Articles of Incorporation MORA

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PROPOSED BY-LAWS OF THE MORA CLAN LEYTE Whereas, there are numerous families of Mora in different municipalities of the

Province of Leyte even in some of the municipalities of the Province of Samar and even extend to the different places in the different places in the Philippines that do not know each other since birth; Whereas, the late Rt. Rev. Msgr. Salvador Vicente F. Mora together with Rev. Fr. Ronnie Sotico C. Mora, Rt/Msgt. Emiliano C. Mora, Jr, Mrs. AngelesMora Cayanes and Mrs. Tita Mora-Obejas conceived and founded the Mora Clan Leyte. The First Annual Reunion was done last July 24,1994 at the residence of Mrs. Ageles-Mora Cayanes at Pio Pedrosa Avenue, Sta. Cruz,Palo, Leyte a day after the ordination of Fr. Ronnie to the Order of Diaconate. Whereas, the founders direct the whole clan than: 1.Clan Reunion is important element a vehicle/instrument to know more about the members of the Clan/Family/relatives. 2.The fundamental task of Clan Reunion is to encourage family ties and more so promotes clannish behaviour. 3.The objective of Clan Reunion is for the members of the Clan to encounter, and to be in communion with each other towards a strong relationship among the members. Therefore, we are forming this Clan with the following purposes:

1.Promoting the family ties and clannish behavior. 2.Promoting collaboration and strong relationship among the members. 3.Providing assistance to sustain and support the members who may have problems related to financial, spiritual, and other concerns according to the material goods of the Clan. 4.Bringing the members to live the Catholic faith not only by words but most especially by deeds. ARTICLE I NAME & OFFICE Section 1: The Name of this clan shall be MORA CLAN LEYTE from where the family name Mora originated. Section 2: The office of the Mora Clan Leyte shall be located in the town of Palo, Leyte. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 1: The membership of this Clan shall be: a) The members of the different families bearing the family name Mora whether direct or indirect line or by affinity. b) Those that are registered/listed in the Clan Book. Section 2: Termination of Membership. Any member

of the Clan shall cease to be such upon: a) Not attending the Clan Reunion for constructive 3 years without valid reasons. b) Not paying the registration fee for 3 consecutive Clan Reunion. c)Not paying the annual membership fee for 3 consecutive years. d) Expulsion due to unbecoming behavior by 2/3 vote of all the members of the Board of Trustees and Clan Officers. e) Withdrawal from the Clan membership.

f) A living co-founder has an absolute immunity of termination. g) Paying member but not attending for five(5) consecutive clan reunion. Section 3: Assessment of Fees: a) A Php 10.00 is collected from every member of Clan Reunion upon registration. b) A Php 10.00 is collected annually from every member of the Clan as the annual membership fee. c)A monthly due of Php 50.00 is collected from the Clan Officers and Board of Trustees. d) Every member of the Clan shall give Php 5.00 monthly for hospitalization fund. ARTICLE III DEVOTION & SPONSORS

Section 1. a) The Clan is entrusted to the patronage of the Holy Family of Nazareth: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. 1.b) The Host/sponsor for the Annual Clan Reunion shall be voluntary or appointed. Can be individual or family. 1.c) There shall always be reserved hosts/sponsors at least for (5) five years for proper preparation. ARTICLE IV GENERAL ASSEMBLY Section 1: General Assembly/Annual Reunion: a) Annual Reunion. The Clan Annual Reunion is done every last Saturday of April. Section 2: Clan Officers and Board of Trustees Meeting. a) The Clan Officers and Board of Trustees shall meet at least once a year. The Clan President Shall convene the meeting with a written communication at least a month before the said meeting. b) The current sponsor/s shall join the said meeting to report the plan for the next Clan Reunion. ARTICLE V THE CLAN OFFICERS AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Section 1: General Management. The general management of the Clan shall be composed of Five (5) Clan Officers and Nine (9) of Trustees. Section 2: Term of Office. Both Clan Officers & Board of Trustees shall serve One (1) Term equivalent to Three (3) years. However, can be reelected to the same position for another One (1) Term but never for the 3rd Term, instead can be elected to a different position. Section 3: The Clan Officers: The Clan Officers shall compose of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor. Section 4: The Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees are the Coordination of the different group areas, namely: One (1) for Abuyog, Dagami and Julita, One (1) for Tanauan and San Joaquin, One (1) for Cogon & Salvacion, One (1) for Sta. Cruz and Naga-Naga, One (1) for Cabarasan Dako, One (1) for Cabarasan Guti and Camery, One (1) Tacuranga, Castilla and Pastrana, One (1) for Tacloban and One (1) for Samar. Section 5: The Spiritual Director, Clan Adviser & Chairman for Education are ex-officio members of the Clan officers. They can also vote whenever are made. They are terminated from their offices due to health problem, resignation, old age or death. Section 5a: Replacement shall be determined by the Clan Officers & Board of Trustees. Section 6: Vacancy. In case of death, resignation, or any cause resulting in a vacancy of an Officer or a Board of Trustee, by a majority vote of the remaining Officers and Trustees constituting a quarum at a special Meeting specifically called for,

