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The Deacon, having received a blessing.from the Priest, comes out of the Sanctuary by the north door and, standing in his usual place infront of the Holy Doors, makes three bows and begins:

H AEITOYPTIA TQN KATHXOYMENC'N 'OAnxovoE, Aaprbv ebAoyiavnapd rco,lepiory,t(ipXerar rci B4patoq 6n n1E BopeiagdA1E rcai, iotcipevogtv te our4e"ii,:*u rdrrpnpb rfiE 'Apaiaq nD).4E,tpooxuvei rpiE rai irqavei E6l,6y4oov, Ltono:<;".. 'o'le peuE, ttyritv d dyrcv EhayytA.tovrai rouov rutov Eraupoi 6t, at)rci ini rou Avtryqvoiorl, irgotve i )"apnpgq Eavi. Eril"oyqp6vrl f1 poorl.e icr ro0 Ilorpdq xai toO yio0 rcoi toO Ayiou llver5porog, vOv rcai o^ei xot eic roJg aitirvo6 r6lv cri<irvolv. Apriu.

Master,give the blessing. thesignof the andmaking Irftingup thebookof theGospel, Priest, The
Cross with it over the Antimension, says in a clear voice:


Blessedis the Kingdom of the Father,and of the Son, and ofthe Holy Spirit, now and for ever,andto the agesofages. Amen. LITANY OF PEACf,,


TA EIPHNIKA A t d . r c o v o ;Ev * eiprjv11, ro0 Kupiou 6eq0<ipev. Aa66 K6pre, il,6qoov. Merd.raoav 6i4orv. A x i r c o v o 6 'Ynep * rrlq d.vr,fev eipriv6 roi t4g ocoqpta6 tdrv ryul<irviyprilv,ro0 Kuptou 6eq0ripev. rrlg eiprivrlg toO or3paavroqr6opou, .'Yrup erSotcr0eio6 rrirv d.yicov ro0 @eo0 tsml"lordlv rcri rr'1gr6v nd,vrorviv<ineo4, ro0 Kuplou 6eqOri4re v. 'Yrcp ro0 dyiou oixou todtou xcr\ trirv percr nioreo4, etrl"oBetogrcrt 96pou @eo0 eiot6vtcov 3v cr0r<!,toO Kuptou 6e406rpev. 'Ydp triv eioeptiv xoi 6p0o6ogrov Xprotr_ ovdlv, toO Kuptou 6eq0ripev. 'Ymp toO Apltemorc6nou iprilv (6eivog), roi: nptou rpeoButepiou, trlg iv Xprote 6rorovio6,

Deacon* People Deacon*

In peace,let us PraYto the Lord. Lord, have mercy.And so after eachpetition. For the peacefrom on high and for the salvationof our souls,let us praYto the Lord. For the peaceof the whole world, for the welfare of God, and for the union of all, of the holy Churches pray the Lord. to us let For this holy house,and for thosewho enterit with and the fear of God, let us pray to the faith, reverence Lord. For all devoutand OrthodoxChristians,let us pray to the Lord. order of For our ArchbishopN., for the honoured in Christ, for all the for the diaconate presbyters, clergy and the people,let us pray to the Lord.

r D I V I N EL I T U R G Y




For our Sovereign Lady, QueenElizabeth, the RoyalFamily,her Government, andall in authority, let us pray to the Lord. For this city, for everycity, town andvillage,and for the faithful who dwell in them, let us pray to the Lord. For favourableweather,an abundance ofthe fruits ofthe earth, and temperate let us pray to the seasons, Lord. For thosewho travel by land, air or water,for the sick,the suffering, for thosein captivity,and for their safetyand salvation,let us pray to the Lord. For our deliverance from all affliction,wrath,danger andconstraint, let us prayto the Lord. Help us,saveus,havemercyon us,andkeepus,O God, by your grace. Commemorating our all-holy,pure,mostblessed and gloriousLady, Motherof God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our wholelife to Christour God. To you, O Lord.

AadE Prayer of the First Antiphon Priest (in a low voice) Lord, our God,whosemight is beyondcompare and whoseglory is beyondunderstanding, whosemercy

navtdq ro0 rl"{pou rcri toO Lao0, toO Kuptou q0tilpev. 6e 'Ynip r4q Boorl"'tooqqqg yilpaq ra6rqq El"rocper, o6pnavtoq toO Bperc.vvrroO rccri 'El"),r1vrro0 E0vouq,ndonq dpXr;qrcri i(ouotcrq iv otiroi6, roD Kupiou 6er10rirpev. 'Yndp rrlq a6treo4tc$r4g, nc,or16 n6l,e<,4, rai rdrv niorer oiro6vrorv iv a$toic. ro0 Xrilpag, Kuptou 6er106pev. 'Yrip er3xpaoto4cep<ov,eigoptc,q rrirv xapndrv qS ynq rcrt rctrprirv eipr.1vrr6v, ro0 Kuptou 6c40d4rev. 'Ynip nl"e6vr<ov, 66ornopo6vrcov, vooo6vrov, rco.pv6vrrrrv, o,i1pcrl,drr<rrv rccriqg o<otlp,rcrq crirrirv,ro0 Kuptou 6e40ri4rev. 'Ynlp ro0 iuo0rlvcrripaq crnoncrorlq Ol.tyeo4, 6p7qq,rrv66vou rcri d,v<iyxqq, ro0 Kuptou 6e40tirpe v. Avrd.opo0, odroov,il.Aqoov rcot 6tc,qrlLo(ov npc's, 6 Oe6g, rp of1 xd,prtr. Tr1qllcxvayfcrq, crlpdvtou, r5nepeu),o1r1p6 vqq, iv66(ou, Aeonoivrlqfiporv,@eot6rou rcri d.erncto_ 06vou Mcrpicrq, prerond.vrov rrirv Aytov pvnpo_ ver3ocvteq,icruroJq xoi dl.},l1i.ougrcri nd.oc,v tr\v (roi1v r]p6v XprotQ te @ee napoOci4-reOcr. lot, K6pte.

E$xri roi llpdrrou Avn<ptbvou 'Iepeu6 ( ltuonrtiq) K6pre 6 Oedg flptnv,o0 rd xpdLroq d.veiroorov xci i 66la d.xcrrd.l"qnrog, o0 16 itreoq &pdrpqtov





is without measure and whoselove for mankind is beyondall telling,look uponus and uponthis holy house, Master, according to your loving kindness, and bestowon us and on thosewho pray with us your actsof rich mercyandcompassion. For to you belongall glory, honourandworship, to the Father, the Sonandthe Holy Spirit,now and for ever,andto the ages ofages. Amen. FIRSTANTIPHON

rccrt f1 <prl"av0p<oricr <igcrroq. at3r6q, A6onotc, ran& d1v etion)"cryxvtcrv oou, intBl"eyov irp'ipaq xoi int r6v &yrov oirov ro0tov, roi notrloovpe0' fip6v rcai riov ouveulop6v<trv fipiv nl.o$oro td. i1"64 oou rai roJq oirnppo$q oou. 'Orr rpfner oor nO.ocr 66[o, trpil rcri npoorc6vr;orq, rQ llo.rpi rccritQ Yitir rai rrir Ayirp fivetpart, vOv rcri aei rcri eiq roriq airirvoqtriv cridlvrov. Aphu.
TO IIPOTON ANTIOONON Ei pev iott Aeorouxfi fi @eopqropwiy b.opc4, fi 1ta0dopn, i) ano&oory abr4q, rya).Lovratra Avilgava fiq boprilg.ei 6i p4, td.Tontrca. 'Ev 6i raiE KupwrcaiE v}v yal).ent td xapov.

IJ'it is afeast of the Lord, or of the Mother of God, or its after-feast or leave-taking, the Antiphons ofthefeast are sung: otherwise the Typika are used.

On Sundays the.followingAntiphon may be sung: lst Verse Blessthe Lord,O my soul,andall that is within me, blesshis holy name. People At the prayersof the Mother of God, O Saviour,save us. 2nd Verse Bless the Lord, O my soul,and forget noneof his benefits. People At the prayers of the Motherof God, O Saviour, save us. 3rd Verse The Lord hasprepared his thronein heaven, and his kingdomrulesover all. People At the prayers of the Motherof God, O Saviour, save us.
Il/hile this is beingsungthe Deacon bows,leaves his place and goes and stands in front of the icon of the Mother o/' God, looking

2u7.a' Aad6

Eril6ler ti V"Xti pou rdv K6prov, rccrind.vta rd. ivt6q pou rd 6vopo. td &yrov oito0. Tcriq npeoBetorq t1q @eor6rou, &inep odroov


it os. E6L6ye t ff VuXtitrrou tdv Kr5prov, rcri p4

intl,crvOd.vou rcroaq td4 dvtono66oe rg q.Jto0. Taiq npeopeiorg trlq @eor6rou, lirrep orirov

frr,Aq. 2tt7. y' Aade K6ptog iv rQ oripcrvQ rjtoipooe tdv 0p6vov crr3ro0, rcri f1 Bcroil"eiaa6ro0 nd,vrov 6eon6(er. Taig npeoBelorq tr1q@eor6xou, EGrtep orioov ngag

Tootoo 6i, yd.Aopevoo 6 Auitxovoq, rot4oaE xpooxovqtrta, peliotarar toi rdnou a0to0, xo) d.reL9riv i'otarat ivdtaov d1Eeirovoq d.,6

I rr r,t\ t\l




, . , ! . . , , , , r A . t , , , n . ' l I h r t t t , l u t l d i n g h i s o r a r i o n i n t h e t h r e e f i n g e r so f h i s

@totorcou,pAitnov rybg tiyv eirova ro[t Xptotou, rcaixparriv rb dryaptov rot6 rptoi \arroTotq rilq 6e(uE ptpoE.

..llttr tha completion of the Antiphon he comes and stands in his usual place, bows and sqvsthe

Me ra 5i ri1v oopnlrlpcoorv tou AvttEtitvoo, inavipXerat raltv iv ti1 9iott airob, xpooKuviod.E 6i, Liyt.t THN MIKPAN 'YNANTHN

S H O R TL I T A N Y Deacon* People Deacon* People Deacon* Again andagainin peace, let us prayto the Lord. Lord, havemercy. Help us,saveus,havemercyon us,andkeepus, O God,by your grace. Lord, havemercy. Commemorating our all-holy,pure,mostblessed and gloriousLady,Motherof God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our wholelife to Christour God. To you, O Lord. Prayer ofthe SecondAntiphon
Priest (in a low voice)

'Ert Atd.xovoE* rcri drt iv eiprivl, toO Kupiou 6eq06pev. Aa66 Kr5pre , il.6qoov. Anxovoq* Avcl"cpo0, oiooov, il,6r1oov Kcri 6rcr,rp6lc4ov frpas,6 @e6q, {1of1xdptc. Aadg K$pre ,3)"6qoov. A nrcovoq* Trlg tlcrvcr.yioq, dlpcrvtou, inepeul"oyqpdvqg, iv66(ou, Aeonotvrlq riprilv,@eor6rourai derno.ppercr nd,vrorv OdvouMcrpicrq r6v ATtrovpvqpove6oc,vteg,icruroJq rcri dll"ri),ouq rcri nd,oav tfrv (ori1vf1p6v XprorQ rQ @eQrcrpoeci)peo. Aadg Xoi, K6pre. Eirxri to0 Aeurdpou Avtrgdrvou 'Iepeoq ( poonxritg) Kr5pre 6 @edq fip6v, oiooov tdv lo6v oou, rai e6l,6yr1oov rilv rl"rlpovopicrvoou. td rl,rip<opcr 'Err)"qolc4 tr1q oou g$Icr,qov. toriq &ytcroov dycrnrivroq tilv e$npfnercrv ro0 oirou oou. or) o$roJg crvrr66(ooov ri1 0eir!1 oou 6Dvd.psr rccripil ilrcttcrl"ingq ipo4 ro$q il,ntqowoq ini o6. (trcqcitva4) "Ort odv rd rpcrtog, rai ooo ioov f1 poorleicr rcai fi 66vc.ptqrcoi fi 66(o, toO flctrpdq rcri ro0 Yio0 rai to0 Aytou flve6pcrtoq,vOv rcri creixcri
AadE eiq roriq oirovcrq rdv cri<irv<,rv. Aptiu.




Lord our God,saveyour peopleandblessyour protectthe fullness inheritance; ofyour Church, sanctiry thosewho love thebeautyofyour house, glorify themin returnby your divinepower.and do not forsake us who hopein you. For yoursis the might,and yoursthe kingdom,the powerandthe glory, of the Father, the Sonand the Holy Spirit,now andfor ever,and to theagesof ages. Amen.




SECONDANTIPHON The second Psalm of the Typika or, on Sundays, the.following

TO AEYTEPON ANTIOONON Iilra yil.Lerat b \eorcpoq Yd"pdE rav Toxrcav fi, iv ruig KuprurcaiE,td rapdv Avtigavov. 'rrx. a' Aivet f1 ryulf prour6v K6prov. criv6oroK6prov iv lade

Antiphon: I st Verse Praise the Lord, O my soul;while I live I will praise the Lord; while I haveany being,I will praisemy God. Sonof God,risenfrom the dead,saveus who singto you:Alleluia!


ttt (<ottpou. ryako rQ @eQpou, Brr4t5nopXor. I6oov f1paq.Yi| Oeou.o ctvooruqirc vcrptirv. ryo).l"ovtcrg oor. Al"l"r1l"o6icr.

If it is not a Sunday, Eastertide or a feast of the Lord, we sing each time:

rca|qpeptvaiE, trdq rtlE tlaoXalior-t reprcSoo ra\ niv Aeo lto t tKov' E optriv, y a)J"op e v pe ra t rao ro v o r i y o v. linov fipcrq, Yt| @eo0, 6 iv Aytorq 0crupctot6q, ryal.lovroq oot. A).).ql"o6icr. Zttx.p' Aqde \ttx.y' Aadg 'lardp Mcrrdproq, o6 6 @edg Bon0oq crriro0, f1 il.nig c.6to0 ini K$prov rt\v @eov ariroO. Ltiroov fipcrq, YiA @eoO,6 dvaotd,g ir verporv, rycrl"l"ovtcrgoor. A1"l,q1"otio.. Bcrorl.e$oer Kr5proq eiq tdv cri6:vcr, 6 @e6q oou, xrcirv, eiq yevec,v roi yevecrv. )drov flpcrq, YiA @eo0, 6 d.vcrotcrg 6rc verprov, ycfil,ovrng oot. A)"l"r1l"o6io. A6lcr rQ flcrrpt, rcri rQ YiQ, rat rQ Ayie IIve6pott. EIra rcard.rdoav Aercoopyiav. Ka,i v0v, rcri aei, rcri eiq torSq oirivo,q rrilv ai<ilv<'lv.Apfv. 'O povoyevilg Yt6g rcri A6yoq toO @eoO,&Oa,vcrroq r5ndplrov, roi rcrto6e(crprevog 6r& tr\v rjpe-


Sonof God,wonderful in theSaints, save uswho sing to you:Alleluia!

