Outdoor Advertisements: Attracts or Distracts

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Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Volume II , Issue III September 2012 Section III ISSN : 2250

2250 - 1630

Available online at www.researchjournals.in




Miss Tanjum Kamboj Assistant Professor Institute of Mass Communication And Media Technology Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra Haryana (India)

Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of outdoor advertisement on survey participant (commuters) who travels on highway and find lots of outdoor advertisements. The research also highlights the importance of advertisement and also gives a glance about its functioning. In this study survey is conducted on 100 person who travels through highways and are selected with random sampling. Data is analyzed by spss16.0. The result of analysis shows that commuters have negative opinion about outdoor advertising installed at highway side. They think outdoor advertisements are attractive and catchy but when mounted on turns on highway causes accidents. This study shows that commuters get distracted while driving their vehicle as their attention is grabbed by the hoardings due to which they feel that outdoor advertisements are unsafe at highways. Keywords : outdoor advertisements, marketers, promotion, publicity, bill boards, banners etc. Content: The first half of the study consists of the deep understanding of the term Advertising. The second half consists of review of literature reviewed for the research along with objectives and research methodology.The last part consists of hypotheses and findings along with conclusion and last but not the least some reference made this study to go on flawless. Introduction Anywhere you go we follow you, its not any telecommunication network it is advertisements. Nowadays we find a host of advertisements around us which not only attracts through their display matter but also kick us to shops it too. The advertisements are first knocking step for awaking the consumers as well as convincing them to purchase it. Advertisement is the paid promotional and publicity tool used by the manufacturer or seller to persuade consumers in any form through any medium.

Copyright 2012 Tanjum kamboj.. This is an open access refereed article distributed under the Creative Common Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in 4 any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

Earlier advertisements was treated as a formality in the form of handbills then it took the form of signboards and nowadays we have full-fledged Advertising industry. Advertising is the fifth pillar after media which is serving the society. Advertising is an integral part and is one of the most visible element in providing information about products, services, and ideas. Without advertising no marketer can get what he wants to net. It is a tool used by marketers to reach out to the end users of product and services. It is a mediated communication which requires space and time in various mass media, such as television, radio, newspapers, etc. to persuade consumers to buy a particular product or service.(Jaishri jethwany, Shruti jain, 2008) Advertising is a vital tool for marketing and for marketers. Whereas marketing is a process of following deliberately planned policies to attain success in the market. It consists of 7Ps: Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Processes, Physical Evidence(Philip Kotler2007). Many more Ps are added by latter-day scholars that include positioning, perception, payoff etc. Advertising is a paid communication and marketing tool to persuade and encourage audience (viewers, readers and listeners) to get desired results and actions. The word advertisement is coined from Latin word ad vertere which means to turn the mind towards. So the marketers for marking their presence in the market and also to attain success use advertising as a promotional weapon. The advertisement crossed a long journey from mere informing the people to hammering the presence of brand in their mind i.e. from nirma (doodh si safedi) to idea (u r pumpkin pumpkin hello hunny bunny) from maggi (2-minutes noodle) to cadbuary (kuch mitha ho jae). There are various advertisements acquiring huge space in mass media. It is a fuel for all mass media as without advertisements no medium can survive for long. So to bring consideration for the product and services hanging out in the market advertising is of utmost importance. Without advertisement it is not possible to inform about the product to every nook or corner. But every advertisement will prove to be best and effective, one cannot scale it out in air. Its not always that investments of lakhs & crores can make best fruit peel the big deal it can be rotten one also. These type of activity requires deep research and huge investment. Research of Macro Micro environment, SWOT analysis, Target group, Big idea, Creative & Media strategy, Implementation and last but not the least Evaluation. This whole process depends on the budget i.e. companys infrastructure(vir bala Aggarwal,2005) Advertisements shown once cannot do wonders for sellers. It should be done in the form of series and should be frequent enough so that one can remember it. Until and unless it is not nailed, it fails in full filing the objective. Here it is witnessed that advertisers require campaign for the same. Advertisement campaign is the planned series of advertisements directed towards an objective, to hit the audience and fit their goals. It can translate the behavior and attitude of the people from non-users to users of the product and services. So advertisement grabs attention, creates interest, crop desire & lead down to the action.

Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III

Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

Usually there is a misconception about role of advertisement .how advertisement can help in selling a product? How one can believe on them? Are the claims made are factual? There are n number of questions glimpsing around the people while coming across to the advertisements. The answers cannot be straight away answered because the experience each and every person shares is different so it is quite difficult to answer mutual acceptable answer. But no one can deny about its power which persuades a balled one to purchase a comb. Advertisements is turning global with foreign marketers bringing the interest of consumers to be exposed to their goods and services. So here we have national and global products in the market. This is largely supported and enhanced by consumers love to buy foreign products & services. And this whole work is nicely commenced by the advertisements. The work of advertisement is not confined up to this, but a lot more. Why the advertisement sounds or looks interesting? It is just because of big idea it deals with. Advertisements can be classified in following classifications: it can be on the basis of function, on the basis of nature, on the basis of appeal, on the basis of demand, on the basis of target audience. On the basis of place, on the basis of media etc. advertisement plays different strings for different marketers. It fulfills marketers motive by functioning as an informer, an educat or, an instructor, an entertainer etc.It persuades the audience by generating different appeals such as rational, emotional and combined appeals. It have different nature i.e. Commercial and noncommercial. It work for demand whether it is primary one or secondary. Advertisements cares about their target audience whether professional like engineer or homemaker like mother.It approaches to every place whether local, regional, national, and international. It is mediated through different media such as traditional, electronic, print, new media, outdoor media, and indoor media. On the whole it is mass media. Every message requires a medium and a physical channel to be transmitted from one place to another. Same way advertisement is a message which can be in different medium form like audio, video, audio-video, printed, html form, signs etc. which requires a physical transmitting channel like television, radio, computer, pagers, phones, tablets etc. that can take it to actual destination. There is a huge variety of media available through which one can directs his/her message to target consumers. But it also requires a deep thought about analyzing the nature of your product and what message you want to pass to your target group and how.
Outdoor media is one of the most important medium which is highly utilized by the marketers for delivering their message to their consumers. Outdoor media carrying such message is known as outdoor advertisement. Outdoor advertising is also known as mural advertising. It comprises of advertisement through hoardings, banners, posters, danglers, streamers, sign boards, neon boards, sky writing, and transit advertising etc. from the last few decades the outdoor advertisement is gaining importance in advertising world. As marketer are of view that never leave your consumers untouched stay with them and follow them so that they remembers you. That is why outdoor advertising is also known as out of home advertising. There are many different types of outdoor advertising that have unique advantages and disadvantages. Depending on what kind of product is being sold and the message the business wants to get across will determine the best choice of outdoor advertising. (http://www.inspiriamedia.com/3-types-of-outdoor-advertising-and-benefits-of-each) Outdoor advertising is a type of advertising medium that involves posting messages and promotional items
Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III

Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

outside where people can see them. This was the original type of advertising that was used by businesses that wanted to bring in customers. This type of advertising can be very effective and comes in a variety of forms. (By Luke Arthur, e How Contributor) Advantages 1.Impactful: One benefit of outdoor advertising is that it has impact. People spend more time than ever before in their cars commuting to and from work. If you can reach this audience on a regular basis, you can promote a particular brand and create brand awareness. With this type of advertising, you can often get more viewers than you would be able to with any other type of marketing. Thus, an effective billboard ad can generate a large amount of traffic for your business. 2.Timely: Another benefit of using outdoor marketing is that it is often very timely. You can select advertising areas that are very close to the point of purchase. For example, you could set up a billboard on the road just before the entrance to a grocery store promoting a particular brand of food or drink. This way, it will remind consumers right before they get to the store about the product. 3.Repetition : Using outdoor advertising is also an effective way to repeat your message to the consumer. A large portion of marketing is simply repeating the same message to consumers until they become aware of it. This is referred to as creating brand awareness and, ultimately, brand loyalty. If you can do this effectively, you can create lifelong customers. Many customers who drive by your outdoor advertising every day will remember your products or services when it is time to make a purchase. 4.Opportunity to see & remember: outdoor advertising shares one more benefit that the commuters pass from the area carrying outdoor advertisement help in repetitive watching and remembering the advertisements ported on various outdoor aids. 5.Cheap: outdoor advertisement proves to be cheap and reasonable as compared to other advertising i.e. electronic advertising, new media advertising etc. 6.Combined medium: outdoor medium can be used as a combo medium and advertising as combo advertisement or mix media advertisement. 7.Message at a glance: here message is received in one glance rather than paying lot of time on an advertisement. Disadvantages 1.Short life span: The outdoor aid like banner (cloth) have short life span. They do not survive for long period as they get affected by weather. Not suitable for all types of advertisements: This type of advertising is not suitable for all types of products and services, especially those which requires demonstration and lot of explanations. 2.Distracts: Advertisements which carry distracting elements distracts the commuters and causes accident.

