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Microsoft Exchange Online Email Migration and Coexistence

Dedicated Plans Service Description

Published: June 2011
For the latest information, see Microsoft Office 365.

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Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Document Scope............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Overview of Email Migration and Coexistence ................................................................................................................... 5 Exchange Server to Exchange Online Migration ............................................................................................................... 5 Lotus Notes/Domino to Exchange Online Migration ...................................................................................................... 6 Migrating from Exchange Server to Exchange Online ................................................................................. 8 Pricing .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Microsoft Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Preparation .................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Migration ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Customer Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Support Limits .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Limitations ................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Not Migrated .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Not Supported ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Migration from Lotus Notes to Exchange Online .......................................................................................11 Migration Activities ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Pre-Migration ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Data Migration .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Post-Migration ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Microsoft Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Preparation ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Migration ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Customer Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Preparation ................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Migration ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Post-Migration ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Support Limits ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Limitations ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Not Migrated .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Not Supported ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Microsoft Exchange Online is an enterprise-class, remotely hosted e-mail messaging solution that uses the power of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 to provide the mission-critical messaging services that businesses require today. With the Exchange Online dedicated subscription plans (dedicated plans), your organization's email is hosted on dedicated servers that are housed in Microsoft data centers. Email is accessible to users on a wide range of devices from inside your corporate network or over the Internet. An optional feature of Exchange Online is the migration of email, calendar, and contact data from an existing customer messaging environment, including coexistence with existing messaging systems during the migration phase. This feature offers a standardized, consistent solution for providing tested and known migration processes to successfully migrate a customer to Microsoft Office 365 for enterprises. It makes use of best practices developed with customers and partners, combined with the experience of migrating hundreds of enterprise customers to Microsoft cloud services.

Document Scope
The purpose of this document is to provide a description of the Exchange Online dedicated plans email migration and coexistence feature, along with an introduction to the related responsibilities of both Microsoft and customers. The document is divided into the following sections: Overview of the Microsoft Exchange Online email migration and coexistence service General responsibilities of migration customers Features, responsibilities, and limitations concerning Exchange Server to Exchange Online migrations Features, responsibilities, and limitations concerning IBM Lotus Notes/Domino to Exchange Online migrations

For more detailed information, ask your Microsoft account representative or Microsoft Premier Deployment consultant for the Microsoft Office 365 Customer Deployment Guide.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Overview of Email Migration and Coexistence

The Exchange Online email migration and coexistence feature makes use of Microsoft Exchange-based servers, migration servers (and replica servers, for Lotus Notes/Domino), coexistence servers, migration tools, and support processes to provide a remotely hosted migration service to the customer. These major components reside both in the Microsoft data centers and on the customers premises.

Exchange Server to Exchange Online Migration

The high-level architecture of a migration from Exchange Server 2010 or 2007 to Exchange Online is shown in Figure 1.
Acronym Guide Migrator - Team member who executes the migrations MGMT - The back-end infrastructure for the Exchange Online service RDP Remote Desktop Protocol MRS - Mailbox Replication Service DC - Domain Controller MMT - Mailbox Move Tool CAS -Client Access Server


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One-Way Trust MRS Data Pull and Execution MMT Replication MMSSPP Sync

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Exchange Mail Server CAS Servers (Runs MRS)

Migrator RDP to MGMT RDP to ###d.mgd MMT SQL Server MMSSPP Server

Mail Server

DCs <Customers Domain> Exchange Schema update required Carrier Network Customers Data Center

MGMT Gateway

mgd DCs

Microsoft Online Services Data Center

Figure 1: Exchange Server to Exchange Online migration architecture

As illustrated in Figure 1: Together, the Microsoft Move Mailbox tool (MMT) and the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service (MRS) schedule, monitor, and move email, calendar, and contact data from the customers Exchange Server system to Exchange Online. The migrated mail data resides in Exchange mailbox servers.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Lotus Notes/Domino to Exchange Online Migration

The high-level architecture of a migration from Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino to Exchange Online is shown in Figure 2.