2nd Verse Blessed *n... fr.ff., i, ti. Coaof Jacob; arethose whosehopeis in the Lord their God. People Sonof God,risenfrom the dead,saveus who singto you:Alleluia! 3rd Verse The Lord will be king for ever;your God,O Sion, will reignthroughout all generations. People Sonof God,risenfrom the dead,saveus who singto you:Alleluia! Glory to the Father,and to the Son,andto the Holy Spirit.
Then, on all days: Both now and for ever, and to the ages ofages. Amen. Only-begotten Son and Word of God, who, being immortal, accepted for our salvation to take flesh



from the holy Motherof God and Ever-VirginMary, andwithoutchange became man;you werecrucified, ChristGod,by deathtramplingon death, beingone of theHoly Trinity, glorifiedwith the Father and the Holy Spirit:saveus!
TheDeaconagain goesand standsin.front of the icon ctfthe Mother oJ' God.and after the completionc1f the Antiphon he t'omesand standsin his usualplace, bows and saysthe SHORT LITANY Deacon* People Deacon+ Again and again in peace,let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us,

t6pav oorqpicrv, ooprcaf4vcn ir r4q &ytag @eor6rou rat de rncrp06vouMapio4, drpinro4 ivcrv0pon/1ocrq,oroupcr0e'rqre , Xprori 6 Oe6q, 0ovd.rrp 0crvcrrov narrioaq, eiq rlv qq Ay'roq Tpra6oq, ouv6o[o(6pevoq rQ flatpi llve6purr. orinov ilpcrq. rcri tQ hytrar

'O 6i Anrcovoqarel9tbv iotatar ait1rqnpd ti16eirovoq ri1q@eotorcoo. yera rilv oupr),1panrvroi Avlgd:voo, t.xavl,pTerar r:<ti xa),tviv ti1 \ioet abroi, xpooxovr1oaE 56,)"tyer THN MIKPAN EYNANTHN 'Etr Atd.rcovoE* rai in 6v eiprivq, ro0 Kuptou 6er10ri4rov. Aa6E K6pre , ii"rlqoov. AwrovoE* Aadg A wrovoE* Avtil"crBo0, odroov, il6rloov roi 6rcupul"cr(ov ipAq, 6 @e6q, {1 oi1 Xcrptrt. K6pre, il,64oov. Tqq llovuyicrg, &Xpdvrou, r5nepeul.oyrlp6vqq, Bv66lou, Aeonotvqg ilpriv, @eor6rcourcrl a,erncrp06vou Maptcrq peta rcrvrcov rrirv Ayitov pvnpovo6octvreq, icruroJq roi o),1"11),ouq rai nd.oov tilv (<or\v flprnv XprorQ rQ @eQ ncrpoOcbpeOo.. Eoi, Kfpre.

People Deacon*

O God,by your grace. Lord, havemercy. Commemorating our all-holy,pure,mostblessed and gloriousLady,Motherof God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us entrust ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christour God. To you, O Lord. Prayer of the Third Antiphon



Priest (in a lov'voice) You have given us grace to make thesecommon and united prayers,and have promised that when two or three agree in your name you will grant their requests;fulfil now the petitions ofyour servantsas is expedient,granting us in this presentage the

Etrxri toS Tpirou Avn<ptivou 'lepeuE(u-toux[oq) 'O toq rorvcr.q rcrr5rcrq rcri oupgcilvoug ilpiv lcrprod.pevoq npooeu1d4,6 xcri 6uoi rct rptoi, oupgorvo0orv dni tQ 6v6pori oou, roq aiuloerq - ncrpAx rvincryyerl"dpevoq, ctrirdq rcri vOv trirv 6oril.olv oou td cridlpa,tcr npdq td ouptpdpov n1"11-







knowledgeof your truth and in the ageto come eternal life. For you, O God, are good and love mankind,and to you we give glory, to the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit,now and for ever,andto theagesof ages. Amen.

pooov, lopqyrirv ilpiv iv tQ nop6vtr o,itirvrtilv inilv<oorvrnq onq cri.I0etq4rai iv rQ p6l"l,ovrr (alfiv aidrvrov lcrpr(6pevoq. "Otr dya0oq rcri gr),<iv0p<onog ti:rgdvaq) @ed6indpXerq rai oot dlv 66lav d,vandpnopev, rQ flcrtpi rai rQ Yirir xoi tQ Alte llve$pott, vOv rcri o:t rccri eiq
rouq cllov04, T(t)v or.(ov(l)v.

lade The Deacon enters the Sanctuarv bv the south door. THIRD ANTIPHON AND ENTRANCE WITH THE HOLY GOSPEL Then the Beatitudes,or the Third Antiphon, ore sung. On Sundays the following Antiphon may be used: This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Then the Resurrection Apolytikion ofthe current Tone. 2nd Verse Let the heavensand the earth sing his praise. The Resurrection Apollttikion ofthe current Tone. I{hile the Doxastikonof the Beatitudes, or the Third Antiphon,is being sung,the Priest and Deacon,standinginfront ofthe Holy Table,make three bows; then the Priest takesthe holy Gospeland gives it to the Deacon, who kisses the Priest's hand.And so they comeout through the north door, preceded by lighs, and make the Little Entance. Standing in the middleof the Churchtheltbow their heads. lst Verse 'O


6i Arcirovoq eiotplerat iv rQ Brlpan 6w t4E votiaE 9opaq. TO TPITON ANTIOONON KAI H EIEOAOE META TOY IEPOY EYAIIEAIOY

I:Ira yil"Lovrut oi Marcaprcpoi, fi rb rpirov Avritptovov. 'Ev 6i raiq Kupwrcaig vov ryaAle mt tb xapbv. |nX.a' A$q i rjp6po fiv 6notrloev 6 f$ptoq, dyol"l"roo<bpe04, rai eigpcrv0rirpev i v critfl. Td Avaoraorpov Ard,orirtov roi ruydvtoE "HXou.

ZtrX. p' Aiveod,rc'rcrv crrlrdv oi o6pavoi xcri r] yq. Tb Avaoraotpov Axolotirrov rci ruydvrcE "H1gou. Yallopt,vot-t 6b ro[.tAo(aonroi; rav Maxapopriv, ii roi rpitoo Avntptbvou,b'Iepeiq rcai b Awrovoq, oravcg rpo rilEayiaq Tpart(r1E, ttoto\ot xpoorovr1para qia. elra )-aBcbv b'lcpebgd dyrcv EtayytArcv,Si\aot tQ Anrcovq, aora(opivtp tilv Xeipaauroi. Kai obra4,t(eL0ovteq 6n roi BopeiouptpoDE,ltponopeDollevov abiltv )"apra6av, fi b(artepoyav, ttotoiot rfiv Mrcpdv froodo4 rai otawe Eiv rQpiotlt toi Naoi, rLivor,totvalttporepot ta6 xe<pd"aq. Kai b Anxovog Ttyet tlpipa To0 Kupiou 6er106pev.

TheDeacon,in a low voice, savs Let us pray to the Lord.





Prayer ofthe Entrance Priest (in a low voice) and Master,Lord our God,you havesetorders to minisin heaven armiesof AngelsandArchangels holy ter to your glory; grantthat, with our entrance, with us, and with Angels may enter,concelebrating us glorifyingyour goodness. For to you belongall glory,honourandworship, the Sonandthe Holy Spirit,now and to the Father, for ever,andto the agesofages.Amen.
Ilhen the prayer is.t'inished,the Deacon, in a lowvoice, says to the Priest:

Eirxri qe Eio66ou
'ltpeoq (poonrcdE) Afonotcr K6prc, 6 oedq fiprirv, o rcrrctory'loc4iv oripavoiq rd.yporo rcai orpcr,trdg Ayy6l"orv rccri Ap1a,yy6}"r,lv, eiq )"etroupytcrv tqg oaq 66(nq, notrloov oJv ti1 eio6&p fiprirv, eioo8ov crTirrrv Ai,y6)"orvyev6oOar, oul.l"ettoupyo6vrr,rv i1piv, rcri ouv8of,ol"oyo6vrorv tilv oilv crycr06tr1rcr. 'Ott np6ner oor nd.oc.66[a, rrpr\ roi npoor6vqorg, tQ flcrtpt rccri rQ YiQ rcai rQ Ayirp flver5poo, vOv rcri dei, rcoi eiq rot5q cri6vcq rr,rv Apriv. cricbvcov. Ltyer Xap4Totpcitva4 rpbq rbv Telco1eio4E 6t trTE cby4q, b AwrcovoE

Master, blessthe holy Entrance.

Arul the Priest, blessing the entrance, says, in a low voice: Blessed is the entrance to your holy place, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. The Priest kisses the Gospel. The Deacon*, standing in the middle oJ the Church in front ofthe Priest and raising the sacred Gospel, says aloud:

qv dytcrvEioo6ov. ErJtr"6yqoov, AAoaoro',

Kai b'lepcuq, ed,oytiv tfiv eioo\ov,).iytt Tap4ToqdvaE Eiloyqp6vrl fi eiooDog rrirv d1'trovoou nd.vtote . v0v, rcoi det, rccri eiq toJq airirvcrq tr,:v cricbvcov. Aptiu 6t Anrcovoq,* ordEiv rQ Aora(trar rc &.yrcv Ebayytfuov6'lepeuE.'O ptotp roi vaoi tpnpoo9ev rci'le pea4 rcaii,tryriv ro dyrcv Eoayytfuov, Atyertrtpdvo6. Ioqtcr. 6p0oi. Elta abto6 rc xai 6 'lepeiqpet'attbv eioipxovrat 6d rilE'ApaiaE IToLqq eiq tb'Iepov- ra\ b Anxovoq anori9qotvitti tilq ayiaq Tpani(4E rc iepdvEoayyiLtov. Aa6c @allet tb rapbv Eioo\rcov) Ae0re npoorcuvioopsv, rcai npoon6oopev XprotQ. xdroov f1poq, YtA Oeo0, 6 &vcrord4 irc verpr'rv, y<!l.l,ovta6 oor' A},l"r1tr o6icr.

Then the Deacon,followed by the Priest, enters the Sanctuary through the Holy Doors and places the Gospel on the Holy Table. People (sing the Entrance Chant):

Come,let us worship and fall down beforeChrist. Son of God, risen from the dead,saveus who sing to you: Alleluia!





If it is not a Sunday, Eastertide, or afeast of the Lord, we sing: Son of God, wonderful in the Saints, save us who sing to you: Alleluia! During Eastertide: Bless God in the Churches; the Lord from the fountains oflsrael. Son ofGod, risen from the dead, save us who sing to you: Alleluia! The Apolytikia and Kontakia for the day andfor the dedication of the Church are sung. After the last Kontakion: Deacon* People

Ka9qpe prvaiq, trrbE n1g IlaoTil,iou xeprc\ou, yd).opev. Itioov ipd6, Yii @eo0, 6 6v Ayiorq 0crupo,ot6q. yol,i,ovro.q oor. A),l"r1l,or5icr..

,,|rt) rr1q, Kupwrilq roi IIaoXa ptXg riTEArodooeo4 yd,Aoltev. 'Ev 'Exrl"r1otcrrg eril,oTeire rov @e6v, Kiprov ir 'Iopo{tr.. nqyrirv Xrrroov ipaq, yi} @eo0, 6 crvcrord,qir vexp6v, rycrl,l"ovrcrqoor. Al,),qlo6io,. rai rd Kovtd.rcn i1q fipipaE

I:lra rya)),ovtat rd AroTorircn roi roD NaoD.

Mcrd rd rc).curaiov Kovrarctov. ,4nrovoq* .ladE To0 Kuptou 6er10tirpev. K6pu, i),dr1oov. Eri14 ro0 Tprocyiou 'lepeoq (poonrtiq) 'O @eoq 6 Ayroq, 6 iv &liorg d.vanou6pevog, 6 rptocrytq govfl $nd rrirv Xepcr.<peip d.vupvo6pe voq, rcxi 6n6 ttiv Xepoupeip 6o(ol,oyofpevoq, rai tlro noorlq inoupcrviou Auvd.prso4 fipooKuvoripevoq. 6 Br toO pr\ 6woq eig rd eivcrr ncpoyaydv ra o6pno.vrcl. 6 rt'roc.q t6v d,v0pronovrar'eix6va oqv rc,i 6potorrv, rccri novrt oou lcrptolrcrrr Kcr.xclrcoop{oo4. 6 Dr6oJg critoOvrr oogtcrv rai o6veotv, roi pq ncrpoprirv&,praprd.vovta, o1,l,o Odprevoqini o<otrlptg perd.vorcrv. 6 rorcr(rciraq flpcr.qtoJq tanervoriq rcri'roug 6oul,ouq oou rot iv tfr riipg rcrurg otfrvcrr rorsvd)ntov qq 66[4q ro0 aytou oou @uorcror4ptou, rat rrlv 6tper).opAv4v

Let us prayto the Lord. Lord, havemercy. Prayer of the Trisagion

Priest (in a low voice) by the Holy God,at restin the holy place,hymned glorified by the song, with the thrice-holy Seraphim heavenly Power, by every Cherubim andworshipped into the universe you brought out ofnon-existence your according to female maleand beingand created gift with of them every adoming imageandlikeness, to and understanding grace. give wisdom your You but thosewho ask,and you do not rejectthe sinner, repentance. you established have for our salvation us,your humbleandunworthy You havecounted worthy to standat this time beforethe glory servants, of your Holy Altar, andto offer you dueworshipand Hymn even praise. the Thrice-holy Accept,Master,






from the mouthof us sinners, andvisit us in your goodness. Pardonus every offence,voluntary and involuntary; sanctifyour soulsandbodies, and grant thatwe may worshipyou in holiness all the daysof our life; at the prayers of the holy Motherof God and of all the Saints who havebeenwell-pleasing to you rn everyage. For you, our God,areholy, andto you we give glory,to the Father, the Sonandthe Holy Spirit,now and for ever,

oor npoonSv4otv rci 6o(o1.o1icr.v npood.yerv. crrir6g, A6onoro, np6o6elor rcri irc or6pcrtoq lprirv rrirv d,paprol,<irv rdv Tprod.yrov "ypvov, rcri intoreyor ipcts iu rfi 1pr1ot6rr1ri oou. Iuyr1po iro6ot6v re rcti lrirpqoov r\piv no.v n)"qpp6tr aro6orov. &ytcroov iptnv raq ryuloq rca.i ra ocirporcr. rcai 66q rjpiv iv 6o16o1rr l.atpe6erv oot zcoag rog rifr'6p"g trls (orrlq f1p6v. npeoBetcrq rrlq &ytag @eor6rou, rccri nd.vrcov ttirv Ayt<ov, t<irv d,n' criarv6q oor eicpeotqod.vrorv. "Otr &yrog ei 6 @e6q fip6v, rccriooi riv 66(ov d.vcrndpnopev,tQ florpl, rccrire yie, xoi re Ay'tq flve6trrott, vOv rcq.i0 t,

Deacon* (comingnear the Holy Doors and.facingthe People): And to the agesofages. People Amen. Holy God, Holy Strong. Holy Immortal,have mercyon us. Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal,have mercyon us. Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy lmmortal,have mercyon us. Glory to the Father,and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit. Bothnow and for ever,and to theagesofages. Amen. Holy Immortal,havemercyon us. Dynamis. Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, havemercy on us.

