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Good Engineering Practice (GEP) Stack: The stack height (as measured from the ground-level elevation at the

base of the stack) below which emissions from the source are influenced by the aerodynamic downwash of nearby buildings or other structures. The GEP stack height, HS, is calculated as follows: HS = H + 1.5L where H is the height of the nearby structure and L is the lesser dimension of the height or width of the nearby structure. Nearby means that distance up to 5 times L but not greater than 0.8 kilometer ( mile). It should be noted that compliance with this condition does not relieve the PMT or Facility from ensuring ambient air quality standards are also met. For safety purposes, HS must also meet the requirements of SAES-B-055, Appendix F-1 which states that the top of the furnace stack shall be at least 3 meters higher than any working platform within 60 meters horizontally of the stack. Inhalable Particulates: Any particle dispersed to the atmosphere in solid or liquid form that has an aerodynamic size of 10 microns or less. Realistic determination particle behavior in any environment must consider the size, shape, and density of the particle. The technique best able to accomplish this is called aerodynamic sizing. The aerodynamic diameter of a particle is defined as the diameter of a sphere having the same resistance to motion as the particle. 7.2 Air Intake Locations Air intakes are required for a number of items of equipment that are located in or near plants. Included are internal combustion engines and turbines, air compressors, inert gas generators, forced draft furnaces, buildings (including substations) containing unclassified electrical equipment, and boilers. These equipment items represent an internal source of ignition for any flammable vapors that might have been pulled in with the air, and the potential for internal explosion. For this reason, the locations of air intakes in relation to adjacent equipment must be carefully selected. Factors to be taken into account include prevailing wind direction, probable horizontal and vertical dispersion patterns, and the degree of hazard that would result from contamination of the air and possible formation of a flammable vapor/air mixture. In instances where air conditioning equipment is utilized for buildings in hydrocarbon processing plants, additional factors for protection of personnel hazards or nuisance from toxic or other vapors shall meet SAES-B-014.
SAES-J-505 (Combustible Gas and Hydrogen Sulfide in Air Detection Systems)

6.2.1 Detectors (sensors) shall use poison-resistant elements. Detectors and associated ancillary control equipment shall be specified in accordance with 34-SAMSS-514, Combustible Gas and Hydrogen Sulfide Monitors and SAES-J-002, Regulated Vendors List for Instruments. 6.2.2 The calibrated range for fixed detectors shall be: a) 0 to 100 PPM - hydrogen sulfide in air b) 0 to 100% LEL - combustible gas in air 7.2 Alarm Set points

7.2.2 Alarm set points on hydrogen sulfide detection instruments shall be factory set at the following levels: Critical (High-high) alarm - 50 PPM Hydrogen Sulfide Warning (High) alarm - 20 PPM Hydrogen Sulfide
SAES-B-014 (Safety Requirements for Plant and Operations Support Buildings)

6.4 HVAC 6.4.1 Smoke/fire dampers in HVAC ducts that penetrate fire walls shall meet the requirements of SAES-K-001 and NFPA 90A. Also see requirements under 6.1.1. 6.4.2 Air-conditioning for rooms that contain primarily installed and operating computer or data processing equipment, other than PCs, shall be dedicated, in accordance with NFPA 75. For other essential electronics equipment rooms such as communications rooms, I/O rack rooms, PIBs, and operator console rooms, air-conditioning shall be segregated from laboratories and substations. Individual exhaust air systems shall be provided for battery rooms, laboratories, and toilet areas. The exhaust duct from each of these rooms (battery, laboratory, toilet) shall not be combined with any other exhaust duct.
Dew Point Temperature: The temperature at which water has reached the saturation point (i.e., 100% relative humidity). Design parameters for existing central chilled water supply are: Supply temperature 9C (48F) Maximum pressure drop through system 140 kPa (20 psi) Chilled water demand: 0.05 L/S per kW (3 GPM/Ton) Temperature rise of 5.5C (8F).

4.4.11 Ventilation and Exhaust The minimum amount of outside air shall equal the greater of the following: a) 5% of supply air plus all exhaust air. b) The ventilation air requirements listed in Table 2 of ASHRAE STD 62.
Exception: No outside/make-up air is required for residences. However, infiltration load shall be accounted for at a minimum rate of 0.5 air change per hour in heating/cooling load calculations. Toilet rooms exhausts require the following: a) A mechanically operated exhaust system capable of providing a minimum of four (4) air changes per hour.

b) Exhaust shall be directly to the outside with a point of discharge of at least 1.5 m away from any openable window or door, and a minimum of 1m above and 3 m away from any fresh air intake. 4.8.4 Coils The velocity of liquid in water coils shall be between 0.7 and 2 m/s (2 and 6 fps). Water pressure drop through coils, water chillers or condensers shall not exceed 100 kPa (35 ft w.c., 15 psi). This value applies to chillers, condensers, and cooling coils at their rated fouling factor, unless a lower pressure drop is specified in the design documents. Insert type turbulence promoters, not integral to the coil tubing, (turbulators) shall not be used. The air velocity through coils shall not exceed 3 m/s (600 fpm). Wet coil pressure drop shall not exceed 38 Pa (0.15 in. w.c.) per row of coil. Dry coil pressure drop shall not exceed 25 Pa (0.10 in. w.c) per row of coil. Number of rows per coil shall not exceed 10 rows. Coil Fin Spacing Fin spacing of evaporator and condenser coils shall not be closer than 15 fins per inch. Copper fins on copper tubes shall be used for all condenser coils within km of sea. Evaporator coils shall also have copper fins on copper tubes when introducing 20% or more outside air within km of sea or within an industrial area. Coil return bends shall have flux removed and be protected from corrosion. 4.8.15 Filters The air velocity through filters shall not exceed 3 m/s. Dirty pre-filter pressure drop shall not be greater than 125 Pa (0.50 in WC) or final filter pressure drop greater than 250 Pa (1.00 in WC).

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