Domestic Migration Consoles

Offshore Migration Consoles

(Optional Resources)



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One-way trust

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Binary Tree Servers CMT Universal 0##MMC1-n

Exchange Online servers Exchange Schema Update Required

<Customers Domain>
Domino Servers Customers Notes Mail
Migration Workstations 0##mig01-0##mig99 Domino Servers Domino 7.03 Notes Replicas MOVE DB 0##MD-N1NR01-0n


NOTE: The actual number of Domino servers and migration workstations in the farm scales with the size of each customers migration.

Carrier Network
Notes Mail Replication (pulled one way)

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Customers Data Center

Microsoft Online Services data center

Figure 2: Lotus Notes/Domino to Exchange Online migration architecture

As illustrated in Figure 2: The migrated mail data resides in Exchange mailbox servers. Notes/Domino replica servers, which hold the customers source messaging data, reside in Microsoft data centers. Notes/Domino directory synchronization to the customers Active Directory is provided by the Notes/Domino to Exchange Online migration service. Microsoft purchases Notes/Domino-based servers and maintains them in the primary data center to house replicas of the mail databases to be migrated. Microsoft purchases and maintains all software that is required for migration, including: Domino and Notes licenses for Microsoft-managed servers. The Binary Tree Common Migration Tool (CMT), to monitor, convert, and move email, calendar, and contact data from the customers source Lotus Notes/Domino system to Exchange Online ; includes a variety of tools, including CMT For Exchange and CMT for Coexistence.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

o o

The Zero Touch Application Remediation (ZApp) feature assists with Notes/Domino applications. Binary Tree CMT for Coexistence licenses are needed for all Notes mailboxes, including those that will not migrate.

MOVE (Microsoft Online Velocity Engine), the migration engine and toolset for migrating a Notes/Domino environment to Exchange Online.

General Customer Migration Responsibilities Microsoft and the customer must collaborate to achieve a successful setup of Microsoft Office 365 services and the subsequent email migration. This section lists the standard obligations of the customer during the migration process. For a given project, additional obligations may be identified and added to this list during the initial stage of migration. Understand that onsite personnel will be assigned to the migration at the discretion of Microsoft; the percentage of time allocated for Microsoft personnel to work on the migration will vary throughout the migration process; personnel may work both remotely and on-site. Meet the customer requirements that are defined in all applicable Microsoft Office 365 dedicated plans service descriptions. For more information, see the specific service descriptions, available from the Microsoft Download Center. Provision the necessary co-located Active Directory domain controllers in the Microsoft data centers, including the IP address space. Identify and populate the extension attributes (as defined in the MMSSPP Customer Identity Synchronization Handbook of the Customer Deployment Guide) in the customers Active Directory to set mailbox options, including mailbox size. Remediate all directory errors that are discovered during pre-migration quality checks, Notes/Domino directory synchronization (for Notes/Domino migration), and initial MMSSPP directory synchronization. Establish a QuickStart VPN connection to the Microsoft data centers to conduct initial MMSSPP directory synchronization and other setup work. For the existing customer email systemscross-certification (Notes/Domino only), permissions, and migration accountsenable connection. Provide all of the appropriate X.509 certificates that are required for each purchased Online Service.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Migrating from Exchange Server to Exchange Online

The Exchange Online service supports customer mailbox migrations when the customers current messaging implementation is one of the following: Exchange 2010 Exchange 2007 Exchange 2003 native mode Exchange 2003 mixed mode

Migrations are managed by Microsoft team members. The migration team members may be physically located in various locations globally; however, the network connection to Microsoft comes through the United States. All data transfers and data storage are conducted from the source locations to Microsoft data centers that are based in the North America, the European Union, or the Asia Pacific region. The migration work is executed within these data centers through terminal services sessions. Data is not pulled out of the data centers to the local machines. The Microsoft personnel who run and support the migration process have access to the mailbox data to support the migration process.