AnrcovoE*, i70dv tyyiq tilq'epaiaq fiolr1q, Ltye t rp69, dv Aaov. Kcri eig roJq cri6vaq t<irv cridrvov. AadE


Deacon* People

Ayroq 6 @e6q.&ytoq 'Io1up6g,&yroqA0avatoq, dl,6qoov fipc4. ATroq6 @e6q,&ytoq 'Io1up6g,&,toq, il,6r1oov i1pu4. Ayrog 6 @e6g,&yroqloxup6q. &yroqA0crvcrtog, ii,6r1oov f1pog. A6(o llarpi, rcri Viir, rci Ayi<pflvefpcrtr. Kcri v0v, rca,i&ei, rcri eig roJq airirvoq rrirv oidrvov.Aprtv. Aytoq A0crvcttoq, ii,irloov 4pcg. AnrovoE+ A6vcr1lq. 'loxup6q, Aqdc Ayrog6 @e6q, &yroq &yroqAguvatog, i).6qoov qpcq.




H OEIA AEITOYPTIA | ) rc'le peDE rai b Amovoq ),tyooorv iva)).d( d Tptodytov, rorcivreg i,1t<ru rpia rporov4para tpryoo9tv rrlEayiaq Tpaxei4.q. I lra ),iyer 6 Awrovo; K6l,euoov, rpbg rbv'lcpe a. A6onota. 6t 'le pr:uE arcpToptvo6 Aiycr.


The Priest and the Deacon also say the Trisagion, making three bows before the Holy Table. Then the Deacon says to the Priest:

And they go to the Throne. As they go the Priest says:

Kui arlpXovtat iv ti1 Ka9i\pg.'O

is he who comesin the nameof the Lord. Blessed

Deacon Priest

Eril.oyrlp6vog 6 SpX6pevoqiv 6v6pott Kuptou. \rarovoq 'ltpeoq Eil.67qoov, A6onora, r1v d.v<o Kcr066pov. E6l.oyr1p6voqei, 6 in\ 0p6vou 66(ng rnq Boot),eta6 oou, 6 rc.0ripevoq ini rrirv Xepoupetp, nd.vrore , vOv rcri aet, rcri eiq ror5q uicirvoq triv oirirvr,rv. Apriv. TA ANAfNO'MATA THE KAINHE AIAOHKHE Mera tilv oopxTrlpaotv too Tproayioo, b Awrcovoc* t).1dv ilprpoo9ev qg'Qpaia6 IIzA4E Ltyer 'lepe[g [lp6o1rr4rev. Eip{vq ncror.

Master, blessthe Throneon high. Blessed areyou on the throneof glory of your Kingdom,who areseated uponthe Cherubim, always, now and for ever,andto the agesofages. Amen. THE READINGS F R O MT H E NEWTESTAMENT

At the end oJ'the Trisagion the Deacon* comes out in front of the Holy Doors and says: Priest Reader Deacon* Let us attend. Peaceto all. And to your spirit. Wisdom.

Ava/or4g Koi tQ nve6pari oou. Atarcovoq* Doqic.,. Ava/orqg (irEavci rd Ilporceipevov) Ararcovoc* 2ogio,. Avay/orqg ()"tyet ri1v tnypaEilv toD Arooto),or-t) AnrcovoE* llp6olropev. Avayvborrlq d.ftayyt)"7e t d1v repxotti1v ro0 ArooroAoo. 11Lqpa9evroq 6t rci Axooto),ou,6 ,lepe Jq )"tyer Eiprlvl oor. AvaylorqE Kci rQ nver5pc,rtoou. A),l.ql"ouicr 171. 'O

Reader (reads the verses ofthe Prokeimenon) Deacon* Wisdom. Reader (reads the title of the Apostle) Deacon* Let us attend. The Reader reads the Apostle, and when he hasfnished the Priest says: Peace to you. Reader And to your spirit. Alleluia (Three times).



H OEIA AEITOYPFIA 'l',t).Aoptvou toi ri7)-r77ouapioo, b Anrovoq+, )"aBdtvtd 1uprcrriprcv, it\',ctrot rip'lt,pei xai. )"aprbve J)"oyiav,9uptq d iepbv Etayye ),rcv. ri\v Tprirc(av yupto9ev rai tb'le pare iov ifi.ov xai rbv'lcpia. elru. " ;ittv , -t:1,Xt\pe voq t.r tilq'Qpaiaq IIil.4E, td..q Aeoxonrcdq eir<5vaq xai tiv I rrrir,.


IVhile the Alleluia is being sung the Deacon*, laking the censer with incense, approaches the Priest, and having received a blessingfor the incense he censes the book oJ'the Gospel, the Holy Table all round, the whole Sanctuary, the Priest and, coming out d liltle from the Hol"v Doors, the principal icons and the People.

Prayer of the Gospel. Priest (in a low voice) Master,Lover of mankind,make the pure light of andopen shinein our hearts your divineknowledge of message the mind to understand of our the eyes your Gospel. Implantin us the fear of your blessed down all so that,havingtrampled commandments, to a spiritualway of we may change camaldesires, to life, thinkinganddoingall thingsthatarepleasing you. For you arethe illuminationof our soulsand bodies,ChristGod, andto you we give glory, who is withoutbeginning' with your Father together and your all-holy,goodand life-givingSpirit,now and for ever,and to the agesofages.Amen.
ll/hen he hasfnished censing, the Deacon puts awq) the censer. He approaches the Priest, and, holding his orarion with the tips of-his fngers, points to the Holy Gospel as it lies on the Holy Toble, bou's hi:t head and saysin a low voice:


ro0 Eriayyel,iou

Itpt:uq (poottrcroE) 'El"l,crprpov

iv rop8to.rq r\prirv, tpr),d.v0pone A6onorcr, td qq onq Oeoyv<'rlcrq d.rfpcrtov gtig rcri roilg tr1q 8rovotaq i1p<irv 6tovot(ov 690cr1"poJq eiq d1v r6v ericrlyel,trciov oou x4pu1pd.t<ov ro.tcr,'Ev0eg v6r1otv. ilpiv rcri rdv rdv pora,pi<rrvoou Avtol"<irvg6Bov, lvo r&q ocrprrr&q inrOuptcr.q naoclq Kcrrorlcrrloovre g, nveupanrr\v nol"rte icrv pte t6l"0opev, nd.vrcrrd. np6q e$crpforqorv tilv oilv rcri gpovo0vteq rcti npd.rrovteq. }5 yap e i 6 g<,rnopdq ttirv yulrirv xai rrov oopd.t<,rv flpttv, Xproti 6 Oe6g, rcri ooi fiv 66(ov d,vcrndpnopev, o6v rQ dvdpX<g oou flo.rpi, xai rQ zcvcrTirg rcai ayoOe (roonotQ oou flver5parr, vOv rai ae't, xoi eiq rccr.i toiq ai6voq tdrv cririrvarv. Apriv.

Master,blessthe heraldof the Good Tidingsof the N. Holy Apostleand Evangelist him, saving: ThePriest blesses of the holy, glorious May God,throughthe prayers you to proclaim grant N., ApostleandEvangelist power, for the fulfilling of the word with much

'O Atd.rcovoE, rd 9upwrqptov aro?ipe voq,EpXe rat rp66 rov'le pea xai, bnorcLivaq tilv xeEatiTv, rparav 6t rb tbpaprcv oriv tQ dyitpEoayyc),ie rotqd.rcp<ttq 6axru)"otE,647ovotr iv ixe ivtprt1x)nq d76 d.yia6Tpaxe(46. ),tyer Eri).61qoov, A6onora, rdv erlcrlyel.totilv ro0 oytou iv66(ou Anoor6l.ou xai Eiayye)"roto0 (6eivoE)' 'O 6i 'lepeog, oEpayi(av aotov, Liyer O @e6q, 6to npeoBet<irv ro0 d.1tou iv66lou Aro-


H OEIAAEITOYP|IA ot6l.ou xcti E$oyyel,roroi (6eivo6), 6dq oot iqpo tQ e6cyyel,r(opr6vrp 8uvcrpet nol,i"i1,eiq irn}.r1pc':orv ro0 EicrTyel"tou toO dycrnrlro0 Yio0 ariroO, 'lr1oo0 Kuptou 6A ilptnv Xproro0. Apriu.



theGospelofhis BelovedSon,our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Anrl, having bowed with reverence' he takes the Gospel, goes out lhrough the Hoty Doors, and preceded by lights makes his way to the Ambo' Then the Priest at the Holy Doors, Jitcing west, sdys:

People Deacon* People Priest

upright.Let us listento the Holy Wisdom.Stand to all. Peace Gospel. And to your spirit. to N The readingis from the Holy Gospelaccording Glory to you, O Lord, glory to You. Let us attend.

Kai rpooxuvr1oaE, pet'euAaBeiaE aipet rb iiytov Euayyifuov rai, i:ie),9tbv6d rriv dyitov@optiv,nporope oopivav aotoi \apna6av, tinipXetateig rbv ApBava. 'Iepe 6i oE, ionp.e voE tprpoo9ev d1q dyiaq Tpatre(4E rai rpbq t\uopaq pLt rav t rqave i. Eo<pto. 6p0oi d,ro6orotrrev ro0 &ytou Eic,yyetr"iou. Eip4vq nc.or. Kci rQ nve6pori oou. 'Er ro0 rco.rd. @eiva) dytou Eicryyel.tou 16 d.vcryvolopcr. A6[o, oor, K$pu, 66[cr oor. llp6oyopev. '{)

,la6e ,\nrovoE* Aads 'ltpeuE

The Deacon* reads the Gospel.for the day. When it is.finished the hlesses the Deacon, sa-ving:


to you. Peace Glory to you, O Lord, glory to You.

The Priest takes the Gospel.from the Deacon, hsses it and blesses the People with it. He then replaces it on the Holy Table' Then the Preacher instructs the People in the word of God'

Kai avaywdnret b Atd,rovo6* rilv rctaylttvqv repwonfiv rco ayioo EJayye),ioo. Kai xlqpa9evrog rcO Ebayyt)"ior.t,).tytt b 'leoeoc'


Eiprivrl oor. A6(cr oor, K6pre, 66(croor

AeXope voq 6i b'lepeig d &yrcv Ebayyi)"tov d.ora(e nt airb rai Xapa(aE per'airc{.t t)nov oraupoi npdErbv 7aov, inti9rlorv autb iil i1E ayiaE Tpare(4q. 'Evtao9a b'Ie porfipu( 5t6o,orcetrbv ).oyov rot @eoi.





Then the Deacon, standing in his usual place, says thefollowing LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION' Deacon* People Deacon* Let us all say, with all our soul and with all our mind, let us say Lord, have mercy. Lord almighty, the God of our fathers, we pray you,

I ira 6 Anxovoq, tv tQ oovrj1et rcrcp, dpXetar oihag rilv METAAHN EKTENH' \rdrovoq* .lutiE Eintopev nd.vreq i[ 6].qq trtq Vutnq, rai i( 6],nq tr1g 6rovotc4 fipriv einope v Kr5pte,6i"64oov.

.ltur<ovoE* K6pte ncrvtorpcrtop,6 Oe6q riov nar6provilpciv,

People Deacon* People Deacon*

hear and havemercy. Lord, havemercy. Have mercyon us, O God, accordingto your great mercy, we pray you, hearand havemercy. Lord, have mercy. Threetimes.And so after the rematnrng petttrcns. Also we prayfor our Archbishop N. Also we pray for our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Family,her Government and all in authority. Also we pray for mercy,life, peace, health, salvapardonand forgiveness tion, visitation, ofsins for the servants ofGod, all devoutand OrthodoxChristians, thosewho dwell in or visit this city andparish,the wardens andmembers of this churchandtheir families[; and for the servants of God N. & N. (here the Deacon*may namethose for whomhe has been askedto pray), and all who haveaskedfor our prayers,unworthy thoughwe are]. Also we pray for the blessed and ever-remembered founders ofthis holy church,and for all our brothers

6e6pe0<i oou, ind.rcouoov xoi il"6qoov. K6pre , 3i"dqoov. 'E1"6qoov .\uircovoE* rltrc4,6 @e6q, rcrro rd p6yo 6l"e6qoou 6e6pe0o oou, ind.xouoovrcrt il"64oov. ladE K$pre, Sl.iqoov (y'peta raoav 5t qotv). 'Ett \nrovo6* r5nAp 6e6pe0o toO Appenror6nou fiprirv(de iIatig 6e6pe0a $nlp r4q Boor),iooqg tr1g Xrirpo,g 'E),roapet, rcr6tqg rcri naorlq &pxr1g rcai i(ouotog iv ari{1. 'Etr 6e6pe0o rinlp i),ioug, (ol1q, eipivnq, uye'to.q, o<,:tr1piog, 6nrox6yeo4, ou11<op{oeog rai d.g6oer,r; tdrv d,pcrptr6v rdrv 6or5l,orv ro0 @eo0, nd,vtr,rv rrirv e$oeBdrv roi 6p0o66(ov lprorravdlv, tdlv xqrorrcodvrrr:v rcri noperr64pouvrov iv r1t n61"et roi ivop'rg to6t1, rrirv intrp6n<ov rcoi ouv8popqr<irv qq iepcr T,rrlrlotaq ro.r5tqq ouv roiq ouyyevdorv oritiov. [Koi rrirv 6o6],ov ro0 @eoO (rai pv4ltove ie t tbv 1t),er (rivtav), rcai t6v ivterl.ap6vov i1piv, toiq dva{iorg, e61eo0crrr5n}p critrirv.] '.'Ev 6i rcriq ivopicrrqouvr10o4d.valrvdrorcoucrv 'lepeJq 6 rccti6 AttiLrovoq6),crp61pr ro0 XepouBtro0 1apr1),og<irvo:q iv re Brlpcrrt. voE)' 'Err

' In most Greek-speaking parishesall that follows until the Cherubic Hymn is read quietly by the Priest and Deacon in the Sanctuary.





and sisterswho havegoneto their rest beforeus, and in the true faith; and for the who lie hereasleep of God and for the servants Orthodox everywhere[, N. & N. (herethe Deacon+may namethose for whomhe has beenaskedto pray), and that they may be pardoned all their offences,both voluntary and involuntaryl. Also we pray for thosewho bring offerings,those who care for the beautyof.this holy and venerable house,for thosewho labour in its service,for those who await who sing, and for the peopleherepresent, your great andrich mercy. Prayer of Supplication Priest (in a low voice) Lord, our God, acceptthis ferventsupplicationfrom your servants, andhave mercy on us accordingto the multitude of your mercy; and senddown your pity on us and on all your people,who await your rich mercy. (aloud) For you, O God,aremerciful,and love mankind, andto you we give glory, to the Father,the Sonand the Holy Spirit, now and for ever,and to the agesof ages. Amen. People
Here may follow the Litany for the Catechumens, that is, those preparingfor Baptism. To each petition the People answer: Lord, have mercy. 'ltpe

