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April 21, 2013

Thats What Ygritte Said

Weekly Game of Thrones Musings by Sam Ryu

Welcome, new readers! And welcome back, (one week) old readers! The response from Week 1 has been fantastic, so I thought this would be a good time to lay down some ground rules: - This weekly newsletter is not meant to be a comprehensive summary/recap of the episode, but more as supplemental readingimportant details, backgrounds, Easter eggs, conspiracy theories. - No spoilers. We are going strictly by the TV show, not the books. - These will be sent out every Saturday or Sunday before the new episode airs (PST), i.e. Episode 3 newsletter before Episode 4 airs. Season 3, Episode 3 Walk of Punishment Lets begin with some apt words from Jay-Z, Kanye, and Frank Ocean, that serve as the underlying theme to this episode (it runs throughout the whole series, really): Human beings in a mob. Whats a mob to a king? Whats a king to a god? Whats a god to a non-believer, who dont believe in anything? This question of powerand also the ever-changing power structure in the Seven Kingdoms came into play during all the storylines last week. We saw Ned Stark lose his head because he held onto his honor (all Cersei had to do was rip a sheet of paper). Loyalty, honor, and power by birthright are starting to become a thing of the past in Westeros, as Jaime quickly learns. In an episode that has a game of Westeros Musical Chairs, The Godfather-style horse-beheading crop circles, dragon transactions, Podrick the Well Endowed, two almost-rapes, and Jamie being left a little... short-handed (sorry, I had to), there is a lot to talk about. Lets do it.

April 21, 2013

We begin with silent comedy gold at the Tully funeral in the Riverlands. The inept arrow shooter is Edmure Tully, the brother of Catelyn Stark (ne Tully)and is now Lord of House Tully, following the death of his father, Hoster Tully. Robb later chews him out for taking a short-term victory (capturing the mill) over the long-term goal (defeating the Lannisters, having The Mountains head on a pike). This scene isnt only to show Edmures ineptitude (he is like the Theon of the Tullys), but also to highlight how brilliant of a strategist Robb has become. Robbs plan was to draw Tywin and The Mountains forces as far west (away from Kings Landing) as possible, so that Stannis Baratheon could do as much damage in the Battle of Blackwater. But because Edmure stopped Lannister movements, Tywin was able to ride east in time to save the day at Blackwater in Kings Landing (Season 2, Episode 9). Joffrey probably wouldnt be on the Iron Throne right now if it werent for Edmures small but foolish decision to capture a freaking mill. By the way, where the hell is Lysa Arryn (also ne Tully)? Catelyns crazy breast-feeding sister isnt at her own fathers funeral? We might have an explanation. After Cersei wins the game of Westeros Musical Chairs, Tywin commands Lord Baelish to go marry Lysa Arryn (widow of Jon Arrynthe Kings Hand before Ned Stark, murdered by the Lannisters) in the Vale of Arryn. Littlefinger has now completed the creeper trifecta: going for Catelyn, her daughter, and now her sister. If the Lysa/Littlefinger alliance puts the Vale on the Lannisters side (against her sister and the Starks/Tullys), things could get ugly. Fun Trivia: When we later check in with Arya the reason she asks The Hound, Do you remember the last time you were here? is because this is where The Hound killed her friend, the butchers son (Season 1, Episode 2). This is the place where Aryas direwolf (Nymeria) bites Joffreys hand and runs offwhich subsequently leads to Aryas loss off innocence when Ned is told by King Robert to kill Sansas direwolf (Lady) instead. Aryas new chubby friend, Hot Pie, is staying at the inn to become the innkeeper/bakers assistant. It comes full circle! Quick Hits: Is Podrick really that great in the sack? Or did Tyrion pay for the whores to pretend, to boost Pods confidence? Or is Littlefinger up to his slimy games again? Also, note that the guy who saves Theon from getting raped in the woods (supposedly sent by Theons sister, Yara) tells him, Winter is Comingwhich of course is House Starks motto, not the Greyjoys.

April 21, 2013

Last week, I mentioned that Daenerys probably understands the language the slave trader in Astapor is speaking (Low Valyrian) and is using that to her advantage. Episode 3, pretty much confirms this. When asked by Daenerys if she is prepared for the dangers of war, the slave translator, Missandei, responds with Valar Morghuliswhich is High Valyrian for all men must die. This scene not only shows that Daenerys is familiar with the Valyrian tongue, but her response (Yes, but we are not men.) shows that she understood all the sexist insults made by the slave trader and is turning that against him in a very empowering way. Missandei smiles knowingly. Also why else would Daenerys be so adamant that Missandei be included in the dragon transaction? (Definitely not for late night girl talks.) Shes seen how sharp Missandei is, and how quick on her feet she can be while translating insults to more presentable, less-offensive sentences. Where else have we heard Valar Morghulis (nominated for badass phrase of the year) before? After Arya and friends escape Harrenhal (Season 2, Episode 10) with the help of the face-changing assassin from Braavos, Jaqen Hghar, he gives a coin to Arya. He says if she ever wishes to find him and train to become a faceless assassin, she must go to Braavos, give a man that coin, and say Valar Morghulis. She doesnt know what it means, but she better remember that phrase. Syrio Forel, Aryas dancing master (dancing, as in sword-fighting) from Season 1, is also from Braavos. Braavos is the richest, most powerful of the Free Cities in Essos (the continent across the Narrow Sea, east of Westeros). Braavos is also mentioned in this episode when Tyrion Lannister, the new Master of Coin, learns that the Iron Throne is heavily in debt to the Iron Bank of Braavos. Fun Trivia: The last episode of Season 2 (the one where Arya parts ways with Jaqen Hghar) is titled Valar Morghulis. The first episode of Season 3 is titled Valar Dohaeriswhich translates to all men must serve and is the customary High Valyrian response to Valar Morghulis.

April 21, 2013

And of course we cant end this past episode, without talking about poor Jaime Lannister. (I should clarify: poor when hes not sister-fucking and pushing innocent boys out of castle windows.) Im sure everyone wanted to see Ser Jaime Kingslayer Lannister (when fully healthy, hands unchained) fight against the best knights of WesterosSer Barristan Selmy, Brienne of Tarth, etc. And while that prospect looks a bit unlikely now, there is still hope even without Jaimes sword hand (his right, now cut off, dominant hand). Check this: Back when Tywin was in Harrenhal with Arya, he mentions that Jaime had difficulty reading when he was a boy (Season 2, Episode 6), implying a dyslexia-like reading disability (dyslexia has strong correlations with being left-handed). Also, I cant remember exactly but didnt Jaime tell Brienne that his father made him read for two hours before sword practice as boy? And didnt tell Tywin or Jaime tell someone in Season 2 that Jaime was naturally left-handed, but his father forced him to use his right hand? Lastly, I leave you with this excellent conspiracy theory video (no spoilers, just speculation). Make sure YouTube annotations are on (the icon left of the CC and Quality icons). Link here. ***If you want to join the weekly newsletter mailing list (instead of waiting for me to post), send an email to Correction: Last week I incorrectly identified the guy who captures Jaime and Brienne as Lord Roose Boltons bastard son. He is Locke, a sellsword from Essos, sworn to House Bolton. We have not seen Lord Boltons bastard son, Ramsay Snow, on screen yet. Everything else about the Boltons lying to Robb, capturing Theon, and probably scheming something is still true though. More on this when we find out more information.

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