, Paul, 88, 116 burial mounds, 81

Cacus, 75, 116 Canada, 63 Cardiff giant, 8889, 106, 116 Catal Hyk, 48, 104 Celts, 48

Babylon, 50, 56, 104 Barnum, P. T., 89 basilisks, 3941, 115 Beast of Bray Road, 95, 108, 115


Index 137
centaurs, 13, 49, 104, 116 centicore, 32, 116 Cerberus, 12, 71, 72, 73, 116 Chaldea, 26 Chaney, Lon, Jr., 94 chemosit, 36, 116 Chile, 65 chimera (ancient), 26, 37, 107 Chimera (daughter of Typhon), 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 105 chimera (genetically-engineered), 1819, 108 chimera (term), 117 China dragon-faced emperor, 104 feng-huang, 37 human/animal chimeras, 18 ki-lin, 26, 27, 105 Pan Ku, 85 Ti Lung, 58 Chiron, 117 Christianity, 50 chupacabras, 98, 99, 108, 117 Circe, 52 coat of arms, 28 cockatrice, 39 Concheannaich, 48, 117 Confucius, 26 Conway, D. J., 34 Costello, Peter, 62 Creatures from Elsewhere (Bord and Bord), 43 Cree people, 63 Ctsias, 4748, 105 Cthulhu, 6667, 68, 107, 117 cutaneous horns, 31, 117 Cyclopes, 86, 117 cynocephali, 4748, 117 devil, 21, 5051, 117 DiManche, Madame, 3031 Diomedes, 24 Dove, W. Franklin, 29, 107 Dracula, 102, 117 Dracula (Stoker), 96, 107 Dragon Hill, 56, 104, 118 dragons, 5562, 57, 59, 109 Drakon (giant python), 5859 drakon (term), 118 Druon Antigoon, 8182, 106, 118 Dungeons and Dragons, 107 Durer, Albrecht, 81

Echidne, 15, 118 ech-ushkya, 31, 118 Edison, Thomas Alva, 7 Egypt basilisk, 3941 mummies, 100, 104, 107 sphinx, 11, 1617, 20, 104 yale, 32 elephant-man, 52, 53 England, 28, 5556, 5960, 6566, 104, 106 Enkidu, 48, 104, 118 Enuma elish, 56

fauna, 37, 118 fauni, 4647, 118 Faunus, 46 feng-huang, 37, 118 Fiji, 70 Finnish folklore, 65, 94 The Firebird (Stravinsky), 37 Fizzy, 26 Fluffy, 72 ying creatures, 3344 Foster, Rhode Island, 97 Foster, Robert, 5152 Fuchs, Hans, 60

Dale-Green, Patricia, 47, 93 Dante Alighieri, 39 Davis, William and Jan, 76



Galaxy, 26 Ganesha, 52, 53, 118 gargoyle, 40, 118 Garuda, 1112, 39, 118 Genesis (biblical book), 82 genetic engineering, 1819, 4546 Genghis Khan, 26 Gere, Richard, 42 Germanic mythology, 32 GFP (green uorescent protein) Bunny, 19 giants, 7989, 106, 119 gigantism, 8485, 119 Gilgamesh, 48, 104, 119 goatman, 4546, 119 Gold-Maker, 39, 119 Goliath, 82, 83, 119 Gorgons, 72, 119 Gould, Charles, 58 grafts, 18, 29 Great Lakes, 6364 Great Sphinx, 11, 17, 1720, 104 Greco-Roman mythology, 13, 105 Chiron, 49 ying creatures, 3436 giants, 86, 88 gryllus, 52 hippocamp, 30 Lamia, 97 monsters, 1516 multi-headed creatures, 7175 Pegasus, 2324 sea snakes, 64 sphinx, 2021 Tritons, 5051 unicorns, 29 Greece, 12, 21 Greek Orthodox Church, 48 grifn/gryphon, 13, 3739, 119 Grimaldo, Armando, 43, 108

gryllus, 52, 105, 119 gyrtrash, 91, 119

Hades, 71 Hanuman, 12, 119 harpies, 12, 34, 119 Harry Potter series (Rowling), 12, 37, 40, 72 heads, multiple, 7177, 108 Helicon, Mount, 23 hellhounds, 9193, 108, 119 Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC), 4546 Heracles (Hercules), 24, 36, 72, 75, 88 Hetepheres II (Egyptian ruler), 20 Heuvelmans, Bernard, 43 Hindu mythology, 1112, 52 hippocamps, 30, 65, 120 Hippocrene, 23 hippogriffs, 12, 39, 106, 120 Hittites, 86 Homer, 24, 35, 105 horns, 28 Horror on Fletchertown Road: the Goatman of Prince Georges County, Maryland (Opsasnick), 46 horses, 2332, 49 Hull, George, 8889 human-animal chimera, 108, 109 human-ape chimera, 19, 108 human-sheep chimera, 1819, 109 Hydra, 7475, 120 hydrippus, 30, 120

Illiniwek people, 36 India cynocephali, 4748 ying creatures, 39 Ganesha, 52, 53 Garuda, 1112

