03 - Bt-Lp-Ac

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US ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE International Military Student Preparatory Course Lesson Plan for Lesson

P910 Briefing Techniques Appendix C Recommended Tips for Preparing a Briefing

As you begin preparing your briefing, keep in mind the following : a. b. c. d. e. f. g. A briefing is not something that is thrown together at the last minute. A good, solid briefing requires a considerable amount of preparation and practice time. Understand the audience and tailor your briefing to fit the audience. This will help to identify content that will support the main points of the briefing. Based on the task to be briefed and the purpose of the briefing, select the type of format to use (see ST 22-2, Appendix D). Identify the main points to be covered in the briefing. Organize the main points so there is a smooth and logical transition from one point to the other. Research and collect content to support the main points of the briefing. When collecting content, use a variety of sources. The complexity of the content will be determined by the goal of the briefing. If the goal is to make the audience an expert, then the content will be more detailed and complex. If the goal is to familiarize the audience, then the content will be more general in character. Develop visual aids to support your main points. (see ST 22-2, Appendix E) Write the introduction, main body and the closing portion of the briefing in draft form. Read through the draft out loud with someone listing. Determine the following: k. Can the briefing be given in the allotted time? How easily does the presentation transition between main points? Is your supporting information structured in a logical way? Does your introduction state your main points and address your objectives? Does your summary bring together your main themes and present a conclusion? Are there any points that are difficult to understand?

h. i. j.

During the read through, look for places where the audience may have questions and be prepared to answer their questions. Also look for places where thee briefer may ask

P910 BT-AC-1

questions of the audience to gain their participation. l. Practice, practice, practice. The practice sessions should be used by the presenter to refine the timing of the briefing, and the delivery (practice speaking clearly, varying the tone of voice, and maintaining eye contact with the audience). (see ST 22-2, Appendix F) Tell the audience what the presenter is going to tell them (Introduction) Tell the audience again (Main body) Tell the audience what you have told them (Summary and conclusion)

m. n. o.

P910 BT-AC-2

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