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HARMONIC SHIFT O7.07.07~ July 7th, 2007 next Saturday
The harmonic shift occuring on your July 7th, 2007 will strengthen and empower those who are aligned with the intent of love and peace ... those who choose to resist and go against this wave will find they no longer have the power and dominion over the human spirit that they once did in your yester year ... those continuing to operate with the old program of fear, greed and separation will find the foundations of their establishments and institutions quickly disintegrating ... the crisis points will push those who refuse to embrace this new wave of human conscious awareness to confront their fears of dishonesty ... the metamorphosis occurring on this day in your timing is likened unto a bridge between disintegration and integration ... war and peace ... hate and love ... between separation and oneness ... although an awakening of this nature could occur at any moment ...the time is now, of your July 2007 ... as the focal point of universal ignition is harmoniously and elegantly tuned to this one moment of many ... likened unto two lovers in rhythmic harmony on the verge of a powerfully awakening climax ... this moment of ignition will be the one point of reflection where humanity will begin the shift into an era of spiritual fullfilment on earth ... all life ... planet, human, animal and nature will be in peace and balance ... harmony and cooperation ... working towards realising their true empowerment and full potential ... all resources will be equally shared, distributed and efficiently utilised for the betterment and well-being of body mind and spirit and not for greed or profit ... it will be a new era of self and universal discovery unparalleled to anything seen in your previous eras ... those who resist unification, in fear of a one world order, please know there is nothing to fear for no such thing will come to be .. rather it will be a United States of Nations respecting each others sovereignty ... love will be the new currency and in place of a NWO there will be a FWO (free world order) ... You who are here "now" reading this message are here for a reason and purpose to help others make this transition ... we ask that you share this message far and wide across your globe in preparation for this moment of ignition ... this harmonic shift .. as many lightworkers as possible will be requested across your earth to be online plugged into the grid to hold in resonance this new frequency much likened unto an electronic capacitor ... holding charge ... holding memory for a few moments whilst we/you reboot the crystal energy core and await the new systems to come ignite and come online Before this transmission comes to an end please know there will be further transmissions to come leading up to the "harmonic shift 777" event ... for now we wish to end by asking you to issue forth an energy of love and harmony for all life especially to your human family .. your whale and dolphin species for they are human in spirit also ... as a wave of slaughter and then beaching is about to begin as they cry out to humanity to look at itself ... for

aeons of time your whales and dolphins have been guardians ... holding the planetary energy grid whilst they await for you to come online ... know you that whales are the oversouls of dolphins .. and dolphins as a whole are the earth's soul (black box recorder) holding all of earth's memory ... when your whale species become extinct ... so too will your dolphins ... your earth and yourselves ...

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