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by Jos ngel GARCA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain)


Top ten General

Top ten Abbott, H. Porter. The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008. Bal, Mieke. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. 2nd ed. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1997. Chatman, Seymour. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978.* Genette, Grard. Narrative Discourse. Trans. Jane E. Lewin. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1980.* Gibson, Andrew. Towards a Postmodern Theory of Narrative. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1996.* Herman, David, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan, eds. Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005.* Meister, J.-C., et al., eds. The Living Handbook of Narratology. Hamburg: Hamburg UP, 2010 2010 Morson, Gary Saul. Narrative and Freedom: The Shadows of Time. New Haven: Yale UP, 1994.* Phelan, James, and Peter J. Rabinowitz, eds. A Companion to Narrative Theory. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 33). Malden (MA), Oxford and Victoria: Blackwell, 2005.* Stanzel, Franz K. A Theory of Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.* Trans. of Theorie des Erzhlens. Gttingen: Vandenhoek, 1979.

General Abbott, H. Porter. The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002.* (Narrative and life, defining narrative, frames, rhetoric, closure, narration, interpreting narrative, implied author, adaptation, characters, cultural masterplots, narrative negotiation). _____. The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008. _____. The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative. Online at Google Books. id=Jyyt1826rhsC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Porter+Abbott&hl= es&ei=YW_qS9TKDMjx-Qb5vTCBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0 CDMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false 2010 Adam, Jean-Michel. Le Rcit. (Que sais-je? 2149). Paris: PUF, 1984. _____. Le Rcit. 2nd. ed. (Que sais-je?). Paris: PUF, 1999. Adam, Jean Michel, and Clara Ubaldina Lorda. Lingstica de los textos narrativos. Barcelona: Ariel, 1999. Altman, Rick. A Theory of Narrative. New York: Columbia UP, 2008.* Anlisis Estructural del Relato (Comunicaciones 8). Buenos Aires: Tiempo Contemporneo, 1970. Anderson Imbert, Enrique. Teora y tcnica del cuento. 1979. Barcelona: Ariel, 1992. Bakhtin, M. M., and Pavel N. Medvedev. Formal'nyi metod v literaturovedenii (Kriticheskoe vvedenie v sotsiologicheskuiu poetiku). Leningrad: Priboi, 1928. _____. The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship: A Critical Introduction to Sociological Poetics. Trans. Albert J. Wehrle. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1978. Rpt. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1985.* _____. El mtodo formal en los estudios literarios. Madrid: Alianza, 1994. Baker, Mona. "Introducing Narrative Theory." In Baker, Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account. London: Routledge, 2006. 8-27.* Bal, Mieke. Narratologie: Essais sur la signification narrative dans quatre romans modernes. Paris: Klincksieck, 1977.* _____. De theorie van vertellen en verhalen. Muiderberg: Coutinho, 1978.

_____. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. Trans. Christine van Boheemen. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1985. Trans. of De theorie van vertellen en verhalen. .* _____. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. 2nd ed. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1997. _____ . Teora de la narrativa : una introduccin a la narratologa. Madrid: Ctedra, 1985.* Bamberg, Michael G. W., ed. Narrative: State of the Art. (Benjamins Current Topics, 6). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007.* Rpt. of Narrative Inquiry 16.1 (2006). Barthes, Roland. "Introduction l'analyse structurale du rcit." Communications 8 (1966): 1-27.* _____. "Introduction l'analyse structurale des rcits." In Communications, 8: L'Analyse structurale du rcit. 1966. (Points). Paris: Seuil, 1981. 7-33.* _____. "Introduction l'analyse structurale des rcits." In Barthes et al., Potique du rcit. Paris: Seuil, 1977. 7-57.* _____. "Introduction l'analyse structurale des rcits." In Barthes, L'aventure smiologique. Paris: Seuil, 1985. 167-206.* _____. "An Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative." Trans. Lionel Duisit. New Literary History 6 (Winter 1975): 237-62. _____. "An Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives". In Barthes, Image-Music-Text. Ed. and trans. Stephen Heath. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977. 79-124.* _____. "Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives." In The Semiotic Challenge. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Hill and Wang, 1988. _____. "Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives." In Barthes: Selected Writings. Ed. Susan Sontag. Glasgow: Fontana, 1989. 251-95. _____. "Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative." In A Roland Barthes Reader. Ed. Susan Sontag. New York: Hill and Wang, 1982. 251-95. _____. "Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives." Selection. In Narratology: An Introduction. Ed. Susana Onega and Jos Angel Garca Landa. London: Longman, 1996. 45-60.* _____. "Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives." In Semiotics. Ed. Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Alexandros Lagopoulos and Mark Gottdiener. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol. 3. _____. "Introduccin al anlisis estructural de los relatos." In Comunicaciones: Anlisis estructural del relato. Buenos Aires: Ed. Tiempo Contemporneo, 1974.* (Trans. of Communications 8, Paris: Seuil, 1966).