Standard Microsoft migration service pricing includes the transfer of 500 megabytes (MB) of data per mailbox to Microsoft Office 365. Increased mailbox data migration size is available for purchase, but will directly impact the speed of the migration. If the customer purchases an increased data migration size, the mailbox migration size limit cannot exceed 4.25 GB (85 percent of the standard mailbox size limit) in the destination environment.

Microsoft Responsibilities
Provide overall project management and coordination with the customer until the full migration is complete. Provide the appropriate resources to complete the migration. Note Personnel may be assigned on a part-time basis. They may work both remotely and on site as required. Establish trust with one of the customer Active Directory forests. Configure directory synchronization and provisioning with the customer Active Directory forest or forests using MMSSPP per the Identity and Provisioning Service Description, available from the Microsoft Download Center. Establish free/ busy coexistence between the customers Exchange Server environment and the Exchange Online environment.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Migrate customer mailboxes using the MMT, MRS, and other migration processes. Support the customer mailboxes post-migration, for elements related to the migration process.

Customer Responsibilities
Schedule the migration of each mailbox. Conduct all communications with end users. Provide Microsoft with an approved list of users to be migrated within the predefined migration window. Support and maintain the existing Exchange Server messaging environment during the coexistence and migration phases, and decommission the existing system after migration to Exchange Online is complete. Execute all messaging system changes for access control, message routing, free/busy coexistence, and directory changes that are required to support coexistence and migration. Ensure that Microsoft Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2007 is deployed to each migrated end-user workstation. Support all client-side migration issues. Support all migrated recurring meetings (instruct all meeting organizers to send out new recurring meetings, and instruct attendees to manually delete old series). Update, manage, and support the Outlook client-side profile (located on customer-managed desktops) to connect to the Exchange Online environment by developing, packaging, and testing. For users of Research In Motion BlackBerry smartphones: o o o Remove users current BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) profiles from the customers system, and recreate them on Exchange Online. Wipe and reactivate BlackBerry smartphone devices as part of the migration process. Manage end-user communications and support for BlackBerry smartphone devices.

Provide Tier 1 and Tier 2 end-user support. Migrate any client-side data, as appropriate for the customer. This includes but is not limited to local address books, local PSTs, and local Outlook settings. Manage, remediate, and support all client or Exchange Server Outlook rules. Support and run all customer-side Exchange and Active Directory configuration and security changes that are required for directory synchronization, message routing, mailbox migration, free/busy coexistence, and additional system changes to support migration and coexistence. Expect unforeseen environment changes as the customer environment is readied for production, because customer environments vary and have unique configurations that may be undiscovered prior to the Exchange Online migration project.

Support Limits
Microsoft has extensive experience with migrating mailboxes and is continually striving to reduce migration and coexistence limits. This migration feature has been well tested and is continuously improved as needs arise It is important to understand that the feature also imposes certain restrictions, and has certain requirements.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

There are limitations on what is possible with the technology and processes that are included with the standard service. Recurring meetings are migrated to the new mailbox, but often cannot be edited after migration. All customer meeting organizers are responsible for sending out new recurring meetings and instructing attendees to manually delete the old series, because various issues can arise regarding recurring meetings in migrated environments. This is especially true for BlackBerry service interactions. Microsoft does not resolve issues concerning recurring meetings. In general, the mailbox rules of end users are not migrated, and must be recreated manually. However, for some customer environments, the Autodiscovery feature with Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2007 can migrate server-side rules. The customer must manage, remediate, and support any issues that arise. Microsoft migrates only data from Exchange Server mailboxes. Personal folders are not migrated. Coexistence is limited to 10 months from Customer Validation of Service or Service Acceptance as defined in the Customer Agreement. Any feature not specifically identified in the Online Services service descriptions as in scope is by default considered out of scope and will not be provided or supported by Microsoft.

Not Migrated
Personal folders are not migrated. Personal distribution lists (PDLs) for end users are not migrated. We suggest that the customer recreate any critical PDLs as distribution lists. Support of personal distribution lists is customer responsibility. For more information, see this related Microsoft Support article. Delegate access, calendar sharing, and other permissions (including inherited permissions that the end user grants to others on his or her mailbox) must be recreated manually. The customer must manage, remediate, and support any issues that arise.

