Clockwork Heart

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The day he announced completion of the factory was the day Daria started to fear her own brother

instead of love him. It started when she stood there watching Malan in the center of the room, who was trembling with excitement to show their family the complete project. The factory had pulled him out of the despair he had on hearing upon the deathly disease he had. In two years he would die. When the family heard the news they cried very hard. Malan however, went into complete state of depression instead of the series stages, which the doctor had said he was supposed to go through: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. For days she did not see him leave his room, or eat. At one time she worried if the emotional pain would overwhelm it and he would hurt himself. That was, until he had the idea for the machine. Then she observed that he started working with a new fervor and energy, like that of a man with a passion. It was the kind of obsession and passion that blinded from anything but the goal. The machine eventually pulled him out of the depression. So even if the machine turned out to be a dysfunctional wreck, she knew she would be happy with the result. She saw him lead her parents out of the manor with flustered hand gestures, and followed with exitement. They stood outside in the cold pulling their fur coats tightly to their bodies. After leading them down Hammer forge Street and taking a left into an alleyway, he guided them up a series of steps on top of the old library, which was the oldest and biggest structure in the city. There it was, a large lump on top of the roof, covered by a yellow sheet, and ghastly groaning noises emitted from it. It was like the roar of a dying beast, or a collective torment of hundreds of people. She immediately wanted to run and destroy it, just to stop that noise. There was no reason she could think of as to why she hated the noise, it was only machinery. And so when he pulled back the cloth, his creation revealed. She gasped and felt sick to her stomach, it was the most horrible thing she had ever seen. The machine looked like a giant dome with half a cylinder coming out from the side. There were gears all over it, moving each other slowly. Some parts clanked whenever they crashed together. Each minute there was an explosion like gunfire coming from a massive bronze chimney atop the structure. Worst of all, there was life worked into the machinery, trees entwined into the framework of the system, between works of metal and steel bars. Somewhere she swore she saw a beating heart with tubes jabbed into it, but dismissed the thought all together. She was acting crazy. They were contorted beyond repair, like a person begging to die and escape pain, but being forced to live so to provide fuel. She knew that she shouldnt be scared, that they were just tree branches; their death wouldnt mean anything. But she felt herself backing up and away from the machine the moment she laid eyes on it. Her brother had made this?

Whats wrong Daria? Do you not like it? I did it for you, for my whole family. He said, glaring at her. As she looked back at him for a minute she was sure she saw a piece of metal glint on the back of his neck. No, no Im very proud of you She said, backing away and feeling her back hit the railing of the fire escape. At that she bolted down the stairs and off into the streets. Daria, are you okay? Do you not like it as I do sister? He said, first talking and then yelling. She ran through the streets frantically, not caring where she was going. How had it come to this? She used to be the type of girl who remained in her manor and stayed quiet. There was loyalty between her family, except for when Mallen would walk in with that crazy smile and start interrogating her parents about whether they loved him or not, whether their friends loved him, she would be forced to excuse herself to leave the room. And now because of that machine he made, there was some creature of fear burrowed inside of her stomach and prepared to eat her from the inside out. An old hunchbacked woman shoved her aside and eyed Daria close with the one good eye she possessed. The other crept her out because it was milky white and glazed over. The trees, it seems as if they mean nothing sister girl! But they signify so much else, a loss of life, please help. the hag said. What? How on earth? You never make any sense she said. please The woman walked back the way she came, rambling nonsense words and phrases as she did so. Daria started to walk down the street again, this time at a quicker pace. Okay, its just that crazy old woman. She rambles about the apocalypse all the time, even more than the ministers preach of sin and such nonsense She said, her steps becoming quicker and shorter. She felt more confident at that, having witnessed what suggested insanity at a close level. Sometimes she thought her brother could be partially insane. The way he reacted to situations was always different than what it should be. Like when he was yelling at her, just a few minutes ago. Nobody should be that reliant on affection and appreciation. She had heard of a thing called narcissism, maybe he had it. Of course, that was only a suspicion, taking place in the dark world in her mind. That