_____. "Introduccin al anlisis estructural de los relatos." In Anlisis estructural del relato (Communications 8). Trans. Beatriz Dorriots. Mxico: Premi, 1982. Barthes, R., W. Kayser, W. Booth, Ph. Hamon. Potique du rcit. (Points, Sciences Humaines, 78). Paris: Seuil, 1977.* Bell, Michael. "How Primordial Is Narrative?" In Narrative in Culture. Ed. Christopher Nash. London: Routledge, 1990.17298.* Bentley, Phyllis. Some observations on the Art of Narrative. Folcroft: Folcroft Library, 1946. Bloomfield, Morton W., ed. The Interpretation of Narrative: Theory and Practice. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1970. Bonheim, Helmut. Literary Systematics. Cambridge: Brewer, 1990.* Boyd, Brian. "11. Narrative: Representing Events." In Boyd, On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP-Belknap Press, 2009. 159-76.* Brooks, Cleanth, and Robert Penn Warren. Understanding Fiction. 1943. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice, 1959. Burton, S. H. The Criticism of Prose. London: Longman, 1973. 1980.* Calabrese, Stefano, ed. Neuronarratologia: Il futuro dellanalisi del racconto. Bologna: Gedit Edizioni, 2009. 2009 Champigny, Robert. The Ontology of Narrative: An Analysis. The Hague: Mouton, 1972. Chatman, Seymour. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978.* _____. Historia y discurso: La estructura narrativa en la novela y en el cine. Trans. Mara Jess Fernndez Prieto. Madrid: Taurus, 1990.* _____. Coming to Terms: The Rhetoric of Narrative in Fiction and Film. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1991. Cobley, Paul. Narrative. (The New Critical Idiom). London: Routledge, 2001.* Cohan, Steven, and Linda M. Shires. Telling Stories: A Theoretical Analysis of Narrative Fiction. New York: Routledge, 1988.* Cortazzi, Martin. Narrative Analysis. London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 1993. Rpt. 2002. Coste, Didier. Narrative as Communication. Foreword by Wlad Godzich. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1989.* Courts, J., ed. Introduction la smiotique narrative et discursive. Paris: Hachette, 1976.

_____, ed. Introduccin a la semitica narrativa y discursiva. Introd. A. J. Greimas. Trans. Sara Vasallo. Buenos Aires: Hachette, 1980.* Currie, Mark. Postmodern Narrative Theory. (Transitions). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.* Danow, David K. Models of Narrative: Theory and Practice. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997. Delgado Len, Feliciano. Tcnica del relato y modos de novelar. Sevilla, 1973. Dijk, T. A. van. Taal en handelen. Coutinho, 1978. Dijk, Teun van, Jens Ihwe, Jnos Petfi, and Hannes Rieser. Zur Bestimmung narrativer Strukturen auf der Grundlage von Textgrammatiken. Hamburg: Buske, 1972. Dolezel, Lubomir. Narrative Modes in Czech Literature. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1973. Domnguez, Mignon, ed. Estudios de narratologa. Buenos Aires, 1991. Eco, Umberto. Six Walks in the Fictional Woods. (Harvard University Norton Lectures, 1992-1993). Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1994. _____. Seis paseos por los bosques narrativos: Harvard University, Norton Lectures 1992-1993. Trans. Helena Lozano Miralles. (Palabra en el Tiempo, 241). Barcelona: Lumen, 1996. Fehn, Ann, Ingeborg Hoesterey, and Maria Tatar, eds. Neverending Stories: Toward a Critical Narratology. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1992. Felluga, Dino. Introduction to Narratology. 2005-05-21 Ferrara, Fernando. "Theory and Model for the Structural Analysis of Fiction". New Literary History 5.2 (1974): 245-268. Fludernik, Monika. The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction: The Linguistic Representation of Speech and Consciousness. London: Routledge, 1993.* _____. Towards a 'Natural' Narratology. London: Routledge, 1996. 2001.* _____. Einfhrung in die Erzhltheorie. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006. _____. An Introduction to Narratology. Trans. Patricia HuslerGreenfield and Monika Fludernik. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. (Trans. of Einfhrung in die Erzhltheorie) Foltinek, Herbert, Wolfgang Riehle and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, eds. Tales and 'their telling difference': Zur Theorie und

