Love and A Baby: BY Mysty Mcpartland

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One Nervously waiting in Haydens lounge room Leigh wondered how he would take the surprising news she needed to tell him. Lord, she could barely believe it herself. How could two weeks of wild rapturous passion change her whole life? Well it just did and now there were decisions to be made and it would only fair that Hayden take a part in them. Curious when his housekeeper, Mrs. Rose, told him that Leigh wanted to see him, Hayden hurried towards the lounge room where she waited. He could not help but grin as he remembered those two wild passionate weeks they spent together. Hell, what man would forget them? He thought of them far too often for his peace of mind. He stepped in to the lounge room and cocked a dark brow. Leigh. He said as he moved across the room to join her. His brow furrowed when she spun around and he saw the wariness on her lovely face. Her heart beat frantically as Leigh turned. She felt her knees shake when she faced Hayden. Lord the man is

just too good looking to believe, she thought forcing herself to shrug it aside and licked her suddenly dry lips. Hayden Iah, oh hell Ill just come right out and say it. Im pregnant even though I know we took every precaution somehow Im going to have a baby. Hayden felt gob smacked and fell in to the nearest chair. He could only stare up at Leigh in stunned disbelief. A baby. They were going to have a baby, he could not believe it. I only thought it was fair to let you know that even though I thought about having an abortion I couldnt do it. I have decided to keep the baby and I will accept your decision if you dont want to have any responsibility, I will understand. After all neither of us planned on this. Leigh gave a crooked smile and shrugged her shoulders lightly. Nevertheless, she could not stop herself as she quivered inside over what he would decide. Hayden shook his head so he could understand what Leigh was saying. But hell, he still couldnt get past her announcement about having a baby. Nonetheless, he did manage to understand some of what she said, he felt his gut clench when she mentioned the word abortion.

However, he felt relief fill him when she said she didnt intend to have one. When she continued he frowned, did he want the responsibility of a child, was it fair to Leigh or the child if he abandon them. Shit Leigh, I dont know what to think. You have to give me a little time after dropping this bomb on me. He told her. Leigh let out a worried breath and took a seat beside him on the sofa. I can understand how surprised you are Hayden, Lord I can still hardly believe it myself. He reached out and grasped her hand tightly. Are you sure its mine? Before he could make any decisions, he needed to know the child was definitely his. Leigh pulled her hand free and looked at Hayden with anger and disgust. You bastard, of course its yours! How can you ask me such a thing? Angry himself now, Hayden glared at her. Hell what do you expect after those two weeks we spent together? Hurt and upset Leigh lifted her hand and slapped his face; she jumped to her feet and started marching

across the room. Dont worry you cold-hearted bastard I relieve you of any responsibility. Hayden rubbed at his stinging cheek. He supposed he deserved the slap, but hell he was still reeling from the bomb that Leigh just dropped on him. He watched her rush away and winced over her words. Dropping his hand, he swiftly jumped to his feet and chased after her. He reached her before she went through the front door. Quickly catching hold of her arm, he stopped her and turned her around. Im sorry that was cruel and undeserved. Come on lets go back in to the lounge and talk about this. He felt even guiltily when he saw the tears in her eyes. Leigh quickly blinked away at the tears filling her eyes. She let Hayden take her back in to the lounge room, and once again, they sat on the sofa. Dear God Leigh I still cant believe were going to have a baby. Hayden shook his head in wonder. Yes but youll get used to the idea just as I have, look Hayden I really will understand if you would rather not have anything to do with the baby when its born. Leigh

said, though she hoped in her heart that he would want the child as much as she did. However, she would not let herself hope for anything more, even if she loved this stubborn irritating man. He did not have a clue how she felt and she hoped he would never know. It was the only reason she let him make love to her in the first place. Because she knew, she would never have anything else from this man except a few glorious moments in his arms. And oh Lord how absolutely glorious they were. Once again, Hayden frowned, in all his thirty years he has never given a thought to having a child. Now though suddenly faced with having one he started to feel happy over the fact. He also liked the idea of Leigh giving birth to his child, liked it a hell of a lot. He eyed her out the corner of his eye, her lovely flawless face, a blush kissed her cheeks, and those large green eyes shone with happiness. He felt a stab to his heart, the disappointment inside him was great. He hoped after those weeks together that they would keep seeing each other. But as soon as they arrived back in town it was as if those glorious

