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Day 1 - Counting Techniques & Permutations Day 2 - Combinations & Probability Day 3 - Circle Day 4 - Ellipse Day 5 - Parabola Day 6 - Hyperbola Day 7 - Systems of Linear


Day 1 - Functions & Relations/Overview of Functions Day 2 - Transformation /Graphing Day 3 - Linear Function Day 4 - Quadratic Functions Day 5 - Absolute Function Day 6 - Power Function Day 7 - Polynomial Function

Day 8- Rational Function

SCHEDULE: March 16-20, 23-27, April 2-3, 6-8 2:00- 4:00 PM / 4:00 6:00 PM THINGS TO BRING: LSC Math, Calculator, USB, CLEAR FOLDER

Lesson 1: Fundamental Counting Principle

If there are m ways to do one thing, and n ways to do another, then there are m*n ways of doing both. The Fundamental Counting Principle is the guiding rule for finding the number of ways to accomplish two tasks.

Examples using the counting principle:

Let's say that you want to flip a coin and roll a die. There are 2 ways that you can flip a coin and 6 ways that you can roll a die. There are then 2x6=12 ways that you can flip a coin and roll a die. If you want to hit one note on a piano and play one string on a banjo, then there are 88 * 5 = 440 ways to do both. If you want to draw 2 cards from a standard deck of 52 cards without replacing them, then there are 52 ways to draw the first and 51 ways to draw the second, so there are a total of 52*51 = 2652 ways to draw the two cards.

Sample Spaces
A listing of all the possible outcomes is called the sample space and is denoted by the capital letter S. The sample space for the experiments of flipping a coin and rolling a die are S = { H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6}. Sure enough, there are twelve possible ways. The fundamental counting principle allows us to figure out that there are twelve ways without having to list them all out. Example 1. Suppose a car number plate contains two distinct letters followed by three digits with the first digit not zero. How many different car number plates can be printed?

26 25 9 10 10 585000 Example 2. In a restaurant, a person can choose from the 8 viands, plain, garlic or java rice, 5 kinds of beverages and 6 kinds of desserts. In how many ways can this person choose what to have if he is to order one from each group?

8 3 5 6 720
Example 3.The digit 1, 2,3,4, and 5 are to be used to form a five-digit number. How many different numbers can be formed if a. repetition is permitted? 5 5 b. repetition is not allowed? 5! c. the number must be odd and repetition is not allowed? 4 3 2 1 3 72

d. the number must be greater than 30 000 and repetition is not allowed? 3 4 3 2 1 72 numbers greater than 30 000. Example 4: How many numbers greater than 5 000 can be formed from the digits 1, 2,3, 4 and 5 using each digit only once in each number?

ACTIVITY 1 : COUNTING TECHNIQUES 1. A food chain sells value meals of hamburgers of the following items: softdrinks, french fries, or sundae. Draw a tree diagram to find all possible selections a customer can make. Softdrinks Hamburger Fries Sundae 2. Students are classified according to gender (male or female), regular or irregular students, and field of specialization (mathematics, physics, business, or languages). How many possible classifications are there?


3. A restaurant menu has five kinds of soups, ten kinds of main courses, six kinds of desserts, and eight kinds of drinks. If a customer selects one item from each category, how many different outcomes are possible?

2 400

5 10 6 8

4. If three coins are tossed, in how many ways can they land? 8

5. How many different 5-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9? 99999

15 120

6. License plates consist of three letters followed by three numbers. How many

different license plates are possible if there is no repetition and a. the three-digit number must be even? 26 25 24 10 5 b. the three-digit must be greater than 500? 26 25 24 5 10 c. the first digit in the three-digit number cannot be 0? 26 25 24 9 10

5, 616, 000 5, 616, 000 10,108, 800

7. How many arrangements are there of four letters that begin with one consonant, end with a different consonant and with two distinct vowel letters in 8, 400 between? 5 4 3 21

8. A contractor has 4 styles of homes, each with 3 styles of carports, 4 styles of decks, and 5 styles of roofing. How many possibilities are there? 240

4 3 4 5

9. How many numbers greater than 500 can be formed from the digits 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9 using each digit no more than once in each number?

3 4 3 6


10. Suppose a girl has 5 pairs of pants, 3 skirts and 7 blouses. How many different outfits are possible?

5 7 3 7


Lesson Page

Math A

is an arrangement of objects in different orders. The order of the arrangement is important!! For example, the number of different ways 3 students can enter school can be shown as 3!, or 321, or 6. There are six different arrangements, or permutations, of the three students in which all three of them enter school.

A permutation

FFFF The notation for a permutation: n Pr n is the total number of objects r is the number of objects chosen (want) (Note if n = r then
n Pr

= n!)


1. 2.


54321 = 120 65 = 30
multiply two factors (start with 6)

6P2 =



= 76543 = 2520

The number of ways to arrange 5 objects that are chosen from a set of 7 different objects.

