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Pak Tris, Saya sudah cek JSEA untuk Geotechnical Survey-nya, namun ada beberapa hal yang perlu

saya konfirmasikan sebagai berikut: Sequence Jobs Potential Hazard Recommended Actions
2.2.1 Doing geology observation, geomorphology, and entrance condition for heavy equipments transportation Seharusnya sbb: Keep work area free of excess material and debris Remove all trip hazards by keeping materials/objects organized and out of walkways Keep work surfaces dry when possible Wear appropriate PPE including non-slip rubber boots if working on wet or slick surfaces Install rough work surface covers where possible Stay aware of footing and do not run

Menurut saya recommended action yang dilakukan disini kurang nyambung dengan potential hazard-nya. Jika saya yang salah, mohon untuk dijelaskan. Ok sudah saya sesuaikan

2. Site 2.2 Slips, Trips, Falls Investigation,All Pre-Ground Disturbance Clearance Activities including Site Inspection, Subsurface Features Mark-out, Removal of Surface Cover and Ground Clearance

2.3 Heat/Cold Stress


Always observe the traffic regulation during the construction

Seharusnya sbb : Take breaks if feeling faint or overexerted Consume adequate food/beverages (water, sports drinks) If possible, adjust work schedule to avoid temperature extremes

Sama juga dengan yang di atas, recomm action tidak mengatasi problem akibat potential hazards. Heat/cold stress ini apakah disebabkan oleh cuaca atau bagaimana? Mohon untuk dijelaskan. Ok sudah saya sesuaikan

Idem dengan yang di 2.4 Biological Hazards:2.4.1 Consider the steep slope, erosion, flood atas. Recomm Insects, Snakes, elevation,entrance of boring actionsnya kurang Wildlife, Vegetation location, equipment store, mengena. Recomm and security. actionsnya mungkin Perbaikannya sbb: lebih mengena di bagian 5.2.1 5.2.4 dengan potential hazards yang Inspect work areas when sama. Please check and arrive at site to identify correct me if Im wrong. hazard(s) Use insect repellant if observe mosquitoes/gnats Survey site for presence of biological hazards and maintain safe distance Wear appropriate PPE including leather gloves, long sleeves and pants, and snake chaps as warranted by site conditions 3. Breaking-Up and 3.1 Suspended Loads Removing hard soil/ Asphalt/ Concrete Cover by Saw Cutting or with Equipment 3.1.1 Do not walk under suspended loads 3.1.2 Wear appropriate PPE including hard hat Menurut saya suspended loads adalah penyebab, bukan hazard yang bisa ditimbulkan. Bisa lebih dispesifik-kan apa potential hazardnya, apakah tersandung, tertimpa suspended solids, atau bagaimana. Suspended yang dimaksudkan ketika ada penggalian atau cutting pada aspalt/concreate atau area yang keras, akan ada padatan, bongkahan dan tanah yang tercecer dsb Ok sudah saya sesuaikan

4. Solid Waste 4.1 Vapors and Airborne Management/ Particulates Disposal

4.1.1 Stop work if hazardous conditions (explosive atmosphere, O2 deficient atmosphere) identified until precautions are taken 4.1.2 Wear appropriate PPE

Vapors and airborne particulates karena solid management disposal? Apakah ada bahan chemical yang dipakai? Solid waste yang dimaksud disini apa ya pak? Dan terjadi duplikasi dengan point no. 8 (mengenai solid /liquid

waste management disposal, mohon untuk dicek. including safety glasses with side shields, dust masks and respirators 4.1.3 Stay upwind (use flagging or similar device to indicate wind direction) 5. Boring Activities Tambahan : Biological Hazards: Insects, Snakes, Wildlife, Vegetation Inspect work areas when arrive at site to identify hazard(s) Use insect repellant if observe mosquitoes/gnats Open enclosures slowly Survey site for presence of biological hazards and maintain safe distance Wear appropriate PPE including leather gloves, long sleeves and pants, and snake chaps as warranted by site conditions Tidak ada bahan kimia, adalah ketika pelaksanaan ada beberapa tanah kering di area investigasi yang kemungkinan bisa beterbangan karena angin, intinya menghindari tebaran tanah. ( sebaiknya di deleted ) Apakah tidak ada hazard seperti tumpahan dan air yang keruh? Tindakan seperti apa yang akan dilakukan? Mohon agar bisa dimasukkan ke dalam JSEA ini. Ok sudah disesuaikan

Traffic (including pedestrian)

Notify attendant or site owner/manager of work activities and location Use cones, signs, flags or other traffic control devices as outlined in the Traffic Control Plan Set up exclusion zone surrounding work area using cones, signs, flags or other traffic control devices Wear appropriate PPE including high visibility clothing such as reflective vest

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