Not Supported
BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES): o o Microsoft does not offer the application software distribution feature of BES. Microsoft does not offer the instant messaging integration features of BES. Note The customer must agree to wipe and reinitialize all BlackBerry smartphone devices to the Exchange Online environment. Microsoft does not support any third-party tools to work around this mandatory wipe. Information leakage protection services that provide inline or passive email content scanning based on keywords.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011


Migration from Lotus Notes to Exchange Online

Migration Activities
There are three phases in a migration from Lotus Notes/Domino to Exchange Online: Pre-migration: Installation of Microsoft and Binary Tree migration tools, scheduling and replicating migration objects, and communicating to end users. Data migration: Moving customer mail data to the Exchange Online environment. Post-migration: Testing, support, and decommissioning the migration tools.

Several types of reports are produced by Microsoft migration tools to keep interested parties apprised of the current view of the project. Migrations are managed by Microsoft team members. The migration team members may be physically located in various locations globally; however, the network connection to Microsoft comes through the United States. The Microsoft personnel who run and support the migration process have access to the mailbox data to support the migration process.

Install and Configure Tools
The first step for using the email migration feature is to install and configure all the necessary tools. Microsoft tools: MOVE and MMSSPP. Note A scheduled connection to an ODBC source, such as Microsoft SQL Server is also required. Connections must use SQL Server authentication, not Windows Integrated authentication, because MOVE is not in a trusted forest. Binary Tree tools: Common Migration Tool (CMT), CMT for Exchange and CMT for Coexistence.

Schedule and Replicate Customer Email Data Objects

The ability to successfully migrate large populations of Notes/Domino users at a sustained high rate over time is accomplished by housing the MOVE migration engine on the customer network segment within the Microsoft data centers, and by replicating the customers Notes/Domino data to Notes/Domino servers in a Microsoft-provided replication environment. When migration occurs, the user data is migrated off the replica set. Microsoft provides hardware, software, and operations for the Notes/Domino replica environment. Before migration takes place, all Notes/Domino migrations begin with the scheduling of objects to be migrated. To facilitate the migrations, scheduling information can be passed to the system in one of two ways, depending on the type of migration and the customers preference: The Exchange Online migration feature can create replicas of the customer source databases that are associated with scheduled objects. Replicas are typically created 21 days prior to the migration event, although this schedule may vary depending on specific customer requirements. Because replication for a given object is controlled with priorities that change as the migration Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

event approaches, creating replicas very close to the migration event may cause significant additional network usage during production hours. Replication formulas can be used to reduce the amount of data to be replicated to a MOVE farm. This in turn reduces overall network usage, and speeds migration time.

Communicate with Users

Notes/Domino migrations support the sending of pre-migration communications to end users, based on customer supplied content and communication schedule. This feature includes a Notes Storage Facility (NSF) database that contains sample communications, button code, and usage information. With this feature, up to 10 pre-migration communications can be scheduled to be sent per user prior to the migration. Additionally, separate messages are placed in the Domino mailbox and Exchange mailbox during the migration process. The content of messages is the responsibility of the customer. MOVE provides this feature as-is and the customer has sole responsibility to support all end-user communications processes and tools.

Inevitably, some objects will be scheduled that are not ready for migration. This could be due to Active Directory matching problems, or incorrect permissions on the objects source database. Such issues are noted in the MOVE pre-migration report. Recipients of this report should include those persons responsible for the Active Directory matching and the Notes/Domino administrators who can adjust permissions or take other actions against the source databases.

Data Migration
All data transfers and data storage are conducted from the source locations to Microsoft data centers that are based in the North America, the European Union, or the Asia Pacific region. The migration work is executed within these data centers through terminal services sessions. Data is not pulled out of the data centers to any local machines.

