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Ok, now let's get started with the analysis of your birth chart.

We begin with a look at your planets and houses. This is rather

technical data for those people who know a lot about

If you'd like to get an easier to understand natal/birth report, then we can

recommend AstrologySource Merlin Natal Report. It's written in very easy to
understand words and provides an in-depth view into your personality, your
possibilities and your options.

The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the
character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual

The most important information from the following table are: your sun sign, moon
sign and your ascendant. The sun sign is the most general information in your
horoscope. However you should make special note of your ascendant (Asc), also
called rising sign. Never forget your rising sign as it give you more in-depth
information about yourself. The Moon sign is also important as it reflects your
emotions and intuitive side of your nature. In the Old Astrology, the Moon sign was
a lot more important as the more general Sun sign.

Your Planets & Houses

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0

Sun Aries 8.26 Ascendant Leo 29.32

Moon Taurus 14.24 II Virgo 26.58

Mercury Aries 18.54 III Libra 27.27

Venus Aquarius 21.59 IV Scorpio 29.07

Mars Aquarius 13.10 V Capricorn 0.10

Jupiter Cancer 2.29 VI Aquarius 0.15

Saturn Capricorn 24.16 VII Aquarius 29.32

Uranus Capricorn 9.29 VIII Pisces 26.58

Neptune Capricorn 14.30 IX Aries 27.27

Pluto Scorpio 17.23 R Midheaven Taurus 29.07

Lilith Scorpio 16.11 XI Cancer 0.10

Asc node Aquarius 15.18 XII Leo 0.15

The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny.

Planets in the houses

Sun in VIII

Moon in IX

Mercury in VIII

Venus in VI

Mars in VI

Jupiter in XI

Saturn in V

Uranus in V

Neptune in V

Pluto in III

Lilith in III

Asc node in VI

Here is now the interpretative analysis of your birth chart. It goes over the various
items in the previous tables and explains what it means for you. The planetary
aspects are also explained further on.

If you'd like to get a clearer and easier to understand birth chart, then please use
the Merlin Natal Report.

You can also get additional information through this interactive feature:

today's transits (horoscope for today)

astrology previsions (14 days)

compatibility with your partner

Birth Chart

This birth chart shows the positions of the planets of siddharth manu

The planets in the signs

The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the
character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual

Sun in Aries

he has a strong personality and an entrepreneurial spirit. he is ambitious and self-

willed, stubborn, obstinate and tenacious.
Weaknesses: nervousness, impulsiveness, wastefulness, provoking nature,
restlessness and changeability.

Moon in Taurus

Sweetness itself. Convinced of their ideas and strong-willed. he is foresighted and

willful. he knows how to trust. he appreciates all the good things in Life. he likes and
protects Nature.

Weaknesses: excesses in pleasure, laziness, sensuality, thoughtlessness.

Mercury in Aries

he argues, disputes, discusses, answers back. Lively mind which quickly

understands a given situation. he is very resourceful and capable.

Weaknesses: he is impetuous, hot-headed, petulant. Impatient and hasty, which

causes problems due to lack of foresight before acting.

Venus in Aquarius

he likes flowery language: he is very sensitive and detests anything vulgar. he

appreciates independence in love, but idealizes and embellishes it. he likes to
please and will do whatever is necessary for this. While always being frank, she is
not always faithful.

Weaknesses: he is unfaithful, because he likes above all to please and will follow
through to the end of any adventure that arises. Does not like barriers, likes liberty
of action and does not like to account to anyone.

Mars in Aquarius
he uses her aggressiveness in a social battle for freedom, or independence or
adventure, but always linked to society. Likes adventure, independence.
Disturbances, changes, upsets.

Jupiter in Cancer

Peaceful, calm nature. Fertile imagination. Likes home life and material comforts. A
good cook, because he is relatively greedy and takes pleasure in conjuring up little
things that are good to eat.

Weakness: he likes to eat too much, likes own home and comfort too much and has
the tendency to be a stay-at-home, going out without any pleasure because home is
always best.