6e6pe0o rinep rdv pcrrcrpiolv rcri d,ot6tp<ov rtrt6p<ov nlg dyioa tsrcrl"qoiog ro6rr1q, rcri r5nep ndvrcov rcoi naodrv triv npocrvc.nauocrpdvorv o6el.gtirv fiptilv, ttirv iv0o6e e6oepri4 rerpfvrov, rcri d.novrcrlo0 6p0o6o(olv. [Kci rrirv 6o6]"olv ro0 pvrlltoveoe t rbv \il"et rriv rercotpqltt.@eou (rco'i r5nApro0 ouylalpqOr'lvar criroiq nd.v vav), :rco,i nl"qpp6l"r1po!ro6or6v te rcrl d,xor5orov.l 'Etr 6e6pe0cr Snip rtirv ropnogoporSvr<ov rcol roi"),repyo6vrolv iv tQ dytrg rai novo6ntrg Nctrir tor5trg, xonr6vrrov, yal"l"6vtorv roi r5nlp toO nepreotdrtoq l"croO, toO d.ner6elopdvou rd ncrpd oo0 p6ya rcri ni"o6otov 3l,eog. Eixi qe 'Ercrevo06 'Ireoiac


oE Qtr.tonrriE) K6prc, 6 @eoq fip6v, tilv irtevrl rcrftrlv ireotcrv np6o6ef,or nupd rrov oriv 6or5l.<ov, rcri il"drloov f1paq, rora rd nl.qOoq ro0 il,douq oou. rcri rorSg oirnppo6q oou rcc,rd.nepryov itp'ilpcrq, rcoi 6ni novtcr rdv 1"cr6voou, tdv c,ner8el6pevov td nopd, oo0 nl"or5orov6l,eoq. "Orr il"erip<ov rcc.i grl"d,v0ponoq @e6g t5ndp1er6, ltxErbvag) rcri ooi tilv 66(ov crvcrr#pnopev, rQ florpt, rai tQ YtQ, rccritQ Aytrg flve6pcrn, vOv rot det, rcri eiq ror5q airirvcrq trilv cr.i<ilvrov. Apiu.


EIra dpXetar, ei Boole4 b AwrcovoE* tfiE 6e4oea4 brip rav KarqXouptvav. 'O Aadg 1ted. xaoav 6lqorv' Kr5pw, il6r1oov.







pray to the Lord. Catechumens, Believers,let us pray for the catechumens; That the Lord will havemercy on them; lnstructthem in the word of truth; to themthe Gospel ofrighteousness; Reveal Unite themto his Holy, CatholicandApostolic Church. Savethem,havemercyon them,helpthemand keep them, O God, by your grace. to the Lord. Catechumens, bow your heads To vou. O Lord.

lnrcovog* E6(cro0e,oi Kcrqlo6pevor rQ Kupt<p. Oi nrorot, rSnAp r6v KcrtqXoupdvov 6er106pev. "Ivcr 6 K6proq o,ritor5q i).el1on. Koql{o1 o$roJq r6v }"6yovtrlq cr.}.q0etCI6. Anorol.$y1 atitoiq td E$ayy6l"rov rrlg 6rratoor5vqq. 'Evrirl a$toJq 41 dytq, cr$ro0 Kcr0ol,rxl rcot Anootol"rrcfi tsrrl"r1oig. x6roov, il6r1oov, d,vtil,crpoO rat Drcrg$l"o(ov airo6q, 6 @e6q, ofl {1 lcrprn. Oi Kaqlotpevor, rd,gregol,aq $prrlvte Kuptq rcl,tvcrte. ,ladE loi, Kr5pre. rriv Kcrrlloupdvov Eirx{ (IIpd ro0 'Anlo0frvcr rd Eilqr6v) 'lepeog(pr-toaraq) K6pte, o @edg rororriov, rcri lp6v, 6 iv r5ryr1l"oiq rd. tonervd,igoprov, 6 6ro tilv ocorqptavrQ y6ver rriv d,vOprirn<ov i(crnooretl"crqrdv provoyev4 oou 'lr1oo0v Yidv rcri @e6v,tdv K6ptov flpr6rv Xptor6v, iniptr"eryov irri roJq 6or5l"ouq oou torSgKcrtrlXoup6vouq, toug r5noreri"rr6raqoor t6v iq.urd)v cr616vcr. rai rcrta(iooov o15ro6g, iv rcapQ e606trp, ro0 l"outpo0 tr'1q ncr).ryyeveo'roq, qg d,g6oeo4trilv d.paptuilv,roi ro0 iv66pcrroq tr1q dg0crpotaq.Evoroovar3roJq4; dytq oou Kcr0'Errl"r1otg, o2,rrfi rai Anootol,rri rcri ouyratcrptOpqoov ariror5q ir}"arrfl oou noipvn. {1 (trcqrivag) "Ivcr rcri criroi o$v ilpiv 6o(d,(<,n td nd.vrtpov rai peycrl,onpenlg 6vopa oou, ro0 flcrtp6g,rcai 'Yn*p

Prayer for the Catechumens (Beforethe Unfolding of the Antimension) Priest ftn a low voice) Lord, our God,dwellingon high andbeholding of mankindsent thingsbelow,who for the salvation Son,our Lord and God, forth your only-begotten the catechuJesusChrist, look upon your servants mens,who havebowedtheir necksto you; andcount them worthy in due time of the washingof rebirth, of sins and the garmentof incorthe forgiveness ruption;unitethemto your holy, CatholicandApostolic Church.and numberthem with vour chosen flock.


That with us they too may glorifu your allthe Son name.of the Father. honoured andmaiestic

I ilt trl\ t\l




,uhl rh(.lloly Sprrrt,now and for ever,and to the ,'l ,tFcs.

ftttltll r\tltcn.
I ttttl.

toO Yio0, rccritoO Aytou flver5pcrroq, vOv rai eiq rorSq cririvo4 rrirv oi6vorv. Aptiu.

lh,'tt tht l'rit:.stunfolds the Antimension on the Holy Tabte.

I )ttt ott+

t i,,, ,,'lcptJq t(ail"oi tri ri.,E ayiaq Tpare(rl; ri EiAqtov. oi KcrqloupeI,rr.or'(r(* "Ooot Kcrtqloripevot, npo6l"Oete' vor, npo6l0ete' 6oor Kcrtqlofpevot, rpo6l0ere. M{ ttq rrrrv Kcrtqloupdvrov!

As manyas areCatechumens, depart; Catechumens, depart; asmanyas areCatechumens, depart. Noneof the Catechumens!

THE LITURGY OF THE FAITHFUL Deacon* People Deacon* People Deacon*

As many as are believers: again and again in peace, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us,

H A E I T O Y P |I A T O N N I > T O N
tr,irovog*"Ooot fltotot, Err roi 6tt iv eiprivl, toO Kupfou 6eq0<irpev. K6pn, 3i"6qoov. I trtiE

O God,by your grace Lord, havemercy. Wisdom. First Prayer of the Faithful (After the Unfolding of the Antimension)

\ rdrovoE* Avtr),aBo0,oriroov.il6r1oov, ifraq, 6 Oe6q,ri of1lcrpttt. Kr5pre, i1"6qoov. la6e l rclrovog* Xo<ptcr.


flpocl Eirxri t6v Ilror<iv 'Anlo04vcr (Merri rd td Eilqr6v) Iepeog (1tvonrca4) Eiloproro0pfv oot, K6pre, 6 @edq triv Auvd.preolv,tQ xcrta(rcboavtr fipo.q ncrpaorrlvot rcri vOv tQ cryie oou @uotcroolp'tq, rci npoonaoeiv toig otrrtppoiq oou $nAp trirv fipet6p<trv crgcrpqpcrralv xcri trrlv toO l.oo0 d,lvoqgdrcov. flp6o6e(or, 6 Ocoq, tilv 66r1orv ilpriv' not4oov flpcrq c(touq yev6o0crt toO npoogdpetv oot 8efioetq rcrt ireotaq rccri0uoicrg d,vorpcrrtouq

Priest (in a low voice) We thankyou, Lord, God of thepowersof heaven, for countingus worthy to standevennow before your holy altarandhumblyto seekyour compassion for our sinsand for thosecommittedin ignoranceby thepeople. Receive our supplication, O God; make us worthy to offer you prayersand entreaties and unbloody sacrifices for all your people. And enable us,whomyou haveappointed to this your ministry

I lil

t)t\ t\l

I | | trR(;Y




lrr tlrt' Powcr ol'your Holy Spirit, to invoke you at cr cry tirnc and place without blame and without contlcnrnation,with the witness of a pure conscience,so that you may hear us and be merciful to us in the abundanceof your goodness. For to you belong all glory, honour and worship, to the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Deacon* Again and again in peace,let us pray to the Lord. People Lord, have mercy. Deacon* People Deacon*
Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O

$nip ncrvrdgtoO lcroO oou. roi irov<rroovfipog, o$q E0oueiq n1v 6taxoviav oou to.6r4v, iv tf1 toO flver5por6q Ouvdpet oou toO d,7tou, drotcryvdrto4 rcri anpoor6nrrr4, iv xcr0apQrQ po.prtrpirp qq ouver6rioeo4 ilpuirv, 6nrrcrl"eioOcrt oe iv ncrvti rcrpQ rcoi r6nrp''tvcr, ilptirv,'il"eeioarco6rov oX ipiv ei4g, Bv tQ nl.{Oertnq oltq dyo06rqroq. ti:rt1xbva6) "Ort np6ner oor nd.ocr 661o, rrpil rccri npoox6vqorg, tQ flarpt, rcr.itQ YiQ, rcrt rQ d^yiq llve6potr. vuv rcri oei, rcri eiq rouq cridrvcrq r6v
lutiE lnrovoq* lads

God, by yourgrace. Lord, havemercy. Wisdom.And he enterstheSanctuary.


xcri du, iv eipllvX, toO Kuptou 6eq0iopev. K6pm, ildrloov.


1tarcovoq* Avrr)"aBo0, odroov, il"6r1oov, Tltrog, 6 @e6q, {1 of1 lcrprrr.

lade \nrovoE* Eogio. Kai tioipXe rar ciErb'le pov. SecondPrayer ofthe Faithful Priest (in a low voice) Again andmanytimeswe fall down beforeyou and you,who aregoodand the loverofmankind, beseech that heeding our prayeryou will cleanse our souls and bodies from everydefilement offlesh and spirit, and will grantus to stand without guilt or condemnationbeforeyour holy altar.Give alsoto thosewho pray with us the graceof progress in right living, in faith andspiritualunderstanding. Grantthatalways you with fearandlove,theymay worshipping Aeurdpo rriv fftor6v 'lepeoE @r,tonrci\) llq.l"tv rccrinotr l,orrg ooi npoontnrope v rai oo0 6e6pe0cr, dycr0i rcri qrld.vOptone, 6no4, inrpl"6rya6 in\ rilv 66qotv r]prirv,xcr0opto6 fiptnv rcrq ryulcrq roi rd. oci4rorcr d.rd rcrvtdg pol.uopo0 ocrpr6q xcri nve'5paroq.rcri &bllq fitrriv d,v6vo1ov,rcri d.ratd.Kprrov rr\v nopooroorv ro0 &ytou oou @uorootrlpiou. Xdproor 66, 6 Oe6g,xai toiq ouveulopdvorqflpiv nporcon{v Btou, rai ntoreo4 rcri ouv6oeo4nveupanrcflq. 6dq cr$toiqnd,vtorepero




partake withoutguilt or conof your holy Mysteries worthy ofyour heavenly demnation, andbe counted kinedom,

g6Bou rcri dyanng l"a,tpe6ouo'r oor, d,vev61o4 rcri &rororptro4 petSlerv t6v &ytcovoou Muorrlptcov, roi inouoovlou oou Baoyletoq cr(rt'l0llvor, 1ne ri:xqrbvaq) "Onrr4 r5nd toO rpd,toug oou nd,vrote qul,atr6pe vor, ooi 66(ov d,vcn6pnopsv, rQ flcrtpt, rcai r<ir YiQ, rcri rQ Aytrp llver5pcrtr, vOv roi cret, rcti eig roJq ai6vo.q rdrv crirbv<ov. Apl1u. O XEPOYBIKOE YMNOE KAI H EYN TOIE TOY APTOY KAI TOY OINOY AOPOIE METAAH EIEOAOE WdArar &pXovtat ya).).etv tbv XepouBwdv bltvov apyaq rco,i pi)"ouq, eiq rdv roptov iyov tttq rtptpdE. 1tcrd. Oi tcr XepouBeip puotrrr\ etrovt(ovteq, rot t!1 (alonorQ Tpro6r tdv rprodytov Spvov npood,6ovteg, nd,ocrv vOv Brronrcilv nno0rbpeOcrp6prpvcrv. 'Qq rov Bq,otl,6o r<ilv 61,<ovr5no6e(6pevor, rcriq oyyel, &opcrto4 Dopugopor5pevov rd,faorv. A1,l,r1l"or5tcr, Al"l"4l"o6icr, A1.2.ql,o6io. Tooroo 6i g\o1tivoo,6'Iepeog npb tilE dyiaE Tpatrc(r1E avayr puottrcaq rilv vtborcet t\


That being alwaysguarded by your might, we ma1 give glory to you, the Father, the Sonandthe Holy of ages. Spirit,now and for ever,andto the ages Amen.


HYMN AND CHERUBIC G R E A TE N T R A N C E W I T H T H E G I F T S O F B R E A DA N D W I N E TheSingers begin the CherubicHymn to a slow and solemn melody,in the dominantToneof the day: the Cherubimand We, who in a mysteryrepresent hymn to the life-givingTrinity, sing thethrice-holy let us now lay asideeverycareofthis life. For we areaboutto receive the King of all, invisAlleluia,alleluia, ibly escorted by the angelichosts. alleluia. Whileit is being sung,the Priest, in front of the Holy Table, reads,in a low voice,the Prayer of the Cherubic Hymn None of thosewho areentangledin carnaldesires is worthy to approach or draw near or and pleasures ministerto you, King of glory; for to serveyou is greatand awesome evenfor the heavenlyPowers.

