COCA Nemo Ascue

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Committee on CULTURE and the ARTS (Special Events)

Proposed by: Jeronimo Ascue, DSCTA Representative

The culture and the arts are irreplaceable aspects of our lives. They have become an integral part of our Filipino identity. These two go together in defining our perception, lifestyle, and values we take into practice. Apart from aesthetic appreciation, they serve as a platform for transformative ideas. Despite this potential, it is slowly losing its grip on the nation and the University. The demands of a fastpaced society tend to overshadow the innate inclination for creative aspiration and force people to overlook what culture and the arts have to offer. Aware of this concern, the CALSC COCA will break notions that hinder full discovery of artistic and creative expression through activities that would encourage individuals to take part and be part of what culture and the arts really stand for which in turn would remind everyone of the role culture and the arts play in our lives: a moving force that pushes individual growth leading to nation development.

B - ring R evitalized and U nified S ervice to H one
A committee promoting culture and the arts through student involvement in events and projects that raise social awareness and improve individual creative skills in line with the disciplines

1. 2. 3. 4. Exhaust all art forms, and synthesize them into a plural expression for appreciation and recognition. Act as the main arm of the student council in the spread of culture and the arts. Serve as a convener for all cultural and artistic organizations within the college. Employ culture and the arts in crafting college identity.

1. 2. 3. 4. Heighten awareness on current status of culture and the arts to strengthen the concept of Filipino identity. Encourage artistic growth through providing avenues for students to showcase their skills to the general public. Revive and replenish declining, existing, and developing cultures through the activities of COCA. Escalate the significance of culture and the arts through incorporating them in routinary activities within the college.


In order to meet the committees objectives and goals, the COCA-CAL will conduct the following projects and programs.

Kinang KAl the committee will launch several campaigns that aim to highlight the importance of
culture and the arts in secondary and tertiary education. These will stress on the crucial role humanities play in nation building with respect to social, economic, and individual development. (Programs such as lobbying, student gatherings, educational discussions, independent studies, etc.)

SOOO ARTE! a campaign that aims to heighten college identity and spirit through the following
activities: o Stroke it hard! - murals and road paintings depicting what it is to be an artista (college logos, graffiti, etc.) o Artista DeKALibre Ako! online photo exhibit of students holding a banner Artista DeKALibre with their reasons why theyre proud to be in KAL o KwenTista: Buhay DeKALibre a collection of students stories within their stay in the

premiere liberal arts college in the country to be uploaded online. A video of fresh graduates sharing their own stories would be used to publicize the collection. Pintahan 2013 a college shirt design competition that encourages students to contribute in creating college identity.

KALipunan as the main arm of the student council in the spread of culture and the arts, the committee
shall establish a network of skills-based and performing organizations within the college. Apart from gracing committee events through performances, this network shall encourage the use of art as a moving force for individual growth and collective development. o LIKHA (Linangan ng Kakayahan) provide series of workshops that will cater to the improvement of students creative and practical skills in layouting, graphic design, photography, etc. to be used in an everyday setting.

Tanghalan Tanghalian the KALipunan network would bring the KAL talent beyond the walls
of the college through semestral performances at various college lobbies. This would serve as an avenue to bring students closer to the arts. It will focus on cultural performances such as that of Kontragapis and other similar forms and pieces.

Sining Pahinungod KALipunans art workshops for children around deprived areas near the
University. This project would serve as the networks advocacy to extend help to underprivileged children by means of instructions and activities that would hone their individual talents.

CAL-Me-Nation series the committee, together with the network, would continue
showcasing the deKALibreng talent through culminating nights with a social issue banner at hand.

Gabi ng Wika a culminating night of all college organizations in line with the celebration of Buwan ng
Wika. Organization performances using the native language as a medium would focus on Filipino identity, history, and heritage.

Hiraya Compilation of submitted art and literary works of UP students which will be both published for
distribution and posted in an online gallery. This program intends to give recognition to the literary works of the students by sharing it to the general public.

State of Culture and the Arts (SOCA) a forum in partnership with the faculty members of the college
would be sponsored by the committee to further inform the students on the standing of culture and the arts. This would serve as an avenue for them to know and to act on knowledge by realizing the crucial role they play in restoring the prestige of culture and the arts in the country as young artists themselves.