that purpose with Nominees, to serve for the unexpired term. The replacement shall be selected by the remaining Officers and Board of Trustees from among the Nominees. Section 7: Quorum. Unless otherwise provided by law, a majority of the number of Officers and Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business, and the decision of a majority of the quorum duly assembled as a Body shall be valid as a Clan act. Section 8: Powers. a) President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Office of the Clan and shall have the following powers and duties: a.1) represents and acts as spokesperson of the Clan whenever proper and necessary; a.2) executes / implements the decisions and directive of the Officers and of the Board of Trustees. a.3) presides at all meetings of the Clan. a.4) exercises general supervision over the affairs of the Clan. a.5) exercises any and all other powers and dischargers any such duties as may be specified for him/her in these By-Laws, or as the Trustees may from time to time fix or delegate. a.6) exercises such powers and discharges such duties as are customarily attached to the position of President. a.7) presents a duly audited financial statement of the Clan every Clan Reunion. a.8) shall keep the Seal of the Clan. Any communication or document without the Dry Seal and Original Signature of the President is invalid.

b) Vice- President. He/ She shall have the following powers and duties: b.1) He/She shall be vested with all powers and authorities required to perform all the duties of the President during the absence or incapacity of the latter for any cause. b.2) He/She shall perform duties assigned to him/her by the President necessary and proper for the Clan. b.3) After a week of incapacity, without leave of absence or death of the President, the Vice President shall automatically and officially assume the office of the President until the next election. b.4) assists the President in all matters for the good of the Clan. c) Secretary. He/She shall have the following powers and duties: c.1) acts as the recorder of the meetings of the Officers and of the Board of Trustees and keep full minutes of all meetings of the same and the Clan. c.2) gives, or causes to be given, all notices required by law or of the By-Laws of the Clan. c.3) has the custody of the Clan Minutes and Record Book. d) Treasurer. He/She shall have the following powers and duties: d.1) receives and issues receipts for money paid to the Clan, has the custody of, and be responsible for all the funds and properties of the Clan and keeps complete and accurate record of receipts and disbursements and sees to it that all disbursements and expenditures are evidenced by appropriate vouchers;

d.2) deposits all funds in the name and to the credit of the Clan. d.3) signs, endorses and delivers all checks, drafts, bill of exchange and orders payment of sum of money in the name and on behalf of the Clan; provided, that in cases of ordinary expenditures, he/she shall do so only when said expenditures have the signed approval of the President or the Vice-President in the formers absence. In cases of extraordinary, he/she shall make such payment only when the said expenditures have the signed approval of the President or the Vice-President in the formers absence or incapacity, acting on the approval, general or particular, of the Board of Trustees. All checks and withdrawals issued by the Clan must bear the signature of two authorized signatories, i.e the President OR the VicePresident AND the Treasurer. d.4) renders a report on the financial condition of the Clan to the Officers and to the Board of Trustees annually, or on any occasion upon request of the same. e) Auditor. He/She shall have the following powers and duties: e.1) He/She shall audit, examine and verify the funds and all the financial transactions of the Clan annually, or on necessary occasion. e.2) renders a report of his audit to the President of the Clan annually to be reported by the President during the annual Clan Reunion. f) Board of Trustees. f.1) acts as the voice of the area group/s members. f.2) coordinates/ makes known all the necessary affairs of the clan to the members.

