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Polygon Open EMR System

An Application for Maintaining Health Record

What is Open EMR? Brief Introduction of OpenEMR Benefits of OpenEMR Features of OpenEMR

What is Open EMR?

Before getting into the details of OpenEMR, it is important to understand What the term EMR stands for. The full form of EMR is Electronic Medical Record, which means recording of medical data with the help of computer.
Definition: OpenEMR is an exclusive and innovative Open source application, which allows medical practitioners and hospitals to keep electronic health records of their patients and manage medical practice for free.

A Brief Introduction of EMR

It is a software application, which is built on a technology can run on various formats such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and several other platforms. This application is a cost effective deal for hospitals/ clinics and has made organizing fundamental functions like practice management, medical billing, medical records keeping, prescription writing, etc extremely effortless. This revolutionary application comes with features like multilingual support, insurance tracking, direct and free online support, in-built scheduler, free upgrades, and voice tracker in addition with accounting program for easy audit. OpenEMR, which is certified by ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR, is the most useful open source application in the medical field brought in use for maintaining medical records of the patients with ease.

Benefits Open EMR Offers

As it has a lot many features, it offers several benefits for the easy management of work, which ones used to be an uphill task in the past.
Freedom From Compiling Charts!!!

The time consuming tasks of keeping track of the charts in the medical offices have become bygone tasks with the advent of OpenEMR. It offers a great relief to the medical staff from compiling charts.
Organizes Pile of Files With this smart applications, hospital staff can easily compile the heap of files in an organized way, whether it is case history or hospital bills. The software is not only the back bone for the hospital management, but also it serves as the best support for patient care. Nobody will have to run for the search of case file at time of emergency as it can be accessed by click.

Help Maintain Data on Finger Tips Having data of patient on finger tips really helps doctors to cure patients fast and in a better way. The OpenEMR cuts down the problems and removes all the hurdles that doctors face while making history chart of patients health. With this software doctors can instantly spot the case history of patients for the reference and suggest them the better treatment. Helps Track Insurance on Time: It has insurance tracking interface that makes easy for the billing department to access the charts, which directly benefits the patients to improve their insurance payment duration. It makes easy for the staff to solve the queries related to insurance eligibility as it has an effective insurance tracking interface.

Likewise, this application is rendering myriad of benefits to the medical bodies and have curbed down problems like duplicity of bills, treatment delays, medical complications, loss of case file, etc.

All in all..this software smoothen the work flow and ultimately render the profit to the organization !!!

Salient Features of OpenEMR

Its for free !!!

Certified by ONC Complete Ambulatory HER Maintains patients demographics record

Schedules patients appointment

Maintains electronic medical records of patients

Helps prescribe prescriptions Lands help in medical billing

Keeps track of clinical decision rules

Allows patients to create portal Assists maintain all types of reports

Multilanguage Support

Renders high security to confidential data

Offers free Support Its Cost Effective

Lets have a look on those features one-by-one.

Free Access:

The OpenEMR system is freely available on the internet and it is easy to download, upgrade, and use. With its free access, it also allows to use free support forum and free documentation tool.
Software Support System:

The feature of customizing and easy installing the software is available with software. It support varied types of formats (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X) and can be accessed from any web browser.

Patients Demographic Details: OpenEMR is a great tool that provides that system to record and track patients demographic details .i.e. name, gender, date of birth, identification, language, native, ethnicity, contact details of patients as well as their employers, HIPAA information, insurance coverage, deceased tracking, etc.

Patient Scheduling: In addition to that, there are other highlighted features of this software, for instance appointment notification tool that sends mail or SMS to patients regarding appointment. This feature has made it a prime choice of several big hospitals across the world. This system supports multiple facilities such as appointment calendar that keeps data of appointment slot, appointment type categories, repeated appointments, restricted appointments, etc.

Doctors Prescription Tool: The system has great tool that helps doctors search the best drugs online for fast recovery of patient. With the assistance of this tool, doctors can track the past prescription and medication of the patient. The system serves the best deal when doctors easily send the prescription online, print, fax, or email. It offers customizable layouts options for DEA, NPI, and state license number.

Medical Billing: It has another exciting feature that makes task of money billing extremely for hospital staff and patients as well. The tool of medical billing supports around 5010 standards of billing. It has interface to support supports paper claims and manage medical claim. It makes easy for the staff to solve the queries related to insurance eligibility as it has an effective insurance tracking interface. The other interfaces of the system are account receivable and EOB Entry.

Medical Portal for Patients:

The patients portal is a profile of the patient that can be accessed by both doctor and patient. The profile of the patient entails his reports, medical problems, medications, allergies, past appointments, and lab reports.

Clinical Decision Rules: This open source system has made so easy for the patients to catch their appointments on time before any emergency strikes with its physician as well as patient appointment reminder tool. Also, it has clinical quality measure calculations and automated meaningful use measurement calculation tools that help patients select the best hospital or clinic for themselves.

Reports Management:
All in all, OpenEMR is a great asset to hospitals or clinics as it allows to do lots of tasks with no effort. Performing jobs like keeping record of appointments, patients list, prescriptions and drugs dispensing, doctor referrals, immunizations, pending procedure order, sales, collection, insurance distribution, etc is easy now for the hospitals or clinic staffs.

The originator of OpenEMR has kept the privacy and confidentiality of patients and doctors in the priority before creating this software. The software has capability to encrypt the patients documents with the highly secured per-user access controls. The software is only accessible through the modern web browser with the security certificate.

Language Support:
The best thing about the OpenEMR is that it supports multiple languages with in the same hospital or clinic vicinity. The language it supports are English (American), English (Indian), Dutch, Greek, Portuguese (Brazilian), Swedish, Portuguese (European), Spanish, etc. Another great thing about this feature is that any language can easily be added and translated with the interface of Google Docs spreadsheet.

Cost Effective:
The OpenEMR is a cost effective technology that delivers significant profit to the hospital bodies by saving the costs on paper charts, postage, files, and transcripts.

And to sum up.

Last but not least, OpenEMR is an important tool to be used today in the competitive medical line. It is the way towards the future. It is a specialized application with appealing design that allows performing complicated tasks of recording and managing reports easy. It is an efficient tool for increasing efficiency and reducing errors.

Polygon Open EMR

Login Module:-

Polygon Open EMR

Administrator Login

Polygon Open EMR

Administrator Dashboard: Globals Facilities Users Addr Book Practice Services Layouts Lists ACL Files Backup Rules Alerts Patient Reminders

Polygon Open EMR

Patient Login Module:-

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Screen Shoots:Login Page

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Screen Shoots:Home Page

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Screen Shoots:Patient Page

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Screen Shoots:Search and Add Patient Page

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Screen Shoots:Payments Page

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Screen Shoots:Billing Manager Page

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Screen Shoots:Report Appointments Page

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Screen Shoots:Administrator Global Setting Page

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Screen Shoots:Manual Support, Online Support, User Guide Page

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Screen Shoots:Print Page

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Screen Shoots:Add, Search Page

Polygon Open EMR

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