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PART B Answer any 35 questions out of 50 Each question carries two marks and negative marking 1/4th

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1. During the initiation of DNA replication in E.Coli, the protein which opens the replication fork is a) Dna A c) Dna C b) Dna B d) HU/IHF 2. In DNA polymerase III enzyme, the clamp subunit is used for a) Separating the two DNA strands for replication. b) Preventing the strands from dissociating from the template DNA strand. c) Stimulating the subunits proofreading d) Clamping loader for the lagging strand Okazaki fragments. 3. The phagocytic cells possess specialized receptors known as pattern recognition receptors that are activated by PAMPs. But engagement of PRRs will led to activation of a) Jak-STAT pathway b) NF-B pathway c) Interferon (IFN) signalling pathway d) TNF signalling pathway 4. Inorder to generate more NAPDH for producing ROS species such as superoxide anions in phagocytic cells, there was an increase in the activity of a) Glycolysis b) TCA cycle c) Hexose monophosphate shunt d) Oxidative phosphorylation 5. For the detection of bacterial Lipopolysacchride (LPS) by the phagocytic cells, a scavenging molecule called a) CD 45 b) CD 14 c) CD 15 d) CD 11a 6. The antibody coexpressed with (Immunoglobulin M) IgM in B cells is a) IgA c) IgE b) IgG d) IgD 7. A harmless bacterium called Lactobacillus bifidus is present in the babys gut to crowd out dangerous varieties. Therefore to promotes the growth of the bacterium, a protein which supports that is said to be a) Lactoferrin c) Fibronectin b) Bifidus factor d) B12 binding protein

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8. The role of transferring IgG from mother to fetus during gestation, is played by a) Fc Receptor c) ICAM-1 b) Poly Ig receptor d) VCAM-1 9. The J chain is present in which of the following antibodies? a) IgE c) IgG b) IgM d) IgD 10. In P-K reaction, the antibody played vital role is a) IgA b) IgE

c) IgD d) IgG

11. The natural killer cells are an important first line of defense against viruses and provide a key activating signal to other cells. The signalling molecule so called cytokines produced by NK cells are a) Interferon and TNF b) Interleukin 12 and interleukin 13 c) TGF d) Interferon /

12. The toll like receptor which can detect the presence of CpG unmethylated dinucleotides in bacteria is a) TLR 4 c) TLR 8 b) TLR 6 d) TLR 9 13. A child with B cell deficiency will lack a) Thymus gland b) Germinal center 14. The following describes about spleen, except a) It involves in systemic infection. b) It is not supplied by lymphatic vessels. c) It traps the antigens from local tissues. d) It is a site for RBC degradation. 15. NAD and NADP are derived from a vitamin and the vitamin is synthesized from which amino acid? a) Phenylalanine c) Histidine b) Tryptophan d) proline 16. FAD and FADH2 are derived from which vitamin? a) Vitamin A c) Vitamin B2 b) Vitamin C d) Vitamin B1

c) primary follicles d) both b and c

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17. Which of the following compound serves as a ready source of phosphoryl group for quick ATP synthesis from ADP? a) Phosphocreatine c) phosphoenolpyruvate b) 1,3 Bisphosphoglycerate d) All of the above 18. Which of the following is the priming step in glycolysis? a) Fructose-6-phosphate c)3-phosphoglycerate 3-phosphoglycerate c) Fructose 1-6 bisphosphate d) PEP pyruvate b) Glucose-6-phosphate Fructose-6-phosphate 19. Hydrolysis of glucose 6-phosphate by glucose 6-phosphatase takes place at a) Golgi apparatus c) Cytosol b) Endoplasmic reticulum d) Mitochondria 20. Certain population of Somalian people treated with antimalarial drug like primaquine are anaemic and free haemoglobin is seen in their blood. The reason behind this could be a) The drug is highly toxic for this population. b) They might have glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. c) The Hematopoietic stem cells are destroyed by the drug. d) None of the above. 21. Which transcription factor is phosphorylated by PKB and degraded by proteasome in the cystosol? a) CREB c) FOXO1 b) SREBP d) ChREBP 22. The blood sugar level in the blood increases with the activation of enzyme called a) Glycogen synthase a c) Glycogen phosphorylase a b) Glycogen synthase b d) Glycogen phosphorylase b 23. In Pyruvate Dehydrogenase enzyme complex, which of the enzyme unit contains the lipoate cofactor? a) Pyruvate dehydrogenase c) Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase b) Dihydrolipoyl transacetylase d) All of the above 24. In citric acid cycle, at which reaction the substrate level phosphorylation takes place? a) -ketoglutarate Succinyl CoA c) Succinyl CoA Succinate b) fumarate malate d) Isocitrate -Ketoglutarate


