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The Coming of the Civil War TEST

The first section of the exam will consist of 17 multiple choice and matching questions, all being worth two points each. There will be one question worth one point at the end of this section as well. Please both circle the answer you choose, and write it on the given line next to the question number. If you have any questions, just raise your hand! Good luck!

Multiple Choice
__B__1. Herriet Tubman was a very important figure in the success of the: a. b. c. d. Bleeding Kansas Riot Underground Railroad Civil War Automobile Industry

__D__2. One of the main points to Abrahams Emancipation Proclamation was: a. b. c. d. It freed all slaves in areas of rebellion It gave blacks the opportunity to enlist in the Union army It looked to affect the nation on a moral and political level All of the above

__A__3. Nationalism is a. b. c. d. a belief promoting the unified people of a certain country the devotion to the political and economic interest of a region or section of the country hatred for a certain country having pride for the professional baseball team, the Washington Nationals

__C__4. Which states were formed by the Northwest Ordinance? a. b. c. d. Michigan, Ohio, Kansas, Nebraska, Idaho, Illinois Wisconsin, Michigan, Kansas, California, Indiana, Vermont Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas

__B__5. This man led a revolt against slavery, and the event has been named, Bleeding Kansas. a. b. c. d. Nat Turner John Brown Michael Jordan Abraham Lincoln

__A__6. One of the major issues debated at the Constitutional Convention was a. One centralized, national government

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b. The French Revolution c. George Washingtons Hair d. Making the U.S. into a 50 state country __C__7. A military strategy used by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War was a. b. c. d. The use of dogs as soldiers Airplanes Appointing Ulysses S. Grant as general Appointing John Brown as general

__C__8. Henry Clay was a strong Advocate of a. b. c. d. States rights Progressivism Nationalism Sectionalism

__E__9. John Calhoun was a strong advocate of a. b. c. d. e. Nationalism States rights Buddhism Slavery Both B and D

__D__10. This man led a revolt in Virginia in 1831 in support of the Antislavery movement a. b. c. d. Matching __D__11. Missouri Compromise __E__12. The Kansas-Nebraska Act __B__13. Sectionalism __G__14. Federalism __C__15. The Fugitive Slave Act __A__16. The Wilmot Proviso __F__17. Nationalism A.) prohibited slavery in any territories in Mexico B.) the devotion to the political and economic interest of a region C.) created harsher punishments for slaves caught in the North D.) Missouri admitted as a slave state, Maine as a free state E.) Nebraska becomes a free state, Kansas a slave state F.) A belief promoting the unified people of a country G.) A belief in a strong national government John Brown Frederick Douglas Jim Schwartz Nat Turner

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18. Label the 5 states with an X which were created by the Northwest Ordinance

For this section of the test, answer the question fully and completely in sentence form. Answers should be around a paragraph long (5 sentences). Questions are worth 5 points each. Use the next blank page for your answers as well. Essay Questions 1. How were the issues discussed at the Constitutional Convention related to the issues surrounding the United States before the Civil War?
- Constitutional convention talked about the centralization of power with the national government, also discussed the rights both individuals and states should/should not have. The power of the president was also a topic of discussion. All of these relate to the period before the Civil War. Calhouns argument about states rights was still a very popular idea. Federalism and Sectionalism were very much apparent. This can be seen with the split between the North and the South, and what the North tried to do in order to regain the south. 1-2 pts= Gives one example, 3-4 pts= two examples, with relation, 5 pts= 3 examples, with relation

2. What Senator (Calhoun, Webster, Clay) do you most closely agree with and why?
-Answers will vary; just make sure they match each Senator with his correct belief system 1-2 pts- discusses one senator, 3-4 pts=discusses one senator and one example why, 5 pts=senator and 2 or 3 examples and why

3. How are the Gettysburg Address and the Declaration of Independence similar? How are they different? (two each)
-Similarities: nation based on ideas of freedom and equality, stress for Democracy of, for, and by the people. Differences: GA- one centralized, unified, and indivisible nation; proposes all men be created equal. DOI- decentralization of government, self-evident truth all men are created equal. 1-2 pts= one similarity or one difference, 3-4pts= one similarity and one difference, 5 pts=two of each

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