part of herself dreamt of evil twisted things beyond the ordinary and proper girl she tried to be in order to survive. As the clopping of horse hooves pounded into her ears, she practically ran past the gilded iron gates, and well-kept bushes pressed against the manor wall and came in through the grand front door. She sighed, taking off her coat and hanging it on the rack by the door. Hello Helena she said to the maid sweeping in the corner by the grand staircase, trying to act nonchalant. What is it, what did Mallen do? Nothing, I know youre his servant so youre mad at him for making you work. But hes not that bad, I swear. Why you idiot- its not because Im his servant! Im telling the truth theres something wrong with him. she said, and then gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, falling to the freshly polished oak floor and scurrying back. Im sorry mistress, I forgot myself Its okay. Ive known you since childhood, of course I wont tell my parents about your outspokenness. There is no need to fret. Hes my brother, I know him, he cant be like that, and he just cant. It doesnt matter that he acted like a madman when I saw the machine. You saw the machine? Why did he take you? Why damnit? Helena said, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. Dont say anything, about the machine to me or him, please Helena. I dont want to hear it and you will be fired if he finds out your opinion. You know how much he cares about opinions. Ill let you rest for now Daria. But later I will find out what he did. I guarantee you Helena said, glaring at Daria and resuming to wax the floors. With that she walked upstairs and into her bedroom. She planned on sleeping, once she fell onto her bed. But that didnt happen. She supposed attempt at sleep proved fruitless after the trauma she had experienced that day, the occurrence of that feeling striking fright into her. As much as she refused to admit it out loud, Helena was right. Her brother had to do with that gut feeling of utter horror. And she had only experienced in fleeting grasp before. But now she knew it well. It was like a pit in her stomach, cold and clenching. While at the same time it was something in her lungs, like there was a burning ball of hot metal in there and gas was freezing her chest up. And she still felt it as she lied

there on her bed and counted the cracks in the ceiling to distract herself . It was like she needed to do something, but she had no idea what. She shot up into a sitting position. So she wandered amongst the house, through some barren hallways and past the door of a spare room and felt a need to enter. She knew very well it was her brothers workshop. When he had been working on that twisted factory of his, there were clanging noises emitting from it for hours on end as he worked hunched over a table. Before she was annoyed that her bedroom had been so close to the constant noise, which made the rule not allowing her to enter unnecessary at the time. But now she felt curiosity for it, and felt an impulsive urge to disobey. Maybe it could explain why she was so afraid of that machine if she knew about it and how it was made. Perhaps there were blueprints? So she let the urge take over her for once instead of following the rules as she had her whole life, and slowly opened the door to venture in cautiously. In short terms, she could only describe the inside as a maelstrom. The room looked as if a rabid dog had tried to escape from its containment. Deep and long scratches indented into his desk and on the floor. Blood splattered on the walls and floor. There was broken furniture, holes made into the wall and a sea of shredded papers thrown everywhere around a single desk. She went to the desk and inspected the papers. There were random words scratched on the many sheets, furious scribbles over designs of the machine and its inner workings, snapped quills and pens, and writing utensils that bored a hole through the paper and into the wood of the desk. She found that the blood thickened in a trail, ending in a splatter below a picture of their family. What? Why is that here? Why are you looking at a picture of our family? She said. She started ruffling through papers some more, this time frantically. Her breathing became heavy. As she shifted aside an empty well of ink she found a design of interlocking gears on an intact piece of paper. And weighing that paper down was collection of golden bronze gears. She picked them up and examined them from all angles. They were unlike anything she could ever imagine. There were gears that looked like two gears crossed over each other to make a three dimensional shape, and some like spheres. There were other things too, glowing liquids in tiny packets, and crystals. It could be clearly seen that the gears were supposed to be used to make the design on the paper. All of it appeared so fascinating in a simplistic way, like clockwork designed and preplanned to achieve some unknown purpose, the sheer kinetics of gears leading to much more complex and large motions. None of the gears did anything automatically; it was the action, the sheer manpower and laws of motion that made the intricately arranged but simplistically running machine work. And she found herself enchanted.