CAL Week 2013: BALIK TANAW - As a special events committee, the flagship event of COCA CAL would be the college week
celebration. Following the ideals, goals, and objectives set by the committee, COCA CAL shall take part in a grander scale come CAL WEEK 2013 by introducing new activities that would focus on the main constituents of the college all geared towards spread and appreciation of culture and the arts, commemoration of the colleges continuing glory, and fostered camaraderie among students. CAL Week 2013: BALIK TANAW would be a series of inter-organizational competitions and events well suited to the interests of students within the college.

THEME: o Balik Tanaw is an understanding of how the College of Arts and Letters came to be today. It is an appreciation of what KAL once was and how KAL has developed. The theme would pay tribute to the colleges legacy as the premiere liberal arts college of the country. o This would also be used as an underlying theme in the assessment of culture and the arts all throughout the week. The celebration would be focused on the assessing the past, the present, and the correlation between the two. o Apart from the disciplines and the college itself, Balik Tanaw would include the students in the celebration through challenging them to look back on their own growth within the college.

OrgWars: o All CAL based organizations would be required to join. The series of activities and competitions for the whole week would be a ranking and point system mechanism. o The overall standing of the organization on the series of events could be used as a criterion in determining the Best CAL Organization for the school year. ACTIVITIES: o Pre-Event: Unity Mural in line with Stroke it Hard, the student council and organization representatives would paint a primer for the college week following the theme at ASCAL road. o Opening: Exhibit instead of just having alumni write ups, the committee would propose to setup a creative exhibit involving different sections namely history, alumni, student achievements, organization achievements, and the colleges vision for the future. Flash Mob to launch the start of the weeklong celebration, student leaders from the college, together with volunteer corps, would stage a flash mob at the ASCAL with Retro OPM as theme. This would serve as a primer for the revamped college week. o During: Amazing Race teams of three to five organization representatives would compete for this event. The stations would be artworks around the University with clues in riddle form. This would put to the test their knowledge about the University and the splendor it offers.

NaKALala mo pa ba? one representative per organization would be asked to compete in a quiz bee on trivial everyday matters about the college (price of katag food, numer of librarians, name of security guards, etc.). Org Booths all organizations would be asked to setup a booth of their choice (e.g. jail booth, cupcakes station, photo booth, etc.). A part of their profit would go to the beneficiary of Sining Pahinugod. All proposals prior to setup are subject to the approval of the student council. Upon the release of the Pintahan 2013 winner, the council would be selling the CAL shirt in a designated booth together with the other organizations. Lantern Making Contest in the spirit of Christmas, all organizations would be asked to create a small lantern using recycled materials. These would be displayed at the CAL basement and would be judged accordingly. Maharlika organization representatives would compete against each other to bring home the much coveted Maharlika title a symbol of the ideal Artista DeKALibre. Org Film Fest In line with KwenTista, each organization would be asked to submit a 10-15 minute short film entry to the festival depicting their own story as an organization of the college. Kumukutikutitap: Carol Fest 2013 in line with the Filipino tradition of celebrating the holidays through songs, the student council will sponsor its very own carol fest. All organizations would perform a mash up of Christmas Songs and will be judged accordingly. SLAMpalan organization representatives will compete in a modern poetry reading contest which employs elements of drama, public speaking, and writing. All pieces to be delivered are to be of original works by the representative.

Closing: KALeidoscope: Kulay ng Nakaraan the final activity for the OrgWars that would serve as a culminating organizational general assembly. All participating organizations would stage a production or live music video with a specific retro OPM song. Awarding for the past events would take place in between performances. The overall champion for the series of activities would be awarded to the winning organization at the end of the event.


Committee Head Logistics Acts as human resource in all activities of the committee Assist in other committees outside event proper Facilitate planning and supervise execution of all the activities of the committee Approve special budget and project proposals for events concerning the committee Convene and preside over committee meetings Ensure good working relationship within the committee

Finance and Marketing Coordinate with the councils Finance and Marketing Committee Ensure that funds are allocated efficiently Take into account all financial transactions of the committee Scout for event sponsorships

Research Conduct independent studies regarding culture and the arts Spearhead educational discussions and forums

External Affairs Ensure visibility of the committee within the college (updates, reminders, organization dialogues, etc.) Maintain good relationship among the members of KALipunan

Publicity and Creatives Release of posters and other related materials Ensure effective hype and exposure of committee events

Secretariat Keep track of all documents sent and received by the committee Create a database of all committee and KALipunan members Head information dissemination within the body Note minutes of the meeting

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