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in the so called stagnation region. Then most of the energy is associated 'qi11 the random translation and rotation of the gas molecules and only about one_ tenth of the energy is associated with vibration. Next, the gas is expanded through a supersonic nozzle, causing the translational and rotational energies to change into the directed kinetic energy of the flow. The vibrational energy rvould disappear entirely if it remained in equilibrium with the decreasing gas temperature. But the vibrational relaxation times are long in comparison with
the expansion time, hence the population of the vibrational levels remains practically unchanged. At the same time, the lower level population diminishes rapidly with the expansion, leading to significant population inversion after a few centimetres downstream. For CO2 gas the emission wavelength is again 10.6pm, using other gases the typical range is from 8 to 14pm, although oscillations may be achieved at much shorter wavelengths, as well. The advantage of gas-dynamic lasers is the potential for high average powers because u,aste energy can be removed quickly bv high-speed flow.

12.6.5 Excimer lasers

Excimers are molecules u'hich happen to be bound in an excited state and not in the ,sround state. so their operation differs somcrvhat from the general scheme. Their main representatives are the rarc gas halides like KrF or XeCl. They need porverful pumps in the tbrm of discharges. optical excitation or high-current, high-voltage electron beams. Their advantases are high efficiency and high pulse energf in a pafi of thc- spectrurn (in the ultraviolet dorvn to wavelengths of about 100nm) u'hich rvas inaccessible befbre. Ntost of them are inherentlv broadband and off-er the further advantage of tuneabilitv.

12.6.6 Chemical lasers

As the name suggests. the population in'"ersion comes about as a result of
chemical reactions. The classillcation is not quite clear. Some of the excimer lasers relving on chemical reactive collisional processes could also be included into this category. The clearest examples are those when two commercially available bottled gases are let together, and monochromatic light emission is brought about by the chernical reaction.x


intriguing problem I have often asked myself. What path rvould technology havc lollowed if electriciry had never
been discovered? The question may be posed because electriciry and technology developed separately, the lormer being a purely scientific pastimc until the lourth decade of the last century. Had scientists been less interested in electricity or had they been just a bit lazier, it is

adr-ent ofchcmical lasers raises an

12.7 Semiconductorlasers
12.7.1 Fundamentals
We shall drvell on semiconductor lascrs a little longer because they are in a quite special category. For us they arc important for the reason that we have already invested much effort in understanding semiconductors, so that any retum on

quite conceivable that the social need for fast communicatrons (following thc
invention ofthe locomotive) rvould have

that investment is welcome. There are. though, some more compelling reasons as well.

been satisfied by s-vstems based on modulated light. ln the search lor better light sources. the chemical laser could then have been invented by the joint
effons of chemists and cornmunication
engineers a century ago.

l. They are of

interest because the technology and properties of

semiconductors are better knou'n than those of practically any other family of materials. Laser action is due to inlection ofcharged carriers. so semiconductor lasers
are eminently suitable for electronic control.

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