Microsoft provides the following Notes/Domino data migration options: Standard (90-day option): Microsoft migrates all contacts; the last 90 days of email, tasks, journal, and calendar objects; and all future appointments, up to 1 gigabyte (GB) of total data transfer. Extended (180-day option): Microsoft migrates all contacts; the last 180 days of email, tasks, journal, and calendar objects; and all future appointments, up to 2 GB of total data transfer. Custom Quote: Microsoft will migrate all contacts, email, tasks, journal and calendar objects and all future appointments up to 4.25GB total data transfer.

MOVE offers Notes Address Book (NAB) import and schedule change reports that indicate new users discovered, old users removed, and any schedule changes that arise from the NAB imports. Typically, the migration managers and schedulers should receive and understand the contents of these reports.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011


Microsoft offers Tier 3 migration escalation support until the migration of the number of contracted mailboxes is complete.

Binary Tree Zero Touch Application Remediation (ZApp)

Zero Touch Application Remediation (ZApp) helps Notes/Domino applications continue to function without modification. Without this tool, embedded forms, buttons, and other Notes/Domino elements would appear garbled or in an unexpected form. For Notes/Domino applications that must write directly to Exchange mail and calendar files, ZApp makes these and other items work properly. ZApp sends users an email message in Microsoft Outlook with a Notes/Domino doc link. Users click their link to launch the Notes/Domino application. The customer and Microsoft jointly operate and support this tool until the migration of the number of contracted mailboxes is complete. Online Services assists with the use of ZApp on up to three of the customers Notes/Domino applications. To test and enable additional Notes/Domino applications, the customer can contract directly with Binary Tree for additional consulting services. The hardware requirements for this coexistence environment are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Requirements for Binary Tree CMT for Coexistence Servers

Location Hardware Operating system license Software license

Customer data centers Server Class 4 processor multidisc IO-intensive hardware specified by Binary Tree Windows Server 2003 Binary Tree CMT for Coexistence

Responsible Party
Customer Customer Customer Microsoft

After the mailbox migration is complete, the customer operates and supports this tool.

Microsoft decommissions the Microsoft-hosted Notes/Domino replica environment within two months of completing the mailbox migration. Typically, replicas are kept in MOVE for seven days after a successful migration, in the event that issues arise as a result of the migration. It follows that any remigration should occur within this timeframe. If this period is too short to allow processing of issues by the customer Help desk, the customer should convey this information to Microsoft as soon as possible.

At the end of each migration window, MOVE generates reports that contain data about each migration presented to MOVE. This includes user mailboxes that are migrated successfully and detailed information about any user mailboxes that were not processed successfully. Recipients of these reports should include migration managers and schedulers, who should forward actions to appropriate persons to resolve the issues that arise. Customers receive samples of each of these reports in supplemental material.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011


Some customers have automated the processing of post-migration reports to automatically enter items into their Help desk system and route tickets appropriately. Additionally, when an individual objects migration is completed, the customer can run a stored procedure against an ODBC database to indicate successful completion. CSV files are sent in email from a trusted sender, and are processed immediately. The table/view schema and CSV file format will be supplied in supplemental material. Note MOVE for Notes is capable of supporting up to sixteen separate Lotus Notes organizations and sixteen separate Active Directory forests.

Microsoft Responsibilities
Provide overall project management and coordination with the customer until the full migration is complete. Provide the appropriate resources to complete the migration. Note Personnel may be assigned on a part-time basis. They may work both remotely and on site as required. Deploy Notes/Domino servers and related components in Microsoft data centers. Provide licenses for the Binary Tree CMT for Exchange and Binary Tree CMT for Coexistence tools. Establish trust with one of the customer Active Directory forests. Configure directory synchronization and provisioning with the customer Active Directory forest using MMSSPP per the Identity and Provisioning Service Description, available from the Microsoft Download Center. Establish free/busy coexistence between the customer Notes/Domino environment and the Exchange Online environment. Build the Notes/Domino replica environment within the Microsoft data center. Provide ZApp Define necessary attributes for users, groups, shared mailboxes, and resources in the customers Active Directory. Provide the Lotus Notes/Domino directory synchronization (dirsync) script.

