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Analysis The article "Public and Private Language" by Richard Rodriguez addresses bilingual education and its usefulness

in America. is not useful because it is a way to prevent people from assimilating to the American culture and society. Rodriguez supported the purpose of the article by telling his experience as a young boy raised in a Spanish speaking family and the problem he had in school because the lack of English, "public language," and the assimilation to the American culture. Writers have many styles to present their statements, trying to make their statement easy to understand and cause a tremendous impact in the readers prospective. Some writers present their statements more clearly than others so they can successfully perpetrate threw the reader. Rodriguez's statement was clear by utilizing strong emotions and loaded terms but no so effective because he didn't have many sources to support his argument; except for his childhood experience. Writers are very well know for the styles they used to support their arguments. They have a way with words. It's like they created their own very effective spell to hypnotize you on believing their point of view. Rodriguez is one of them; his article is in a college level reading but it's easy to understand and to relate to. He has a peculiar way of telling his childhood experience and persuading his argument to the reader at multiple times; without the reader even knowing. Rodriguez used many emotional loaded terms to be more specific and clear while delivering his argument. He stated, "Today I hear bilingual educators say that children lose a degree of 'individuality' by becoming assimilated into public society... But the bilingualists [sic] simplistically scorn the value and necessity of assimilation"(Rodriguez, p.357) The quote explains why immigrants should learn the language of the country they settle in. Rodriguez writes it with strong emotion, as depicted in the loaded terms such as scorn and individuality,

these words reflect Rodriguez's purpose and ideas about language and its importance. The quote clearly states that bilingual programs are a disadvantage for students. This quote emphasizes the author's point of view, and uses the author's own emotionally loaded words to set the tone and importance of his writing. Writers are very creative not only created their own spells to enchanted you on believing their arguments but they manage to creates their own lingo. Many writers use a different language to call for attention, to make their writing unique. Writers want to state something meaningful like Rodriguez did on his article. Other writers create words or phrases to interpret thoughts. The lingo is unique for every writer because it's their own language they have created for their a specific purpose; a signature that symbolizes and differentiates their writing from others. Rodriguez commented, "I was reminded by Spanish of separateness from los otros, los gringos in power... because I did not live in a barrio-Spanish seemed to me the language of home... It became the language of joyful return."(Rodriguez, p.353) In the quote Rodriguez shows his lingo by using another language such as Spanish, not only that but he is giving his own voice to the article. This quote Rodriguez didn't meant to create his own tone but he created it to emphasize his argument about bilingual education not been effective. He used the Spanish words to describe white people in a not so educated way. He is trying to make us understand and call for the reader's attention how not speaking English, "Private language", prevents him from assimilating to American culture and society, and the reason he refers to white people in such a rude way. At the end of the sentence to top it off Rodriguez describes how important Spanish is for him by utilizing an emotional loaded term such as joyful. The reader's attention is very important for a writer, writers tend to invent many styles that are eye appealing for the writer such as the usage of another language or the creation of a

new or that describes something particular in their topic. Adrienne Roberson wrote on her magazine article, "Ibrahim Absiye identifies '5C's' for new immigrants; they are five major challenges, all starting with the letter C... Communication: not being able to converse with the people around you can lead to frustration, isolation and missed opportunities"(i.e none are online) The quote delivers a very important statement about how the author describes five different words starting with the letter "C" that affect immigrants starting out in a new country. The word choice directly conveys a sense of failure, using words associated with low self-esteem in consecutive order. Words like "frustration", "isolation" and "missed opportunities" are always present in the immigrant's mind. Resemblance can be seen between Absiye and Rodriguez's word choice, both authors purposely use emotionally loaded words meant to affect the reader. The way quotes are written can mean a million of things even when it's just a sentence. The purpose of a writer is to deliver as much of their argument as possible with not that many words. Emil Cioran famous (1911-1995), a Romanian philosopher and essayist once said, "One does not inhabit a country; one inhabits a language. That is our country, our fatherland --and no other"(Cioran) This quote is compares location and language, like Rodriguez did in his article when comparing "Private" and "Public language". Not only that but it also contains emotionally rooted terms, such us "our country" and "our fatherland." The writer has made an extraordinary usage of vocabulary with emotionally loaded terms to persuade the reader but didn't put enough valuable information in the essay. The persuasive article Rodriguez wrote is not complete because he doesn't evidence such as graphs and percentages proving real information. Everything is his point of view because of his life experience. The persuasive article sounds more like a life experience with a good based opinion in the end; he doesn't get to his argument until the last paragraph of the article. Rodriguez's

article would been perfect if he would of just added more information studying and analyzing bilingual education. The article needs to be emphasize with Rodriguez's argument to make the reader remember the purpose of the story and by adding quotation from reliable sources. The would of create a drastic change in the article and make it more believable and persuasive. Rodriguez's article is partly reasonable and persuasive because it has good diction and many words he uses are persuasive. A subject such as bilingual education is a hard field to debate on, especially now a days with a all the immigration issues our country is dealing with. He would of sustained better his debate about bilingual education affecting assimilation to American culture i f he would of have more reliable sources supporting his reasonable point of view. As we know writers have their own style of expressing their thought some of them are more accurate it than others. Some of them have the right words to express their thoughts but not enough; such as Rodriguez case. Rodriguez is indisputably a great writer but his argument wasn't delivered completely. A subject that's been debate for over years needs a little better than just a life experience of a kid that now is a writer. This article needs more points of view that will convince the reader. after all Rodriguez showed his point not very clear but it was understandable.

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