Geschichte der Narrativik. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Franz K. Stanzel. Heidelberg: Winter, 1993. Freckmann, Norbert. Stilistik - Narrativik - Metaphorik: Neuere Textsbeschreibungsmodelle in ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf amerikanische Prosa. Heidelbereg: Winter, 1995. Friedemann, Kte. Die Rolle des Erzhlers in der Epik. Leipzig: Haessel, 1910. Frye, Northrop. "The Rhythm of Continuity: Prose." "Specific Continuous Forms (Prose Fiction)." In Frye, Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957. 263-8, 303-15. Garca Domnguez, Elas. Cmo leer textos narrativos. (Commentary handbook). Madrid: Akal, 1987.* Garca Landa, Jos ngel. Narrative Theory. University of Zaragoza, 1990. Internet edition (2005): ublicaciones/narrativetheory/0.Introduction.htm 2005-04-16 _____. Structural Narratology. 1994. Online edition (2005): ublicaciones/structuralnarratology/0.Introduction.html 2005-05-21 _____. Accin, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficcin narrativa. (Acta Salmanticensia, Estudios Filolgicos, 269). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998.* page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id= 14773&category_id=204&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_vir tuemart&Itemid=56 2008 _____. Accin, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficcin narrativa. Online edition at the author's website, U of Zaragoza. 2009. ublicaciones/ard/ 2009 _____. "Accin, Relato, Discurso en Google Books." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea Jan. 2010.* 2010 Garrido Domnguez, Antonio. El texto narrativo. Madrid: Sntesis, 1993.*

Gaudreault, Andr, and Franois Jost. El relato cinematogrfico: cine y narratologa. Barcelona: Paids, 1995. Genette, Grard. Figures II. (Tel Quel). Paris: Seuil, 1969. _____. Figures II. (Points; Essais, 106). Paris: Seuil, 1979.* _____. Figures of Literary Discourse. Trans. Alan Sheridan. Oxford: Blackwell; New York: Columbia UP, 1982. _____. Figures III. (Potique). Paris: Seuil, 1972.* _____. Figuras III. Trad. Carlos Manzano. Barcelona: Lumen, 1989. _____. "Discours du rcit." In Grard Genette, Figures III. Paris: Seuil, 1972. 67-282.* _____. Narrative Discourse. Trans. Jane E. Lewin. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1980.* _____. Nouveau discours du rcit. (Potique). Paris: Seuil, 1983.* _____. Narrative Discourse Revisited. Trans. Jane E. Lewin. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1988.* _____. Nuevo discurso del relato. Madrid: Ctedra, 1998. _____. "Le statut pragmatique de la fiction narrative." Potique 78 (1989). Rpt. in Fiction et diction. _____. "The Pragmatic Status of Narrative Fiction." Style 24.1 (1990). Rpt. in Fiction et diction. _____. "Fictional Narrative, Factual Narrative." Poetics Today (1991). (From Fiction et diction). _____. Fiction et diction. Paris: Seuil, 1991. _____. Die Erzhlung. 1994. Gibson, Andrew. Towards a Postmodern Theory of Narrative. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1996.* Gmez Lara, Manuel J., and Juan A. Prieto Pablos. "Analysis of Narrative." In Gmez Lara and Prieto Pablos, The Ways of the Word. Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, 1994. 33-414.* Greimas, A. J. "Elements d'une grammaire narrative." l'Homme 9.3 (1969): 71-92. _____. "Elments d'une grammaire narrative." In Greimas, Du sens. Paris: Seuil, 1970. _____. "Elements of a Narrative Grammar." Diacritics 7.1 (1977): 2340. _____. "Elements of a Narrative Grammar." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 304-30.* _____. "Elements of a Narrative Grammar." In Semiotics. Ed. Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Alexandros Lagopoulos and Mark Gottdiener. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol. 3.

