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Malcolm Xs Autobiography Summary This article is an excerpt from Malcolms Xs biography that depicts how he taught himself how

to read, and write in prison. He took advantage of the time he had and decided to do something that he was never able to do read and write. Unlike the traditional ways of learning from your family and from school. He taught himself by using the dictionary were he not only learned the definition of words but taught himself how to write through his consistency of writing the pages of the dictionary repeatedly. He started out on this journey because he was jealous of Bimbiss capability to be knowledgeable on topics and his innate ability to take control of a conversation. He used his new ability to educate himself on issue that he was fascinated on and further develop to knowledge of the lessons that Muhammad had taught him. Through his reading he learned more about the manipulation of white-America not only disregarded black America but they manipulated and destroyed China.

Krystal Bowen English 1102 10:30-11:20 Reaction Journal

Analysis This was my first time reading Malcolm Xs biography and it was easy for me to apply it to our lesson in class about literacy. Even though on the streets Malcolm Xs was known for being will educated when he got to prison he realize how limited his understanding of words restricted him in expressing what he wanted to say. In prison he was able to take advantage of the materiality that they had to offer by using there dictionaries and books to develop his literacy.He taught himself through repetition of writing the words and reciting them until he understood them and used them correctly. His journey to literacy acquisition was a particularly strange one because he was in prison, but fortunately for him since it was a rehabilitation prison he was rewarded for his passion for educational growth and spent most of the hours throughout his day reading and gathering knowledge. As a result of his time away from what he knew he was able tor realize what basic abilities he lacked and put fourth effort in changing. His purpose was never to be a leader of a movement but to understand what was being said and to effectively give a response. The materialitys of his literacy are

the prison, dictionary, lighting, letters and etc. Unlike many of us who were taught how to read and write in schools or by our family he taught himself in the prison system which fortunately for him shared the same goal of educating and developing there inmates. For him though it was always about going a better understanding of life and having the ability to say what he wanted to effect and concise while knowing it was understood. Commonly the institution that taught you would be stigmatized with you; however for him it wasnt, many though that he was a college educated man. And he would only say that the books taught him.

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