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Spiritus Sanctus <spiritus@mindspring.

com> Aquarius The Angels of The Cosmic Language Thu, 31 Jan 2002 12 degrees Aquarius

The Angels of The Cosmic Language Also known as The Angels of Hatuny

Beloved, As a child of God is ready to advance more deeply into the cosmic language, we offer our guidance and protection. According to a persons degree of maturity and equilibrium, we help the realization of the meditations of the cosmic language, and carefully guide and protect as the powers of the divine virtues are brought through. A person who is not mature and does not have the proper equilibrium and character, is carefully guided through proper growth; otherwise, harm could occur. The cosmic language is a wholebrain language. To speak the cosmic language, all four brainwaves are used simultaneously to produce a complete multidimensional sine wave that manifests divine virtues on the four planes of will, intellect, feeling, and form. These divine virtues are produced in the microcosm and the macrocosm, which means they are produced in a persons own will, mind, emotion, and form at the same time that they are produced in the outer universe on the levels of will, mind, emotion, and form. The use of the cosmic language in World Service fullfills the saying that: All that I do, ye shall do and more. Each letter has a meaning, a sound, a musical tone, , a color, a feeling, a sensation, and a part of the body temple that was created by it. The idea is to sing the letter in the proper musical note, inwardly or outwardly, while meditating intently on its meaning, color, feeling, and sensation. Power is increased through intensity of desire/willpower and fullness of passion/feeling. Clarity is increased with concentration on the meaning in the intellect and vividness of the imagination of the color, sound, sensation, and tone. As you have learned through exercises such as the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox, that which is in the imagination must seem more real than anything else. All letters are to be practiced in the whole body, then in the elemental region, and then in the organ that is made from it. The elemental regions are: All fire letters are to be imagined shining as tiny powerful suns in their respective colors, creating warmth in the head region, which is imagined as an infinite space. All air letters are imagined as shining tiny suns in their respective colors, creating ease, in the lungs. All water letters are imagined as shining tiny suns in their respective colors, creating coolness, in the abdomen. All earth letters are imagined as shining tiny suns in their respective colors, creating weight, in both legs. For example, with the letter A, which is pronounced with a soft A, as in arm, hum AHHHH in the musical note of G while vividly imagining a bright light blue sun, shining first in the whole body, then in the lung area, creating a sensation of ease. Contemplate infinite wisdom and enlightenment. Meditate on this filling all of inner space with the inbreath and outer space with the outbreath. Breath through the pores of the skin over the lungs at the same time as through the mouth or nose. A most important aspect of meditation is attunement to the meaning of the divine virtue itself, which in this case is infinite wisdom and enlightenment, and the purity of all original ideas in divine mind. The more time that is spent on attunement in the intellect, the better. With practice, the meaning, the sun in the light blue color shining in the lungs and the ahhh sound in the key of G along with the sensation of ease pop into mind automatically whenever you wish to manifest wisdom and enlightenment. This is because the mechanical part of the brain learns to do things automatically without thinking, like typing, driving, or walking. The mechanical brain also learns to do this effortlessly and expertly over time. With each practice session, identification with infinite wisdom with its four level aspects of will, mind, feeling, and five sense consentration of sensation, color, tone, and sound deepens until eventually the spirit, mind, emotions, and body are permanently bonded and united with this Divine Virtue. Whenever this virtue is desired in oneself, or another, or the universe, it is easily produced in a wholebrain manner. When this happens the letter A is said to be mastered. In truth the depth of union with the virtue of Divine Wisdom and Enlightenment of letter A increases to infinity. We continually inspire this process of expansion.