_____. "Elements of a Narrative Grammar." Diacritics 7.1 (1977): 2340. In Structuralism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Jonathan Culler. London: Routledge, 2006. Vol. 2. _____. Maupassant: La smiotique du texte: Exercises pratiques. Paris: Seuil, 1976.* _____. (Algirdas Julien Greimas). Du Sens II: Essais smiotiques. Paris: Seuil, 1983.* _____. Del sentido II. Trans. Esther Diamante. Madrid: Gredos, 1990. Guerrero, Estrella. "Teora y Prctica del cuento" La Narracin. Buenos Aires, 1941. Hamburger, Kte. Die Logik der Dichtung. 1957. Stuttgart: Klett, 1977. _____. The Logic of Literature. Trans. Marilynn J. Rose. 2nd rev. ed. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1973. _____. The Logic of Literature. 2nd rev. ed. Trans. Marilynn J. Rose. Preface by Grard Genette (trans. Dorrit Cohn). Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1993. Hamon, Philippe. "Mise au point sur les problmes de l'analyse du rcit." Le Franais moderne 40 (1972): 200-21. Hardee, A. Maynor, and Freeman G. Henry, eds. Narratology and Narrative. (French Literature Series). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990. Hardy, Barbara. "Towards a Poetics of Fiction: 3) An Approach Through Narrative." Novel 2 (1968): 5-14. _____. Tellers and Listeners: The Narrative Imagination. Humanities Press, 1975. Haubrichs, Wolfgang, ed. Erzhlforschung 2. Zeitschrift fr Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik beiheft 6. Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977. Hnault, Anne. Les enjeux de la smiotique, 2: Narratologie, smiotique gnrale. Paris: P.U.F. , 1983. Herman, David. Universal Grammar and Narrative Form. (Sound and Meaning: The Roman Jakobson Series in Linguistics and Poetics). Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1995.* _____. Story Logic: Problems and Possibilities of Narrative. (Frontiers of Narrative). Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 2002.* (Part One: Narrative Microdesigns. Part Two: Narrative Macrodesigns). _____. Basic Elements of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.* (Narrative, narratology, genres, narrative worlds, narrative and consciousness). _____, ed. Narratologies: New Perspectives on Narrative Analysis. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1999.*

_____, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Narrative. Ed. David Herman. Cambridge UP, 2007. Herman, David, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan, eds. Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005.* Herman, Luc, and Bart Vervaeck. Handbook of Narrative Analysis. 2001. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2005. Hoffman, Michael J., and Patrick D. Murphy, eds. Essentials of the Theory of Fiction. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1988.* Hhn, Peter, John Pier, Wolf Schmid and Jrg Schnert, eds Narratology. (de Gruyter Lexikon). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008. _____, eds. Handbook of Narratology. (Narratologia, 19). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009.* Huisman, Rosemary. "The Basics of Narrative Theory (2. Narrative concepts. 3. From Structuralism to Post-Structuralism)." In Helen Fulton et al., Narrative and Media. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005. 11-44.* Jahn, Manfred. Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative. U of Cologne, 2003. 2005-05-21 Jahn, Manfred, and Ansgar Nnning. "Narratology." European English Messenger 2.2 (1993): 24-29. Jahn, Manfred, Inge Molitor and Ansgar Nnning. CoGNaC: A Concise Glossary of Narratology from Cologne. Kln: Englisches Seminar, 1993.* Jost, Franois. "Narration(s): en de et au-del." Communications 38 (1983): 192-212. Kearns, Michael. Rhetorical Narratology. Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 1999. Keen, Suzanne. Narrative Form. Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.* Kloepfer, Rolf. "Dynamic Structures in Narrative Literature: The Dialogic Principle." Poetics Today 1.4 (1980): 115-34. Kloepfer, Rolf, and Gisela Janetzke-Diller. Erzhlung und Erzhlforschung im 20. Jahrhundert. Tagunsbeitrge eines Symposiums der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Veranstaltet vom 9. bis 14. September 1980 in Ludwigsburg. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1981. Knight, Diana. "Structuralism I: Narratology. Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness." In Literary Theory at Work: Three Texts. Ed. Douglas Tallack. London: Batsford, 1987. 9-28.

