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Skellig Essay

Skellig is a fiction novel, written by David Almond, about a boy named Michael that moves into new house, but then his baby sister was ill. And then he discovers like a half-dead man in the garage of his new home. In Skellig, Almond uses the protagonist, Michael, to demonstrate the theme that it is important to recognize that we dont always know what is true or real. In the novel, Michael doesnt know whether Skellig is an owl, angel, or half-dead human, if Skellig is just an imagination or real, and his mother doesnt understand the relationship between the baby and Skellig. First of all, Michael doesnt know whether Skellig is an owl, angel, or half-dead human. When Mina and Michael touched Skelligs shoulder blades, they felt something fluffy, like wings: Our fingers touched behind his back. We explored the growths on his shoulder blades. We felt them folded up like arms. We felt their soft coverings. We stared into each others eyes and didnt dare to tell each other what we thought we felt. Extraordinary, extraordinary being, whispered Mina. (84). This shows that Michael and Mina might have felt wings on Skellig. But theyre still not sure if they are wings or whatever it is because they only felt and not seen it. Michael and Mina dont know about Skelligs species which isnt very important to know. The author is being ambiguous about this in order to link it to the theme. In addition to not knowing Skelligs type of species, Michael doesnt know if Skellig is real or just an imagination. Michael and Mina must have been dreaming: Remember this night, he whispered. We tottered from the room. We descended the stairs. We went out through the DANGER door into the night. We hesitated for a moment. Did it happen to you as well? I whispered. Yes. It happened to all of us. We laughed. I closed my eyes. I tried to feel again the feathers and bones of wings on my shoulders. I opened my eyes, tried to recall the ghostly wings rising at Minas back. It will happen again, said Mina. Wont it? Yes. We hurried homeward. At the entrance to the back lane, we paused again to catch our breath. It was then that we heard Dads voice, calling. (120-121). This states that Skellig might only appear in their dreams and imagination which may not be too important. In addition to Michael not knowing whether Skellig is an owl, angel, or half-dead human or if hes real or not, his mother doesnt understand the relationship between the baby and Skellig. So she had a dream during the night that Skellig has something to do with the baby: Well, she said. I was lying here last night, tossing and turning. Kept getting up to look at her. Kept dropping off to sleep. And the strangest of dreams And? said Dad. And I saw this man, thats all. Another dream, though I was sure I was wide awake. He was standing over the baby. He was filthy. All in black, an ancient dusty suit. A great hunch on his back. Hair all matted and tangled. I was terrified. I wanted to reach out to him. I wanted to push him away. I wanted to scream, Get away from our baby! I wanted to shout for the nurses and the doctors. But I couldnt move, couldnt speak, and I was sure he was going to take her away. But then he turned and looked at me. His face as white and dry as chalk. And there was such tenderness in his eyes. And for some reason I knew he hadnt come to harm her. I knew I would be right (158-159)After Michael and his dad hearing about Michaels mothers dream, they dont know if the situation was real or not. It is vexing so it isnt important to know. In conclusion, Michael doesnt know whether Skellig is an owl, angel, or a half-dead human, if Skellig is real or just an imagination, and Michaels mother doesnt understand the relationship between

the baby and Skellig. They all dont know much about Skellig and what he is but it isnt important because it is vexing. An example of if this is evident in real life situations such as people being vexed by new species that they discover, or extraordinary species. These people, for example, argue about situations that Bigfoot is real; some think Bigfoot is real and others dont, and others would just go and search for it. In addition, they might end themselves up in conflict. In the end, they wouldnt know if it is real or not.

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