Literature Review J. David Lichtenthal ISBM Report 3-2004 reported the brief history about outdoor advertising. The fifteenth century saw the separation of the producer from the consumer. Production for mass consumption rapidly increased over the next couple of centuries. A method was therefore required to inform the public about the existence of goods and services available for consumption [Nelson & Sykes, 1953], and billposting was a tool of choice that producers employed in large scale giving rise to a field now called mass communication. Until the fifteenth century billposting was the only means, other than a public address, of disseminating information on a widespread basis [Association of National Advertisers, 1952]. One of the earliest mediums of mass communication was the stele of ancient Egypt [Association of National Advertisers, 1952] [Henderson & Landau, 1980] [Agnew, 1985]. Hewn from basalt, these stelai or tablets were about five feet high, two and one-half feet wide, and eleven inches thick. Displayed prominently in town centers and other areas of high traffic, these stelais are the earliest form of mass advertising known to man. Some stelai carried messages that
Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III

Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

promised a Selective exposure and attention are likely salient in the outdoor arena reward for locating a lost slave [Association of National Advertisers, 1952], while others were used to declare the Kings decree and other such information. In 1450 Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing printing from movable typesetting and the dream of duplicated messages was realized [Association of National Advertisers, 1952] [www.oaaa.org]. Widespread commercial application became economically practical and modern advertising was launched in the form of handbills. Invention of the printing press led tothe development of two media the handbill, a circulating medium that was distributed in large quantities, and the posted bill. While the handbill can be considered a forerunner of a modern day newspaper, the posted bill is the forerunner of contemporary outdoor advertising [Association of National Advertisers, 1952]. In the 17th and 18th century another form of outdoor advertising emerged the outdoor sign. Taverns, bookmakers and apothecaries identified their place of business with signs that were symbolic of both trade and firm. In 1796, Alois Senefelder perfected the lithographic process that combined the art form of signs with the detail of the handbill to create the illustrated poster [Association of National Advertisers, 1952][www.oaaa.org]. As billposting became more popular and the space for displaying the messages more scarce, measures were taken to ensure the exposure of the message for a fixed period of time.The billposters began erecting their own structures to display the messages in the high traffic areas and stopped relying solely on the space available on walls. These structures came to be called fences. American marketers picked up the technique of billposting with gusto and the special structure that gradually evolved for the use of billposting came to be known as thebillboard [Association of Nation al Advertisers, 1952]. Clear channel outdoor(2010) reported how out of home advertising works As technology enables greater marketing messaging flexibility and increases the number of media formats and types of consumer interactions, the out of home (OOH ) advertising industry is in the midst of a major transition. In light of this evolution, marketers should be considering whether they are using OOH advertising effectively as part of the marketing mix in their campaigns. Clear Channel Outdoor has engaged MarketShare Partners (MSP) to explore the use and effectiveness of OOH advertising, evaluate the financial contribution of OOH as part of a balanced marketing mix, and discuss how marketers can make more informed decisions regarding their marketing budget allocation. Marketers seek to identify the best marketing strategies, a process that requires evaluating the fit of available marketing vehicles for the products being offered and consumer segments being targeted, ultimately considering the impact that the incremental spend in each medium has on revenue and profit. An optimal marketing mix delivers the right message in the right place at the right time with the appropriate vehicles and results in maximizing the sales lift from a firms total marketing spend. Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority on September 10, 2007. EPCA report on the Outdoor Advertisement Policy of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) as applicable also to the area under the New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) and other Agencies1.1.2 Longitudinal Placement (Driver Distraction Controls) approaching motorists. Illumination of advertising device is to be concealed or be integral part of it Longitudinal placement set out minimum distances between the device and traffic conflict points, official traffic signs and other Advertising Devices (ie. reduce advertising density). The Study The need for the present study was to know that the outdoor advertising should be mounted or installed at the highway side. They are main distractions rather than attractions. The highway is
Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III

Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

the most sensitive place as n number of commuters travel from that area. So placing advertising material at this place is not beneficial rather it is risky. Objectives The broad objective of the study is to map out whether outdoor advertisements should be placed at highway? On the basis of literature reviewed the following objectives are: 1. Do the people know the advertisements?