Operate MOVE and the CMT for Exchange until mailbox migration is complete. Maintain Lotus Notes servers and related components in Microsoft data centers. Manage and maintain the Notes replica environment within the Microsoft data centers. Manage any changes to the Notes/Domino directory synchronization (dirsync) script, and assist with its implementation. Run the migration process during the customers non-workday periods (at the customers local time). Migrate the customer mailboxes; Use the Binary Tree tools and the Microsoft migration processes and staff. Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Set users Notes/Domino account to Exchange/other in the Notes Address book. Modify users Notes/Domino person document in the customers Notes Address book. Create a profile document in users Notes mailboxes in the customers Notes environment. Migrate end-users email, calendar, tasks and journal entries. Operate the Binary Tree CMT for Exchange tool until the migration of the number of contracted mailboxes is complete. Together with the customer, jointly operate and support ZApp until migration of the number of contracted mailboxes is complete. Assist with the operation of ZApp for up to three of the customers Notes applications. Support the customer mailboxes post-migration, for elements related to the migration process.

Customer Responsibilities
Grant the necessary access rights to the customers Lotus Notes/Domino environment as defined by Microsoft. Prior to the migration, decrypt all encrypted mail customer requests that are to be migrated. For customers that want coexistence, they must provide coexistence servers that provide coexistence and migration capability. The customer must operate and support the devices that physically reside in their own data centers. Establish Notes/Domino native email routing to the new Notes/Domino environment in the Microsoft data center. Provision Lotus Notes directory information into the customers Active Directory for users, groups, shared mailboxes, and resources, per the Microsoft definition for these objects. Run the Lotus Notes DirPrep script and resolve all errors. Create a directory synchronization Notes ID and a matching directory synchronization Active Directory account. Create and hand off the CMT for Exchange migration account. This account is normally an account operator across the Customer Active Directory forest, but can be a restricted account with permissions granted on all affected account attributes. For the Notes/Domino replica environment: o The Customer must follow all guidance to implement a cross-certificate trust between the Microsoft-provided replication environment and the customers Notes/Domino environment. Provide IP address space for the customer network in the Microsoft data center, in addition to that required for the co-located domain controllers. Provide an entire /24 network for the Notes/Domino replica environment and the MOVE migration engine. MOVE for Notes/Domino has no network requirements for the secondary data center. Configure network access between the customer corporate network and the migration network segment of the customer network in the Microsoft data center. The migration network segment must have the following: Access to initiate TCP/1352 for pull replication into the customers corporate network. Ephemeral ports open to support free/busy lookups between Notes/Domino and Exchange Online.

o o o

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Execute the Binary Tree license transfer usage rights agreement, which is provided as a separate document.

Add .nsf files to the server-based mailbox to store contacts and journal entries. Maintain the existing Notes/Domino messaging environment during the migration and coexistence phases. Execute all messaging system changes for access control, message routing, Notes/Domino replicas, free/busy coexistence, and directory changes that are required to support coexistence and migration. Implement and support the steady run state of the dirsync script (or another customer-managed Notes/Domino directory synchronization process that has been reviewed and approved by Microsoft). Schedule the migration of each mailbox, and provide Microsoft with a list of users to be migrated and their accompanying SMTP addresses. Conduct all communications with end users. Ensure that end users run the Synchronize Address Book Agent. Manage the Notes/Domino directory and Active Directory end-user data cleanup to allow a successful migration of 500 2500 mailboxes per night. Install, configure, operate, support, and replicate Notes/Domino data as required. Provide all Notes/Domino messaging support for all existing customer mail systems, and for all routing between the customer and Exchange Online environments. Migrate client-side data (optional). Manage support interactions directly with Binary Tree for the CMT for ZApp and CMT for Coexistence tools to support mail and calendar coexistence. Ensure that Microsoft Outlook 2010 is deployed to all user workstations. Wipe, remove, and reset BlackBerry smartphone users existing BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) profiles on the customers system, and recreate them on the Exchange Online system as directed in the Customer Deployment Guide. Recreate and support delegate access, calendar sharing, and all other permissions that end users grant to others on their mailboxes. Delete existing recurring meetings that are permitted to be migrated. Note Microsoft does not support any recurring meetings that are migrated. Create and send new Exchange Online recurring meetings for all existing Notes/Domino recurring meetings that the customer wants to maintain after migration. Maintain and support the Notes/Domino client on customer desktops to access Notes/Domino document links (optional). Manage, maintain, and support application coexistence as required. Together with Microsoft, jointly operate and support the Binary Tree CMT for Coexistence with ZApp tool until migration of the number of contracted mailboxes is complete. Test the CMT for Coexistence with ZApp tool for up to three of the customers Notes applications, with assistance from Microsoft.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011

