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Student: Tiara Miles Mentor Teacher: Mr. Hodges Academic Year: senior District: Orangeburg Consolidated School District 5 Grade Level: 4th grade/ single gender Subject: English/Social Studies week of March 11th-15th Dates of unit: from the week of Feb. 25th- March1st to the School: Brookdale Elementary

Unit Title and/or Description: Comprehension

Describe the number of students, demographics of the students, and any other special features or important information.

Mr. Hodges has been teaching singled gender instruction for 4 years. His all boys classroom is composed of 21 African American males. His girls classroom is composed of 21 African American females and 1 Indian female who is a ESOL student. Brookdale is a fairly small school with an average of 350 students. The majority of the students are African American.

Section I: Major Unit Objectives (Key Element 2.A) Describe the major objectives of the unit
and indicate the corresponding state standards.

Major Unit Objectives Key Element 2.A

4-6.2 Explain the contributions of abolitionists to the mounting tensions between the North and South over slavery, including William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John Brown 4-6.3 Explain the specific events and issues that led to the Civil War, including sectionalism, slavery in the territories, states rights, the presidential election of 1860, and secession. 4-6.4 Summarize the significant battles, strategies, and turning points of the Civil War, including the battles of Fort Sumter and Gettysburg, the Emancipation Proclamation, the role of African Americans in the war, the surrender at Appomattox, and the assassination of President Lincoln.

Reflect on the unit objectives (Key Element 2.A) How did you craft these objectives so that the students understand both the objectives and their relevance?

I used the teachers pacing guide to choose the standards the students would be learning at the time of my field experience. I chose topics that Im familiar and comfortable with so it would be easier to disseminate the information to my students. The Civil War is a very important era in both American and Southern history. South Carolina played major roles in the Civil War and this era so it is imperative that the students gain in-depth knowledge of these standards. Not only for Pass testing but also as Americans and South Carolinians. The standards are also broken down and accompanied with mini lessons and activities that will engage the students in the learning process. I understand both classes are neither below nor above average so I broke the information up so that they would be able to comprehend each standard.

Section II: Unit Plan (Key Element 2.B)

Describe your instructional plan that is, the sequence of steps that you need to follow if your students are to achieve the unit objectives including the key activities or strategies and resources (e.g., materials, technology).

Instructional Plan for the Unit Key Element 2.B

The each objective will be introduced with a class discussion. This will allow me to open up each objective and gain a better understanding of what each student knows about the Civil War era. Each main lesson will be taught with the use of power point which will be presented on the smart board. Students will be given guided notes so that they can take notes while give the lecture from the power point on the smart board. After each objective the students will review with given work sheets, group assignments, and computer related games. 4-6.2 After class discussion and lecture students will view a streaming video, Underground Railroad: The Escape From Slavery. Students will then write a letter to Southerners in support of slavery from the perspective of an abolitionist. (Technology: smart board materials: text book; Building a Nation) 4-6.3 After class discussion and lecture students will view a streaming video, American Civil War: The Causes of the Civil War. Students will them be split into groups. Each group will present a brief script on a cause or event that led to the Civil War and present it to the class. (Technology: smart board Materials: text book; Building a Nation) 4-6.4 After class discussion and lecture students will use a computer application to create a timeline as a PowerPoint presentation that includes important events that occurred from 1861 to 1865. Students will create a flip book of the major battles of the Civil War: it will include location, side that won, causalities, and impact of the war. (Technology: Smart board, Computer Materials: text book; Building a Nation, arts and crafts)
Reflect on the instructional plan for the unit (Key Element 2.B): How does this instructional plan establish a balance between grade level academic standards and expectations and the needs, abilities and developmental levels of individual students?

I believe students have different learning styles, some learn from audio, visual and some learn from doing hands on activities, therefore teachers should provide situations that create models

that will allow students to apply concepts to their other situations in real life. The teacher should act as a guide and use scaffolding techniques to enhance the students skills while providing corrective feedback. I understand that not every student is the same and some will require more attention than others so I will identify those students by monitoring their work ethics and their progress their guided practice and independent activities. Each standard will be thoroughly taught so that it is comprehendible by each student despite the developmental level and abilities.

Section III: Unit Assessments Key Element 3.A

List the key unit assessments.

Type of Assessment (Attach Copies) Key Unit Assessments (Key Element 3.A)


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yes Daily Assessments The daily assessment will cover current standard the students are learning that day. It will be in the form of a short multiple choice quiz

Yes Unit Assessment The Unit assessment will cover all 4 standards. It will be in the form of multiple choice questions with two open ended response questions Student made Final Project: Students will be placed in groups. Each group will be responsible for producing a 25 minute talk show where they cover all the major events of the Civil War. Guest appearance will be made by students acting as the major abolitionist during the Civil War. Students will be graded on the content in their show. (Rubric will be provided)

Reflect on the unit assessments (Key Element 3.A): How did you determine that your unit assessments were valid and reliable for all students?

I believe that the assessments were valid and reliable because all of the students will be given a fair chance to respond to assessment questions in various forms like multiple choice. The assessment will be multiple -choice, based on different levels of Blooms Taxonomy; therefore, students will be able to determine the most appropriate response from several given responses. The students will be able to use their guided notes to study for the both the daily assessments and unit assessments. This ensures the students will have adequate knowledge on the information found on their assessments. The final project will give students the ability creatively share what theyve learned throughout the four weeks. It promotes peer learning and group work while catering the each students learning style.

Section IV: Analysis of Student Performance (Key Element 3.B)

Describe the way(s) in which you plan to analyze student performance.

As the unit progresses I will be able to analyze students performance based of the formal and informal assessments. I can determine if students have gained the knowledge of the key unit objectives by calculating the number of questions the students answer correctly and incorrectly on the daily multiple choice reviews. Students participation in class discussion on each standard will also serve as a way for me to analyze students performance and comprehension of each objective.

Based on the ways you plan to assess your students, how do you feel that this information will (a) increase your understanding of individual students strengths and weaknesses and (b) determine specific aspects of you instruction that need to be modified? Students ability to actively participate in each class discussion as well as perform well on each review will show me that they comprehend each standard being taught. Scores from the assessments will also give me a better understanding of who are achieving and struggling. For students who are not achieving as well as others I will personalize the instruction to meet their needs. Ex: calling on them to answer certain questions, Working one-on- one with these students.

Provide a timeline for the completion of all of the activities in your unit plan.

Unit Title:

Civil War and the South

Duration: 5weeks

4-6.2 Explain the contributions of abolitionists to the mounting tensions between the North and South over slavery, including William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John Brown. 1 week 4-6.3 Explain the specific events and issues that led to the Civil War, including sectionalism, slavery in the territories, states rights, the presidential election of 1860, and secession. 1 week 4-6.4 Summarize the significant battles, strategies, and turning points of the Civil War, including the battles of Fort Sumter and Gettysburg, the Emancipation Proclamation, the role of African Americans in the war, the surrender at Appomattox, and the assassination of President Lincoln. 2 weeks

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