Saturn in Capricorn

he is scrupulous, honest, correct, worthy and respectable.

Weaknesses: melancholy, sullenness, disappointment and bitterness.

Uranus in Capricorn

A great battler. he has so much power, that one thinks nothing can defeat her. Her
mission in society, in the world means everything to her.

Neptune in Capricorn

he is discerning, wise and sensible.

Pluto in Scorpio
Great sexual activity.

Sign and ascendant

Aries ascendant Leo

The planets in the houses

The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny.

Sun in VIII

Financial problems ease after marriage.

Moon in IX

Highly imaginative. Prolonged studies, is intuitive. Professionally successful abroad,

or in import-export or as a diplomat. Contact with foreigners. Long journeys. Ability
to learn foreign languages.

Mercury in VIII

Has a fear of death, but who doesn't? he can be tormented at night. he likes
research, investigation, enquiries. Studies well.

Venus in VI

he is devoted to sick or poor people. Certainly works in a medical or social setting,

where he meets their partner, who is a great help professionally.
Mars in VI

he works with great pleasure and flat out but meets with problems at work, where
professional rivalry blocks her ideas and enjoyment.

Jupiter in XI

he is cooperative, organizes everyone. he climbs the social ladder thanks to help

from friends and acquaintances who are chosen, not for their qualities, but for the
advantages they can bring. he achieves her objectives.

Saturn in V

he likes method, calculation, concentration. She is not drawn towards amusements,

or pleasure in general. he has few friends, but has deep and sincere feelings. he is
serious in everything.

Uranus in V

he is independent, likes even dubious distractions. His amorous adventures are not
only numerous but also very complicated, otherwise they hold no charm.

Neptune in V

Extravagant love affairs, great passions.

The houses in the signs

Ascendant in Leo
Sign of good health, vitality. Certain of success, either in sport, the Arts or
something else. Very full emotional life.

House II in Virgo

Will not earn a lot of money through work.

House III in Libra

he looks for refined unproblematic people, with whom to have long discussions,
without raised voices of any kind.

House IV in Scorpio

heis jealous, snobby, irascible.

Family rows will be frequent. Might receive an inheritance.

House V in Capricorn

The absolute example of the "serious" type. Everything is calculated, the slightest
risk analyzed, patience is one of her main qualities. Doesn't know anything about
chance. One or two love affairs, marriage, a family, all unproblematic - done calmly
with love and wisdom.

House VI in Aquarius

One of the professions or teaching. Weak point: the circulation of the blood.

House VII in Aquarius

A slightly hasty marriage. The relationship between man-and-wife will be very
friendly and full of understanding. Both will love their independence, their freedom
of action. If one refuses to give this to the other while insisting on it for himself, then
a divorce will ensue.

House VIII in Pisces

Discussions about an inheritance. Be careful of water.

House IX in Aries

Travel with risk and adventure.

House X in Taurus

Trusted at work. Occupation connected with the earth, buildings, finance etc...

House XI in Cancer

Sincere and life-long friendships. The family comes first, however.

House XII in Leo

A few problems with authority or someone in charge.

Interplanetary aspects

The interplanetary aspects have a strong influence on the character and disposition
of the individual and, consequently, on her destiny.
The conjunction aspect is variable and depends above all on the nature of the
conjoint planets.

-260 Opposition Moon - Pluto

She has problems in love. She is jealous, her self-esteem is often quickly held up to

-155 Square Moon - Mars

She is very emotional and is driven to do things by her emotions. She does not think
things over or through in a given situation. She is irascible and sometimes violent.
Marital disputes.

141 Trine Moon - Neptune

-139 Square Sun - Uranus

Her independence and need for liberty are all-important. She does not accept
constraints or barriers. Mainly extravagant eccentricity.

100 Conjunction Uranus - Neptune

69 Sextile Mercury - Venus

She looks on the bright side of life: she is gay, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. She
likes to speak and write, and does both with charm and artistry. Her intellectual
pleasures are influenced by her feelings. She is amorous and sensual. She likes
beauty, the Arts but also travelling.
62 Conjunction Venus - Mars

She is amorous, not a peaceful and calm lover but a passionate one with a strong
temperament. She is demonstrative in love, and likes healthy pleasures. She enjoys
life to the full.

