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Different types of bright objects in the sky

The holy bible used the vague word of “star” in its generality to describe all lighting
objects in the sky else than Sun and Moon, this was due to the lack of scientific
knowledge at that time.

Nowadays we can breakdown the vague “star” word into the following categories:

+ The meteoroid
A meteoroid is a small sand- to boulder- sized particle of debris in the Solar System. The
visible path of a meteoroid that enters Earth's (or another body's) atmosphere is called a
meteor, or commonly a "shooting star" or "falling star".

+ The comet
A comet is a Small Solar System Body that orbits the Sun and, when close enough to the
Sun, exhibits a visible coma (atmosphere) or a tail — both primarily from the effects of
solar radiation upon the comet's nucleus. Comet nuclei are themselves loose collections
of ice, dust and small rocky particles, measuring a few kilometres or tens of kilometres

+ The normal star

A star is a massive, luminous ball of plasma that is held together by its own gravity.

Was Bethlehem star a comet ?

A thoroughly studying to comet behavior suggests that Bethlehem star was in fact a
comet for the following reasons:

1- The comet appears suddenly in the sky when its orbit is approaching narrower to both
of earth and sun.

2- The comet first appears as a shining normal star when its distance is still far from sun.

3- After period of time and by approaching much narrower to sun, the comet tail begins
to expand drawing a head-tail direction in the sky.

4- The successive change in the head-tail direction from day to day accompanied with tail
elongation is a manner which could be traced and simulated by overland marching

5- The comet tail elongation reaches its peak limit then it stops for period of time before
turning backward to contraction.
Anticipated between the lines scenario of (Mathew 2)

Accordingly we can imagine the events scenario of (Mathew 2) as follows:

+ The meteor began to appear in the sky as bright star shining from the east. (Mt 2:2)

+ The wise men from the east observed its sudden appearance in the sky.

+ After period of time the comet tail began to elongate forming head-tail angel guiding
the wise men through their overland marching direction.

+ From successive day to day observations and marching accordingly, the wise men
found themselves finally marching toward city of Jerusalem. (Mt 2:1)

+ The wise men thought for a while that the king Herod might had new born heir, so they
went directly to him interrogating about the newly born king of the Jews. (Mt 2:2)

+ Had no idea about wise men speaking, Herod troubled and gathered with chief priests
demanding them the anticipated Christ birth place. (Mt 2:3)

+ After this, wise men left Jerusalem to Bethlehem as they were told by chief priests. (Mt

+ By entering to Bethlehem city, the comet tail stopped moving as its elongation reached
its peak limit. (Mt 2:9)

+ At that stage, the wise men started to interrogate the few Bethlehemians about the
newly born child having equal birth age to the time of comet appearance, and by this way,
they found the newly born king of kings Jesus Christ.

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