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45-50 Minute lesson Plan Template

Grade Level___3____ Overall Elements: Rhythm, pitch review

YOUR NAME: Rebecca Henry


Previous Knowledge: Rhythm: quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes, half notes Pitch: do, re, mi, sol, la Vocab: pitch, melody, beat, rhythm Form: AB, ABA Verse and Refrain

Objective: Students will: clap and identify various rhythmic patterns; practice do re mi patterns; practice patterns including quarter, eighth, and half notes Materials Needed: Flashcards, storybook, button, pictures (sailor, his wife, apple, plum) Procedure: 3 minutes A. Greeting -Echo clap to gain attention, if not previously introduced -Echo clap after introduction, repeat after me/do as I do -Then show flashcards of the rhythm they clapped (review) B. Opening Song/Activity Highest level of concentration for the day. -NEW SONG, reviews/reinforces previous knowledge: Long-Legged Sailor (F Major) -VISUALS: Pictures of a sailor & his wife -Teach in two phrases: Ask for volunteers: make 3 students do re and mi (have them make the handsign as well). Teach the first phrase this way (the 2 nd same except for the last note). Repeat then have the volunteers sit back -Im going to use those same pitches, but add words instead of saying the solfegeIll sing the first part and then you repeat after me, etc. -This time the sailor and his wife have (insert phrase___). -Ill help you start, but youre going to sing it by yourself this time -I think you guys can manage that! (Be positive) -If time: Put it all together. Write the descriptors on the board and sing it all in one bout. Point at the adjective being used in that particular phrase 10 minutes make C. Active Drill & Practice -Count in fruit! Two volunteers: One holds a pictures of apples (two eighth notes), other holds picture of plums (quarter notes). Hold hand over student to cue class and the rhythm of the song in (B). Clap and say the words. -Class, clap the fruit/word: how many times do you clap for apple? (twice, repeat if needed) Plum (once, repeat if needed)? -If we wrote that in music notation, this (write on board) is what it would look like. What do we call those notes? Ta and titi! -If time: Do different rhythms. Then write on the board the rhythm just made up (look at flashcards for help//rhythms).

6 minutes

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15 minutes

D. Activity/Large Movement -REVIEW SONG: Button You Must Wander (D Major) -Get into a circle: back two rows stand and stack chairs and push them close to new last row. Without running or touching each other, get into a circle (guide if necessary). -Sing standing still to review. Do in two phrases: Ill sing and then you repeat me. Then put altogether (start with them and then drop out). -Sing and step to the beat in the circle going (this) way. Do a couple times to get them used to it. -Now, add a button. Stand in place and step to the beat. Close your eyes but hold your hands open, Ill drop a button in one of your hands (dont show anyone!). At the end of the song, open your eyes and raise your hand if you think you know where it is, Ill call on you. -Must keep stepping on beat and singing. -Now sit, be careful of those putting chairs/rows back together 8 minutes E. Song/Drill & Practice Second highest concentration time. -REVIEW SONG: Button You Must Wander, take it phrase by phrase and then put it all together -Solfege: 4 volunteers: make them solfege syllables, hold hand over each to cue class. Do tune from Button, in two phrases. Then still hold hand over students but have class sing the words instead of syllables. -If time, rhythm: I clap beat, class claps rhythm with words, line by line. On button you must how many times do you clap when I clap (twice)? Lets do it again, slower. On wander how many (once)? -This is what it looks like all put together... 5 minutes F. Passive Drive & Practice -Put up 2-3 different flashcards with a rhythm, clap one of them, and have class choose which one it was (put the answer against your chest-dont show anyone else!). -Have class clap each one-which is the same? Now choose again, did your answer change? -Repeat. G. Closure: Short Song or Quick Drill -Old MacDonald had a Woodshop (A Major) -What kind of things do you think are in a woodshop? What kind of tools? Well, lets find out! -Ill start and then you join when youre comfortable.

3 minutes


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