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J. M. Arco, J. A. Carral, A. Garca, M. Moreno Computer Engineering Department University of Alcal E.P. Campus Universitario, 28871 Alcal de Henares Spain {jmarco, jac, antonio, mmoreno}

MPLS is the dominant technology in most backbone networks. MPLS-TE is able to handle various paths along different routes to balance the traffic load between two points of the network. In this paper we present a load balancing algorithm (LC) designed to reduce network congestion. The algorithm presented has been tested by simulation and implemented in a MPLS Linux lab test bed. Observed results show that our algorithm is able to attain dynamic load balance while avoiding both undesirable oscillations and the need to fine tune external parameters.
KEYWORDS MPLS-TE, load balance, test-bed implementation.

engineering) is able to make use of multiple routes and to balance traffic according to actual network use [2]. The input router to the MPLS cloud (ingress-edge router) may manage several tunnels (paths) along different but cost efficient routes to the output router (egress-edge router) and efficiently balance the traffic flows between them [3][4][5][6]. In order to prevent network congestion the ingress router should dynamically balance the traffic according to the current network load thus diverting traffic from highly loaded paths and routes to lesser loaded ones. There are several studies in the field presenting different load balance algorithms but many of them suffer oscillations [7][8] while others rely on the network administrator to fine tune some parameters according to unknown rules [9]. In this paper we present a new algorithm, based on previous works by the authors [10] and designed to achieve an efficient load balance with no oscillations and to reduce the amount of traffic being actually balanced in response to highly variable input traffic. The rest of the article is structured as follows. Sections 2 and 3 present the load balance approach and the proposed load balance algorithm. Sections 4 and 5 show the test bed and present the results. Finally, the last section summarises the conclusions of the work and points out some lines of work currently under development.
primary LSP
IP Transport header header DATA

1. Introduction
Both the increase of the number of users and the user demands produced by new generation services such as P2P and VPNs dramatically increased the traffic offered to the Internet. The demand of bandwidth has forced network operators to increase the capacity of the links and the network connectivity. As a result, today networks may offer several alternatives routes to cross between a common pair of source and destination nodes, many of them with similar associated costs. Routing protocols should be aware of these new alternatives and use them to transparently balance the traffic between them in order to reduce network congestion and to improve overall performance. Routing in today IP networks is usually performed by link-state protocols such as OSPF [1]. They computed the shortest path route between any pair of nodes and discard other possible alternatives. So that, the traffic is concentrated along the shortest route and network congestion may arise while other routes with similar costs, are kept unused. Protocols like OSPF can not achieve traffic balance. The world wide success of the Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) architecture to support IP networks offers new possibilities in this field. MPLS-TE (traffic

MPLS network
To primary LSP 65535 x x Hash function Ingress-Edge LSR x To secondary LSP hash boundary Egress-Edge LSR

sender IP network

receiver IP network

secondary LSP

Figure 1. MPLS-TE network.

2. Dynamic load balance approach

A MPLS network consists of ingress-edge, core and egress-edge LSRs connected by Label Switched Paths (LSPs), figure 1. Our load balance method could distribute IP flows between two or more LSPs in accordance to the networks traffic situation thus preventing network congestion and improving performance. The system comprises traffic statistics collection and notification functions and IP flow distribution function. Other possibilities not explored in this article can be dynamic route finding and path set up functions. The core LSRs performs the traffic statistics collection and notification functions, while the ingressedge LSRs perform the dynamic load balance function. We suppose that there are two LSPs between the ingressedge and the egress-edge LSRs, so the IP flow is distributed between a primary and a secondary route. The primary LSP is usually set up along the shortest path so most of the traffic should be sent through this tunnel. Each LSR measures the transmitted bytes of its output links at constant intervals. The collected statistical information is then flooded to the network. The ingressedge LSR stores the information reported from all the LSRs. So, the ingress-edge LSR knows the traffic of each link along a LSP and can compute the load of every LSP and check whether it is congested. The ingress-edge LSR distributes the IP flows between the primary LSP and the secondary LSP to avoid congestion of the primary path. The LSR distributes the IP flows according to a hash value [12], computed from the fields that uniquely identified an IP flow [13]. These fields are destination and source IP addresses and protocol (taken from the IP header), and destination and source ports (from the transport header). The ingress-edge LSR splits the range of the obtained hash values between the two LSPs. For instance, the range of hash values can be 0-65535 if CRC 16 calculation is used. We call this delimitation the hash boundary value, figure 1. The load balance among the two LSPs is achieved by moving the hash boundary value back and forth according to the current LSP utilization. Specifically, the load is adjusted by moving the hash boundary so that the primary LSP load should be lower than a certain congestion level. This corresponds to moving some of the IP flows carried on one LSP to the other. Using this technique the messages of a flow usually go by the same path avoiding the traffic disorder.