After that, despite the gut feeling she had that Mallens machine was revolting, despite the warnings of the old woman, and despite the feeling of horror that she was touching something forbidden, she tinkered with the supplies. The puzzle gave her relief from that feeling of doom in her chest. And there was a hope, it was dim, but perhaps if she understood machinery she could fix everything .Until nightfall she worked hunched over the table, trying to out different positions of arrangement to find out how the gears interlocked. And that was the position she was in when the brother whose trashed workroom she sat in, and who made the machine that looked like machinery forcing life to become one with it. Daria! I need to talk to you, he said, yelling the first word and then softening slightly. She tensed and ran to her room, only to remember that she forgot the gears she discovered. There was no choice; she had to get it back for those gears. If she didnt that guilt would plague her, she would always hear the mechanical screams coming out of Mallens factory. As she heard Mallens footsteps thudding behind her, she ran faster. He was so close, and she couldnt confront him with the truth. She had no idea what to tell herself the truth was, or whether denial was the right plan or not. Much less was she ready to talk to Mallen about it. She ran faster; nearing the door that could save her from confrontation, help her hide like she did before she saw the evils of the factory. Before everything went wrong. But she was too late. A hand clasped around her arm and clench tight, digging nails into her skin and drawing blood. She winced; there was so much pain, emotionally and physically. Her own brother, who was supposed to care for her, was harming her. Mallen, please stop, youre hurting me. Why are you hurting me? Youre my brother. Dear sister he said mockingly Just tell me what happened back there at the rooftop and Ill consider letting go. Why did you run? His nails dug deeper into her arm, drawing blood. Im sorry, I cant say. Its for both of our own goods she whispered. If you dont tell me bad things will happen. I force you to work on my machine, you know, the one you hate so much he said. lied. Look, dont take it personally. I dont care if you make me work there she

The hand around her arm tightened so she could no longer feel the limb. Trembling, she dropped the gears she held under her coat. They clattered to the ground. What are these? he said. Gears, I-I-I saw them in your workroom while I was looking for evidence of why you built the factory. As to why youve been acting so strange. And so I started playing with them, looking at them. I understand why you use them. Theyre beautiful.- He looked at her with a face of shock. I dont know why yet, or how. But something about that thing is wrong. The way the workroom was covered in blood.Your own blood. I saw a beating heart in the machine. Technology is beautiful and strong, and so is life. But making life work for technology, thats horrible. Nothing alive should be as cold as steel or live as long. She said. She knew it would anger him. That machine meant everything to him. He sighed and let go of her arm. He held up a hand and struck her on the cheek. His ring made a gash along the skin.Then suddenly he turned from a clawing monster to a child needing protection . He embraced her in a tight hug, burying his face into her shoulder. Daria, I need you to help me more than anything ever, I need you to be with me, to love me no matter what I do. Im dying Daria. Theres a disease I have. I have twenty years left to live. That machine is keeping me alive, with it Ill live forever. Dont leave me, you can never ever leave me. He said. For the first time she noticed a horrid fury and needing in his blue eyes. There was so much needing it seemed he would possess everything she was if she stayed with him. Her life would be devoted to doing anything he wanted to please him. But she knew the nature of her brother, no matter what he had always wanted more from the world. And as she stared blankly into the distance she realized he always would need more from her. She couldnt stay with him long enough so he could do that too her. Mallen, we already knew of the disease. We talked about it. Twenty years is a long time, a very long time. I cant die. In order to make life one must be fueled by that of others No Helena cant be- I love you, but never as much as you want me too

And at that she broke free of Mallens grasp, making angry red scratches on her arm. She stumbled down the stairs and past the ornate frescos, out the grand doorway, and down random streets of cobblestone. She ran down each street to no particular place but away. Away from her brother, away from her home, away her life, away from herself and the knowledge that her brother was a monster. When she grew tired she had no idea where she was in the city. People shuffled past and men smoked while leaning on a wall. She ducked into a narrow alleyway and slumped down in the corner, trying to ignore the stench coming from the sludge puddle she sat upon. What am I going to do? she said. For a while she stayed there, for she could do nothing else than stay there and close her eyes. She wanted to disappear from her life, and she tried to fade from reality, into the bricks of the wall she leaned on. Daria! a voice said. A woman with red hair sprinted into her alleyway, panting furiously. Helena? What are you doing here? she said, shocked. I followed you when you left God, Im so sorry I never believed you before Its okay What did he do to convince you he was a madman? She said, making room for Helena. Come Helena said, holding out her hand to Daria. Daria looked at the hand with suspicion, and only when Helena held it right in front of her face did she uncertainly take it. Lets go. I know youre taking me to the machine They departed from the alleyway, and walked past the throngs of people in the street. On the whole walk to the abandoned library they were silent. Daria secretly longed to talk, too show Helena how she truly felt. The sharing of feelings was more crucial than ever. But she didnt know how to put it into words, how to make the truth she saw inside herself transfer to another person. Time seemed to pass quickly, despite the silence. It was because she was not waiting for something to happen, to find out the ugly truth. Simply she lived in the

