Ang. of Cosmic Law, Protection

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16 Cancer The Angels of Cosmic Law Date : Fri, 6 Jul 2001 18:55:48 -0400 16 degrees Cancer

The Angels of Cosmic Law Also known as The Angels of 'Kalote'

Beloved, on the day when the sun is in the arc of 16 degrees Cancer, the Archangel whose physical body is your solar sun, is sending out messengers, or angels, of Cosmic Law. As the day progresses , these virtues are broadcast through the rays of light . As each virtue is highlighted,the process that is transpiring is one of understanding what EFFECT this virtue is having in the worlds of spirit, mind, emotions, and body. We ask you to listen as we remind you of the many virtues of cosmic law whispering through your soul on this day. As you look about you, we ask that you be aware each time you feel yourself desiring a specific virtue. This could be the virtue of justice, or harmony, or peace, or joy. There are so many different virtues. Whatever virtue it is that you are desiring, on whatever level of your being, we ask that you be aware of this. The angels of Kalote oversee many orders of angels for there are angels for each virtue. Each of these orders has a certain color or hue, a musical tone, a smell, a feel, and a taste. In these ways you will know them in time, for we open up for you the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and the gifts of psychic taste and smell. On this day of Virtues, we rejoice as you clothe yourselves in the many hues and sounds and feelings of the qualities of the divine virtues. May you first be aware of the virtue of a clear mind and a heart of love. Call on us, the Angels of Cosmic Law. We teach the children of God about cosmic law, such as Cause and Effect, and the Law of Correspondences. As above, so below. We inspire you to use the cosmic laws in conjunction with the divine virtues to create change, so that spiritual perfection manifests for all beings and heaven and earth are one. K-A-L-O-T-E K.We teach the children of God to have true faith, the faith that moves mountains and makes the crooked straight. A.We inspire gifts of the spirit to manifest within the intellect, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience, and the art of levitation. L.We teach how to become one with the divine virtues O.and how to invoke any situation in the feeling world. T.We confer high inspiration, and true communication with divinity E.and teach communication with all beings and the art of materialization and dematerialization. We are here and we answer when you call us. We are One Together. We are One on the Giant Spiral of Space-Time. We Are One. * MIRACLES

The 16th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle Fri. July, 05, 2001

The Angels of Protection Also known as The Angels of Echotasa

Beloved, We teach the children of God how to control the negative beings of the feeling world through the power of unconditional all-encompassing love and the Law of One. Gods love is like the sun, it shines equally on the good and the bad alike. All beings, both positive and negative are loved equally by the Creator. We teach how to remain in a state of love, instead of fear, and thereby gain control over all beings. The Law of One is the original law of creation, and all other laws come from it. It overrides all lessor laws and it is encoded in the life force of every created being. True dominion over creation is the birthright of the children of God. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than when negative beings of the feeling realm are commanded with the Law of One. When a child of God chooses love instead of fear in relating to negative beings of the feeling world, the utterance of the Law of One brings about instantaneous changes in the Web of Life so that no one is hurt and all are helped. Judge not. Love conquers all. The Law of One We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are helped. Therefore, in the name of Who I AM; and I am one with all beings, and with the masters, saints, and prophets. I AM one with God, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient; I ask that ONLY THAT WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED, Happen here. I give thanks that this is done. So be it. Amen.

When this law is spoken out loud or even in the silence, remembrance is sudden and swift in all beings, negative and positive. This law activates Universal Consciousness itself, and all the powers act together to bring about the highest good of all. E-Ch-O-T-A-S-A E.Universal Consciousness exists in all beings throughout all time and all space and beyond all time and all space. Ch.We teach the children of God to remove all obscurity and see beyond all polarity so that the ONE BEING is perceived through outward appearances. We teach the secret of life force, which is emotion, and the secret of rhythm by which the dead can be brought back to life and the living can be brought to decay. O.We inspire poise that is brought about by unimpeachable judgement and oneness with the virtue of justice, and the ability to bring about any situation on any level. T.We teach the child of God, through true communion with Divine Consciousness, how to control feelings to such an extent that both mastery over all the elements and any miracle is possible. A.We inspire occult faculties, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience, and mastery over the spirits of the air. S.Through feeling the virtue of all-penetrating-power, true clairvoyance and the gift of prophecy is attained. A.We confer mastery over the language of symbols and its command and power. * ECSTASY Note: Cyrus the Astrologer is on vacation. He will be back in a little while and the astro reports will continue..Names or phrases in italics or single quotation marks are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, ISBN 3-921338-02-6 [The Practice of Magical Evocation] and 3-921338-13-4 [The Key to the True Quaballah]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany. Order these books online at

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