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Applications are due to the Office of Student Involvement by 5:00 PM April 5, 2013

A Greek Ambassador program is necessary to more adequately promote the true purpose of fraternity and sorority life. All Greeks, no matter the letter, strive to live by high standards set forth by a inter/national organization. The Greek Ambassador program will help educate the local and GMU communities about the benefits of Greek membership, while promoting change in false perceptions. Greek life is supported by data that indicates positive attributes associated with membership. This message can be further communicated through the Greek Ambassador program. The program will highlight the GMU Greek community through the leadership of a select group of fraternity and sorority members. PURPOSE The Greek Ambassadors at GMU would serve to: 1. Promote and increase Greek membership. 2. Seek change in negative perspectives of the Greek community. 3. Further connect Greek organizations to the University and Fairfax communities. 4. Impact the outlook of the faculty, staff, and students in regards to Greek Life. 5. Communicate the benefits of Greek Life to those inside and outside the Greek community. DUTIES Host Greek informational sessions for students at orientation and through the semester. Outreach and present programs to various groups across Fairfax and the campus community about going Greek. o Attend organization meetings and educate student leaders on GMUs fraternities and sororities Provide support for Greek Life programming Greek Ambassador Date Outline Other tasks as assigned Applications available 3/4/2013 Applications due 4/5/2013 by 5pm EXPECTATIONS Interviews 4/13/2013-4/14/2013 Attend regularly scheduled meetings Selection Announced 4/15/2013 Be able to present/speak publically Meetings: Every other Tuesday at 8pm Be willing to contribute at meetings Orientations/High School Visits Mostly Exemplify qualities of leadership at all times during the months of April/May and Open communication via Email. orientation during the summer (those Disaffiliating for all Ambassador events Maintain a positive attitude toward the overall Greek community Possess a desire to learn, grow, benefit from, and teach others about the Greek experience Provide servant leadership to the Greek community QUALIFICATIONS

Greek Ambassadors Application

Statement of Necessity

Organization skills Positive view and outlook on Greek membership in word and in deed Leadership experience Minimum requirement of Greek membership must be fully initiated for one full semester A 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA is required In good standing with both the university and Greek organization Presidents signature required (See reference Page)

Application for GMU Greek Ambassador

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Chapter: _______________________________________
Last First

Local Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________

Street Apt. # City State Zip

Email (one you check daily): __________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________ Circle Year in school: 1 2 3 4 5 Major/Minor: ______________________________________ GPA: _________________ Are you able to attend all meetings? Yes No

If no, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ On a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following: 1. Describe your leadership style/skills. 2. If you could share a piece of advice with a potential new member about going Greek, what would it be? 3. Three ideas you want to contribute to Greek Ambassadors or think would be beneficial to our team. 4. Explain why you think it is important to market Greek Life at Mason positively and how we can do so even better. 5. What qualities will you contribute to the Greek Ambassador Team? Please attach: -Resume Please rate yourself on the following qualities (1 = Need Improvement; 3 = Average; 5 = Superior) -President Reference (If needed in addition to the form below) Demonstrate leadership skills 1 2 3 4 5
Comfortable working with diverse student populations 1 2 3 4 5 All Respected materials be turned in to the Office of Student Involvement by must colleagues and peers. 1 2 3 by45:00 5 pm April 5, 2013 Work well with members of a team... 1 2 3 4 5 Timeliness (arriving for work, completing tasks)... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall work ethic. 1 2 3 4 5 Communication skills. 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to respect others ideas and opinions. 1 2 3 4 5 Knowledge of Greek Life 1 2 3 4 5 Knowledge of GMU 1 2 3 4 5 Overall rating as a potential Greek Ambassador..... 1 2 3 4 5


I, ____________________________________________ G NUMBER ____________________________, GIVE MY PERMISSION FOR THE OFFICE OF STUDENT INVOLVEMENT/FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE TO VERIFY MY ACADEMIC STATUS AND GRADES. SIGNATURE:______________________________________________________________ DATE:________________________

President Reference for Greek Ambassadors

Applicant: Complete this section prior to distributing to evaluator. Name of Applicant: _____________________________________ Phone: _________________________ The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 provided students the right to access this form. This right may be waived, but no school or person can require the student to waive this right. Check the desired statement and sign below. _____I waive my right to review this recommendation form. _____I do not waive my right to review this recommendation form. Signature of Applicant: _________________________________ Date: __________________________ To the Evaluator/President: This student is applying for a Greek Ambassador position. If selected, this student would be teaching prospective students about Greek Life and representing the entire Greek community to faculty, staff, and non-Greek student organizations as well as local high schools. Please fill out this form as clearly and honestly as possible so that we may fairly evaluate and interview the applicant. Name of Evaluator: _________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ How long have you known the applicant: ___________________ Abilities: Use the scale below to assess the following skills. 5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Average 2=Fair 1=Unacceptable NA=Not Applicable _____ Ability to accept responsibility for own actions ____ Ability to relate well with students, parents, faculty and administrators _____ Ability to speak in front of small and large groups _____ Ability to organize and facilitate a presentation _____ Ability to listen and follow directions _____ Ability to present a positive image of Greek Life and GMU _____ Ability to disaffiliate when performing necessary duties of the position General Comments: Please be specific and feel free to make additional comments. I ___Do not recommend ___Recommend with reservations ___Do Recommend ___Strongly recommend

Please return this recommendation form by October 30th, 2009 to the Office of New Student Programs, 1

155 Union Circle #311274, Denton, TX 76203 or fax it to 940.369.7849.

Please return this recommendation form by October 30th, 2009 to the Office of New Student Programs, 1 President Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
NOTE: Please detach this page after filling out and put in an envelope to be turned in with the application .

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