Maintain appropriate software maintenance for CMT for Coexistence with ZApp licenses beyond 12 months from contract execution, if the customer wants to continue using this software. Provide Tier 1 and Tier 2 end-user support.

Decommission the existing Notes/Domino messaging environment after migration to Exchange Online is complete. Remove from the customers Notes/Domino environment any access that was granted to Microsoft. Operate and maintain free/busy coexistence with the customers Notes/Domino system by continuing to operate the CMT for Coexistence tool and the ExCalCon task on the Notes/Domino server. For customers that want to continue using the Binary Tree coexistence tools after the initial oneyear period, they can contract for extended use and execute a Binary Tree license transfer agreement from Microsoft to the customer. If these actions are not completed by customer, license coexistence usage rights expire 365 days from the start of the migration. For customers that want to test additional applications, they can contract for additional consulting services directly with Binary Tree.

Support Limits
Microsoft has extensive experience with migrating mailboxes, and is continually striving to reduce migration and coexistence limits. This migration feature has been well tested and is continuously improved as needs arise. It is important to understand that the feature also imposes certain restrictions.

There are limitations on what is possible with the technology and processes that are included with the standard service. Recurring meetings are migrated to the new mailbox, but often cannot be edited after migration, because various issues can arise. The following are examples of known limitations with recurring meetings in migrated environments. The list is not exhaustive; customers may experience additional issues. Microsoft does not resolve these issues. o o o Particular instances cannot be modified within a recurring meeting request from Notes. Additional participants cannot be added to an existing recurring meeting request from Notes. Notes/Domino custom meeting recurrence patterns may display incorrectly on BlackBerry smartphone devices. For example, a meeting might be scheduled for the fifth of every month unless that date falls on a weekend; then the meeting is to be held on the next available business day. Multiple locations in Notes/Domino are placed in a single line within Outlook.

All customer meeting organizers are responsible for sending out new recurring meetings and instructing attendees to manually delete the old series. Microsoft does not provide decryption of existing encrypted mail, nor does it provide a notification process to decrypt existing mail.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011


Resource mailboxes can be migrated; however meeting organizers no longer have permissions to manage bookings. Microsoft provides the web-based Customer Mailbox Permission Management Tool (CMPMT) for customers to grant permissions to security groups so that they can administer rooms or other resources. Coexistence is limited to 10 months from Service Acceptance as defined in the Customer Agreement.

Not Migrated
Delegate access, calendar sharing, and other permissions that end users grant to others on their mailboxes are not migrated to the new mailbox, and must be recreated manually. Mailbox rules are not migrated. Rules must be recreated manually by the end user. Microsoft only migrates data from the Notes/Domino server-side mailbox. No other client-side data of any type, such as Notes/Domino applications, is migrated. Personal archives and personal address books are not migrated. The headers of encrypted messages are migrated but the message body (content) is not. There is no migration of any data older than the maximum age, as defined in the Data Migration Options section above.

Not Supported
There is no support for data older than the maximum age, as defined in the Data Migration Options section above. There is no support for extending the end date of a migrated recurring meeting.

Exchange Online Email Migration Service Description (Dedicated Plans) | June 2011


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