moment of ignorance, and savored the anticipation. Soon she knew she would have to make a choice. The choice was one she never wanted to make. They walked up the tall metal stairway. When she arrived at the top she saw the cityscape poking above the roof she stood upon. Below the peaks of the buildings she saw the awful machine. How she longed for it too disappear. In case you didnt know, I saw the human heart. So if thats what you want to show me its worthless. She said, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Helena to make her go away. No, of course thats not what I mean to show you Helena said. Helena went to the machine and gestured for Daria to follow. Daria noted that the tranquility of the sunset seemed too make the groaning and clanging of the machine a little less horrible. The thing, whatever it was, still looked cruel and cold. When she came feet away from it she saw the heart clearly instead of as just a glimpse. It beat like a human heart did inside the body, with a familiar thumpthump. She could see the place where a metal tube had been shoved into it. Daria, I hate to say it, but theres more Helena said. Show me it then Helena went up to a door on the machine Daria had never noticed before. When she opened it there was a familiar pair of discolored blue eyes. One was blue as the deep sea, but was clouded over, an empty. Oh my god Helena. Is that really-? She said. Im sorry you had to find out about this Daria. Helena said. Is it? she said. Yes Daria. Its the woman from the street. So she wasnt crazy? she said, eyes wide. No, she was, but she had been driven mad. Well, madder than she already was, to the point where she couldnt function. Way before Mallen took her he did some experiments to see if her body would fuel the machine. The fumes drove her insane, along with the metal being melded to her skin. Shes not the only one, many others died too. Some are still alive. Thats why I saw metal on her hand. The signs were right in front of me. I was just denying it.

Ive known you all your life. And yet I have no idea how to comfort you. Or help you choose the right thing. Helena then enveloped Daria in her arms, but Daria pushed away. She couldnt stand to be coddled anymore. So she decided to stare into the distance, pretending to be unfeeling, strong, and unattached. Snap out of that, you cant just shut yourself from the world you brat! Im the one comforting you and Im the one dying. What? You didnt realize that? How did you think I knew about your brothers nature? I was one of the experiments. Look what he did. she said. Daria watched Helena pull her shirt down. Just below her collarbone there was bronze fused into the skin. Instead of what she would expect, a piece of metal replacing skin, the metal grew into the skin gradually. Veins of bronze stretched out from the effected area. Would you feel anything if I were to touch it? No, all the time its unbelievably cold, and the coldness grows. Ive heard it from your brother. At this stage I die in three days What? How? she said, moving to engulf Helena in a crushing embrace. He picks on the impoverished, were easier to harm. Hes mad. My own brother is mad. And hes done horrible things to you, my friend. Ive known you since when I can remember. Weve spent our childhoods playing together. But now hes done this because of statusShe said,sobbing. The sunset had turned into dusk, which set a shadow amongst the world. The winds blew through Daria s hair, stronger from atop the building than on the ground. She could see the entire city from where she stood. It was breathtaking. You finally realized. And just to tell you, I didnt bring you here to beg for my life. I am content with death, and happy that I had the chance to tell you before it happened. Avoid your brother. And from now on, avoid the machine even more. Never return. I will force you to stay away if you try Helena said. Daria was then escorted down the stairs and back to the manor. Helena grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her room, even though she struggled . Recultantly, she walked inside her room. She heard the click of a lock.