60 Trine Moon - Uranus

She is imaginative and has the Moon's intuition complemented by Uranus'

independence and originality. Her life is out-of-the-ordinary, with lots of changes and
a great knowledge of the world not through reading but through personal
experience. She likes the sensational, new things. She acts instinctively, but
fortunately has a good sixth sense. She likes to be surrounded by original people,

-46 Opposition Jupiter - Uranus

She is too independent and her liberty is all-important. She lacks diplomacy, and her
extravagance is shocking. She likes verbal battles and espouses extremist ideas in
order to shock her companions. She has a number of internal tensions.

34 Sextile Jupiter - Ascendant

She likes meeting friends, around a good meal and in a cordial atmosphere. She is
pleasant, jovial and engaging.

-31 Square Mars - Pluto

She is violent, brutal, irascible and succeeds in crushing others, without giving it a

-28 Square Venus - Pluto

-27 Square Mercury - Neptune

She makes errors of judgement, and lacks sincerity. She lets things happen, and is
happy in her dreamworld. Confronted by reality, she is hesitant, incapable of being
tested and falls back into her imaginary world. She might become a drug-taker.

25 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

24 Trine Saturn - Midheaven

She is ambitious, but in a calculated, well-balanced way. She perseveres, is serious,

orderly. She climbs the ladder slowly but surely: if need be, she is willing to change
her ideas. She is wise and experienced.

-22 Opposition Venus - Ascendant

She goes to excess in her pleasures, frequents doubtful company. She lacks good
taste. She is very spendthrift, but spreads her money around her circle. Her friends
are more self-interested than sincere.

-19 Square Mercury - Saturn

She is reserved, conservative, ambitious and stubborn. She has a slow mind and has
problems expressing herself. Social success is slow and laborious, but she does not
give up easily and is patient.

8 Conjunction Saturn - Neptune

Her plans are realized in a methodical fashion, she works hard to achieve success.
-2 Square Sun - Jupiter

She is negligent, spendthrift. She goes to excesses of all sorts. She is proud and
arrogant, and considers herself much superior to others.

If you'd like to get a clearer and easier to understand birth chart, then please use
the Merlin Natal Report.

You can also get additional information through this interactive feature:

today's transits (horoscope for today)

astrology previsions (14 days)

compatibility with your partner


Planet Aspect Planet Orb/Value

Sun Square Jupiter 5.57 -2

Sun Square Uranus 1.03 -139

Moon Square Mars 1.13 -155

Moon Trine Uranus 4.55 60

Moon Trine Neptune 0.06 141

Moon Opposition Pluto 2.60 -260

Mercury Sextile Venus 3.05 69

Mercury Square Saturn 5.22 -19

Mercury Square Neptune 4.24 -27

Venus Conjunction Mars 8.49 62

Venus Square Pluto 4.35 -28

Venus Opposition Ascendant 7.34 -22

Mars Square Pluto 4.13 -31

Jupiter Opposition Uranus 6.60 -46

Jupiter Sextile Ascendant 2.57 34

Saturn Conjunction Neptune 9.46 8

Saturn Trine Midheaven 4.51 24

Uranus Conjunction Neptune 5.01 100

Neptune Sextile Pluto 2.54 25

523 -729 -206

Sign types & asteroids

Signs masculine 4 Signs of fire 2

Signs feminine 6 Signs of earth 4

Signs cardinals 6 Signs of air 2

Signs fixed 4 Signs of water 2

Signs mutable 0

Chiron Cancer 11.42

Ceres Gemini 29.27

Pallas Taurus 4.14

Juno Scorpio 25.06 R

Vesta Aries 2.06

Fortune Libra 5.30

South node Leo 15.18

If you'd like to get a clearer and easier to understand birth chart, then please use
the Merlin Natal Report.

your birth chart graphic (click to enlarge)

Click on a planet for more information


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