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St Simon Stock Catholic Church

Brookfield Road, South Ashford, Kent TN23 4EU

29th MARCH 2009
Tel: 01233 622399
Parish Priest: Fr John Boyle FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT
Saint Simon of England RC Primary School,
Noakes Meadow, Ashford, TN23 2RB. Tel: 01233 623199
Head teacher: Mrs Elizabeth Willis


Sunday 29 Entrance Antiphon: Ps 42:1-2
Fifth Sunday of Lent (B) Give me justice, O God, and defend my cause against the
10.00am Mass (Emily Rumjan RIP) wicked; rescue me from deceitful and unjust men. You, O
12.00 noon Mass (Extraordinary form Latin, 1962 Missal) God, are my refuge.
(Edmundo Lista RIP) First Reading Jeremiah 31:31-34
5.15pm Stations of the Cross I will make a new covenant and never call their sin to mind.
6.00pm Mass (For the people of the parish)
Monday 30
th Responsorial Psalm: Ps 50
R: A pure heart create for me, O God.
6.45pm Mass (Souls of deceased relatives of Ebenebe
family) Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness.
st In your compassion blot out my offence.
Tuesday 31
9.30am Mass (Malachy Crean RIP) O wash me more and more from my guilt
followed by Divine Mercy Chaplet & Exposition of and cleanse me from my sin. (R)
the Blessed Sacrament until 10.30am. A pure heart create for me, O God,
Wednesday 1 April put a steadfast spirit within me.
9.30am Mass (Bridget Conlon RIP) Do not cast me away from your presence,
Thursday 2 nor deprive me of your holy spirit. (R)
6.45pm Mass (Latin, 1962 Missal) (William Kiely RIP) Give me again the joy of your help;
Friday 3 with a spirit of fervour sustain me,
First Friday that I may teach transgressors your ways
9.30am Mass (Holy Souls) (St. Simon‟s School end of term and sinners may return to you. (R)
Mass) followed by Stations of the Cross
Second Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9
6.45pm Mass
th He learnt to obey and became the source of eternal salvation.
Saturday 4
9.00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Gospel Acclamation: John 12-26
10.00am Mass (Sean Holt RIP) Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God! If a man
Sunday 5
th serves me, says the Lord, he must follow me, wherever I am,
Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord (B) my servant will be there too. Glory to you, O Christ, you are
10.00am Mass (Tony Shanny RIP) commences in the Church the Word of God!
Hall with blessing of palms and procession. Gospel: John 12:20-30
5.15pm Stations of the Cross If a grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies, it yields a rich
6.00pm Mass (For the people of the Parish) harvest.
During Lent we shall use the Apostles’ Creed
(p.9 in The Simple Prayer Book)
Saturday: 10.30am, Sunday 9.30am, 5.30pm.
Weekdays: before or after Mass upon request. Preface of Lent 2, Eucharistic Prayer 1

