SNL Site Manager Job Description

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SUMMERNIGHTLIGHTS SITEMANAGERJOBDESCRIPTION The Mayors Office of Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) was established in 2007 with

h the primary goal of establishing datadriven gang prevention and intervention programs in the Citys most gang impacted communities.Summer Night Lights (SNL), a component of the GRYD strategy was piloted during the summer of 2008 as a response to research that point to youth being most likely to commit violent crimes during the summer months in the City of Los Angeles. Now in its 6th consecutive summer, the SNL program is implemented in 32 parks across the city with the goal of reducing gang related violence in and around SNL sites&providingcommunityengagementandemploymentopportunitiesforyouthaswellasadults. GENERALRESPONSIBILITIES The Site Manager works independently and collaboratively with GRYD staff and program partners to oversee all aspects of SNL program service delivery at one (1) identified site. The Site Manager works independently and collaboratively with the GRYD office to plan, manage, and implement activities in the following areas programming, management, supervision, and reporting. Other responsibilities include development of an outreach plan and program calendar that will engage participants across the family life cycle, supervision of a sitecoordinationteamthatincludesyouthages1724,andservingasliaisontoprogrampartnersthatinclude law enforcement, community based organizations, and city departments. The Site Manager will work collaborativelywithdiversepopulations;whichincludepotentialperpetratorsandvictimsofviolence,manage complex situations and problem solve effectively, as well as possess excellent management, communication, organizational,administrativeandtimemanagementskills. WORKDUTIESMAYINCLUDE,BUTARENOTLIMITEDTO: Assessingcommunityparticipationtodevelopplanstoincreaseand/ormaintainparticipation. Supervisionofprogramstaffwhichincludesprovidingdirection,inputandfeedback. Manageandcoordinateworkgroupmeetingsinvolvinginternalandexternalprogrampartners. Ensurethatprogramactivitiesoperatewithinsetpoliciesandprocedures. Managementandweeklyreconciliationofsitebudget. Sourcingandweeklyinventoryofprogramsupplies. Assistanceandsupervisionofdailysetupandbreakdownofprogramactivitiesandequipment. Trackingofprogramactivitiesandsubmissionofnightlyandweeklyreports. ADDITIONALREQUIREMENTS: FulltimeavailabilityfromJunethroughAugust. Must complete and pass a Live Scan background screening prior to being provided an official employmentoffer. Proficiency in the use of computers for word processing, simple accounting, spreadsheets, databases,email,andinternet. Valid drivers license and be able to provide a DMV printout, proof of insurance and reliable transportation. Must be able to stand for long periods of time, carry a minimum of 15 lbs, and engage in labor intensiveactivities. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Bachelors Degree in a related field with a minimum of one (1) year of experience in family, youth, or community based program implementation experience, or a minimum of 2 yearsofprofessionalexperienceinworkingwithfamilies,youth,communityorganizing,orprogram
JobDescription:SM 1 SNL2013

development. o Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain positive working relationships with others both internallyandexternally. o Abilitytoworkinafastpacedworkenvironment. o Stronginterestinandunderstandingoffamilyandcommunitybasedprograms. o Abilitytoworkcooperativelyandeffectivelywithotherstosetgoalsandresolveproblems. APPLICATION SUBMISSION PROCESS: To apply for the Site Manager position, please complete the SNL 2013 EmploymentApplicationonline.Applicationscanbefoundatthefollowinglink: APPLICATION AND FILING INFORMATION: Please note: Due to the high volume of applications, only online applications will be accepted. Applications submitted to our office via fax or email will not be accepted. Applicationswillbereviewed,andthosecandidateswhoaredeemedtobeagood fitwillbescheduledforan interview.SNLreservestherighttocloseormodifyapplicationdeadlines,andwillacceptapplicationsuntilthe needsoftheprogramaremet. SALARY & BENEFITS: Salary range is $18 per hour, and is contingent upon available funding. Benefits are not available. PeriodofEmployment:Summer2013(6/38/15) WeeklySchedule:40hours Monday:OFF Tuesday:10:00am6:00pm WednesdaySaturday:3:30pm12:00a.m. Sunday:OFF TRAVEL:Localtravelisrequiredforthisposition.Mileagereimbursementwillbemadeavailable.

APPLICATIONDEADLINE:May3,2013 EQUALOPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER:ItisthepolicyoftheGRYDSummerNightLightsprogramtoprovideequal employment opportunity for all qualified persons, regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation,ordisability.



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