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Claflin University School of Education Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Tiara Miles PART I: PLANNING Date:

Title of Lesson

LESS Than GREATER Than (comparing decimals)

Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson? This is an original lesson.

Source Subject Area (s) Grade Level Math 4th 4-2.7 compare decimals through hundredths by using terms is less than, greater than, and is equal to and the symbols <,>,=
What will students experience during the lesson? What is the agenda for the lesson? What is the content to be taught?

Curriculum Standard(s)

Description and Background Information

During this lesson students will gain a deeper knowledge on how to compare decimals to the hundredths place using the correct symbols.

What will I need to teach this lesson? What do students need to participate? Teacher: laptop, handout sheets,


Students: paper, pencil, index cards, worksheets What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson? Write measurable objective(s).

Lesson Objectives

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

Students will be able to correctly compare decimals to the hundredths place using the symbols using <,>, or = How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material? How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept? How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English? For students who are having difficulty understanding the material, I will work with them in small groups during differentiation instruction, before they are tested For students who have already mastered the concept, I will allow them to assist me with working with students who are having difficulty, or I will provide more complex activities for them during differentiated instruction, or allow them to go to

the computer for enrichment. For students who are learning English, I will allow students who have mastered the concept to work with them, or I will invite the ELL teacher to tape the directions and examples and have these students to complete their assignments at the listening station.


How will I find out what students already know about this topic? I will place 3 decimals on the board and students will compare them using the correct symbols. This will show me which students are knowledgeable about the subject and which students need more assistance What will I do to make a connection between students and this lesson?



To make a connection between students and this lesson, I will make sure every student is involved. Student participation will be very high, and I will also implement students working in groups.
What will I say to explain the importance of learning this lesson? This lesson is important because the written out form of money is represented in decimal form. It is imperative that students are exposed to the correct way to distinguish between decimals using the correct symbols because money will be a very important aspect once their older. What will I do to show students what is expected? I will model to students the correct way to distinguish the difference between the decimals using the correct symbols.

Statement of Purpose

Teacher Modeling or Demonstration

What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task? Together, the teacher and students will complete equations on the board comparing the numbers using symbols. What will I ask to know if students understand so far? List questions. What will I do throughout the lesson to determine if students understand the information? List activities/techniques or describe the strategies that you plan to use. Questions: Why did you choose this sign? Which number is the greatest? Which sign should be used to show that this number is less than? Which symbol represents equal to? What will students do to internalize the knowledge? Students will complete a handout.

Guided Practice

Checking for Understanding

Independent Practice
What will students do to demonstrate what they learned during the lesson? If an assessment is used, attach a copy. If using an authentic assessment, attach a copy of the scoring rubric. Students will be given a weekly assessment on each standard.

How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences?

This lesson will be concluded with a review of the handout

What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? What will you do to connect the lesson with the home, community and community agencies? Students will count the amount of money in their piggy banks and compare them with the amount of money in their siblings or parents piggy banks. They will write out the equation using the correct comparison symbol. How is technology meaningful to this lesson? How do you plan to use implement student used technology during the lesson? The teacher will use a video from Youtube to further explain the symbols used to compare numbers. What activities do you plan to implement to connect your lesson across the curriculum to all 6 content areas?

Extension Activities

Technology Connections Across the Curriculum


What worked for you during the lesson? What did not work? What changes would you make when you teach this lesson again to make it more effective? (Complete after lesson)


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