f.3) acts as representatives of different area groupings. Section 9: Compensation. Officer or Trustee, as such, shall receive No Compensation for their services to the Clan. ARTICLE VI FINANCIAL Section 1: Nature of the Clan. The Clan is not an organization. It shall not be operated for profit, it does not contemplate the distribution of its surplus shall be plowed into the operation of the Clan, and no part of its surplus or net income shall accrue to the benefit of any member, officer or trustee. a) The Clan is non-partisan. Section 2: Book of Accounts. The Clan shall keep and maintain such Book of Accounts and Records of transactions which shall be open to all the members of the Clan for transparency. Section 3: Funds. The Funds of the Clan shall come from the members annual membership fee, Clan Reunion Registration fee, Solicitations, Donations and other Fund Raising Campaigns.

Section 4: Dissolution. Upon dissolution or liquidation of the Clan, whatever net assets remaining after payment of liabilities shall be conveyed and transferred according to a plan of distribution that may be adopted by the

Officer and of the Board of Trustees in the process of dissolution. If the Clan holds any asset in trust, it shall be disposed of in such manner as may be directed in the trust instrument. ARTICLE VII ASSISTANCE Section 1: Educational Assistance. The Clan shall aid financially (minimal) a member who is studying in high school with the following provisions: 1.1) That parents cannot send their son/daughter to school due to financial constraint. 1.2) That the child is deserving and interested to finish schooling. 1.3) That he/she must pass the screening.

1.4) A Screening Committee shall be created composed of Chairman and at least three (3) members. The members shall be appointed by the Officers and Board of Trustees. 1.5) A student must submit his/her Report Card to the Committee every after periodical exams.


1.6) He/ She shall maintain a grade not lower than 2.5 or equivalent to 80%. 1.7) If a student received a grade lower than 80%, his/her attention and that of his/her parents/guardians shall be called by the Chairman of the Committee and must be given a warning. 1.8) A financial aid shall be terminated if a student receives a grade lower than 80% for the second time. 1.9) The Clan shall give a financial aid to two (2) high school students until they finish their secondary education according to the DepEd Curriculum. 1.10) The Clan cannot yet support a college student considering its limited funds. Section 2: Calamity Assistance: 2.1) The Clan shall appropriate fund for calamity-stricken members determined by the Officers and of the Board of Trustees. 2.2) If the Clan has no sufficient fund, the Board of Trustees of different group areas shall go around the members of the Clan in their respective areas to ask for donation. 2.3) The collected donations from different group areas shall be given to the Treasurer for proper recording and be given to the President for distribution to the calamity

victims. 2.4) The collected donations shall be equally divided to the calamity victims. Section 3: Hospitalization Assistance: 3.1) The Clan shall appropriate Hospitalization fund determined by the Officers and of the Board of Trustees. 3.2) Every member shall give contribution of Php 5.00 a month for an additional to the Hospitalization Fund. (Art. II Sec. 3 paragraph d.) 3.3) A 10% Hospitalization Assistance shall be taken from the Php 5.00 monthly contribution for Hospitalization Fund. 3.4) If the Clan has no sufficient fund, the Board of Trustees of different group areas shall go around the members of the Clan in their respective areas to ask for donation. 3.5) The collected donations from different group areas shall be given to the Treasurer for proper recording and be given to the President to be given to the family. 3.6) Hospitalization Assistance can only be availed by a member if he/she is hospitalized for at least three (3) days. (i.e. 72 hours) 3.7) Hospitalization is only granted once a year. Section 4: Demise: 4.1) A certain amount be taken from the funds of the Clan for the Arancel of the Funeral Mass for a dead member of the clan whose family cannot afford to pay such Arancel. 4.2) In addition to the paragraph 4.1, the Board of Trustees shall ask donations from the members of the Clan from their respective areas for the family of the deceased. 4.3) The collected donations shall be given to

the Treasurer for proper recording and the President shall grant the donations to the deceased family. 4.4) The family of the deceased shall coordinate to the Board of the Trustee in that area and the said Board of Trustee shall coordinate with the Clan President for action. 4.5) Same coordination shall be done for Art. VII section 2 and section 3. Section 5: Livelihood Assistance 5.1) The Clan shall appropriate Livelihood Assistance to the members. 5.2) A member who avails the said assistance shall personally apply to the President with letter of application, biodata and other necessary documents. 5.3) The application shall be approved by the Officers and Board of Trustees during their annual meeting. 5.4) Application months shall be from the months of January to June. 5.5) The borrowed amount for Livelihood Assistance shall be returned by the borrower to the Clan in Full or in Partial within the duration of six (6) months from the date released with 0% percentage. 5.6) If the borrower cannot pay the borrowed amount for the duration of six (6) months, a grace period of one (1) month is granted. However, if the borrower cannot yet pay after the grace period a 10% shall be added to the remaining balance every month. ARTICLE VIII AMMENDMENTS

