Hi Everyone: School Diary

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18th April, 2013 Vol 17 Issue 10 E: riddells.creek.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Newsletters: http://rcpsadmin13.global2.vic.edu.

au Phone: 03 5428 7277 Fax 03 5428 6981 69-77 Main Rd Riddells Creek Vic 3431

School Diary
Apr 24th District Cross Country School Anzac Day Service 10.30am 25th May 2nd 14th 16th June 28th Term 2 Ends School Council Naplan Week Curriculum Day Anzac Day

Hi Everyone,


Welcome back to Term 2, I hope you enjoyed the holidays and made the most of the great weather. This is always a busy term, the district cross country, NAPLAN tests, our school athletics, a curriculum day, student led conferences and student reports are all scheduled to take place over the coming weeks. There has been plenty of action around the school over the holidays. The new playground has been installed and parent club should be proud of their fundraising efforts. The students swarmed like bees around a honey pot on Monday morning and seeing their delight and excitement was a fabulous start to the term for me. A decision was made by School Council in the last week of term to accept a proposal to create a hard surface between Banskia and Melaleuca. Large equipment was here last week preparing the surface for asphalting. As with any job of this nature, there are always unknown variables, and in this instance it was some very soft and wet areas closest to the Banksia building that needed to be dug out and repacked. This has caused a slight delay in laying the final asphalt surface and of course will add to the overall cost. I am not sure by how much. All I can think is how lucky we are that we didnt go with the synthetic turf, I am sure wed have been in all sorts of trouble down the track! We also had a little problem with a pipe that has to be reconnected, but I am sure we are still on target. Special mention must be made of the hard work that Nigel Worne and Leith Picking put in to prepare the site and then ensure it was safe for the children to return to school. Thank you both so much. I would also like to thank Mr Andrew Browne a local resident and civil engineer with Pat Ash and Civil who has volunteered his time to oversee the project and provide us with sound advice and direction. I know he has called in plenty of favours for which we are extremely grateful! Most of you will have noticed that the painted rebound wall has gone as well. At the beginning of the year I alerted the community to the fact that significant cracks had appeared. We braced the wall and secured the site with bunting whilst we sought advice regarding its repair. Based on the professional advice I have received regarding the feasibility of repairing the wall, and the tragic circumstances in the city just before Easter I decided in consultation with Amelia, Leith and Nigel that it had to go. Whilst we had the equipment at school, I gave instructions for it to come down. In the end all that required to knock it down was a gentle nudge from the bob cat. Leith and I were dismayed at the lack of reinforcement, it was indeed a disaster waiting to happen. I understand that this has been a feature of our school landscape for many years and that many proudly participated in the painting of the mural. A series of photos have been taken that we will hopefully have reproduced on canvas and displayed at the school as a memento of the wall. I am sure that you will agree there is no greater priority than the safety and well-being of our students and community members. I hope you all have a happy and exciting term!

Anzac Day
Donations for the wreaths for the Anzac Day Service (10.30am Wednesday 24th April) can be taken to Mrs Dallard (MPD) room on Tuesday 23rd April. Foliage and Australian Natives preferred.

District Cross Country

Wednesday 24th April at the Tony Clarke Reserve Macedon bus leaving school 12pm. Forms and money must be returned by Friday 19th April. Any Parents who can assist on the day to please Miss Davis.

Kim Ryan Principal



You Can Do It Awards!

April 30th BSD BSS BLC MJF MGP MPD MNG MGS MCD Sienna Olney Kate Nicoll Mia Igbokwe Huxton Charmers Neve Wilson Curtis Mallia Jasmine Evans Samatha Jeffrey Shantelle Royal

Community Diary

Gisborne Secondary College Information Evening 7pm. Melton Road. Enquiries:

gisborne.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au Phone: 5428 3691

Macedon Ranges Health Are you studying, are your children at school, or you are no longer working but want more from life? There are a range of roles available for a volunteer who shares our passion for the community. If interested please call 5428 0306. We would love to have you join us!

Our New Play Equipment!! Parent Club

You will have noticed the new playground equipment installed over the holidays. It has proven a hit, with most of the school on it at some point on the first day back. This is a very pleasing picture of the hard work of 2012. Congratulations to everyone! On to 2013, and the Easter Raffle collection created 44 prizes that were given out at the last assembly of Term 1. The sale of tickets and hot cross bun vouchers raised a huge $2586. Thank you parent club members who assisted with the hot cross bun drive and Easter raffle (Dee McDonnell, Michelle Evans and Ellen Wilkie) and thank you to all the families who donated chocolate and bought raffle tickets. This coming weekend is a Farmers Market and Parent Club will be cooking sausages for sale; there have been many generous offers of help but there is a need for additional help between 10 and 11am. If you can come down and cook please email Caroline at ce.buckley@bigpond.com. If you cant, come and buy a sausage and contribute to this years project.

Many of our students have been accessing the Gateways programs for highly able students. The second half of term two offers opportunities for grade 1-4 students to go and experience life behind the scenes at Werribee Zoo! Information on these and other courses available can be found at http://www.gateways.edu.au/ journeystimetable.htm#T2R2 If you are interested contact Mrs Giusti for more info.

The Riddells Creek Lions Park is calling out for some TLC! Come along and meet the Park Upgrade Committee and see what our collective minds have cooked up for the upgrade of this beautiful space. Sat April 20th 8:30-11:30am Lions Park, Riddells Creek BBQ brekkie generously donated by Williamsons Foodworks & Riddells Creek Bakery Fruit generously donated by GLAMA Country Stores Jumping castle generously donated by Joeys R Jumping Teddy Bears Picnic 9:30-11:00, hosted by Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House Many local community group information stalls, including CFA, Bendigo Bank Community Bank

You Can Do It Stars of the Week!

Leith Picking and Nigel Worne For the super effort they did to get the surface ready.

Go to the school blog to access the Riddell Wrap.

Sandy Says!!!
The Man who really wants to do something finds a way; the other makes an excuse.

Project, Greening of Riddell and more! For more information please call Kristie Murden 0418 322 809.

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