marked by the congestion threshold (C). The congestion threshold is set to the highest load value acceptable in the links (we assume a value of 62%). The algorithm is based on a time dependant variable called mean load (L) and the actual load of the output links reported by every LSR of the network. The ingress-edge LSR stores the information received from the LSRs involved in its LSPs and computes the current load (CL) value of each LSP as the maximum load reported by any LSR of the path. For the LSP i, (ingressLSRi, LSRi1,,LSRin, egressLSRi), CL (i) = max (outLink_load_LSRij ) , j 1..n where outLink_load_LSRij is the actual load reported by the LSR j of the path LSP i. The mean load of a LSP is periodically computed as a function of the previously computed mean load and the current_load. Both variables are weighted by a constant value as follows,

L[t] = (1 - ) * L[t-1] + * CL
The value is used to control the weight of the current measures versus the algorithm history. Bigger values of produces faster responses to changes in the LSP load and traffic load balance but may introduce oscillations into the system (classical ping-pong problem). Small values of give more weight to the past history thus avoiding oscillations but may slow the system time reaction to traffic load changes and may render the load balance almost irrelevant. The network administrator is responsible for the fine tuning of this parameter. The algorithm, shown in figure 2, works as follows:
No Ls Lp LpLs



mov SP (Ls-Lp)/2

C Lp Lp>C Lp C Ls>C Lp Ls C Lp C Ls CL<C

mov SP empty S

mov SP C-Lp

mov PS Lp-C

3. The load balance algorithm (LC)

The proposed load balance algorithm was designed in order to keep the load of the primary LSP below a level

Figure 2. LC flow diagram. At the beginning, the traffic load is sent via the primary LSP. When the load of the primary LSP (Lp) reaches the threshold C the ingress LSR opens a new path (the

secondary LSP) and starts the load balance algorithm to share the load by the two paths. The algorithm iterates in order to fulfil the following goals: To keep Lp above or equal to the load of the secondary path (Ls), to reduce the possibility of oscillations. To keep the loads of both paths (Lp, Ls) below the threshold C. To close the secondary path as soon as the total load can be carried out by the primary LSP.

Network load (Mbps) 8,2 5,6 sender process 1 0 Time (s) primary LSP sender process 1 LSR2 10 Mbps Ethernet links End System 1 Ingress-edge LSR1 secondary LSP egress-edge LSR3 receiver process sender process 2 LSP3 sender 2

It checks whether the load of the primary LSP is greater or equal than the load of the secondary LSP within every iteration. If true, it tries to keep the load of both paths below the congestion level C. If only the primary path is congested (Lp > C and Ls < C) and the current load (CL) exceeds the congestion threshold, it moves the amount (Lp - C) of load from primary to secondary, to lower the load of the primary path. If the primary path is not congested, if moves the amount (C - Lp) of load back from secondary to primary, to keep as much traffic as possible in the primary path.

Figure 3. Network test-bed. Input traffic 1. between the intermediate LSR2 and the egress-edge LSR3. The sender processes are running on a SuSE 7.3 Linux box. They use the mgen toolset [14] to generate the realtime flows. The LSRs are SuSE 7.2 Linux boxes with the MPLS stack version 1.1 for Linux [15]. We use the OSPF API to flood the link state information to the ingress-edge LSR1. The load between LSR2 and LSR3 is known by the ingress-edge LSR1 through the OSPF opaque LSA messages [16][17], which are flooded by the intermediate LSR2, according to the following procedure (more details can be found in [9]). The intermediate LSR2 calculates the bandwidth used by the primary LSP in the output interface within a period of time T (5 sec.), and then floods it using the OSPF API [18][19]. The ingress-edge LSR1 analyzes the OSPF opaque LSA packets and extracts the bandwidth value.