Section 1: These By-Laws may be amended by the majority vote of all the members of the Clan at a General Assembly expressly called for the purpose at least one month in advance.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, we, the undersigned, the Clan Officers, members of the Board of Trustees, Clan Adviser, Spiritual Director and Education Chairman representing the Clan and voting in favour of the adoption of these By-Laws have hereunto subscribed our names on this 27th day of July 2011. REV. FR. RONNIE SOTICO C. MORA Clan President & Spiritual Adviser OSCAR LINDE PARDINAS Vice-President CRISTITA MORA-OBEJAS MORA Treasurer Ex-Officio MR. SAMUEL M. PEDROSA CANILLAS Clan Adviser Chairman MRS. PAT M. Education ALICIA Secretary EMILIANO Auditor


BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOEY M. YOUNG (Abuyog, Dagami & Julita) Joaquin) MARILOU M. MARGALLO CAYANES (Cogon & Salvacion) Naga-Naga) LORGINA M. HERMOSO MORA (Tacloban) FELINO C. MORA (Tacuranga) Daku) NORBERTA MORA (Tanauan & San ANGELES M. (Sta. Cruz & MARCELINO A. (Samar) EDGAR MORA (Cabarasan

CARINA MOSCA (Cabarasan Guti & Cameri)

ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF MORA CLAN LEYTE, INC. (Name of Corporation) Know All Men By These Presents: The undersigned incorporators, all of legal age and majority of whom are residents of the Philippines, have this day voluntarily agreed to form a non-stock, non-profit corporation under the laws

of the Republic of the Philippines. THAT WE HEREBY CERTIFY: FIRST: The name of this corporation shall be: MORA CLAN LEYTE, INC. SECOND: A. That the primary purpose for which the corporation is formed is to promote family ties and clannish behavior, promote collaboration and strong relationships among members, promote assistance to sustain and support the members who may have problems related to financial, spiritual, and other concerns according to the material goods of the Clan, and to bring members to live the Catholic faith not only by words but most especially by deeds. That the secondary purposes, for which the corporation is formed is: 1) To acquire, accept donations, purchase, own, hold, convey, sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, exchange, sell, transfer or otherwise invest, deal in or trade, in any manner permitted by law and the rules and regulations of government regulatory or licensing agencies, personal and real properties in the

Philippines, improved or unimproved with Torrens Titles, as may be necessary or proper for the conduct of its business to the extent permissible by law, administer and erect, alter, construct, demolish, administer, and lease, in whole or in part, buildings, warehouse, plants, and machineries 2) To borrow and otherwise contract indebtedness and issue notes, bonds and other evidence of indebtedness and to secure payment therefore by mortgage, pledge or deed of trust, or through encumbrances on any and all of its then-owned or afteracquired real or personal properties and assets as may be permitted by law; 3) To enter into, make, perform and carry out, or cancel and rescind contracts of every kind and for any lawful purpose with any person, firm, association, corporation, domestic or foreign, or others; 4) To do and perform any other acts and things, and to have and exercise any other powers, which may be necessary, convenient and appropriate to accomplish the purpose for which the corporation is organized. B. That the corporation shall have all the express powers of a corporation as provided for under Section 36 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines. THIRD: That the principal office of the

corporation is located at Palo, Leyte, Philippines.


