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NAME: Vince Dzieglewicz HAND IN DATE: 01-24-2012 As I was going through school, I always felt that most of the things I was taught I would never use in life. Most of my teachers never told me why we had to learn it, but just that we had to so we will have an understanding for next year! As a teacher I would like to have more than just what is on the test and explain to the students why it is good for them to know the information for the future. I feel that each child has different learning abilities and that it is important to recognize the differences to be able to better teach the students for a better overall education. I would like to make sure that I give each student a stimulating atmosphere so that they can grow emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. I would like to encourage my students so they want to learn more, not just what I am teaching. So when they leave the classroom, they what to read more on the lesson that we just finished so they will have more knowledge on the subject, not just what I spoke about during class. I know that I would try to push the students to find themselves in asking questions. This would have them thinking more on the lesson and developing a rational thought process. I would make sure I find relevance in the subject so that my students do not feel I am just reading from the textbook, so I can be more interesting in hopes to have the students find something that they can be motivated about and can develop a passion for. As a teacher I would like have a goal achieving atmosphere; this will reward them by pushing them and showing how self-satisfying it is to meet ones set goals. This will also demonstrate that they are growing cognitively. I want to encourage in group settings while integrating challenging activities through developing creative lesson plans. I will Page 1 of 4

motivate students to challenge themselves to accomplish their own goals, not just the ones I have set for them. I want to see my students openly express their thoughts on our topics in a respectful and positive environment. This will reinforce respect that will be need in their everyday lives and that will be needed for a positive out look on life overall.

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PEMA 341 Teaching Philosophy Rubric Unacceptable 0-40%

Learning/ StatementBroad Teaching Statement is presented poorly or may not be clearly present. Main teaching beliefs are poorly presented or not present. (0-1.5pts) Beliefs are poorly presented, not coherent and do not flow logically from one to the next. (0-3pts) Teaching style is identified and is generally linked to beliefs. Implementation of teaching style in an instructional setting is poorly or not described. (0-1.5pts)

Developing 40-70%
Statement is presented, however, may be unclear or inadequately presented. Main teaching beliefs may be unclear or inadequately presented. (2-3pts) Beliefs are presented, but may not be clear. Beliefs are semicoherent but may not flow logically from one to the next. (4-6pts) Teaching style is identified and is generally linked to beliefs. Implementation of teaching style in an instructional setting is briefly and/or inadequately described. (2-3pts)

Acceptable* 70-90%
Statement is clear and adequately presented. With main beliefs of teaching philosophy presented. (3.5-4pts) Beliefs are clear and adequately presented. Beliefs are clear and have some flow from one to the next. (7-8pts) Teaching style is identified and is generally linked to beliefs. Implementation of teaching style in an instructional setting is appropriately described. (3.5-4pts)

Target 90-100%
Statement is coherent, well presented and clearly highlights the main beliefs of the teaching philosophy in a flowing manner. (4.5-5pts) Beliefs are detailed, written clearly and thoughtfully presented. Beliefs are coherent and flow logically from one to the next. (9-10pts)


Beliefs Spelling & Grammar LinkageConnection/ StyleTeaching

Teaching style is clearly identified and coherently linked to beliefs. How the teaching style would be implemented in an instructional setting is clearly and thoroughly described. (4.5-5pts) Teaching philosophy, learning Teaching philosophy, learning Teaching philosophy, learning Teaching philosophy, learning and teaching beliefs and and teaching beliefs and and teaching beliefs and and teaching beliefs and teaching style are not linked to teaching style are not clearly teaching style are all linked to teaching style are all each other. Overall philosophy linked. Focus of overall each other. Overall philosophy thoroughly linked to each is poor and very unclear. philosophy is unclear. (2-3pts) is sufficient. (3.5-4pts) other, demonstrating a (0-1.5pts) coherent overall philosophy. (4.5-5pts) Many spelling or grammatical Few spelling or grammatical Very few spelling or No spelling or grammatical errors. Several words are errors. Some words are spelled grammatical errors. Minimal errors. Words are spelled spelled incorrectly and/or used incorrectly and/or used in the words are spelled incorrectly correctly and used in the in the incorrect context. incorrect context. Some and/or used in the incorrect correct context. Sentences are Several sentences have poor sentences have poor structure context. Some sentences have well structured and make structure and/or do not make and/or do not make sense. (2- poor structure and/or do not sense (4.5-5pts) sense. (0-1.5pts) 3pts) make sense. (3.5-4pts) Page 3 of 4

Notes: Failure to follow the format or include grading the rubric will result in a 1 point deduction from your total.

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