This Week in Syria, Deeply

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This Week in Syria, Deeply

4/22/13 12:38 PM

This Week in Syria, Deeply

Dear Deeply Readers, This week our Mohammed Sergie, reporting from Syria, chronicled the case of Poison Gas That Killed a Family in Aleppo Province, in an apparent chemical weapons attack. Photojournalist Bradley Secker gave us a look at how the Orontes River has become a smuggling route to Turkey, Come Hell or High Water. Our series on Syrian arts and culture launched with a piece on The Destruction of al-Agha Restaurant, in a Christian neighborhood of Homs. One of our Syrian contributors, who goes by the pen name Abu Hatem, told his story of the culinary landmark, before it was reduced to rubble in Syrias war. Karen Leigh spent time Talking with Diane Foley, mother of American journalist James Foley, who went missing in Syria five months ago. We profiled another kind of journalist, far from the frontlines but deep in the battle, in a look at The Man Behind Brown Moses, one of the most popular blogs chronicling the war and the weapons turning up on YouTube. Blogger Amal Hanano translated a stirring piece on The Hallucinations of War, in which a young man makes a love story of his embattled surroundings. Love is mightier than war you are mightier than war, he tells his intended. Our cross-post with Foreign Policy Magazine looked at how The Town of Kafr Anbel Offered Boston Its Sympathy, while Dina Shahrokhi of the Baker Institute reflected once more on The Syria I Knew: 115 SYD to the Dollar, But Not Giving Up As always, to help you review, heres our day-by-day roundup of Syria headlines this week: Monday: Assads Forces Break Rebel Blockade in North Syria; Hezbollah-Backed Shiites Fight in Syria

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This Week in Syria, Deeply

4/22/13 12:38 PM

Tuesday: U.N. Agencies Call for End to Syria Carnage; Syria TV to Air Assad Interview Wednesday: Rebels Repel Advance Near Strategic Highway into Aleppo; Rocket Attacks Hit Central Syria; Lavrov Slams Friends of Syria Thursday: Rebels Capture Parts of Army Base in Strategic Homs Province; Damascus Facing Shrinking Circle of Security Friday: Syrian Government Official Killed in Damascus; UN Security Council Reaches Agreement on Syria Condemnation We hope our work has helped to better engage and inform you on a critical issue. Were fielding your feedback on how to better serve you and the story, via email at Sincerely, The News Deeply Team

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