Index 139
rhinoceros and unicorns, 27 Sesha, 69 Ions, Veronica, 11 Ireland, 31, 48, 51, 77 Isle of Man, 51, 107 Israelites, 82 Love, Elizabeth, 31 Lovecraft, H. P., 6667, 107 lung (dragon), 58, 121 lycanthropes, 9495, 121 Lycia, 15

Madagascar, 37, 106 Magical Mystical Creatures (Conway), 34 The Magic Zoo (Costello), 62 The Mahabarata, 52 Maldonado, Madelyne, 98 man bat, 12, 3334, 108, 121 manimals, 47, 121 manta, 65, 121 manticore, 21, 21, 121 Mares of Diomedes, 2425, 121 Medusa, 12, 24, 72, 74, 75, 121 Megapenthes, 23 Melland, Frank, 43 Menominee people, 64 Mre la Corne (Mother Horn), 3031 mermaids/mermen, 13, 4952, 105, 107, 121 Mesopotamia, 21, 48 Meyer, Stephanie, 102 Micronesia, 8586 Middle Ages, 39 Middleton, John, 84, 106 Midgard Serpent (Jormungand), 6970 Minerva, 72, 74 Minotaur, 4849, 121 mishipeshu, 6364, 121 Misiganebic, 63, 121 Misikinipik, 63, 121 Mnemon, 21 Moenjo-Daro, 26, 104 monksh, 69, 122 monsters, 1521 morphing, 95 Moses, 82 Moshiriikkwechep, 70, 122 Mother Horn, 3031

James, William, 7 Japanese folklore, 70 Jason and the Golden Fleece, 59 Jeremiah, 21 Jersey Devil, 4041, 106, 107, 120 Jesus Christ, 28, 39 John (hellhound witness), 9192, 108 Jormungand, 6970, 120

Kac, Eduardo, 19 Kafr tribe, 29, 106 kangaroo, 4041 karkadann, 2627, 120 Kassites, 49, 104 Keel, John, 42 kelpie, 31 ki-lin, 26, 27, 105, 120 Komodo Dragon, 62, 107, 120 kongamato, 43, 107, 120 Kumarbi, 86

LaCrosse Man Bat. See man bat Lambton worm, 5960, 120 Lamia, 97, 120 Lancelot (goat), 29 Lastovo, Croatia, 9798, 106 Leeds, Deborah, 41 Leeming, David Adams, 16 leopard seals, 67 LeVaillant, Franois, 29 Liban (mermaid), 51 Lilith, 97, 121 The Little Mermaid (Andersen), 52 Loki, 32



Mothman, 12, 42, 107, 122 The Mothman Prophecies (lm), 42 Mount Pleasant, West Virginia, 42, 107 movies, 101, 107 multi-headed creatures, 7177, 108 mummeia, 100, 122 mummy(ies), 100101, 104, 107, 122 Muses, 23 Muspel (Surt), 86, 122 Mtter Museum (Philadelphia), 30, 31 My Pretty Pony (animated series), 26, 108 The Mystery and Lore of Monsters (Thompson), 31 myth, belief v., 13 mythical creatures (term), 13 Mythical Monsters (Gould), 58

Opsasnick, Mark, 46 Orlando Furioso (Ariosto), 39, 106 Orpheus, 7172 oryx, 2627

Palet. See Og Pan, 46, 123 Pan Ku, 85, 123 paranormal, 68 Pazuzu, 34, 35, 104, 123 Pegasus, 1516, 2324, 25, 123 Perseus, 23, 74 Philippines, 98 phoenix, 37, 38, 123 piasa, 36, 123 Plato, 7 Pliny the Elder, 29, 32, 5051, 61, 105 Plutarch, 52, 105 Polidori, John, 96, 106 Polo, Marco, 37, 48, 106 polycephalic (term), 123 polycephalic dragons, 76 Polyphemus, 86, 123 poodles, 93 pooka / phouka, 31, 123 Poseidon, 24, 50, 65 precognition, 8 Prince Georges County, Maryland, 4546 pteranodon, 43, 123 pterosaur, 43, 123 Puerto Rico, 98, 108

narwhal, 28, 105 Native Americans, 36, 6364, 77, 7981 natron, 100, 122 The Necronomicon, 67 Nellie Longarms, 6566, 122 Nephilim, 82, 122 Newman, Stuart, 19, 108 Newton, Isaac, 7 Noahs ark, 28 Norse mythology, 6970, 86, 94 North America, 63

Oannes, 50, 122 Oates, Joyce Carol, 67 Odin, 32 Odysseus, 86 The Odyssey (Homer), 35, 105 Oedipus, 2021 Og (Palet), 82, 122 ogres, 88, 122 Ojibwe people, 64 Olympus, Mount, 24 oni, 3031, 122

Ra, Corky, 101 Ratu Mai Bulu, 70, 123 Ravenheart-Zell, Diane and Timothy, 29, 108 Renaissance, 16 rhinoceros, 27 Rice, Anne, 102 Rigi, 8586, 123