Eixriv ro0 Xepouprxo$"Ypvou O66eigd.(rogrrirv ouv6e6epdvovrc,ig ocrpnraiq intOuptaq rcri il6ovoiq npoo6p1eo0cn, fl npooelyi(erv, fl l"erroupyeiv oor, Baorl"eO rflq 66(nq. rd yd,p6tcrrcoveiv oor p6ya rcri <poBepdv rcri crircriq taiq inoupavtcnq Auvdpeotv. Al"i,'





andboundless of your inexpressible Yet on account love for mankind you becameman without changeor and as and werenamedour High Priest; alteration Masterof all you havecommittedto us the sacred ministry of this liturgical sacrificewithout shedding ofblood. For you alone,Lord our God, areRulerover all thingsin heavenand on earth,mountedon the throne and King of Lord of the Seraphim of the Cherubim, Israel, theonly Holy One,restingin theholy place. ThereforeI entreatyou, who aloneare good and readyto hear:Look uponme, your sinful and unprofitableseryant,and purify my soul and heart By the powerofyour Holy from an evil conscience. me, clothedwith the graceof the priestSpiritenable hood,to standat this your Holy Table and celebrate the mysteryof your holy and most pure Body and your precious Blood. For to you I come,bendingmy neckandpraying: Do not turn away your facefrom me, nor reject me from amongyour children,but countme, your sinful and unworthy servant,worthy to offer thesegifts to you. For you are the one who offers and is offered, who receivesand is distributed,Christ our God, and to you we give glory, togetherwith your Father,who andyour all-holy,goodand is withoutbeginning, life-giving Spirit, now and for ever,and to the ages of ases. Amen.

6pr'4 6rcrtilv d,gatov rccri &pdtprlr6v oou gr).y6yovoq crv0ptontov, d,tpd nrc'rq ra,i d.vcr1"],ot<irtc'4 peis ipaDvilpqpnrtocrg, rai d.vOpconoq, rcri Apxre rflq l"ertoupyrrqqtaurqg rcri avo.rporrou(Duotcrq tfiv iepoupyiovncrpSborcrg ir,i", ox Aeon6tqq riov &nd,vtov. IJ ycrpp6voq, Kfpre , o @edq flpdrv,6eon6(erq rriv inoupcrvtrovrai trirv inryetrov, 6 ini @p6vou XepouBrro0inolo6pevoq, 6 t6rv lepa,<peip Kuptoq 'lopcrril, roi Bcrorl"er5q ro0 6 p6vog Ayroqroi iv xi totvuv 6uor,rn6r rdv cryiorgd,vcrncru6pevoq. p6vov aycr0dvrccri in' BptA e$rixoov.intpl"eyov rcti &lpeiov 6o0l"6v oou, rcri t6v d,pcrprroL6v ro0d,pto6v pou rilv ryuxilv rcri tr\v rcrp6tcrv crn6 pe {1 ouver8rioet4novrlpoq'rccri ircrv<oo6v 6uvdperro0 A1'touoou llver5pcrroq, iv6e6up6vov 'Iepotetcrq ncrpcronlvat d1v tr1q 1&prv, {1 &ytg oou to$t1 Tpcrn6(1,roi ie poupyrloo.t rd &1tov xcri d,xpovr6v oou lfopcr, rcoi t6 ttptov Aipcr. r).tvcrqt6v itrrcruto0 Ioi yop npoo6pxopar, cr6x6vcr, rcri Dfopcrt oou. Mfr dnoorpdylq td np6&no6ortpao6 pe ir oon6v oou dn'ipoO, pr16A noibolvoou. dltr'dtirooov npooevexOrlvcrt oor t5n' rcri avo(tou Doulou oou rd. ipoO ro0 &popt<ol.o0 A6pcrto0ta. Xu ycrpei 5 npooqdpc'rv roi npoogep6prevoq, rccrinpoo6e16pevo6 rai 6tcr6t66pevoq, Xptori 6 @edq fip6v, rci oot trlv 66!ov ovonfpnopv, oriv rQ nvdpyp oou llcrtpt, roi rQ ncrvoytq roi o1a0Q roi (onnorQ oou llver5pcrtr,vOv rcoi cret,rcai eig ror)g cririrvaq t6v cricbvrov. Apl1v.

l l l l l ) l V l N t :L I T U R G Y utr t rltr ltrrttt,r th( l)riesl and the Deacon say the Cherubic Hymn three I tntt.\. tt.\litl lov's:
l'r it'sl

H OEIA L,lcrd 5i tqv euX4v Tiyouotv


AEITOYPT'IA iv Xe pouprxdv


aoroq re rcai b Aruxovo;


We, who in a mystery represent the Cherubimand sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-givingTrinity, let us now lay asideeverycareofthis life. For we areaboutto receive the King ofall, invisiblyescorAlleluia,alleluia, alleluia. ted by the angelichosts.


Oi tcr Xepoupeip pruortrrig eirovt(ovreg, rai rf1 (coonotQ Tprd,6r tov rptod.yrov $pvov npood.6ovreg, nd,ocrv vOv Brortrrr\ v d,noOci4re Ocr p6 ptp v<rv. Qq rov Bo,ot),6a rdrv 6)"arvrlzo6el6pevor, roiq d.yye),rrciq dopuro4 6opurpopoUpevov rd{eotv. A}.l"r.l},o$io, A).).1l"oriio. Al").ni.o6ia.


Then the Priest, or Deacon, takes the censer and censes the Holj,Table, the Sanctuary, the principal icons and the People, coming out a little .from the Holy Doors. In a low voice he says, if it is Sunday, Having seen the Resurrection of Christ. .. and Psalm 50, excluding lhe last tw-o verses which begin, Do good, Lord, to Sion. f it is not a Sunday he says, Come fet us worship.. . three times and then Psalm 50 as above. Then he enters the Sqnctuary and puts qway the censer. He comes with the Deacon to the .front of the Holy Table, where they make three bows and say quietly troparia of compunction. Thev kiss the Antimension and the Holy Table, bow again and then turn to the people and bow to them, saying: Forgive me, or similar words. They go to the table ofthe Prothesis, and having made three bows they ktss rhe cowred Holy Cifts. saying. God cleanseme a slnner. Then the Deacon says to the Priest: Master, lift up, The Priest li.fts the Aer and places it on the shoulders ofthe Deacon, saying: Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord. Then he takes the covered Palen and gives it h,ith every cqre and reverence to the Deacon, while he himself takes the ltolv Chalice, likewise covered.

Elru Taptbv b 'lepe uc. fi 6 AuixovoE, tb \upnt4prov,\vlttq xvil"qo ti1v ayiuv Tparc(av, 16'kparciov, rdq 6eoronrd.6 tirovaE xai tbv Aaov, pxpbv npoeT1tiv tritv B4pto1uptov. Aeyet 6i ra7'baurcv, e i piv totr K up nx 4, ro Avdoruotv Xptoro0 0ecrodlrevot. . ., rai 16v N, ry aLpo v, i:rcd;qtav eLtoraiov otiXtov. ei 5'ou,Lt.yer ro Ae0re Trpo6Kuv/1orr4re v... i r y'. E lra rbv N' ryaL1to v. E Iru e ioe ).1dtv t v re i epra2 arori9ryor rb 9u1tnrqprcv. 'EA\dv 6i pe ru rc6 Anrovoo ry6 i1E &.yiaq Tpare(qq,. roroio t xpoorc vvfipara tpia, )"i-yovre6 xa0, bawo[E raravuxnrd. rponipn, rai dona(ovrat tb Awryrlvotov xai tfiv a"yiav Tparc(av. al9ry 6t rpooxuv4oavrcq, orptgovtat npd6 tbv Aadv rai b no r Aivouo t raE re Ea),d6 abuiv, Aeyo v re6. Iuylolpriocrr6 tr74oru. ArepXovrat ci; rfiv ayiav llpo9eorv. rcainpoorcuv4oavrtq irc y'dona_ (ovrat td. rcexa)"uppevaAyw Adpa. Ieyovreq txarepoq ro, 'O Oe6q il,<ioOqri por re dprcrprroi,e. Tote 6 AnrcovoE Ttyet npbq rbv'Iepia. 'Eno,pov, A6onoro.. 'O 'le 5i peuq, dpac, rdv Aipa, trtri94otv )"eyov. Endpcre ini tav tbpav toi Anrovou pt, fi rapa-

rd,g 1eipcrg uprirv eiq rd &yt<r rccri erlLoyeire r6v K6otov.


H @EIA AEITOYPfIA Elta TaBcbvtbv iiytov Aiorcov rceraAoyptvov, inpal)s t pe rd raoq,< rpoooyilE xai ei)"apeiaq, ti1 roi Anxovou regaAil,antbq 5i )'aypavet


lhhen the Singers reoch the end oJ the.first part of the C herubic Hvmn' the Deacon and the Prie,ct come outjronr the north door of the Sanctuary' preceded by exapteryga, Iights and incense, ond pass through the north aisle and the middte of the Nave as they make the Great Entrance' As thev process they proclaim' one after the other:

ava 7eipa6 tb dyrcv llorrlprov, i>poior rctraTopptv<tv. "Onv 6t oi VdArardttote 76ot d rparov pipoq rci Xepouprco} i)pvou, b Anxovo -<xai b'lepeb6 i(tpTovrar rfiq popeiaE n7ryE rci'ltpoi. npo' 4youpivaw tlatttepoyav, )"a1tna6av xai |upnt4piav. rai 6rcp7ovtat i aprcrepbv r).irog rcai rb pioov ror) Naoi, rotoivre c rfiv MeydAqv arc pog' fr oo6ov, t rqavo[t v te q atrL4 7od n6o7t4 b rc K6prog 6 @edq dv tf1 6priv -pvr1oOet4 Baorl,etg arito0 - nd.vtote, vOv rcai, xoi eiq fldvtov toJg oirirvcr4 tctv oi6vov. rc),ivovre q pe t'euAaBeiaq rpiq' nE

May the Lord God-remember you all in his Kingdom-always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. All the congregation bow their heads with reverence, as thev-say three times in a low voice:


us,Lord, when you comein your Amen.Remember Kingdom. Amen.And they completelhe ChentbicHymn'

Kai navreq oi trd,qow(opevor, reEald4

Kd.i ftpooKuvoDvreq, ),tyooot Kde'iaurobq Ap{v. Mvfo0qrr oou. ilprirv, Kripn,

6tctv l},"01g iv t!1

Boorleig WtiArar 'O 6t 'lepe[q Apfv.

The Priest and Deacon enter the Sanctuary. rhe The Deacon stands to the right in front o/'the Holy Table and says to Priest ss he enlers: May the Lord God remember your priesthood in his Kingdom, always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages' And the Priest, as he enters' salts to him: May the Lord God remember your diaconate in his Kingdom, always, now and for ever, and to the agesof ages' Then the Priest places the Chalice on the Holy Table, takes the Paten Chalice, saving: lrom the Deacon and places it to the left o.l'the The noble Joseph, taking down your most pure Body from the Tree, wrapped it in a clean shroud with sweet spices and laid it for burial in a new grave'

Kal oo1til"4poiot

rbv Xepooprcbv tv tQ'le pq.


Kd,i b A@Kovoq eiotplyovrat

EiocT9riv 6i b Anrcovo; iv rQ'leptp,i'otatat ivdtuov tilE ayiag Tpant(46 iv rciq 6e(rci6, xai )"tye t rpbE iv'Iepia eioepxopevov. T4q'Iep<,.r6vr'1q oou pvqoOe't4 Ktptoq 6 @eog iv t11 BcrotT"etg crtlto0, ndvrore , vov xcri oei, xcri eiq roiq ci6vo4 rtlv oicilvt:v. Kai 6'Iepebq eioe),9tbvTiyet npbEautbv' 'lepo6tcrxovtcrq Trlq oou pv4o0et1 Ktprog 6 @eoq iv t11 Boottreig critoO, novtote, vOv rcri ccsi, rcri eiq roJq cri<ovcrgtrirv cri<itvcttv. 'Ieptuq rb iiytov tlor4ptov iv rp ayiq Tpant(71 Kai dxori1qor ptv b Aaptov 6i xai tbv dyrcv Aiorcov dnd rci Anxovou d.xoti9tlot rcai autdv npbE rd d.pore pbv ptpo6, Tiyav'

I lll, l)lVlNL. LITURGY

H OEIA AEITOYPfIA 'O 'kDoqg eriolr1porv dno roD !6l,ou roOel,<bv to d.1povr6v oou Xtirprcr, otv66vr rcOopg eil,rioo.g rcoi dporpootv, 6v pvripcrrt ratvQ rq6e6oo4 d,r60ero. EIta ta piv xa).u1tpata dpaq ano rc toiiepoLt Aioxoo rai rci ayiou l7sr4pior,t riAqotv iv bvi Ttcpt,tti16ayiaq Tpaxt(4E. fiv 6t Atpa anr) tav roi Anrovou 6yotv )-aptbv rcai9upnoaE, oxexa(e t 6t' avroi ra Ayw. rpiq,d.Ayn,bte 6 Anrovoq ),eyet. Eln )"ctpritv ti 9optatov, r4tq


Itu n ht tu*<'s tha coversfrom the sacred Paten and the holy Chalice and ldt's th('nl lo one side on the Holy Table. He takes lhe Aerfrom the shoul' ders ol the Deacon, holds it over the censer and lays it over the Chalice and Paten. Then he takes the censer and censes the Gifts three times, as the Deacon says: Do good, Master. Priest Do good to Sion, Lord, in your good pleasure, and let the walls of Jerusalembe rebuilt. Then you will be well pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness,oblation and whole bumt offerings Then they will offer calves upon your altar. He puts away the censer and says to the Deacon:

Ayo0uvov, A6onota. Icpeuq A1<i0uvov, Kupu, iv ri1 e66orcig oou r{v ltcbv rccri oiro8oprlOrlror ro retpl'lepouooL{p. T6re eu6oxrloetq 0uoicrv 6trcarooivqg, <ivarpopcrvrcri oAoKclur(l)pClTq.. T6re d.voioouorv ini td Ouotcorfpr6v oou p6o1oug. ,4tto6oiq 5i tb 9upwtov, xai r).ivag trlv xeEd,r1v, ),iyet rpb6 i>v AnKOVOV.

me, my brotherand fellow celebrant. Remember


your priesthoodin his KingMay the Lord God remember dom,always,now andfor ever,andto the agesofages.

Then the Deacon bows his head, holding his orarion in the three.fingers of his right hand, and says to the Priest:



Mvi1o04rt pou, dde)"rpi rcri oul)"etroupyf. 'lepoo0vrlq oou pvr1oOei1 K6ptoq 6 @eog iv rfr Boor),eig arirorl, ndvtore , vOv xo.i oal, xci eiq toug

Prayfor me, holy Master.

Priest Deacon Priest

cridrvcrq rriv ctitirv<rrv. Elra b Anxovoq rirorAivaq rcaialiq rcpauiv apa xcti tb tfiv rceEa)"r1v.