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25. Which of the following enzyme closely resembles PDH complex in both structure and function? a) Succinyl CoA synthetase c) fumarase b) Succinate dehydrogenase d) -Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase 26. Deficiency in vitamin B12 leads to a) Beri Beri b) Night blindness

c) Gout d) pernicious anemia

27. Individuals with Zellweger syndrome, lacks which organelle? a) Mitochondria c) peroxisome b) Lysosome d) Nuclear membrane 28. The following statement describe about shine-dalgaro sequence is true, EXCEPT a) It is present at 8 base pair and upstream of start codon AUG. b) Its complementary sequence is present in 3 end of 16s rRNA in ribosome c) It is present in both prokaryote and eukaryotes. d) It is the initiation site for translation process 29. The active site amino acid residue that could be involved in a reaction catalyzed by an enzyme with a pH optimum of 4 would be a) Arginine c) cysteine b) Serine d) glutamate 30. Methylation of lysine at which amino group occurs in histones to modulate their interaction with DNA? a) -NH2 c) -NH2 b) -NH2 d) -NH2 31. Which among the following gastro intestinal hormone inhibits the secretion of gastric juice in stomach? a) Gastrin c) secretin b) Enterogastrone d) cholecystokinin 32. The one of the organisms which can possibly have highest proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in their membranes is a) Antarctic fish c) bacteria in thermal hot springs b) Cactus d) humans 33. The following one of the proteins which has not an electron carrier class in the electron transport chains is a) Flavoproteins c) iron sulphur proteins b) Cytochromes d) cytochrome c oxidase

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34. In Carnitine shuttle, the fatty acyl CoA reacts with the a) Hydroxyl group of Carnitine c) Amine group of Carnitine b) Methyl group of Carnitine d) carboxyl group of Carnitine 35. Which of following rules states that the body size of an animal increases if it is seen in cold region than in normal region? a) Annes rule c) Glogers rule b) Rench rule d) Bergmanns rule 36. Which part of adrenal gland secrets the hormone aldosterone? a) Zona fasciculata c) Zona glomerulosa b) Zona reticularis d) Medulla 37. The hormone secreted during breastfeeding for the fetus is a) Vasopressin c) growth hormone b) ACTH d) TSH 38. Which of following is a digestive enzyme present in the acrosome of the sperm? a) Hyaluronidase c) Steapsin b) Ptyalin d) Gelatinase 39. In order to measure the molecular distance between two protein molecules, which one of the following technique can be used? a) FRAP c) FLIP b) FRET d) Time lapse microscopy 40. A gene encoding for a proteolytic enzyme has a DNA length of 1985 kb, needs to be synthesized in large amount. Which of the following vector can take a DNA of this much length? a) phage c) PACs b) BACs d) YACs 41. Which of the following element is mainly used by the nitrogen fixing bacteria for the growth of legumes? a) Zinc c) Cobalt b) Copper d) Selenium 42. The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes crown gall disease by making the host plant to overproduce a) Auxin and Gibberellin c) Ethylene and Abscisic acid b) Cytokinin and Ethylene d) Auxin and Cytokinin

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43. Caffefine found in coffee seeds are derivatives of a) Tryptophan b) Purines

c) Phenylalanine d) sequestrene

44. An enzyme Hex-A (Hexosaminidase A) normally found in lysosome is said to be defective in which of the following molecular disorder? a) Widows peak c) Tay-sachs disease b) Hypotrichosis d) Hemophilia 45. If two parents, both heterozygous carriers of autosomal recessive gene causing cystic fibrosis have five children. The probability that three will be normal is a) 0.54 c) 0.42 b) 0.26 d) 0.29 46. Inorder to study the modulation of whole gene expression in a drug treated cancer cells, which technique can be most suitable for it? a) FISH c) GISH b) Microarray d) Western blotting 47. In DNA replication, the enzyme DNA polymerase III plays major part and in that which subunit does the 3 5 exonuclease activity? a) subunit c) subunit b) subunit d) subunit 48. Which enzyme in E.Coli reduces the number of negative supercoil in a coiled circular DNA molecule? a) Gyrase c) Topoisomerase II b) Topoisomerase I d) Dna B 49. UGA codon is normally considered as termination codon, but the altered code tells which of the following amino acid it codes for? a) Trp c) Gly b) Met d) Thr 50. Acridine dyes causes what type of mutation? a) Point mutation b) Deletion mutation

c) frame shift mutation d) substitution mutation

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