The Empty Pot

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Name: ___________________________________

Date: ______________________

Septembers Theme: Honesty The Empty Pot

Long, long ago in China, there was a boy named Ping. More than anything else in the world, Ping loved flowers and had the gift of being able to make anything grow. He could plant any seed and up would grow beautiful blossoms and rich green leaves. Pings family and friends would marvel at the wonderful things he was able to grow. Now, the Emperor in those days was also a great lover of flowers and loved to spend time in his garden, which was filled with beautiful shrubs and fine fruit trees. Each day he would tend to all the lovely things growing there. But unfortunately, the good Emperor was growing old and was becoming more and more worried about finding someone who would rule fairly after he was gone. How should he choose someone, he wondered daily. Finally, he decided that because he loved flowers so much, he would let the flowers do the choosing. The very next day, the Emperor issued a proclamation throughout the land. All the children in the realm were to come to the palace. Each child would be given special flower seeds to plant. Whoever returns with the best in a years time will inherit my throne! were the Emperors words. Everyone was so excited by the possibilities and the next day all the children of the land gathered in a long line to await their seeds from the Emperor. Ping, so anxious to have something to grow for the Emperor, traveled the long distance from his home to the palace. He waited patiently in the long line until, at last, he gladly received his seed from the Emperor. Ping was overjoyed. He was certain that he would grow the most exquisite flower with such a seed. When he arrived home, he chose a sturdy pot and filled it with good soil. Each day he watered it lovingly and made sure it got the sunshine it needed. He could not wait to see it sprout and grow into a beautiful flower! Days passed, and Ping waited patiently, but nothing happened. He became worried and put the seed in a larger pot with more good soil. He watered it carefully and made certain it received sunlight, and still nothing happened. Finally, he put the seed into an even better pot and made sure it had the richest soil. He continued to care for it, and watched over it for months, yet no sprouts came. Month after month Ping tried and waited until finally the year was up. The day had arrived for all the children to return to the palace with the flowers they had grown. They flooded toward the palace gates, eager to be chosen as the next emperor. Ping watched as children with azaleas, peonies, and chrysanthemums streamed by. He saw roses and lilies and orchids like he had never seen before. He was so ashamed of his empty pot. He could not believe that for once he had not been able to make a flower grow. Just then his friend passed by, holding a beautiful white lily. Ping! he cried. What are you doing with that empty pot? Couldnt you grow anything at all? Im on my way to the palace with this great big flower now. Wheres yours? The boy did not wait for Ping to answer. He sped off to see if he would be chosen by the Emperor.

A tear trickled slowly down Pings check. Ive grown many flowers before, he said to himself. I dont know why this seed would not grow. Pings father heard Pings sad words. He placed his hand on Pings shoulder and said, Son, you did your very best, and that is good enough for the Emperor. If the best you could do is in that empty pot, then that is what you must show him. Nodding, Ping picked up the empty pot and headed directly for the palace. When he arrived there, the Emperor was already examining the hundreds of flowers brought by eager children. He stopped at each one, but said nothing. Finally, he came to Ping and his empty pot. Ping hung his head, hoping that the Emperor would not be angry with him. The Emperor spoke to Ping. Why did you bring me an empty pot? Tears trickled once again down Pings cheeks. With his head bowed, he replied, I planted the seed you gave me. I gave it a nice pot with good soil. I watered it each day, but it did not sprout. I put it in a better pot with rich, dark soil. I cared for it lovingly for a year and still it did not grow. So all I have to show you is an empty pot. It is the best I can do. A smile swept across the Emperors face and, holding Pings hand high in the air, he exclaimed, I have found him! I have found the next emperor! It is this boy and this boy alone who is worthy! Then he spoke sternly to all the other children who had gathered with their flowers. I do not know where the seeds for all of your beautiful flowers came from, for the seeds I gave you had all been cooked, making it impossible for them to grow. Placing his hand upon Pings shoulder, the Emperor said proudly, Ping is the only one who returned to me with the truth in his empty pot. It is for his courage and honesty that I reward him with my kingdom and my throne!

Discussion Questions
1) After all of his hard work, how did Ping feel when he was unable to grow a flower for the Emperor? 2) Why did Ping go to the Emperor even though he only had an empty pot? 3) Why is honesty an important characteristic of a leader? 4) If a person does something dishonest once, is she/he a dishonest person? 5) Is honesty always rewarded?
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