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Saudi National Questioned in Boston was on Terror Watch List | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

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Saudi National Questioned in Boston was on Terror Watch List

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Apr 22, 2013 By Todd Starnes The Saudi national who was initially detained and then ruled out as a suspect in the Boston Marathon terrorist attack had been flagged on a terror watch list and was granted a student visa without being properly vetted,



Saudi National Questioned in Boston was on Terror Watch List | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

sources have told me. FOLLOW TODD ON FACEBOOK FOR CULTURE WAR NEWS. CLICK HERE TO JOIN! A source close to the investigation revealed that Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi had been deemed inadmissible under the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act which declares ineligible for a visa any alien who is engaged in or is likely to engage after entry in terrorist activity. At least two additional sources have confirmed to me that Ali Alharbi is set to be deported as early as this week, contrary to statements made by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The House Homeland Security Committee is now requesting a classified briefing with Napolitano to get to the bottom of the issue, according to an exclusive report from The Blaze. Napolitano denied anyone was being deported in a heated exchange Thursday with Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) during a House hearing. I am unaware of anyone who is being deported for national security concerns at all related to Boston, she said. I dont know where that rumor came from. AMERICAN PATRIOTS NEED AMERICAN DISPATCHES. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE COPY! The Homeland Security chief said the Saudi national was not technically a person of interest or a suspect, that was a wash. But Duncan questioned the wisdom of deporting someone who was at the scene of a terrorist attack. Wouldnt you agree with me that it is negligent for us, as an American administration, to deport someone who was reportedly at the scene of the bombing, and we are going to deport him, not to be able to question him anymore, is that not negligent, Duncan asked. Napolitano refused to answer the question. It is so full of misstatements and misapprehensions, that it is just not worthy of any answer, she replied. There has been so much reported on this that has been wrong. I cant even begin to tell you, congressman. Last week Steven Emerson, of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, told Fox News Channels Sean Hannity that Alharbi had been set to be deported on national security grounds. You dont arrest their citizens you deport them, Emerson said regarding the Saudis. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement official told me that it was a case a Saudi being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The official, with knowledge of the case, said Alharbis status has changed but as it now stands he will be sent back home. They dont like the negative press, the official said of the Saudis. The guess is he will probably be allowed to 2/7


Saudi National Questioned in Boston was on Terror Watch List | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

leave without a lot of hype in order to avoid political sensitivities with the Saudis. ICE sources told The Blaze that a separate Saudi national was in custody and that individual was in no way affiliated with the Boston attacks. Sarah Palin says you need to get Todds latest book Dispatches From Bitter America. Click here to get your copy! Related posts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FBI Investigated Boston Terror Suspect 2 Years Ago Terror on Patriots Day Boston Mayor Bans Chick-fil-A Group Calls Military Bibles a National Security Threat High School Hockey Teams Told to Dump National Anthem

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Saudi National Questioned in Boston was on Terror Watch List | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

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16 comments Missy Brubaker College of Hard Knocks FBI/DHS, with oreders from Obama to ALTER Saudi Nationals file, after meeting with 2 men from Saudi...It was altered to look like he was NOT on the FBI terrorist list, when in fact he is a red flag and was indeed part of the Boston Bombing...If you think there is nothing to see are a moron.. Reply 13 Like Follow Post 54 minutes ago Top Commenter State University of New York at Brockport Add a comment

Mike Austin

What is our terrorist sympathizing President up to? Nothing to see here, President Gutless got his marching orders from the Saudi's, this President is the enemy.. Reply 11 Like Follow Post about an hour ago Max Gera Top Commenter Works at Self employed Gunsmith

Unfortunately, Washington DC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Saudi Arabia. EVERYONE there gets their marching orders from them. That's why we keep on fighting wars to protect them and to drive up the price of oil. All to enrich them and our bought and paid for politicians We should even have diplomatic relations with them. They are the most oppressive Islamic country in the world and the biggest financiers of terrorism. Outlaw Islam - Nuke mecca! Reply Paula Madden Reply 6 Like Edited 45 minutes ago Top Commenter

Is this the same Saudi who Michelle visited in the hospital? 8 Like Follow Post 47 minutes ago Clarity-jane Seer Top Commenter School of Hard Knocks

wondering the same! this boston thing stinks of federal involvement Reply Like 29 minutes ago Lakia Johnson OSU Obama/Holder/Napolitano makes Nixon/Watergate look like an episode of Sesame Street. Reply 6 Like Follow Post 41 minutes ago Top Commenter University of Southern California

Thomas Raseta Sr.

Napolitano and the DHS is "shovel ready". Incompetence at the highest levels....but hey, that should be the motto of this worthless, inept, amateur, sleaze administration.



the motto of this worthless, inept, amateur, sleaze administration. Reply 4 Like Follow Post 42 minutes ago Top Commenter

Saudi National Questioned in Boston was on Terror Watch List | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Bruce Gregory

I don't know what everyone is worried about. Everyone allied with the administration has been telling us that these two brothers acted alone. There, settled! Reply 4 Like Follow Post 56 minutes ago Michael DiBari Top Commenter New Orleans, Louisiana

And you believe everything the government tells you? Why don't you just put yourself in chains? But may you're just being sarcastic? Please tell us you're being sarcastic. Reply Like 43 minutes ago Andrew Etheridge Thomas More College This is the tip of the sword. Reply 4 Like Follow Post 47 minutes ago Dan StlMo Top Commenter

More like the Tip of a nuclear bomb. Reply Like 33 minutes ago Dennis Widner Reply Top Commenter Clemson University

So what if he is guilty of helping place the bombs or better yet he actually was the terrorist leader? 3 Like Follow Post 57 minutes ago

John B Godwin Why the hurry to now deport him? Reply 3 Like Follow Post 57 minutes ago Top Commenter Retired in 2008 as a flight attendant for Continental. at

Marcia Glasrud Crump United

Is that why Obama has such close contact with the Saudis? Maybe his professed Muslim faith is keeping him in touch. When he gets the immigration laws changed then he can go back to telling everyone "I WAS born in Kenya". Reply View 6 more
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2 Like Follow Post 34 minutes ago




Saudi National Questioned in Boston was on Terror Watch List | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

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