CHURCH CLEANING Communion Antiphon: John 12:24-25

rd th th th st I tell you solemnly: Unless a grain of wheat falls on the
April 3 Sue; 10 Tara; 17 Bridie; 24 Sheila; May 1 Sue
ground and dies, it remains a single grain; but if it dies, it
COLLECTIONS LAST SUNDAY yields a rich harvest.
Offertory: £359.22, (Gift Aid: £186.95, loose plate: £162.27) +
£99 approx by standing order. To contribute by regular standing PRAYERS FOR THE SICK
order please ask for a form. If you are a tax payer and are not Please pray for all our sick parishioners, particularly Joan
already using the Gift Aid scheme, please ask for a Gift Aid form. Williams. If you know of anyone who needs our prayers at the
Second collection: Parish Maintenance & Development Fund: present time please place their names in the box in the church
£114.79. Second collection today: Parish Maintenance & foyer. All our sick parishioners, named and un-named, are
Development Fund. Second collection next week: Flowers for remembered in our prayers.
Easter. Thank you.
nd Our Lenten Reconciliation Service takes place on Tuesday of
The 2 collection next Sunday will be for the floral decoration of th
Holy Week, 7 April, at 7pm. There will be a number of visiting
the church this Easter. Your generous contributions together
priests (including Polish, Indian, and Nigerian) to assist with
with the work of our florists always ensure our church looks
confessions so that everybody has an opportunity to go to
lovely at Easter. Thank you.
confession. You are strongly encouraged to make use of this
SISTER CATHERINE opportunity to prepare for the great feast of Easter and to fulfil
Sister has written saying it‟s a long time since she has been in your Easter duties.
Ashford and that she cannot wait to get back. Recovery from her
knee operation is a slow process, however. She writes: “The STATIONS OF THE CROSS IN LENT
wonders of the knee are something to be respected and cared On Sunday evenings at 5.15pm and Friday morning after Mass.
for very carefully – especially when kneeling! So kneel Why not make a final effort to participate in this devotion in Lent?
prayerfully and respectfully – which I cannot do.” She assures
us of her love and prayers.
Email:; Web:;
Parish blog:; diocesan website:
You will notice today that all the images in the church – with the exception of the Stations of the Cross – are veiled.
This is an ancient custom which has been observed in various forms throughout the centuries. Prior to the liturgical
reforms which took effect in 1969, today was called Passion Sunday and marked the beginning of Passiontide. The time
of Our Lord‟s rejection is approaching. The Gospel that used to be read on this day (and still is when Mass is celebrated
according to the Extraordinary Form) ends with the words: “They took up stones therefore to cast at Him: but Jesus hid
himself, and went out of the temple.” (Jn 8:59) The hiding of himself by Jesus is represented by the veiling of his images.
In the papal chapel, the veiling of the statues was carried out as these words were read. Another reason given for the
veiling is that Christ‟s divinity was hidden as he endured his suffering and death. The veiling was later extended to the
images of any saints for it would not seem fitting for the servant to appear when the Master himself is hidden.
The renowned liturgist Dom Prosper Gueranger, Abbot of Solesmes in France from 1831 to 1875, comments in his
great work “The Liturgical Year”: “The presentiment of that awful hour leads the afflicted mother to veil the image of her
Jesus: the Cross is hidden from the eyes of the faithful. The statues of the saints, too, are covered; for it is but just that, if
the glory of the Master be eclipsed, the servant should not appear. The interpreters of the liturgy tell us that this ceremony
of veiling the crucifix during Passiontide, expresses the humiliation to which our Saviour subjected Himself, of hiding
Himself when the Jews threatened to stone Him, as is related in the Gospel of Passion Sunday. The Church begins this
solemn rite with the Vespers of the Saturday before Passion Sunday. Thus it is that, in those years when the feast of our
Lady's Annunciation falls in Passion-week, the statue of Mary, the Mother of God, remains veiled, even on that very day
when the Archangel greets her as being full of grace, and blessed among women.”
The crucifixes in the Church will remain veiled until after the liturgy on Good Friday afternoon. When I was a young
boy, I remember the great impression that the unveiling of the other statues made on me when it took place during the
singing of the Gloria on Holy Saturday night. This no longer takes place as they are now unveiled without ceremony
before the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday afternoon.
Some might say it‟s a shame to cover up the images, or the church looks a bit strange. This „strangeness‟ and
„hiddennes‟ can help us to seek Christ in the interior of our hearts, taking Mary‟s hand as we accompany Him in prayer
through the rejection, suffering and death he endured for our sakes. Do try to attend as many as possible of the
ceremonies of the Easter Tridduum. Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil form the most
solemn celebrations of the Church‟s year. Fr John
DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP This is advance notice of a visit by Raymond de Souza on 12
after the 9.30am Mass on Tuesdays. Prayers of May. Raymond travels the world giving lively and engaging talks
intercession for various needs and silent about the Catholic faith, able to inspire old and young to a
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament till 10.30am. renewed engagement with their faith. Put this date in your diary
as we prepare for his visit. You can find out more about
Raymond de Souza at his website:
Newcomers always welcome. For a preview, visit
Studying St Paul‟s letters to the Corinthians. Why
not consider joining us for Lent? LEGION OF MARY PEREGRINATIO PRO CHRISTO (PPC)
Some volunteers from the Legion of Mary have offered to carry
out a PPC project in the parish in the week 6 to 13 June. PPC
For all, Catholic or not, who would like to deepen their
th volunteers, in a spirit of prayer and sacrifice, spend a week in a
knowledge of the Catholic faith. Next meeting: Friday 17 April.
parish and aim to visit all the houses in the area and present the
Topic: The Eucharist.
faith to everyone. They generally work a full day in three
DIVINE MERCY HOUSE PRAYER GROUP sessions: morning, afternoon and evening. All that the parish has
You are welcome to join the group at the next meeting on to do is to provide accommodation. A financial contribution is
Wednesday 8 April at 23 Cleves Way, Ashford. Arrivals from payable to the host. If hosts in the parish cannot be found then
10.15 am; finish approx. 11.30. Prayer and social. Contact cheap accommodation will need to be arranged. As the time for
Kathleen 625428. the PPC approaches, we can keep this project in our prayers.
Could you offer bed and breakfast to one or more of the
volunteers? If so please let Fr John or Thereza Baker know.
A reminder that the among the Church‟s commandments – which
we are all bound to keep – are the following: to go to Confession DAY TRIP TO WALSINGHAM – 23 JULY
at least once a year; to receive the Blessed Sacrament (Holy A parishioner has proposed a parish day trip on the shrine of Our
Communion) at least once a year and that at Easter or Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk. Details are on the noticeboard.
thereabouts. The time for fulfilling our Easter Duties runs from The price is per seat and is calculated on a break-even basis
Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday. There are plenty of assuming a full coach. Please sign up on the notice board.
opportunities to go to Confession, whether here at St Simon‟s, at TH
our neighbouring parish of St Teresa‟s, Aylesford, etc. as well as YEAR OF ST PAUL – AYLESFORD 27 JUNE
at our parish reconciliation service on Tuesday week. “PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS”
To celebrate the Year of St Paul as a diocese, Archbishop Kevin
THANKS FROM THE APOSTOLIC NUNCIO would like to encourage as many parishioners as possible to
His Excellency Archbishop Faustino Sainz Muñoz has written to attend this special day at Aylesford. Those who attended the
thank the parish for its contribution of £220.02 to the Pontifical celebration at Aylesford for the Year of the Eucharist in 2005 will
Council “Cor Unum”. He writes: “These voluntary offerings raised remember what a wonderful occasion it was. There will probably
by the parishioners are a genuine gesture of the generosity of be a joint coach for the two Ashford parishes, but if numbers
your people towards those in need.” His letter is on the church merit we could organise a separate one. Please indicate interest
notice board. by signing on the board. This will also be the Deanery Pilgrimage
Please pick up your rota for April and May which includes Holy
To catch up on previous newsletters visit Parish blog:

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