Index 141
Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, 29, 85 roc, 37, 106, 124 Roman Catholic Church, 48 Roman mythology. See Greco-Roman mythology Rowling, J. K., 12, 37 Rubens, Peter Paul, 16 Russell, John, 36 sphinx, 11, 1617, 2021, 104, 125 Stoker, Bram, 96, 107 stollenwurm. See tatzelwurm Stravinsky, Igor, 37 Strompdal, Knut, 94 Stymphalian bird, 36, 125 Sumeria, 20, 56 Summum Corporation, 101, 125 Surt. See Muspel Switzerland, 60, 106

Sagan, Carl, 61 St. Christopher, 48, 105, 124 St. George and the dragon, 5556, 104, 105 Sanderson, Ivan, 44 Sanskrit, 8283 Satan, 5051 satyrs, 46, 47, 124 saurian, 62, 124 scitalis, 60, 105, 124 Scotland, 31, 105 Scylla, 74, 124 sea creatures, 6370 sea dog/sea wolf, 6667, 124 sea hags, 6566 sea hogs, 68, 106, 124 seahorses, 65 sea snakes, 6465, 124 serpopard, 20, 124 Sesame Street, 102 Sesha, 69, 124 shape-shifter, 31, 32 Shipley, Sir Arthur, 32 Shiva, 52 Shuker, Karl, 44 Siberia, 7677 Sibyl, 71 Sioux Indians, 77 sirens, 3435, 124 Sleipnir, 32, 124 Snowden, Thomas, 45 South American lizard, 41

Talos, 86, 88, 125 tatzelwurm (stollenwurm), 60, 106, 125 Tezcatlipoca, 85 Thebes, 20 Theseus, 49 Thompson, C. J. S., 31 Thracian (term), 125 Thracian helmet, 25, 105 thunderbird, 12, 36, 4344, 125 Tiamat, 5657, 86, 125 Ti Lung, 58, 125 Titans, 86, 125 Tlaltecuhtli, 8485, 125 Tombstone Epitaph, 44, 106 Tritons, 5051, 125 Tursus, 65, 125 Tutankhamen, 100, 107 Twan-ting-tu, 58 Twilight (Meyer), 102 Two Faces, 77, 126 two-headed dragons, 76 Typhon, 15, 74, 126

Ullikummi, 86, 126 unicorn, 2529, 105108 Upelluri, 86, 126

vampire(s), 9699, 102103, 106, 126 Vampire of Foster, 97, 106, 126 The Vampyre (Polidori), 96, 106, 126



vampyres, 102103, 126 Virgil, 64, 105 Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler), 102 Vulcan, 75

Wohali, 3334 worms, 5960 Wurm, Ole, 28

Yakut people, 7677 yale, 32, 127 Ymir, 86, 127 Young, Nancy, 97, 106

Wadlow, Robert, 85, 87, 107 Wainamoinen, 65 walinab, 77, 126 Washington eagle, 42, 106, 108, 126 waterhorse, 31, 126 water lynxes, 6364 werewolves, 9395, 126 Wilson, Horace, 39 windigo (Witiko), 7981, 126 Witiko, 7981 Witte, Frank and Barbara, 76

Zak-n-Wheezie, 76, 109 Zanjani, Esmail, 19 Zell, Diane and Timothy. See Ravenheart-Zell, Diane and Timothy Zeus, 15, 16, 24, 86 zoomorph, 17, 127 Zoroastrianism, 51

About the Author

LINDA S. GODFREY worked as a newspaper reporter and columnist for The Week, a county newspaper published in Delavan, Wisconsin, for 10 years. She won National Newspaper Association rst-place awards for feature stories in 1996, 1998, and 2000. She is the author of The Beast of Bray Road and Hunting the American Werewolf, as well as two volumes in the Barnes & Noble Weird series: Weird Wisconsin (co-authored with Richard D. Hendricks), Weird Michigan, and Strange Wisconsin. She has appeared on many national television and radio programs as an expert on anomalous creatures, including Inside Edition, Animal Planet Channel, The New In Search Of (SCI FI Channel), Travel Channel, Discovery Kids, Northern Mysteries on Canadas Global Network, and the Jeff Rense, Clyde Lewis, Rob McConnell, and Coast to Coast AM radio shows. She is also an illustrator and artist, and she maintains a Web site on werewolf sightings and news at http:// She lives with her husband, Steven, in rural southeastern Wisconsin.


About the Consulting Editor

ROSEMARY ELLEN GUILEY is one of the foremost authorities on the paranormal. Psychic experiences in childhood led to her lifelong study and research of paranormal mysteries. A journalist by training, she has worked full time in the paranormal since 1983, as an author, presenter, and investigator. She has written 41 nonction books on paranormal topics, translated into 14 languages, and hundreds of articles. She has experienced many of the phenomena she has researched. She has appeared on numerous television, documentary, and radio shows. She is a columnist for TAPS Paramagazine and a consulting editor for FATE magazine. Ms. Guileys books include The Encyclopedia of Angels, The Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy, The Encyclopedia of Saints, The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters, and The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca, all from Facts On File. She lives in Connecticut and her Web site is http://www.


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