The next step in the cosmic language is to master letter B, and then C, and so forth through the entire alphabet. Here is a brief summary of the letters: A...[ soft A as in arm]...All wisdom and enlightenment, light blue with a sense of ease, the musical note G, use to heal the lungs B..Universal life and polarity in all its forms, light violet with a sense of weight, musical note A, use to heal the right eye C.....The eucharist in all its forms, the virtue of self-spiritualization, vermilon with warmth and a sense of ease, musical note D, use to heal the stomach D....Mysteries of the art of creation, dark blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, use to heal the right ear E......the omnipresence of Universal Consciousness, dark violet with a feeling of penetrating all, musical note D, use to heal the spine F...Legality , which IS harmony, of all visable worlds, light green with a feeling of weight, musical note F sharp, use to heal the left hand G....Divine Grace and Mercy in all its aspects, deep grass green with a feeling of coolness, musical note F, use to heal the left eye H.The power of the word, which is the cosmic language, silvery violet with a feeling of warmth, musical note A, use to heal the right arm Ch....The virtue of clarity and perfect purity, light violet with a feeling of coolness, musical note D Sharp, use to heal the left leg I...The law of cause and effect, light opal with a feeling of weight, musical note G, use to heal the left kidney J....The highest all-embracing cosmic love, dark opal with a feeling of coolness, musical note G Sharp, use to heal the diaphragm-midriff K.....The Virtue of omnipotence, silvery blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note B, use to heal the left ear L..The Virtues of Majesty, dark green shining olive color with a feeling of ease, musical note F, use to heal the spleen M..Original Water principle of emotions and magnetism, blue-green with a sense of coolness, musical note D, use to heal the abdominal area N.....The highest state of happiness, dark red with a sense of coolness, musical note A, use to heal the liver O....The Virtue of Justice as an original principal, ultramarine blue with a feeling of weight, musical note C, use to heal the throat and windpipe area P..The longing for spiritual progress and perfection, dark grey with a sense of weight, musical note B, use to heal the right nostril quaballah Q is the same as K---refer to K R........ Independence and Freedom, golden light with a feeling of ease, musical note C, use to heal the left nostril S...All penetrating power which is original fire [will], purple with a reddish tint with a feeling of warmth, musical note G sharp, use to heal the gall bladder Sch,,,,,. combines both omnipotence and all-penetrating power and is the original light, blazing red with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, use to heal the brain T.High inspiration, brownish black light with a sense of warmth, musical note F, use to heal the right kidney U..The original source of everything, velvet black light with a feeling of penetrating everything, musical note B, use to heal the pancreas V................ in quaballah is the same as F-refer to F W.Cosmic intuition, lilac with a feeling of coolness, musical note G, use to heal the gut quaballah X is seen as a combination of E,K,and S Y [UE} umlaut U......The origin of the rhythm of life, pink light with a feeling of weight penetrating everything, musical note C sharp, use to heal the

Z.......Highest intellectual faculties, light yellow with a feeling of ease, musical note G, use to heal the heart Umlaut A {AE]...Origin and mystery of life and death and transformation, loamy brown with a feeling of weight, musical note C, use to heal the lower colon Umlaut O {OE] ........The most Profound Divine Cognition, which is based on the most profound Divine Love, dark orange light with a feeling of weight penetrating everything, musical note D sharp, use to heal the testicles and ovaries. If healing the ovaries, heal the left ovary first then the right. Since the same skills and brainwaves apply equally to all the letters, once the first letter is mastered all the others come easily. At some point, skill increases so that everytime a letter is spoken or heard in any context, the mind automatically attunes to the Willpower, Divine Virtue, feeling, musical note, color, and sensation. This is such a level of Divine bliss and ecstasy that the endocrine system now produces chemicals that prevent aging and bring eternal youth. The power to produce miracles is attained. Master the single letters first, then join two or three together or more. Two or more letters joined together form a mantra of great power. For instance, suppose you join the letters A and H . First you would make the soft ahhh sound in the key of G, meditating on the light blue sun in the lungs of infinite wisdom filling all of inner and outer space with a sense of ease. After that you make the sound of letter H in the key of A, while meditating on a a silvery violet sun in the head region filling all of inner and outer space with feeling of warmth and the power of the word. The practical consequence of this letter combination is the influence of divine intuition, on oneself and on others. In particular, frightened people who think themselves surrounded by ememies and are therefore oppressed and haunted, may be cured and freed by the application of these two letters. Also, people who believe that they are being wronged may be enlightened by this energy so that they will realize a higher wisdom and purpose behind everything that has happened. With practice, letters can be added together to form whole words. The names of the angels, when used in this way, actually manifest the angels full presence and power. Children are born understanding that people have the ability to magically change realilty. That is why children of all ages, including the inner child of all people young and old, love fairytales and spiritual stories about people with supernatural powers. The Divine Plan is underway to teach the Cosmic Language and whole brain thinking to all who are on a spiritual path, and especially children. To do this, we are inspiring books, movies, and songs so that this knowledge is available to them. Talented and gifted children of all ages are destined to use this language as a means of joining together in Universal Consciousness to manifest heaven on earth. Find a musical instrument so that you can play each note as you study each letter. Take your time. We are helping you every step of the way. As you progress, we inspire you with powerful letter combinations that create the miracles of the deepest desires of your heart in alignment with inner guidance from Divine Providence. Do not be afraid, this is your destiny as a child of The Divine, a child who is made in the image of the Creator. Hatuny H.The power of the word. * A.Wisdom and enlightenment. * T.High inspiration * U.The creative act and karma. * N.Supreme happiness. * Y.The rhythm of life and its relations. * Miracles! *********** The first law. THE LAW OF ONE