But Daria said No, hes your brother. Hes your brother. You can kill a stranger, but you cant do that too your own brother. Thats like killing a part of yourself I wont let you hurt him just because I made you avenge me She started to pound on the door separating them But Im going to let it go.Before I thought I loved him because he was my brother. I had to love him, I thought something was wrong with me if I didnt, or if I resisted him. But I never liked him, and I felt guilty for not giving attention because he seemed to needed me. If I made him happy, I thought I would be doing something good . Thats why I didnt stop him sooner. Im sorry. She waited and heard only silence.What was Helena doing on the other side of that door? Had she walked away already? If you dont answer there is no way I will be able to kill him and save you. I wont be able to save the rest of the people he plans to kill. He will stop at nothing Daria said. She pressed her forehead despondently against the cold surface of the door, taking a shaky breath. Daria found it ironic that just days ago, she would have been on the other side of that door protecting him at all costs, and Helen would be the trapped one wanting to kill her brother. But then she had realized what Mallan had become since he caught the disease was not her brother. Her brother had died that moment he discovered his fate to die. Hes already gone Helena. If I could save the rest of the people I would be happy, I would be happy that he doesnt die a man who committed genocide for his own selfish reasons. He could die with honor, as a strong and somewhat good man. Besides, knowing him, theres such a small chance I will be able to destroy the machine in the first place. If you let me out I may not be able to kill him Daria said. face. With a squeak, the door opened to reveal a tiny bit to reveal a half of Helenas

Okay, lets go and do the deed. I already have a knife, I carry one around in case anybody tries to attack me on the street. she said, and opened the door all the way to let Daria out. That was how you survived him For the final time they set out towards the abandoned building, and her brothers machine. The atmosphere did not seem as tense as it had before. They

walked slowly past the buildings, keeping their heads down the whole time as they walked close together in silence. So how are we going to do this? You can dismantle the machine. Ill- plunge the knife if you want No, I want to do it now. You can stand aside and watch. Im sorry you dont get to help. This is my fight, that I have to win. Did you know, that ever since I was a child hes been keeping me from my life. Everything was about him, so I didnt learn to read like I should have, I never had any friends except for you. Will it hurt when you do it? I mean, emotionally Helena said, as they turned a left on corner. I dont know When they got near the building Daria thought about stalling as they approached. Helena would simply think she didnt want to be a murder.In truth, she still a little spark of fear, the fear that had made her allow Mallen to touch Helena. They walked up the metal fire escape, but unlike all the other times Daria was the one who led. Daria heard the clanking and groaning of the machine, like the screams of the people who were used as parts. And when she saw it, the machine lay there running at full power. It was as impressive and powerful looking as it had been the first time she saw it. Its disgusting. How could anyone do such a thing? By anything I wont let this happen. She said, tears streaming down her eyes. She was practically yelling, and her voice cracked. She felt Helenas hand on her shoulder. And she stopped thrashing. Put at peace by the truth of what she needed to do, she calmly walked up to the machine and dismantled it using the gears her brother left on the desk. Gears whirled and puttered. Massive amounts of dust and smoke billowed into her face. She couldnt breathe, and pain like that she had ever experienced filled her chest. Then she started to cough violently. Helena came up to her and forced her head out of the machine so she could breathe. Ill keep going she said, and ducked her head in with a determined fervor. Finally, after prying out multitudes of bronze and steel bars she got to the part with the human heart inside. It beat and throbbed like clockwork would, fueling

everything else around it. This thing that Mallen did was monsterous. Was she really the one who would stop her brothers immortal life? Why her out of all people? Im sorry, I have to do this. To free myself, to save innocent lives. She said. The knife she held rose above her head, glinted in the sunlight, and plunged deep into the center of the heart keeping her brother immortaly alive. At last she was free, and so were his victims. But what Mallen would never understand, is that she had freed him too, from becoming something that wasnt human.

Ill be the one to plunge the knife in, you dont have to take it. Helena said No, hes my brother, and its my fault I didnt stop it. I should have seen it coming, that obsession was destroying him. What is it doing to you? Its making me do the right thing

The door opened.

Daria understood at that moment that the choice she had been worrying about would never come in her future. She had already chosen. There had to be a

way out.

The day she destroyed her brothers machine was the day she stopped fearing him. I can feel the plane vibrating under me.

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