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Black Studies 14 Winter 2013 TA: Gary Haddow Section Syllabus

TA: Gary Haddow Email: Office Hours: Wednesday 930-1130 am or by appointment (if you cannot make the above time) Office: GSA Lounge 2nd floor of Multi Cultural Center Lecture: Tues/Thurs 12:30-1:45 pm Girvetz 1115 Sections: Tues 11-11:50 AM HSSB 3201 Wed 12-12:50 PM HSSB 4201 Thurs 3-3:50 PM HSSB 1223 Black Studies Department Office: South Hall 3631 Black Studies Website: (see website for department office hours) Be prepared to discuss the readings in section and bring your book and all readings to section. Every student is expected to contribute to each discussion. If you come to section unprepared you will lose attendance and participation points. You will have a weekly assignment, which constitutes part of the participation component of your section grade. Your section grade consists of attendance, participation, and a section paper. Office hours are intended to help clarify material. You must do the readings before attending office hours. If you miss a lecture, you must obtain lecture notes from a classmate. If you still need clarification on the material, you may attend office hours. Blogging prompts will NOT be reviewed in section. You must attend office hours to review the blogging prompts. You must be prepared to review the prompt. Do not come to office hours to find out the answers to the prompt without attempting to answer the questions yourself. Excused absences must be accompanied by a written note (ex: doctors note). I will assign make-up work for students who have excused absences. If you feel ill and will miss class, make an appointment at student health and get a note. Unexcused absences will negatively affect your section grade and cannot be made up. Contact me ASAP, in person or through email, if you have a medical emergency or urgent situation. Students enrolled in the Disabled Students Program should inform the professor and me of any special accommodations. Turn off all cell phones while in section. DO NOT text in section or lecture. Cheating, plagiarism, and any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be reported to the university. The result will be a failing grade in the course and can lead to suspension or expulsion. Grade Breakdown Take home mid-term: 30% Blogs: 30% Final Exam- Mash up Project: 30% Section Grade: 10% (attendance, participation, and any weekly assignments)

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