weeks never existed. Suddenly an idea came to him and he could not help but smile. This might just be the perfect solution, it might be a risk, but he was willing to take it if it meant that he could have Leigh back in his life and perhaps forever. Leigh I intend to take responsibility for you and the child and I think the first thing you should do is move out of your small apartment and move in here. Her eyes rounding Leigh could not help the flutter to her heart, but she instantly dismissed her hope and happiness, she could not let herself wish for anything more than they have already shared. Thank you Hayden but I dont think it would be wise for me to move in here with you. Dont say no Leigh. Your apartment is way too small and what if something should happen to you or the child. No I insist that you stay here so I can make certain that you are both safe. Leigh dropped her gaze from his and twisted her hands together. It would be foolish to give in but on the other hand it would be foolish not to. Just maybe he might just

come to care for her if she did. It was risky but why not. All right Hayden if you are really sure that this is what you want. Hayden felt ecstatic, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and grinned. Well then shall we go and pack you up? With luck youll be all settled in by nightfall. And tonight I just might have this woman back in my bed, he thought with growing passion and excitement. Being held so tightly against Hayden, Leigh could not stop her body from pulsing with desire. How she wanted to give in to it but she couldnt. She could not let Hayden make love to her again; if she did, she did not think she could ever just walk away from him again. I agree to move in Hayden and I will but I need a lot more than a few hours. Theres so much I have to see to first but hopefully by the end of the week Ill be here. She said and moving away, she stood up. To say he was disappointed would be putting it mildly but Hayden managed to hide feelings behind a warm smile. A week it seemed forever to have this woman back in his bed but he didnt have any other choice. All

right Leigh if you need a week thats fine. Do you want any help? Leigh shook her head. No I can manage Ill see you at the end of the week then. As he watched her leave Hayden fell back against the sofa and wiped a hand over his face, hell he was going to be a father. He still could not believe it. All those times they made love, hed been as careful as he could. Well it didnt seem to have made a difference, Leigh still fell pregnant. A baby, they were going to have a God damn baby, suddenly he lifted his head and laughed. He also just might have the woman he could not stop craving back in his bed again and by God, he would definitively intended to try very hard to get her there.

Two The week could only be called a hectic one and now Leigh started having second thoughts of moving in with Hayden; however it was far too late now. Her apartment has already been sub-let, most of her things put in storage, and the things she needed were on their way to Haydens house. For a moment she sat in her car and stared unseeing out the window. What would happen if Hayden suddenly has a change of heart? What would she do and where would she go? Lord she hoped she wasnt making a mistake, well it was too late now. It would also be hard to keep her feelings to herself. Living with him night and day would be taxing but she could not let him know how she truly felt. If he even saw a hint of how she felt, he would most likely toss her out without a qualm. He would probably also think that she set out to trap him from the start. It wasnt true though, getting pregnant was the very last thing she expected to happen.


Well it was far too late to change things now, she was pregnant and she now would be moving in with the man she loved and would be living platonically with him. There wouldnt be any way she could share a bed with him again and be able to hide her feelings. It had been hard enough at the cabin but she managed to hide her feelings but she doubted she would be able to again. No, they would share a house and just be friends. Go back to the relationships they shared for years. Perhaps one day in the distance future, she could stop loving him but it didnt seem likely since she already loved him for years. It broke her heart to watch him over the years with all the different woman he shared affairs with. She just hoped while living with him that he would never bring one of those women home. She would die if he did and she knew that if he brought another woman home, she would be unable to stay there. Hell, this was madness and she should not have agreed to such an arrangement, all she could do is hope that such a thing would never happened. And if in six months things didnt work out she could return to her apartment and struggle to get on with her life. 11

With a shake of her head and a grimace, she let out a sigh and turned the key to start the car. Well if things didnt work out or he suddenly changed his mind she would think of something, she would have to.

Hayden impatiently waited for Leigh to arrive, the week had been a grueling one, not just because of work, but hed been impatiently waiting for her to move in. He hoped she wouldnt suddenly change her mind at the last minute. Hed done nothing but think about this moment all week, couldnt think of anything else but having Leigh here with him. He also came to the decision to finally admit to her how he truly felt about her. It would be a huge gamble but he would finally to tell her how he really felt about her, hopefully she would feel the same. If she didnt he wouldnt give up trying. She must feel something for him since she spent those two glorious weeks with him alone in the cabin. God what an unbelievable fortnight, in the three months since then he hadnt been able to be with another woman or even want one. All he craved was Leigh and


now he would finally have her under his roof and he wasnt going to let her leave. Not if he could prevent it. She would be the mother of his child and he wanted that child to have both a mother and a father. He wanted Leigh to marry him, wanted her to be his wife but most of all he wanted her to love him. Yes, he might be taking an enormous gamble but it was a risk he is willing to take. Well shortly, he would know how she felt and if they could have a future together. Dragging his fingers through his already mussed hair, he paced the lounge room as he waited for her to arrive, his gut twisted in nervous apprehension and his body tense with worry. He continued to pray silently that Leigh felt something other than friendship for him. He wanted her love more than anything else he has ever wanted in his life and somehow if she didnt love him now he would do everything possible to make her love him. With an enormous amount of luck one day soon he could make it happen.