Otherwise the algorithm checks whether the secondary path can be closed (the total traffic load is lower than C). If true, it moves all the traffic from the secondary to the primary LSP. Else, it moves half the difference of traffic load from secondary to primary path in order to balance the load of both paths.

4. Test bed
In this section, we present a simple example scenario under two conditions of input traffic to demonstrate how the LC algorithm works. We have deployed a MPLS network, see figure 3. There are 3 LSRs: an ingress-edge router (LSR1), an intermediate router (LSR2) and an egress-edge router (LSR3). All the LSRs are connected through 10 Mbps Ethernet links. There are two user sender processes, running on the End System 1, and the second one is running on the intermediate LSR2 and will be used to produce network congestion problems. These two processes send traffic to the receiver process running on the LSR3. As the figure 3 shows, there are 3 LSPs configured: the primary and the secondary LSPs for traffic from the sender process 1 and the LSP3 for traffic from the sender process 2. As we said before, the primary LSP is usually set up along the shortest path, but in our test bed is set up along other path, in order to generate congestion traffic in this LSP. The ingress-edge LSR1 is in charge of balancing load between the primary and the secondary LSPs when the traffic from the sender process 2 overloads the link

5. Test results
Using the scenario 1(figure 3), we have carried out several experiments. C is set to 6.2 Mbps. We have configured the sender process 1 to send 100 flows of 56 Kbps each one (in a total of 5.6 Mbps of User Traffic) from the End System 1, figure 3. Once the system is stabilized we start the sender process 2 to send a different flow of 2.6 Mbps (the Congestion Traffic) from the intermediate LSR2. The aggregated traffic of both senders triggers the load balance. The test finishes once the mean loads are stable so the length of each test depends on the time needed to stabilize the algorithm. We have also developed a software simulator for our scenario. The simulator is written in C language and it allows us to carry out tests very fast and to validate the test bed results. Using the previous configuration, we have tested the algorithm using some significant values. In this paper, we present tests with three values of : a low, medium and high (0.05, 0.5 and 1). In order to better understand the behaviour of the LC algorithm, the next figures show

9 8
Network Traffic (Mbps)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1
1 2 3 4 5 6

LSR2-LSR3 Link Traffic LSR1-LSR3 Link Traffic Lp Ls

14 27 40 53 66 79 92 105 118 131 144 157 170 183 196 209 222 235 248 261 274 287 300

Figure 4. Load balance using = 0.05. both the primary and secondary LSPs current load (LSR2LSR3 and LSR1-LSR3 link traffic) and the primary and secondary LSPs mean load (Lp and Ls). For = 0.05, figure 4, the mean load changed smoothly because of the low weight of the previous load values in the load balance calculation. To explain the results we have split the graphic into seven time periods: When the test starts, see time period 1, the traffic of the Lp (the mean load of the primary LSP) increases slowly up to 5.6 Mbps, which is lower than the congestion threshold C (6.2 Mbps), so the algorithm does not balance and the links traffic remains unchanged. When the congestion traffic starts, see time period 2, Lp increases slowly but the algorithm does not balance load until Lp reaches the C threshold. During the time period 3, the LC balances traffic from the primary to the secondary LSP. The primary LSP current load (LSR2-LSR3 link traffic) goes down. This causes Lp to change it and to start decreasing. Period 3 finishes when the actual link load decreases to a value lower or equal to C. Then LC stops balancing load and the traffic links remain stable for a long time. After some time the
9 8 N e tw o rk T ra ffic (M b p s ) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 Iterations 201 226 251 276 301

mean load will also reach these values. Throughout the period 4 there is not traffic balance and Lp decreases to finally match the primary current load (LSR2-LSR3 link traffic). When Lp goes below C, period 5, the traffic is sent back from secondary to primary to stabilise Lp at C level. When the congestion traffic disappears, at the start of period 6, the algorithm balances the traffic from secondary to primary until all the traffic is sent again via the primary path, period 7. The figure 5 shows the results using = 0.5. Now Lp follows the changes in the actual load more quickly so there is no period 2 (Lp goes above C almost immediately), also periods 3 and 6 are shorter. Finally, figure 6 shows the results using = 1. Since there is no history influence the mean load matches the current load so the balance periods are the shortest possible. As we can see there was no oscillation in any case so the main goal of the algorithm is achieved.
9 8
LSR2-LSR3 Link Traffic LSR1-LSR3 Link Traffic Lp Ls

LSR2-LSR3 Link Traffic LSR1-LSR3 Link Traffic Lp Ls

N e t w o r k T r a f f ic ( M b p s )

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 Iterations 201 226




Figure 6. Load balance using = 1.