Krysinski, Wladimir. Carrefours de signes: Essais sur le roman moderne. The Hague: Mouton, 1981. Kumar, Shiv, and Keith McKean, eds. Critical Approaches to Fiction. New York: McGraw-Hill ,1965. Kuroda, S.-Y. "Rflexions sur les fondements de la thorie de la narration." Trans. T. Fauconnier. In Langue, discours, socit: Pour mile Benveniste. Ed. J. Kristeva, J.-C. Milner and N. Ruwet. Paris: d. du Seuil, 1975. 260-293. Lacey, Nick. "Theory of Narrative 2." In Lacey, Narrative and Genre. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000. 100-31.* Lmmert, Eberhard. Bauformen des Erzhlens. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1955. _____, ed. Erzhlforschung: Ein Symposion. 1982. Lanser, Susan Sniader. The Narrative Act : Point of View in Prose Fiction. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1981.* Lefebve, Maurice-Jean. "Rhtorique du rcit." Poetics 2 (1971). _____. Structure du discours de la posie et du rcit. Neuchtel: La Baconnire, 1971. Leitch, Thomas. "Action and Knowledge in the Short Story." In What Stories Are: Narrative Theory and Interpretation. University Park (PA) 1986. Lemon, Lee T., and Marion J. Reis, eds. Russian Formalist Criticism: Four Essays. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1965. Lodge, David. "Towards a Poetics of Fiction: 2) An Approach Through Language." Novel 1 (Winter 1968): 28. _____. "Towards a Poetics of Fiction: An Approach through Language." In Towards a Poetics of Fiction. Ed. Mark Spilka. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1977. _____. The Language of Fiction. London: Routledge, 1984. _____. "The Human Nature of Narrative." 1985. In Lodge, Write On. London: Penguin, 1988. Lothe, Jakob. Narrative in Fiction and Film: An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.* Macauley, Robie, and George Lanning. Technique in Fiction. New York: Harper, 1964. Margolin, Uri. "Reference, Coreference, Referring, and the Dual Structure of Literary Narrative." Poetics Today 12.3 (1991): 517-542.* Martin, Wallace. Recent Theories of Narrative. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1986.* McGuire, Michael. "The Rhetoric of Narrative: A Hermeneutic Critical Theory." In Narrative Thought and Narrative Language. Ed. B. K. Britton and A. D. Pellegrini. Hillsdale (NJ): Erlbaum, 1990. 219-36.*

McHale, Brian and Ronen, Ruth. "Narratology Revisited: Editors' Note." Poetics Today 11.2 (1990): 253-270.* Meister, Jan Christoph, ed. Narratology beyond Literary Criticism: Mediality - Disciplinarity. In collab. with Tom Kindt and Wilhelm Schernus. (Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory / Beitrge zur Erzhltheorie, 6). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005.* Meister, J.-C., et al., eds. The Living Handbook of Narratology. Hamburg: Hamburg UP, 2010 2010 Mihailescu, Calin-Andrei, and Walid Hamarneh, eds. Fiction Updated: Theories of Fictionality, Narratology, and Poetics. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1996.* Miner, Earl. "Narrative." In Miner, Comparative Poetics: An Intercultural Essay on Theories of Literature. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990. 135-212.* Molero de la Iglesia, Alicia. Didctica del texto narrativo: Estudio y anlisis del discurso. Madrid: UNED, 2004. "Narrative." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.* 2009 "Narratology." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.* 2010 Narratology Revisited. Poetics Today 11, 12 (Summer and Winter 1990, Fall 1991). On Narrative and Narratives. New Literary History 6, 11 (Winter 1975, Spring 1976). Onega, Susana, and Jos Angel Garca Landa. Anlat1bilime Giris. Trans. Yurdanur Salman and Deniz Hakyemez. Istambul: Adam Yay1nlar1, 2002.* (Turkish translation of the Introduction to Narratology, ed. Susana Onega and Jos Angel Garca Landa). Page, Ruth E. "Narrative Discourse." In Routledge Encyclopedia of Pragmatics. Ed. Louise Cummings. Forthcoming 2009. Pagnini, Marcelo. "Observaciones sobre la prosa narrativa." In Pagnini, Estructura literaria y mtodo crtico. Trans. Carlos Mazo del Castillo. 4th ed. Madrid: Ctedra, 1992. 100-112.* Patron, Sylvie. Le narrateur: Introduction la thorie narrative. Paris: Armand Colin, 2009. Petsch, Robert. Wesen und Formen der Erzhlkunst. Halle/Saale: Niemeyer, 1934. 2nd, enlarged. ed. Halle/Saale: Niemeyer, 1942.

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