When she arrived Hayden surprised her when he met her at the door. The bigger surprise was the few perfunctory words of greeting, then he led her upstairs to his own bedroom and put down two of her suitcases. Leigh eyed him warily. Iuh dont think this would be a good idea Hayden. Perhaps I should sleep somewhere else. Hayden straightened up and moved over to stand in front of Leigh, it was now time to tell her and suddenly he felt nervous and worried. Sucking in a deep breath he silently told himself that it was now or never, sink or swim it was time for the truth to come out. He lifted his hand and tenderly cupped the side of her face as he stared directly into her large green eyes. Leigh we have known each other for a long time and we have always been good friends. But after those two weeks we spent together I finally came to realize that I feel more for you than mere friendship. At Haydens gentle touch Leigh stood frozen, her heartbeat erratically with excitement as she listened to the softly spoken declaration from him.


His thumb caressed the side of her mouth. Hayden continued to stare into her beautiful eyes. Leigh those weeks meant so much to me and I havent been able to forget them or you. What Im trying to tell you sweetheart is that I love you. I want you and our child here with me forever. Leighs heart soared as unbelievable happiness soared through her. She reached out and clasped tightly to the front of his t-shirt when she felt her legs buckling beneath her. She thought she must be dreaming this moment because she has waited so long to hear him say he loved her. But seeing the truth in Haydens dark brown eyes she knew how very real it was. She fell against him wrapping her arms around him tightly. His hand went around Leigh when she pressed herself against him; Hayden admitted hed been worried that she may not care for him at all when she remained silent. Dear God he hoped he hadnt made a mistake, he would die if this woman couldnt love him back. For a few moments, Leigh took time to gather up her emotions. When she moved slightly away lifted her head and a smiled trembled on her lips. Oh Hayden do


you really mean it? Youre not just saying how you feel because Im going to have your baby? Yes I mean it Leigh and no its not because of the baby. Its you sweetheart, its you I love. He whispered softly as hope leaped in his heart. Hayden, Hayden Ive loved you for so long. I just never expected you to ever love me back. Leigh confessed in a rush. His heart expanded with happiness, Hayden crushed her in his arms. Well I do sweetheart and Im going to keep on loving you forever. And now if you let me Ill show you just how much I do love you. His mouth hovered over hers and when he saw her eyes light up with desire; he lowered his mouth over hers and kissed her with ferocious hunger. Leigh accepted Haydens bone melting kisses with an appetite that nearly overwhelmed her. When he finally pulled his mouth from hers, she drew in a long shaky breath. With trembling hands she reached down and drew up the hem of her sundress. She pulled it over her head and dropped it on the floor.


Hayden stood watching Leigh take off her dress, his breathing heavy and harsh as desire crashed and pounded through him. When she stood before him in nothing but her dark green bra and skimpy pants, he felt his cock throb and ache to be inside of her again. He didnt waste any more time, he bent over pulled off his runners, straightened up and pulled off his t-shirt. After he dropped it on the floor he unzipped his jeans and pushed them down. He stood before Leigh proud and fully aroused. When Hayden stared to strip, Leigh could only stare as hot pulsating desire spread through her; his body was magnificent, all hard plains and rippling muscles. She smiled when she noticed he went commando but wasnt surprised. Those two weeks they spent together Hayden hardly ever wore a strip of clothing. Hayden reached for Leigh and together they tumbled on the bed, his hand cupped the side of her face. Tell me again sweetheart. Tell me again that you love me. He whispered against her cheek.


Leigh shivered as her flesh met Haydens, her arms wrapped around him holding him tightly whispered what has been buried in her heart for so long. I love you Hayden. I love you with my whole heart and soul. He closed his eyes as such overwhelming happiness spread through him, a moment later he opened his eyes. Oh God Leigh I love you so much. Hayden whispered harshly before his mouth covered hers in a consuming kiss and his fingers undid the hooks on her bra. Tonight he felt like the luckiest man in the world, he now finally possessed the woman he loved and she was in his arms again, and she carrying his child. No man could be any luckier than him right now. Just before she lost herself in Haydens consuming kiss, Leigh thought she might have actually done the smartest thing she had ever risked doing besides those two weeks she spent with him. If she hadnt come to Hayden and told him about the baby she would never have known that he loved her. Yes, for once she truly did the smartest thing in her life. Abruptly her thoughts died and only mindless passion consumed her as the man she loved sent her on a rapturous ride.


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