2. What do they mean by the word outdoor advertisements? 3. Why advertisements should be part of out of home advertisements?

Theoretical framework The framework of this study is based on two Theories of Mass Communication i.e. Individual Difference Theory and Cognitive Dissonance Theory. Individual differences perspective implies that media message contains particular stimulus attributes that have differential interaction with personality characteristics of audience members. Hence, variable in these differing effects are partially caused by the audiences selective exposure, selective perception and selective retention of media content. Cognitive Dissonance theory is coined by L.A. Festinger in 1957. The theory predicts that people will seek out information which confirms existing attitudes and views of the world or reinforce other aspects of behavior. Research methodology The researcher employed survey method for the collection of data. Survey method is a method in which a survey in conducted in various forms such as Observation method, Interview method, Questionnaires and Schedules etc. Here researcher has used questionnaire as a tool for data collection. It contains 10-15 questions which is duly answered by commuters (respondents)(wimmer & Dominick, 2010)

Reference period The reference period for study was the month of August, September, October, and November2012. This period was selected because host of the billboards can be seen at this time. Most of the aids were covered by political and commercial message. Sample selection: The study is based on probability sampling method. It is also known as random sampling or chance sampling. Here respondents are selected randomly. 1. It gives each element in the population an equal probability of getting into the sample, and all choice are independent of one another. 2. It gives each possible sample combination an equal probability of being chosen.

Hypotheses There is no significant hypothetical view for the study from the researcher side.

Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III

Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

Finding &Discussions : The following tables carries the interpretation of the data which states that: 1) The table shows that 55% of commuters travel frequently, 27% weekly, 10%monthly and 8% falls in other category.

1. How frequent you travel?

10% 8%
Daily Weekly



Monthly Other

2) The table shows that 44% commuters travel for job purpose, 28% for studying, 27% for business and 1% for other purpose.

2. For what purpose?

10% 25%
studying job business



3) The table shows 96% commuters opt for Highway route whereas 4% for Non Highway route

3. From which route?

25% 75%


Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III


Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

4) The table shows that 40% trucks, 52% cars, 2% bus and 6% bike/scooter for travelling by the commuters.

5) The table shows that 99% commuters know about advertisements and 1% do not know about it.

5. Do you know what is advertsements?

yes no

6) The table shows that 85% of commuters have heared about outdoor advertisements and 15% have not.

6. Have you ever heared about outdoor advertisements?

Yes No


Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III


Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

7) The table shows that 83% commuters know about outdoor advertisements,5% says its hoardings, 2% banners and 1% posters.

8) The table shows that 57% respondents have seen it on highway,26% on roads, 16% in market and 1% all of them.

9) The table shows that 89% respondents believe that they are attractive and 11% believes they are not.

9. Are they attractive?




Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III


Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

10) The table states that 80% respondents get attracted by visuals, 10% by color, 8% by text and 2% by all.

11) The table shows that 86% respondents believes they cause accident, 12% says they do not and 2% believes may be.

12) The table shows that 55% are of opinion that they distracts and 45% says they dont.

Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III


Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

13) The table shows that 82% respondents believes that they are risky and 18% believes they are not.

14) The table shows that 85% of the respondents says not to install them and 15% says yes they should be installed

15) The table shows that 95% respondents believe that highway is not meant for advertisements and 5% says yes they are place for advertisements.

Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III


Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

ISSN : 2250 - 1630

Conclusions: The above study shows that outdoor advertisement in not suitable to be placed at highway side as lots of commuters passes through and due to attractive elements it grabs the attention which causes accident. The crowded places such highway should be set free from all advertisement stuff so that no distraction takes place which ultimately cause distraction while driving which is risky and injurious to the drivers life. Such out of home advertisements should be placed on the places like bus stand, railway stations where commuters or travelers Have enough time to wait for arrival of their bus and train. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Arya, umesh, How to write a good research paper,youtube.flv,september28,2011. Arya , umesh , http://aryasir.blogspot.in Advertising age, www.adage .com Adombila,Maxwell,jma-juda, http://marxadom.blogspot.in/2010/05.html Bright advertising, www.brightadvertising.com/
Reinard.c.john, introduction to communication research,2007 Kumar. J. keval, mass communication in india,2010. Jethwany , jaishri , advertising management,2008.

http://clearchanneloutdoor.com/assets/downloads/white-paper/how-ooh-ad 10. http://www.ndmc.gov.in/services/Enforcement/Enforcement.pdf.

Vol - II , Issue - III September 2012 Section - III


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