The Holy Spiritwill comeuponyou, andthe powerof the you. Most High will overshadow with us all thedaysof The Spirit himselfwill concelebrate me,holY Master. our life. Remember you in his Kingdom,always, May the Lord Godremember ofages. now and for ever,andto the ages

tbpaptov rciq ryrci 6arru),otq tfiE 6e(w9, )"iye t rpbq rbv'Iepia-

E0(crrrinApi;roO, A6onotcrd'yre .
Iepeug Anrcovoq 'lcpe[E 'Yyiorou

flve0pc &ytov ineleuoerat ini o6, xoi 6$vcrptq

inrorrd,oe t oot. Arjtd 16 flve0pcr outrl.e troupyqoer ilpiv ro.oo4 rd4 ilp6pcrq rflq (onq ip6v. Mv{o0rpi por-r,Aiozotcr &yru. Mvqo0eil oou Kuptoq 6 @eoq iv ri Bcr.or]"etg o.uro0, nd.vtote, vOv xcri oei, xcri eiq rouq crirovcrqr6v cricbvorv

T H E D I V I N EL I T U R G Y And the Deqcon, having answered Amen, kissesthe priest,s risht hand and goes out and stands in his usual place and savs the

H OEIA AEITOYPfIA Kai 6 ArcrovoE ine urdtv ro Apriv. xai rfiv 6e(wv toi ,le piog aoraoapevoE, i{eA9rbv i'otarat iv re oov4\et romp ro,i lt.yet d1v


Deacon* People Deacon*

EKTENH TON TIMION AOPON A n r o v o E * Ill"rlp6ootrrev rilv 66qorv fipdrvre Kuptq. Aqds K6pre,i),6r1oov. Kai petd xaoav6t4orv. AnrovoE* 'YnAprtirv npoteOfvtrov trpiov &bpr,rv, ro0 Kupiou 6erlOtipe v. 'YnAp ro0 &ytou oirou ro6tou, rcri ttirv uerd nioreog, ei).crBstaq g6pou Oeo0 eiot6vtorvdv rccri c.urQ.rou Kupiot' 6c4Qcbpcv. 'Ynip ro0 iuo0rlvcrt ifro4 an6 naoqq Oi,iryec,4, 6pyr1g, rrv66vou rcri crvcryrrlq, roD Kuptou 6er10<irpre v. AvtrLaBo0,ofooov,il.6qoov rcri 6ro.gr5),a(ov tfi o11 npAq,o @e6q, loprtr. Tflv fip6pov nA.ocrv, rel"etov,crytav,eiprlvrriv rcai crvcrtrrcrprrlrov, napd.ro0 Kuptou crit4ori4reOcr. Aads llapaoXou, K6pu. Kaip etd.xaoav \t1otv. AwrovoE* Ayyel,oveipfivr1q, nrotdv 664y6v,qr5l.crrcr r6v \yut6v rcai r<irvoropd,tovfip<irv, rcpcr ro0 Kup'rou oiolori>pe0cr. Iu71vr6grlv rccrt d.<peotv trirv &po.prtrirv xai rciv nl,rlppel"qporov fiprrrv,nopd.ro0 Kuptou oitloripe0cr. To rcr),crrai ouprg6povrcr rcrig yulaig npcDv, ra,i eiprivqv rQ r6oprp, ncr.pd, ro0 Kup'rou alrnorbpa0o. Tdv 6n6l.ornov xp6vov trlq (onq ip6v, eipllvl rai pero.voigircrel"6oor, napd toO Kupiou ciqor6pe0c,.

Let us complete our prayerto the Lord. Lord, have mercy.And so after eachof thefollowing petitions. For the preciousgifts hereset forth, Iet us pray to the Lord. For this holy house andthosewho enterit with faith,reverence andthe fearofGod, let us prayto the Lord. For our deliverance from all affliction,wrath,dangerand constraint, let us prayto the Lord. Help us,saveus,havemercyon us andkeepus, O God, by your grace. That the wholeday may be perfect, holy, peaceful andsinless, let us askofthe Lord. Grant this, O Lord. And so after eachof thefollowng petitions. An angelofpeace, a faithfulguide,a guardian ofour soulsand bodies, let us askofthe Lord. Pardon andforgiveness ofour sinsandoffences, let us ask ofthe Lord. Thingsgoodandprofitable for our souls, and peace for theworld, let us askof the Lord. That we may live out the restof our daysin peace andrepentance, let us askofthe Lord. A Christian endto our life, painless, unashamed andpeaceful, anda gooddefence beforethedread judgement seatof Christ,let us ask.

People Deacon*





our all-holy,pure,mostblessed Commemorating andgloriousLady, Motherof God andEver-Virgin and ourselves let us entrust Mary, with all the Saints, God. our to Christ and our wholelife oneanother To vou. O Lord.


Xprottavd, rcr r6l.n rns (cons fiptirv, crv66uvcr, d.vencrtoluvtcr, eiprlvtrcr,rcri rol"ilv &nol"oytcrv, pllpatoq ro0 Xproto0, airqtr\v ini ro0 gopepoO o6ua0cr. r5nepeutr oyqp6v4q, Trlq flcrvaytcrq, d.xpcrvrou, @eot6rou rc,i cretnopiv66(ou Aeonotvrlqf1p6rv 06vou Mop'roq, petd. nd.vttovtriv &ytolvpvnpover5ocrvteq, icrutoJq roi dllrllouq, rcri nd.ocrv rilv (roilv fipdrv XptorQ tQ @eQncrpcr0cirpeOcr. lot, K6pm.

Prayer of Offering Priest ftn a low voice) Lord, God almighty,who aloneareholy and who ofpraisefrom thosewho call on a sacrifice accept alsothe supplication you with all their heart,accept your holy altar,and enable to bring us of us sinners, for our sacrifices gifts spiritual and us to offer you people. the by ignorance in sinsandthosecommitted that our your sight, grace in Countus worthy to find that the you and pleasing to sacrificemay be well good Spirit of your gracemay rest on us and on these gifts hereset forth, and on all your people. Son, ofyour only-begotten (aloud) Throughthe compassion your with together you blessed, are with whom all-holy,goodandlife-givingSpirit,now and for ever,andto the agesof ages. Amen. People

Eirxri trle Ilpo06oetoq 'lepeoq(poonrcriry) 6 p6voqAyroq, 6 K$pm 6 oedq 6 llcrvrorpd.tcop, 6e16pevoq Ouotcrv oiv6oeo4nopd riov inrrcrl.oup6vorv oe iv 61.1rap6tg, np6o6e[crrroi fipriv rrirv dpcrptrol.6vr4v 6ir1orv, rcri npoocryaye rQ dytq oou 0uoroorqptq. rai ixcv<ooovfipcrq re rai Ouoicrqnvsuponnpooeveyreivoot Arirpcr roi rirv ro6 $nlp rdv flperdp<ov d.pcrptqpotarv Kcri rarcx{tr,.roov ilpdq toO l,cro0dyvoqpd,rrov. eipeiv laptv ivrirnr6voou, ro0 lev6o0or oor roi inrox4v6rocrr e$np6o6errovrilv 0uoicrvr\p<ov, td flve0pa trlg lriLprt6goou td c1cr06viq' irr"q, rcri 3n\ t& nporeipevcr6dpo ro0to, rcr,iini rd,vrcr rdv l.cr6voou. (trcrprivt'4) ro0 povolevo0qoou Yio0, Atd,t<rrv oirtrptrr6rv pe0'o6 eritr"oyrltdq rccti &ycr0Q ei, oJv tQ nctvctyiq roi (<oonorQ oou flve6pcrtt, vOv rcai cret,rcri eiq tor5goitirvo6 tiov cricllvrov. Aqde Apiu.




Priest People Deacon* People

Peaceto all. And to your spirit. Let us love one another, that with one mind we may confess: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Trinity consubstantial and undivided.

'It1t[E .ladg

Eipllvq naor. Kcri rQ nve6pcrtt oou.

,\rd.rcovog* Ayan{orrrlrev d}"},ri},ouq,lva iv 6povoig. 6pol"oy{oropev. .la6E llcrrdpcr, Yi6v, rcri Aytov flve0pcr, Tpu6o, 6poorSorov rcri d,1<irprotov. Kri b piv'lepeoE,npoorcuvrloaE qi6, d.ondt(etat tdAyn obraE, d4 eiot xt xaToppiva, Tiyatvpoourcritg. A.ycrnflo<rr oe, K6pte, r1 ioxuq pou. Kilptoq orepdc'4r<ir pou rcri rcrrcrguyripou rcoi i$orqq pou. 'Opoit4 xo) it AtdrcovoE oultnpoorcuvei, iv Siloratat rcrrp, rcaiaora(etat rb r\nprov, tv1a tori Ztaopot tonoE.'Ev6t ooLAercotpytp,\tsoaotv oi 'Itpeiq rbv aoxaopov r4EeiprTvqq, d.ona(opevot aM,1Louq rcai Ti.yovreE ,\nloywdtE.'OXptorog iv p6o<p fip6v. Kcri 6otr xcri iotor. Ei di ro7Loi eiorv oi Atd.xovot, aona(ovnr it eiq rcObrcpood dryaptov Le1ovrcErcaiof.ttotbpoiaq. TO 'YMBOAON TH' TIIETEOE

The Priest bows three times and kisses the Aer over the GiJis, saying in a Iow voice: I will love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my firm foundation, my refuge and my deliverer. Likewise the Deacon, standing in his place, bows and kisses the Cross on his orarion. At a concelebrated Liturgt the Priests here exchange the Kiss ofPeace, the senior saying: Christ is in our midst, to which the junior answers.' He is and will be. Ifthere is more than one Deacon they also exchange the Kiss r4)ithone another in the same way.

Deacon* People

The doors,the doors.With wisdom let us attend. almighty,I Makerof I believein oneGod, Father heaven andearth,I andofall thingsvisibleand invisible.I Christ,I the only-begotten And in oneLord, Jesus Son ofGod, I begottenfrom the Fatherbeforeall ages,I Light from Light, true God flom true God, I with the Father;I begottennot made,consubstantial throughhim all things were made.I For our sakeand for our salvationhe camedown from heaven,I and from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin was incarnate Mary andbecameman. I He was crucifiedalso for us underPontiusPilate, I and sufferedand was buried; I

Anrcovoq* Tcrg 0$puq, rag 06pcrg.iv oogig np6o1<opev. .la6g fltoreior eig Evc @e6v, llor6pcr, novtorcpdropa, I nor4rrlv oripcrvoO rci yqq, | 6po,rdrv re nd.vrrov rccri doparov. I 'I4oo0v Koi eiq 8va K6prov Xpror6v, I rdv Yidv ro0 @ao0, rdv povoyevfl, I t6v ir toO flcrtpdq yevvrl06vto np6 nd,vr<ovrrirv cri<ilvt'rv.I <Dd4ir @<o169, @edv ol.q0rvdv irc @eo0 crl4Orvo0, I yevvrl06vta oti notr106vtcr,6poo6orov rQ llorpi, | 6r'oi td, nd,vtcri16veto. I Tdv St'fipoa roJq &v0prirnouq rccri 6r& d1v rjperdpov ooltlp'tov rare),06vtcr 6rc tiov orlpcrvctrvI rcri ocrpxo06vta ix flve6pcrroq Ayiou rai Mcrptcrq tr1g llcrpOdvou

T H ED I V I N E LITURGY he roseagainon the third day, in accordance with the Scriptures, into heaven, I and ascended I and is seated at the right hand of the Father.I He is coming again in glory to judge the living and the dead,I and his kingdomwill haveno end.I And in the Holy Spirit,the Lord, the Giver of life, I who proceeds from the Father,I who togetherwith glorified;I Father andSon is worshipped andtogether who spokethroughthe Prophets. I In one Holy, CatholicandApostolicChurch.I I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness ofsins. I I awaitthe resurrection of thedeadI andthe life of theageto come. Amen.
Il'hile the Creed is being said the Priest lifts the Aer and waves it above the Chalice and Paten. At the words and ascendedinto heaven..., ie kisses the Cross in the middle of il, folds it and puts it to one side with the veils.



re r5n}p roi ivovOpcon{ocrvto. I ltcruproO6vro fiprnv ini llovtiou [r].atou I rci no06vro roi tfl rpitl f1p6pgxcrrd. rcglvra. I Kcri d,vcroravtct roq fpcrq(k. I Kai &vel"06vrcr. eiq ror5gor3povoriq, I rccri ro0e(6pevov ix 6e(uiv ro0 llcrrp6q.I Ko.i perd, 66(qq rpivar (6vrcrq rcri nd,l.rvSpx6prevov verpo$q, I o6 tr1qBoorl.etaqo$r Eoror td),oq.I td Kcri eiq rd llve0po rd Ayrov, rd Kr5prov, Z<nnor6v,I t6 6r ro0 flotpdg Srnopeu6pevov, I xcrl rd or)v flcrtpi xai YiQ oupnpooruvor5;revov ouv6otd6pevov, I rd trc}"r1oav6d. r<irv flpoprltriv. I Eiq piov, &ytav, ro9ol,txflv rcai 'Opol"oyrrr Bv Bcrntropcr dnooroLtxr\v T,rrl,qotav. | eiq d,geotvdpcrptrdrv. | [poo6or6 dvdotoorv vexpiuv, I xai (orilv ro0 p6l.lovtog cririvog.Apriv.
'Ev 'le tootrltb peog,dpaq dv Aepa, ruveiattbv dvowtbv ixdva rav tryitovAdpav.Eig ro.Kcri dvel"06vraeig touq otipavo6g...,5rnfuinaE aroti94orv aorbvperd 6v bdpov xalupparav. xai aoraoapevoq, H ATIA ANAOOPA AnrovoE* Erri4rev Kdlo)q. otdlprev perd. g6Bou. np6o1<'rpev rilv dy'rcrvAvogopov iv eipfvq npoogfpe tv. Kai TrpooKuviod4 eioipXerat tv rQ dyiE B4pan.



Let us standwith awe; let us standwith fear; let us thatwe may offer the holy oblationin peace. attend, he And bowsand re-entersthe Sanctuary.
Mercy and peace: a sacrifice of praise.


Priest (blessing the People)

AadE 'lepciq

'El"eoq, eip{vr1v,Ouotcrv civ6oe<,4. 'H


The grace ofour Lord Jesus Christ,andthe love of God the Father, of the Holy andthe communion Spiritbe with you all. And with your spirit.

leuAoytitvrbv Aaov).


'Iqoo0 Xprotoo, xoi f1 X,ip,StoO Kupiou fipriv d'ycrq ro0 Oeo0 xcri flatp6q, xoi i1 rorvtov'rato0 eirl petd, ndvtrovriporv. Aytou Itve6pcrrog, oou. Kc.i ;rercrro0 rwer5por6q


THE DIVINE LITURGY Priest (raising his hands)


'le peuq (brytiv ruq TeipaQAvco oli4rev tog rap6tcr6 'Elopev npdq rdv K$ptov. Eilcrpror{ott4rev tQ Kupirp. Alrov rcd 8irarov [npooruveiv flcrr6pc, Yi6v, rcrt Alrov flve0pcr, Tpro6o 6poo6orov rol d.1<iprorovl.