We are All One. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are helped. Therefore, in the name of Who I Am, [and I am one with all, with all beings, with God, with the Masters, Saints, and Prophets, and with the Christ], I ask that only that which is the highest good of all concerned to happen here. I ask for the highest will and highest love of all concerned to manifest. I give thanks that this is being done. So be it. Amen. ******** To new subscribers: The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the worlds religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host and the angels who work with them. The being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers and influence. Each letter of the name represents a particular divine virtue, and each virtue has a sound, a musical note, a color, a sensation, a part of the body that is formed by the virtue. The way to speak this ancient language is to be aware of the virtues of each letter using all of these aspects. This requires wholebrain thinking that uses all four brainwaves at the same time: Delta-pure being, Theta-deep inward thought, Alpha-feeling and emotion, and Beta-the five senses, logic, and memory. When a human being uses the ancient language in this way, a sine wave is created in consicousness that strikes a sympathetic resonance with the larger universe. The smaller sine wave nests in a larger one and this virtue manifests both in the person doing the meditation and in the outer world. [Even if a person uses only a part of this meditation at first, such as only the visualizations and the meaning, so some extent the sine wave of a divine virtue is manifested and creates exciting changes. With practice, the other aspects can be added.] Each degree of the zodiac is an attunement with a different aspect of life. By looking at each of your planets and important points in your natal astrological chart, you can figure which divine virtues are your unique signature of divine qualities. Look at the fixed stars that are aspecting the planets and points of a natal chart for the star assisted portions of a persons DESTINY in this lifetime. * The meditation for each letter is the same as the meditation for all the other letters and their virtues. If, in this current message, the colors, sensations, and musical note are not given, please refer to previous messages in which they are. For this example, we are using the letter A , which is the virtue of Wisdom and Enlightenment. See, or imagine, yourself as a tiny dot in your solar plexus with the rest of the body as an infinite swirling universe all around you. WILL and intend to invoke the virtue of Wisdom and Enlightenment within your being. The strength and purity of your will determines the creative POWER of this meditation. Add to this the clear imagination of the color shining forth from the area of the body that is formed by the virtue. In this case, see light blue shining from the lungs. Meditate on the meaning of the virtue with your intellect, in a Theta brainwave state of deep inward thought. In this case, the letter I, meditate on the virtue of wisdom and enlightenment, on the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind. Focus and concentrate on this long enough for clear insights and concepts to form. This is the BLUEPRINT, OR MOLD for creating with this virtue. Hear the musical note, in this case G. Now FEEL yourself having mastery of wisdom and enlightenment. Feel yourself having perfect clairvoyance, clairaudience, eloquence, artistic gifts, and the power of levitation. The intensity of your FEELING determines the attractive POWER of your meditation to manifest in form.

Now add to this a strong imagined a sensation of the element, in this case a sensation of ease, filling the body. See yourself having perfect dominion over the beings of the air, over storms, wind, and breeze. When you breathe out, see all of this radiating through the pores of the skin over the body part, in this case the lungs, and filling all of outer space. When you breathe in, see this radiating in through the pores of the skin and filling the entire body. By performing this meditation with a vivid imagination and strong feeling, such a strong connection is made between universal mind and individual mind, that they become one. I and the Father are one.] * ***************** Use Rapid Eye Movement [REM] while surfing feelings that come up. This is the eye movement that the body does automatically in dreaming. Emotional processing uses many of the same neurological states as dreaming, and could be termed a waking dream. REM is moving the eyes back and forth, right to left and back again, over and over, at any speed that is comfortable, while reliving the memories or just feeling any feelings. PAY ATTENTION ONLY TO THE FEELINGS and any insights, memories, or thoughts that arise, let the eye movement be absentminded and automatic, otherwise it wont work. Eye movement shifts the emotional-thought energy back and forth from one brain hemisphere to the other and allows it to process naturally. **********************

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