4. What is the total number of possible 5-letter

arrangements of the letters w,h,i,t,e, if each letter is used only once in each arrangement? 5P5 = 54321 = 120 ( 5 letters to choose from, n#, want 5-letter arrangements, r#)

5. How many different 3-digit numerals can be made from

the digits of 45678 if a digit can appear just once in a numeral? 5P3 = 543 = 60 ( 5 numbers to choose from, n#, want 3-digit numerals, r#)

A permutation is an arrangement of objects, without repetition, and order being important. Another definition of permutation is the number of such arrangements that are possible.

Since a permutation is the number of ways you can arrange objects, it will always be a whole number. The denominator in the formula will always divide evenly into the numerator. The n value is the total number of objects to chose from. The r is the number of objects your actually using. The two key things to notice about permutations are that there is no repetition of objects allowed and that order is important.

Examples of permutations:
Example 1: List all permutations of the letters ABCD





Now, if you didn't actually need a listing of all the permutations, you could use the formula for the number of permutations. There are 4 objects and you're taking 4 at a time. 4P4 = 4! / (4-4)! = 4! / 0! = 24 / 1 = 24. This also gives us another definition of permutations. A permutation when you include all n objects is n!. That is, P(n,n) = n! Example 2: List all three letter permutations of the letters in the word HAND HAN HNA HAD HDA HND HDN

Now, if you didn't actually need a listing of all the permutations, you could use the formula for the number of permutations. There are 4 objects and you're taking 3 at a time. 4P3 = 4! / (4-3)! = 4! / 1! = 24 / 1 = 24. Example 3:If repetitions are not permitted, (a) how many 3 digit numbers can be formed from the six digits 2, 3, 5,6, 7 and 9.(b) How many of these are less than 400? (c) How many are even? (d) How many are odd? (e) How many are multiples of 5?

Finding Permutations by Hand

By hand, you can plug the values for n and r into the expression involving factorials and then simplify the ratio of the factorials as discussed in section 7.1. However, there will always be n-r terms in common between the numerator and the denominator once the factorials are expanded. Those terms will divide out, leaving you with the first r terms of the expansion in the numerator. This gives us a shortcut for finding a permutation by hand.

= first r factors of n!

Finding Permutations with the Calculator

There is a permutation function on the calculator. On the TI-82 and TI-83, it is found under the Math menu, the Probability Submenu, and then choice 2. It is shown as nPr. Enter the value for n first, then the function, and finally the value for r. Example 3 :How many four-letter permutations can be formed from the letters in the word heptagon? PERMUTATIONS WITH REPETITIONS The number of permutation of n objects using n objects where n1 are alike, n 2 are alike, n r n! are alike is n1!n 2 !...n r ! Example 4: In how many ways can you arrange the letters of the word PROBABILITY?

Example 5: How many different signals, each consisting of 8 flags hung in a vertical line, can be formed from asset of 4 indistinguishable red flags,3 indistinguishable white flags, and a blue flag?

CIRCULAR PERMUTATIONS If n objects are arranged in a circle, the number of permutation is n 1! Example 6. How many ways can you sit 10 people in a round table with 10 seats?

Example 7: In how many ways can a party of 7 persons arrange themselves (a) in a row of 7 chairs ? (b) around a circular table?

1. How many three-digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 without repetition?

2. Find the number of distinct permutation of the letters of the word COMMOTION.

3. In how many ways can you seat two children and three adults in a row of five seats If he children are not to sit together?

4. Find in how many ways can two admirals, three generals, and four lieutenants can be seated in arrow of nine seats if (a) the admirals sit at each end. (b) a general sit at each end and the lieutenants in consecutive seats.

5. Seven boys and seven girls went to watch a movie. How many ways can they be seated if (a) the boys are to sit together and so with the girls? (b) the boys and the girls are to sit alternately?(C) Grace and Joey are members of the group and want to sit together all the time?

6. Crisha has 5 different colored beads including purple and pink. In how many ways can she arrange the beads in a string (a) if there are no restrictions? (b) so that the purple and pink beads are adjacent to each other?

7. (a) How many car number plates can be made if each plate contains 2 different letters followed by 3 different digits? (b) Solve the problem if the first digit number cannot be 0?

8. (a) Find the number of ways in which 6 people can ride on a toboggan if one of three must drive. (b) Find the number of ways in which five persons can sit in a row. How many ways are there if two of the persons insist on sitting next to one another?

9. (a) Find the number of four letter words that can be formed from the letters of the word HISTORY. (b) How many of them contain only consonants? (c) How many of them begin and end in a consonant? (d) How many of them begin with a vowel? (e) How many contain the letter Y? (f) How many begin with T and end in a vowel? (g) How many begin with T and also contain S?

10. Find the number of ways in which 5 large books, 4 medium-size books and 3 small books can be placed on a shelf so that all books of the same size are together.

11. Consider all positive integers with 3 different digits. (Note that 0 cannot be the first digit). (a) How many are greater than 700? (b) How many are odd? (c) How many are even? (d) How many are divisible by 5?

12. Find the number of distinct permutations that can be formed from all of the letters of the word ELEVEN.(b) How many of them begin and end with E? (c) How many of them have the 3 Es together? (d) How many begin with E and end with N?

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