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Natural gas is a gift from the Earth. Lets open it.

Natural Gas: Clean, Green and Abundant

MIT physicist Ernest Moniz, President Obamas energy secretary nominee, said a stunning increase in production of domestic natural gas in recent years was nothing less than a revolution that has led to reduced emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that cause global warming. The U.S. Energy Information Administration last year concluded that CO2 emissions in America are at a 20-year low, primarily due to increased natural gas use in electric generation. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, in releasing a 2012 study, said natural gas is a low-cost, low-emissions fuel that makes good economic and environmental sense. He wrote, upgrades to natural gas services are critical for New York City to improve air quality and public health. With proper regulation and enforcement, gas provides a very substantial health benefit in reducing air pollution, said Daniel Schrag, director of Harvard Universitys Center for the Environment on March 5, 2013. 75,000 oil and gas wells have been drilled in New York; nearly 14,000 remain active. Those wells have never contaminated groundwater, according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

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