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Denmark today Seen with other eyes


from India was visiting Denmark and learned a little about the living style in Denmark.

From the viking ship Sebbe Als

Hard working people are getting lunch

The task was to learn Vasanth and mahesh about Denmark within two days - this is what came out of it. The vikingship Sebbe Als is being prepared and painted for the coming seson. This takes a lot of time but as many people turned up this time it was no problem. The weather was nice and the people with 5 nationalities made a good work and had a lot of fun. We had lunch and a good beer outside.

India, Greece, Norway and France - international meeting point

Danish agriculture

Machinery for agriculture is enormous in Denmark

On the visit to a farm in Ketting we got a lot of information on what modern farming is. The farmer - Peter - is producing meat and have 800 catle all the time. They are 60 kg and 4 weeks when he get them and 400 kg when he deliver them 10 month later. At the same time he has 260 hektar earth whe he is growing repe and barley. He is doing all this one man with only a little help. The machines are very big and advanced. He gav a demonstration of what the machines can do.

Nothing to be scared of - even the animals are kind in Denmark

Peter also have some horses. Mahesh and one of the horses became good friends.

Danish agriculture

The cows said muhh to the photographer!

The cals were very interested in Vasants modern camera. They were living partly outside and had a lot of fresh straw. Feeding happened automaticly by a chip and a machine. The calfs were very clean and seam to have a good life.

Hej - I am number 05142 - do you like me?

My name is Hans, but they call me calf number 05142 - I have to live with that!

Windmill, watermill and forest

Traditional danish buildings - water and wind mill

By Vibk on the southern part of Als there are both a windmill and a watermill at the same place. The buildings are the original half wooden wit tached roof. This is how we produced flour for more hundred years.

In the forest we met 2 snakes - wild life in Denmark

On our trip to Nrreskoven a snake pased. Snakes are not common in Denmark any longer and on Als we have no posiness snakes. The ones we saw were only small - 50 cm.

The chuch in Ribe

Ribe is the oldest city / town in Denmark and was build before the viking age. There is a facinating church.

Impressive building great achitecture

The figures are made of wood some hundred years ago (the fugures on the wall - the two other are not that old).

Under the history of sct. Georg and the dragon inside Ribe church

From the church tower

Up in the church tower with the view to the west

From the top of the church there is a very good view over the town and the very special flat area. Throug the yers there has more times been flood, but with the new dykes this should not happen again.

The old city Ribe - seen from the churchtower

Changes has been done in Ribe, but it still have a lot of half wooden houses and very narrow streets - the atmosfere of the past.

The west coast of Rm

The land is flat as an pancake out west

On our way we took the raod to Mand, but as it can only be passed with a tractor we only drove a part of the way.

2 mighty dogs had nothing against contact and photos

We have no bears in Denmark, but something alike. We meet these two dogs on Rm - the biggest one have a weight of 75 kg - so nearly a baer, but very nice and polide.

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