Figure 5. Load balance using = 0.5.

Network Traffic (Mbps)

The last results show the evolution of the convergence time as a function of , figure 7.
Convergence Tim e 40 35 30 Time (s) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Iterations

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSR2-LSR3 Link Traffic LSR1-LSR3 Link Traffic Lp Ls









Value of














Figure 9. Load balance using = 0.04.

9 Network traffic (Mbps) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226 251 276 301
LSR2-LSR3 link traffic LSR1-LSR3 link traffic Lp Ls

Figure 7. Convergence time (iterations of T=5s). The convergence time is defined as the time elapsed from the beginning of congestion traffic to the instant when Lp is within 1% of C, that is the time since a perturbation starts to the stabilization of the balanced traffic. As expected, the convergence time decreases for higher values of . In the scenario 2 we changed the congestion traffic to check the behaviour of the algorithm against changes in the input traffic, see figure 8. We choose a value below of W close to the convergence time measured for = 0,05. Figure 9 shows the results for = 0,04. We can see the algorithm does not balance any traffic, the effect of the congestion traffic is fully masked by the weighted history.
Network Traffic (Mbps)

Figure 10. Load balance using = 0.05.

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226 251 276 301
LSR2-LSR3 Link Traffic LSR1-LSR3 Link Traffic Lp Ls

For = 0.05, figure 10, the algorithm balances traffic flows according to the mean. The effect of the traffic peaks in the congestion path is smoothed by the history weight. Finally, for = 0.25. The algorithm follows the changes in the input traffic and many flows are balanced back and forth several times, figure 11. Figure 12 compares the number of flows being balanced from one path to the other and the number of changes suffered by each flow. We can see that for below 0.04 the amount of flow balanced is null so the algorithm has been shortcut. For = 0.05, the amount of flows being balanced is short but the secondary path is used in a stable way to alleviate the primary one. And for = 0.15 and higher the number of flows moved increases rapidly
Network traffic (Mbps)
W 8,2 C 5,6 W

Figure 11. Load balance using = 0.25.

35 30 Number of flows

sender process 2

25 20 15 10 2 times 4 times 6 times

sender process 1

5 0 4 5 10 (%) 15 20 25

Time (s)

Figure 8. Network traffic in scenario 2.

Figure 12. Number of flows moved from one path to the other.

(many flows suffers more than 4 changes) so the effect of to stabilise the load balance becomes effective to alleviate the primary path but unable to stabilise the load of the secondary path.

6. Conclusions and future work

A lab test bed based on open platforms and free distribution code, has been setup to check whether the algorithm efficiently balances the load when congestion arises. The LC algorithm has been extensively checked both by simulation and lab tests. It achieves the load balance in an efficient way. Unlike other algorithms [7][8] it shows no evidence of oscillation. It reduces the complexity of parameter tuning (there are no open thresholds) [9] while keeping the convergence time under reasonable values. A simulator of the scenario has been implemented. The results of the simulator are very close to the test bed results. Extensive tests have been carried out to show the behaviour of the LC algorithm for different values. We have shown the influence of the parameter to stabilise the amount of flows being balanced (and so the load of the secondary path). We conclude that the system is able to absorb changes in the input traffic in the same scale than its convergence time. Further tests should be carried out to check the LC algorithm under more realistic scenarios including several routers and paths within the network. Also the amount of traffic being balanced and its effect on the convergence time should be studied.

This work has been funded by the University de Alcal under the Servicios Avanzados de Red Privada Virtual de Nivel 2 (Level 2 Virtual Private Advanced Network Services), contract UAH-PI2005/077 and by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia under the Quality of service and traffic engineering in heterogenneous networks, contract TEC2005-08068-C04-03.

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