FOURTH: That the term for which the said corporation is to exist is FIFTY (50) YEARS from and after the date of issuance of the certificate of incorporation; FIFTH: That the names, nationalities of and residences of the incorporators of the corporation are as follows: Name National Address ity


SIXTH: That the number of directors of the corporation shall be NINE (9) and that the names, nationalities and residences of the first directors or trustees of the corporation are as follows: Name National Address ity


That, no capital contribution and

no part of its net earnings or asset shall belong to or inure to the benefit and / or profit of any member, organizer, officer and neither in favor of or to the benefit of any specific person, corporation, association or entity. Any profit and resources


obtained, owned or acquired by the association as a result of its operations, shall be directly utilized for the actual conduct of the activities constituting the purposes for which it is organized, subject to the provision of Title XI of the Corporation Code of the Philippines. The Board of Directors and any officers or Committee Chairman of the association shall serve without remuneration, salary or compensation.








remaining or residual assets, net of liabilities, shall be transferred, assigned or ceded in favor of any accredited association or non-stock, non-profit and non-sectarian organization organized for similar purposes, chosen by the Board of Directors or Trustees, or if there be none qualified, then in favor of the Republic of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies for public purposes or would be distributed by a competent court of justice to another non-governmental organization to be used in such manner as in the judgment of the said court shall best accomplish the general purpose for which the dissolved organization was organized.



That, at least seventy percent (70%)

of the gross income of the association, as provided for and defined in the National Internal Revenue Code of the Philippines, and unrestricted donations or such other proportion as may hereinafter be required by law or regulation, shall be devoted or utilized to accomplish the purposes of this association; and that its level of administrative

expenses, shall, on an annual basis, not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total expenses and of the total donations for the taxable year.

TENTH: That ________________________ has been elected by the subscribers as Treasurer of the Association to act as such until her successor is duly elected and qualified in accordance with the bylaws, and that as such Treasurer, she has been authorized to receive for and in the name and for the benefit of the association all subscriptions (or fees) or contributions or donations paid or given by the subscribers or members.








signed these By-Laws consisting of seven (7) pages including this page, this ____ day of ____________, in the City of Cebu City, Philippines.

___________________________ TIN: _____________________ ___________________________ _ TIN: _______________________

_______________________ TIN: __________________ _______________________ _ TIN: __________________

___________________________ _______________________ TIN: ______________________ TIN: __________________ ___________________________ _______________________ _ _ TIN: TIN: ________________________ ___________________ ___________________________ _______________________ TIN: ______________________ TIN: __________________ ___________________________ _______________________ _ _ TIN: TIN: ________________________ ___________________ ______________________ _ TIN: __________________

__________________________ _ TIN: _____________________



_____________________________ _____________________________ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) CITY OF CEBU )S.S. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BEFORE ME, A Notary Public for and in City of Cebu, Philippines, this _____ day of ___________, personally appeared the following: Name Resident Certificate No. Issued at/on

all know to me and to me know to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Articles of Incorporation and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and at the place first above-written. Doc. No. _____;

Page No. _____; Book No. _____; Series of ____.

I. REGISTRATION OF CORPORATIONS B. Non-Stock Corporation Basic Requirements 1.Name verification slip 2.Articles of Incorporation and By-laws 3.Affidavit of an incorporator or director undertaking to change corporate name 4.List of members, certified by the Corporate Secretary 5.List of contributors and amount contributed certified by the treasurer Note: Items 3, 4, and 5 need not be submitted if already stated in the Articles of Incorporation Additional Requirements 6.For Foundations: Notarized Certificate of Bank

Deposit of the contribution of not less than P1,000,000.00; and Statement of willingness to allow the Commission to conduct an audit 7.For religious corporations: Refer to Sections 109-116 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, and add an affidavit of affirmation or verification by the chief priest, rabbi, minister or presiding elder 8.For federations: Certified list of memberassociations by corporate secretary or president 9.For condominium corporations/associations: Master Deed with primary entry of the Register of Deeds and certification that there is no other existing similar condominium association within the condominium project 10. For neighborhood associations: Certification from the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) that there is no other existing homeowners or similar association in the community where the association is to be established



III. WELCOME ADDRESS IV. APPROVAL OF ARTICLES & BY-LAWS OF THE MORA CLAN ASSOCIATION V. ELECTION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES VI. ELECTION OF OFFICERS VII. MASS VIII. LUNCH IX. Video Presentation X. 1st Presentation- Jesus Mora Sr. and Placida Mora Family XI. Awards XII. 2nd Presentation XIII. 3rd Presentation XIV. Awards XV. 4th Presentation XVI. 5th Presentation

XVII. Ceremonial Turn Over of Host XVIII. Raffle Draw XIX. Parlor Games XX. Traditional Dance











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