Let our hearts be on high. We havethemwith the Lord. Let us give thanksto the Lord. It is right and fitting [to worship Father,Sonand Holy Spirit,Trinity consubstantial andundividedl. It is right and fitting to hymn you, to blessyou, to praiseyou, to give you thanks, to worshipyou in every placeof your dominion; for you are God, inefinvisible,inconceivable, fable,incomprehensible, ever existing,etemally the same;you and your only-begotten Sonandyour Holy Spirit.You brought us out of non-existence into being,andwhenwe had fallen you raisedus up again,and left nothingundone until you had broughtus up to heavenand had grantedus your Kingdom that is to come. For all these thingswe give thanksto you, and to your only-begotten Sonandyour Holy Spirit;for all the benefitsthat we havereceived,known and unknown,manifest andhidden. We thank you also for this liturgy which you have beenpleased to acceptfrom our hands,thoughthere you thousands standaround ofArchangels andtens ofthousands ofAngels, the Cherubimandthe Seraphim, six-winged andmany-eyed, soaring aloft upon their wings, singing,crying, shoutingthe triumphalhymn, and saying:

Priest (turning to the east)


Priest ftn a low voice)


'lepeoE \toourriq) A(rov roi 6txcrrov o| 6pveiv, oi e$},oyeiv,oi criveiv,ooi e$loptoreiv, ol npooruveiv iv navti t6rcp t4q Deonotetoq oou. lri yop ei @edq d,vdrgpcrotoq, d.neprv6rlrog, d6pcrroq, d,rarcri,qmoq, dei rirv,ri:oa6r<og riv.o$ rccrt 6 povolev{q oou Yi6q, rcai t6 [ve0pd oou 16 Ayrov. I$ ir roo pi1 6vroq ei6 rd eivot ittog nopnyoyeq, rccri ncpcneo6vtcq d,v6orr1oa6 ndl"rv, rai o$r nndoqg Trc[vTcr Trolov,eo4 npd ttq rov oupqvov dvrlycryeq,xcri d1v Bcrorl,e'rov oou ilcptoo: tr\v p6l"l.ouoov. 'Ynlp ro$r<ovd,ndvr<,lv eilo.proro0pfv oor, rccri tQ povolevei oou YiQ, rcri rQ flve6pcrt'roou rQ Ayt<p, $nlp ndvr<ov drviopev, rccri riv o$r iopev, torv goveptovrot dgovdlv e$epyeorriv,rtiv eiq lpro6 yelevrlgdv<ov. ErSloproro0p6v oor xcri 6nApqq Aerroupyicrq rcr6t16, ffv 6x rriv lerprov r\p6v 63lao0cr ratrl[toraq, rotror oor napeorrirctot 1r]"rd,6eq Ap1cryy6l"orv, xctt pruptd6eq Ayy6l,<ov, rd, Xepoural ro Eepcrgetp, ilanrdpuycr, nol.u6ppcrtcr, Beip percrpotcr, nrep<otcr,
, ^ \ t


'H OEIA AEITOYP|IA ti:rcqdva4) Tbv inrvirtov $pvov {,6owa, Borivrcr, rerpcry6to rai )"6Yovto' A1toq, Apoq, Ayroq, K$proq loporilO'n}'npnq 6 .lade 'ooovvd' iv oipcrvdq rcri i yn fllq 66(aq oou' iv ipl6pevoq' toiq rlrytototq' Eriloyrlp6,vog 6 'C)ocrvvd 3v toig riryiotorg' 6v6pott Kuptou. 'OAnrovo6*, )'aBavtbv Aotepiorov tx toi dyioo Aioxov' xorci aotov' anori01otviv dotaodpevoq f,tavpoi ronovixavo abtob rcai, TPant(4q. dyiaq rfiE utpet uvi



Holy, holy, holy, Lord ofhosts; heavenand earthare is Blessed in thehighest. full of your glory. Hosanna he who comesin the nameof the Lord' Hosannain thehiehest.

The Deacon* takes the Starfrom the Paten, making the sign of the Cross with it over the Paten, kisses it and lays it aside on the Holy Table' Priest (in a low voice)



Master,Lover of Powers, blessed With these mankind,we also cry aloud and say:Holy are you Son and and all-holy, you and your only-begotten and you and all-holy, are your Holy Spirit; holy you loved is how glory. This your is magnificent Son, so that your wodd: you gaveyour only-begotten perish, but have not might in him whoeverbelieves had fulfilled and come he had when And, eternallife. which in night in the us, for the whole dispensation he was given up, or rathergavehimself up' for the life of the world, he took breadin his holy' most pure handsand,when he had given and unblemished andbrokenit. sanctified thanks, andhad blessed, gaveit to his hoty Disciplesand Apostles,saying: Take, eat;this is my body, which is broken for of sins. you, for the forgiveness Amen.

'!epeoE @r,touxa4) Met& tor5tolv rcri ipeiq tdlv porapirov Auvope<ov' rai l"61opev' Aytoq Adonota grl.d,vOpolne, Bofotrrev <cri 6 ei rcri ncrvd.ytoq, oJ ;rovoyev{1q oou Yi6q' Aytoq ei rcai novAltov' rai tb flveOpa oou rb oou' 6q tdv x6ofl 66(d dLytog,rcri peyc)'onpenilq Yi6v oou tdv t6v r$ote illriqocrq, pov oou o$to4 povoyevfr 6o0vqt, ivcr no6 6 nroter5coveiq cnitdv pr1 dn6l.qtcrr, crl.L' i1n (<or1vcridrvtov' 69 il'Odv roi n&oov tfiv $nip flptirv oirovopictv nllp<iroq' tfl vurri f1 nope8i8oto, pol'l'ov 6i Eaurdv ncrpa6i6ou r5nip rilq toO x6opou (olr1g, Ictprbv dptov iv tcrig &liatq crritoO rcri d'lpaworq rcr'i &pqtqtotq lepoiv' erilcrprotrioaq rai e6l"oyrioo4' dydooq, rl.dou5, i&xe toiq dy'torq orito0 MoOrltaiq rcri Anoot6l.olq einriv' AdBere, gd1ete, to0t6 po6 iott t6 o'i4ra' td r5nlp $prirv rl'cbpevov, eiq dqeorv dpcrporirv' AFrlu. @oourt)4) 'opoi<oq rcat rd nociptov peto td 6etnvfloat' l61olv'

Gredvad AadE 'lepeiE

Priest (in a low voice) Likewise after supper he also took the cup, saying:







Drink from this,all of you; this is my blood of the New Covenant, which is shedfor you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Amen.

ri:rqtbva6) lltere i( oitoO ndvteg' ro0t6 iotr rd cripcrpou, 6tcr0{rqq, 16 $nip iprirv rcri to tqq rccrvr1g nol,l"rilv i rc1uv6pevov, eiq d.rpeorv d.pctpttr,rv. .lade 'Itpeoq Aptiu. (poonrioE) Mapvqpdvor totvuv rqq ooclpiou raftrlq ivtol,qq, rcri ndvt<,rv r<irv rlrlp r\p<ov 1e1evqpdv<ov,toO Etcrupo0, toO Tdrpou, tl1q rptrlp6pou Avcrotdoeo4, cqq eiq oripavo$q Avopaoeo4, rrlq ix 6e(uirv Ka066poq, qg 6eut6poq rcri iv6o[ou ndl"rv flcrpouotoq. 'O piv Anrovoq* i.tryoitb Arcrapov rai d llotrlprov,6wotaopav mE 7e ipaq. 'le peoq (irqdvaq) Tcr oa ir r6rv odrv ooi npoog6povteg - rato ndvrcr xai 6td. nd.vto lA 6pvo0pev, ol e$Ioyo0pev, ooi erllcrproto0pev, Aade Kripn, rccri6e6pe0o oou, 6 @eoq fip<irv. 'kpeoq, il.ivaE ri1v retpaAilv ped, xrior1; raravu(eo4, 5b treoTetat pttonKaS. 'Err npoogf,popdv oor rr\v Ttoytrilv rafrrlv rcri dvatpcrrrov Lcttpe'tav rcri noporccrl.o0p6v oe, rai 6e6pe0o, rcri ixete$oprav' rotdnepyov td flveOpcr oou td Ayrov B9'f1pfu, xcrt ini rd npoxeipevo &ipa tcrOtcr' rco dpapiou rdv iiyrov Aprov, Elra b Awrovoq, 6ercvuav 6lalr, poourcri4. ),tyet Eri)"6y1oov, A6ororo, tbv &"ytov Aptov. 'O

Priest (in a low voice) Remembering thereforethis our Saviour'scommand and all that hasbeendone for us: the Cross,the Tomb, the Resurrection on the third day, the Ascension into heaven, the Sitting at the right hand,the Second andgloriousComingagain; TheDeacon* crosses his handsand elevates the Chaliceand Paten. Priest (aloud) Offeringyou your own of your own-in all things and for all thingsPeople We praiseyou, we blessyou, we give thanksto you, O Lord, andwe prayto you, our God.
The Priest, bowing his head with great compunction, says in a low voice: Also we offer you this spiritual worship without shedding of blood, and we ask, pray and implore you: send down your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts here set forth, Then the Deacon, pointing to the holy Bread with his orarion, says in a low voice: Master, bless the holy Bread.

] DIVINE LITURGY The Priest stands upright and blesses the holy Bread, saying in a Iow voice: and make this bread the precious Body ofyour Christ, Deacon Amen. Then the Deacon, pointing to the Chalice with his orarion, says in a low voice: Master, bless the holy Cup. The Priest blesses the Chalice, saying in a low voice: and what is in this Cup the precious Blood of your Christ, Deacon (in a low voice) Amen. Then the Deacon, pointing to them both, says in a low voice: Master, bless them both. The Priest, blessing both the Chalice and Paten, savsin a low voice: changing them by your Holy Spirit, Deacon (in a low voice) Amen[, Amen, Amen]. They both bow profoundly and the Priest continues in a low voice: so that those who partake of them may obtain vigilance of soul, forgiveness of sins, communion of your Holy Spirit, fulness of the Kingdom of heaven, freedom to speak in your presence.not judgement or condemnation. Also we offer you this spiritual worship for those who have gone to their rest in faith, Forefathers, Fathers, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Preachers, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Ascetics and every righteous spirit made perfect in faith;

H O E I AA E I T O Y P T I A Kai 6 'Ir, per)g dvrctaltevoqogpayi(et rbv &yrcvAprov,trtyav. roi notqoov tdv plv Aptov to0rov, tiprov Edrpo toO XprotoOoou. \wxovoq Apnu. .ltrrvuav 6i tQ <bpapie rd d.yrcv lTorrlptov, Ltyer E61,61r1oov, A6onorcr, rd &1rov florllprov. Kai 6'lepetiqetloyriv, Ttyer 16 6i 6v rQ florqptrp ro$rrp,rtptov Aipo ro0 Xproto0 oou, .lnrcovo; Apl1u. ,lercvuav6t rQ cbpapiq pa d.Ayw, ).eye dpgore r E$l.6yqoov,A6orora, &pg6tepatct Ayto. Kai b'lepeiq etAoydv apgorepatdAyn, Aayer petcrBcrl.dlv rril flve6pcrtt oou rrir Ayi<p, ,\rcircovoEAfr'tiu[,op{v, d.pfrv]. IIpoorovoootv dpgoopot, b 5t'lepebg txeoXetatpuorrcri4. d5ote1ev6o0ot roiq percrLcrpBd.vouorv eiq vlyrv eig dpeorv dpopo6v, eig rorv<oviov toO VU?(nq, Ayiou oou llve6patoq, eiq Bc,ortreio4 oripcvdrv nl{p<'rpo, eig napiqotav rdv npdq oe, pi1 eiq xpipo, ff ratd.rptpcr. 'En rpoog6pogdvoot rr\v l"oyrrcr\v to6trlv l.atpeiov, 6nlp rrirv iv niorer d.vcrnouoapdvrov, flponat6p<ov,llot6polv, Ilorprapyiv, Ilpogrltrirv, Ano<rt6i'ov, K1p$xrov, E$a1^y el,rorriw, M cpruprov, 'Opol,o74ttirv,'ETxpo.teutrirv, rcoi novt6q nve6poroq 6rrcriouiv ntoter rere},etcop6vor.,.



H OEIA AEITOYP|IA I l ra, 0 ult ttiv til v dy i av Tptine (av r ati p npoo9e v, ),i ye t i r tpdvag.


As he censesfrom infront ofthe Holy Table,thePriestsays,aloud: Above all for our most holy, pure, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary. People It is truly right to call you blessed, who gavebirth to God, ever-blessed and mostpure,and Motherof our God. Greaterin honour thanthe Cherubimand beyondcompare more gloriousthan the Seraphim, without comrption you gavebirth to God the Word; truly the Mother of God, we magnifu you.
If it is a feast of the Lord or of the Mother of God, or its leavetaking, the lrmos of the 9th Ode of th,eCanon is sun9 instead, The Priest gives the censer to the Deacon, who censes around the Holy Table and, in a low voice, remembers to himself those whom he wishes of the dead, while the Priest continues in a low voice:


peul"oyq crlpcrvrou,r5ne T,tap6 rr,4 tr1q fla,vcryto.g, pdv1q, iv66lou Aeonotvqqf1p<ilv @eot6rou rcri d:tnap06vouMcrp'raq. A[r6v iotrv ox u.In0o4 parapt(erv oe rilv oeot6xov, tilv crrrpordprotov,xcri novap6prltov, xoi Mrlt6po toO @eo0flprirv.Tilv tttrrtortfpavt6v rct 6v6o(or6pavd.ouyrpttorq t6v XepouBetp, @ebvA6yov Eepagetp,tilv a6rap06prrrg oA peycrl"r5vopev. rero0oov, tfiv 6vto4 @eot6xov,

bopt4,fi axo6oo6a5tiq, l:i 6t ion Aeoxomil fi @eoprpoptxq yil,Leran 6 EippbqrqE @"Qdn1rco Kauovoqd1qbopri 'O'Iepebg 9uprcv trdiSaor tb 9opturrlptovrQ Awrcowp,6oag rurlrp rilv dyiav Tpane(avpv4poveoetrca|'iavrdv rbvdv 'Ev rouupb'leptr)EtrcuTerat puottxotq. foole tat o?vtdrav.
To0 &y'tou'Iod.vvou, flpoqfltou, flpo6p6pou xai Bcrnrtoto0. rriv &yi<ov, 3v66lolv rccrtnaveugfip<'rv Anoor6lorv. toO d,ytou (6eivod, o$ xai tr\v pvllpqv inrtel.o0pev, rcti nd,vrrov oou r6rv Ayt<ov, tirv toig ireoicrrq inioreryor flrog, 6 oe6q. Kai pvlloOrltr nd.vtorv triv xexotpqp6vc,rv in' il,nt6r dvaorooeo4 (<or1qatolvtou (ro,i pvqpoveoet |vopaod rbv Boolerat re9vedtav), ro:l ovdnauoov cnito$q Snou inrororcei rb grirq rou npoocirnou oou. 'Etr napcrxcrl.o0pEvoe. Mvrio0qrr, Kfpte, ndoqq inroxonrlq'Op0o6o(orv, rdlv 6p0otopo6vrcov rdv l61ov qq orlg dtrqOetaq, ncrvrdq ro0 flpeoBureptou, qq 6v XptotQ Arorovicq, rc.i ncrvtdq iepotrro0 xoi povcrlrro0 rd,ypatog.

For the holy Prophet,Forerunner and BaptistJohn, the holy, gloriousand all-praisedApostles,for Saint N., whosememorywe keeptoday, and for all your Saints, visit us,O God. at whoseprayers Remember too all thosewho havefallenasleep in hope of resurrection to eternallife Q,l.& N.),and give them restwherethe light of your countenance watches. you: Remember, Also we beseech Lord, all Orthodox bishops,who rightly proclaim the word of your truth, the whole order of presbyters, the diaconate in Christ, and every order of clergy.




Also we offer you this spiritual worshipfor the wholeworld, for theholy, CatholicandApostolic Church,for thosewho live in chastityandholinessof life; for our faithful Christianrulerc (herehe may remember the Sovereign and the Royal Family), and all their household. Grant them, Lord, a peaceful reign, so that in their tranquillity we too may live calmandpeaceful livesin godliness andholiNCSS.


Lord, our Archbishop, N., Firstof all, remember, and grantthat he may serveyour holy churchesin peace, safety, honour,health, and lengthofdays, rightly proclaimingthe word of your truth.

'Ert npooq6pop6v oot tilv l'o1txilv rcrt5rqv Iorpetov $nlp q6 oiroupdvqg, '5nepr4q &ytoq Kcrool.rrrlq rcti AnootoLtrc4qts'xxl'qoioq' r5nAp rriv iv dyvetg roi oepvil rol,tretg 6ray6vtov' $nlp rrilv nrorotd,tolv xo,i gd"olptotrov r\prirv atxiv, ei pcrorl6alv(rai 6vopaori pv1poveoet 0or)Lerur),rcri navtdq toO nq.Icr,tiouoitrirv. Adq Kr5pte,eipqvxdv td Baoil'etov, ivo roi 61riroiq, oitrirv fipepov rcri fior526tov ipeiq Bv tfi ycrl'riv11 n&og erioeBeigroi oepv6trlrt. iv Biov 6rdy<opev, 'Ev rprirrorq, pvfoO4rt, K$pre' toO Ap76rentti;rqdvot) (6eivoQ, 6v ldproot toig d,ltatq ox6rou \prov 'Errl.r1o'roq6v eipl1vl, orinv, 6vrrpov, r5yra, oou t6v l"61ov porponpepe6ovta,xal 6p0otopo0vtcr al'r1oeioq' rqq dnq

The Deacon*, standing at the Holy Doors, recites the Diptychs of the living and then exclaims: Remember too. Lord. those whom each one has in mind, and each and all. And each and all.

I:Iru 6 AnrovoE*, tpbq rfi ?opg oraq,pv\povetet ra Aixrula (tivrtttv. elra 6b trcqavei' rtov
Kcrt drv Excrotog ratd.8rd.votctv E1er, roi ndvtov xoi ztoocov. 6si nd,vrrov rcri ncro6v.



The Priest continues in a low voice:

'O'lepeig ixeiTetq't Ltuor'KoS' iv fi ncrporxoOpev Mvfio0r1tt, K6pre, tr16 n61.e<,4 xcri r6l"ecoq rq,i td)v rtotet rdorlq xdrpaq, rat critoig. Mv{o0r1c, K6pre, n}"e6viv oixorivtcov vooo6vrcov, ropv6vtc'rv, 66ornopo6vtorv, rrov, qilpol.cilt<ov, xci n1q o<oqptoq oitrirv. Mvrio0rltt, Kr5pte, tdlv rapnogopof vtov rcrt ral'l'wpyo6vtov tv raic, &ltcrq oou Errcl'rloiorg roi

Remember, Lord, the city in which we dwell, and every city, town and village, and the faithful who Lord, thosewho travel by dwell in them. Remember. land,air, or water,the sick, the suffering,thosein captivity,and their safetyand salvation. Remember, Lord, thosewho bring offerings,thosewho care for the beautyofyour holy churches, andthosewho







remember the poor, and senddown upon us all your rich mercies. And grant that with one voice and one heartwe may gloriff andpraiseyour all-honoured and majestic name,of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever,and to the agesof ages. Amen.


pepvqpdvalv tiov nevlltorv.roi ini navro4 flpaq rcr i1"6a oou i(on6ore tl.ov. Koi 6oq fipiv 6v ivi or6pctt, roi prg, rcrp6ig 6o(d(etv rcri d,vupveiv rd zd.vnpov roi pelo,l,onpenAg 6votrrd,oou, ro0 flctp6q, rcri toO Yio0, roi toO Aytou llve$patoq, vOv xai q 'r, rcai etq torSq citirvog tdrv aidrvrov.

The Priest blesses the People with his hand, saying:


etloyov dv Aabv 5d rilq Xep6g ).iyer Kai Eorcrr rc il.6rl ro0 peyd.l"ou @eoO rccri 'Iqoo0 X<oqpoq fiptirv Xptoro0 perd. nd.vr<ovr5trr6v. Kcri peto to0 nve$pcrr6goou.


And the merciesof our greatGod and Saviour,Jesus Christ,shallbe with all of you. And with your spirit.


THE PREPARATION FOR HOLY COMMUNION LITANY OF THE LORD'S PRAYER The Deacon comes out and stands in his usual place. Deacon* Having commemorated all the saints, again and again 'O




EKTENHE IIPO THX, KYPIAKHE NPOEEYXHE Awrovog i(e L9dtv ilotatat iv rQ oov4let rcrrp.

People Deacon+

in peacelet us pray to the Lord. Lord, havemercy.And so after eachof thefollowing petitions. For the preciousgifts hereset forth and sanctified,let us pray to the Lord. That our God, who loves mankind,having accepted them on his holy and immaterialAltar abovethe may send heavens, as a savourof spiritual fragrance, down upon us in retum his divine graceand the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray.

ArdrovoE* fld,vr<ov rrilv d.ytov pvqpover5oovreg, Ett rcri 6tr 6v eiprlvq, ro0 Kuptou 6e40<ipev. Aa66 K6pre, 6l,6r1oov. Kai pe d. naoav 6t4otv. A rd,rovog*'Yndp rrilv npoorotrlo0fvrcov rcri &yrcro06vtcov trptr,lv 6r6pcov,ro0 Kuptou 6er106pev. "Ora4 6 <prl"crv0p<onog @e6q fiptnv, 6 npoo6elcrtrrevoq cita, eiq rd &yrcv xcri r5nepoupavtov rcrl voepdv cnito0 0uoto,ot{prov, eiq 6opiyv eioftaq nveuportrrlq, avtxoranfpryn ipiv rfiv 0etav loptv roi d1v 6oped,v ro0 Aytou flve$pcrroq, 6eq06pev.




People Deacon*

from all affliction, wrath, [For our deliverance dangerand constraint,let us pray to the Lord. Help us,saveus, havemercyon us andkeepus, O God, by your grace. That the whole day may be perfect,holy, peaceful and sinless, let us askofthe Lord. Grant this, O Lord. And so after eachof thefollowing petitions. An angelof peace, a faithful guide, a guardianof our soulsandbodies, let us askofthe Lord. Pardon andforgiveness ofour sinsandoffences, let us askof the Lord. Things good and profitablefor our souls,and peacefor the world, let us ask of the Lord. That we may live out the rest of our daysin peace let us ask of the Lord. and repentance, A Christian end to our life, painless, unashamed and peaceful, and a good defencebeforethe dread judgement seat of Christ,let us ask.] Having askedfor the unity of the faith and the communionof the Holy Spirit, let us entrustourselvesand one anotherand our whole life to Christ. our God. To you, O Lord.


rjpu6 dnd ndoqq ['Ynip toO puoOrlvcrt rrv6r5vou rccrt O),iryec4, 6pyqg, ovcryrqq, ro0 Kuptou 6er10ripev. AvrflaBo0, oiooov, il6qoov rcri 6rag6tr"alov qptrq, 6 @e6q, tfi of1 lcrprrr. T{v r\p6pcrv n&,ocrv, re}.etav,&1tov, eiprlvtr{v roi crvc4rdptqrov,ncrpd ro0 Kuptou crirqod4reOcr. flcrpdolou, K6pu. Kai,r.r eru xaoav 6i r1ow. ryul6rv rai r6rv oropd.tcov fiprirv, rcrpo toO Kuptou criqorbpe0a. rq.i riov xuyyvri4rqv rcri d,georv r6rv &lrcrptt<rrv rjpdv, nopd ro0 Kuptou critqnl"r1ppel"r1pd,tolv ocbue0cr. Tcr rcalcr rcri oupg6povto. tcriq yulciq fiprirv, ncrpd. ro0 Kuptou criqxcri eipllvrlv rQ rc6op<p, od4re0cr.
Tdv rjn6lornov 1p6vov tns (t,lns flptirv, iv eiprlvl rcri petcrvotg drctel.6ocn, nopcr toO Kupiou ctirrlodlpeOcr. Xprotrcrvd, ro r6Lq trls (torlq ilptirv, &v<66uvcr, dvencrtoxuvrc., eiprlvtrd., rci rcrtrr\v onol,oytcrv, rilv ini ro0 qoBepo0 p{pcrroq toO Xptoto0, c,iqo<i4re0a.] T{v lv6qra tr1g n'toteo4 rai d1v rotvovtcrv ro0 Ayiou flver5pcrtog critrlod,trrevot, lcrutoug rcri dl,l.l1i"ouq, rcoi n&ocrv tilv (oi1v f1p6v Xptortlr tQ

I trtrovoE a Ayyel,ov eipr\vqg,nrordv 664y6v,g$lora rrirv


Priest (in a low voice) To you, Master,Lover of mankind,we entrustour whole life and our hope,and we entreat,pray and implore you: count us worthy to partakeof your heavenlyand awesome Mysteriesat this sacred and spiritual Tablewith a pure conscience, for forgive-


@eQ ncrpoO<irpe0ct. lof, K6pte.


H OEIA AEITOY PIIA t r p t : u g( p r t o t t x ' )


nessof sinsand pardon of offences, for communion of the Holy Spirit, for inheritance of theKingdomof heaven andfor boldness beforeyou; not forjudgement or condemnation. And countus worthy,Master, with boldness and withoutcondemnation to dareto call uponyou, the God ofheaven,as Father, andto say:

Eoi napoxarorr06pe0cr tr\v (<orjvilpuirv&naocrv roi d1v il"nt6a, Adonorcrgrl,c.v0prone, rai ncrptrrcoLoOpdv oe rcri 6e6pe0a rai ixererlopev. rcoro(ioroovfi pcrqpetcrl,crBeiv rdlv i noupavtorv oou roi gptrrdv Muor4piorv tar5rqq rlq iepag rcoi nveuporrrqqTpcuT (4q, petcr roOo,po0 oDvrr66ro6,etg d<peorv d,poprtriv, eiq ou11<iprlotv nl,rlppel"qpor<'lv, eiq flve6pcrrog Aytou rotvcovtcrv, eig Bcrotl"etoq oripcvrrlvri,qpovoptcrv, eiq ncrpilotcrvtlv npdqo6, p{ eiq rpipcr, fl eiq rcrtd,rprpa. rixqdva4) Ko.i roro(t<,rov ipaq, A6onoro, ;lerd. naii4oicq, dxororpitorg tol"pd.v intxal.eio0crr o| tdv inoupd.vrov @edvllor6po, roi trriyerv. KYPIAKH NPO'EYXH ladE lldrep fipriv, 6 Bv roig orlpovoiq, I dyrao0llror rd 6vopd,oou. I il"06tor fi Bootleicr oou. | 1evqOfirc,; rd 031,r1pri oou, I oX 6v orlpctvQrcrt iri rqq yrlq. I Tdv d,prov f1p6v tdv intoriorov 6og itriv ofipepov' iprrnv, r\ roi I roi ripeg fipiv tcr 6rpeil,ripcrrcr dgtepev roig 69eil.6tcrtg lpeiq fipdrv.I rai pr\ eioev6yx16ipoq etq nerpaop6v, AIl"o I iOoar ilpoq d.nd toO novr1po0.

T H E L O R D ' SP R A Y E R People Our Father in heaven, I may your namebe hallowed,I your kingdom come,I your will be done I on earthas in heaven. I Give us todayour daily bread,I and forgive us our debts, aswe forgiveour debtors; I anddo not leadus into temptation, but deliver us from the I evil one. For yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever,andto the agesofages. Amen.

Priest (aloud)


'It;peuE ftrEdva4) "Ort oo0 iotrv fi Bootl.eia, rcri f1 6r5vc4nq, rai i1 661a, to0 florp6q, rai ro0 Yio0, rcrl toO Ay'rou flve6poroq, vDv rq.i aet, roi etq toJq oirilvcrqtrirv aicilv<rlv. Ap{". AadE


H OEIAAEITOYPTIA tt t,t:uE lutig lrixovoq* ltt'tg Eipt'lvr1ncrot. Kat tQ nve6pani oou. Ta6 rce9ol,o6 flptnv rQ Kuptrp rlivolpev. Xot, K6pre.

Priest People Deucon* People

Peace to all. And to your spirit. Let us bow our heads to the Lord. To you, O Lord.

Priest (in a low voice) We thankyou, King invisible,who by your bound powercreated all things,in the abundance ofyour mercy bringing them into being out of nothing. Do you yourself,Master,look down from heavenon thosewho havebowedtheir headsto you; for they havebowednot to fleshand blood, but to you, the God beforewhom we standin awe. Make smooth. then, our path for our good,Master,throughwhat beforeus,according to the needofeach:sail with thosewho sail,journeywith thosewho joumey, heal the sick, for you arethe physicianof our soulsand bodies. (aloud) Throughthe graceand compassion and love towardsmankindof your only-begotten Son,with whom you areblessed, together with your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and for ever,and to the agesofages. People Amen. Priest (in a low voice) Give heed,Lord Jesus Christ our God, from your holy dwelling-place and from the gloriousthrone of your kingdom; and cometo sanctifyus, you who are on high with the Fatherand invisibly preenthroned sentherewith us. And with your mighty handgrant communionin your most pure Body and precious Blood to us, and throughus to all the people.

oot, Bcrorl.e0 d6pac, 6 {1 dperpritrg oou Duvdpet rd novto 6qproupy{oo4, rcri tQ nl.riOer too il"6ouq oou i( o61 6vtorv eig td eivcn rd ndvto ncrpoycrldlv. Ait6q, A6onota, orSpov60ev 6ru6e ini ror)g r5roxexl,tx6to6 oot rdg 6o.utdrv rega),<iq. o0 1op Eri.rvav ocrpri rai OeQ. rr) o6v, A6oipotr, d.l"),d. ooi rQ rpopepQ onorcr., rd npoxetpevcr nd.orv fipiv eig dyc0dv rotd dlv lrdorou i6tov lpeicrv. i(opalroov, roiq nl"6ouor or5pnl"euoov' toiq 66ornopo0or ouv66euoov'rori6 vooo0vroq iaoat, 6 ictpoq triv yu16rv rot tdrv oorycrolv fip6v. Xdprtr rcri oircrrppoig rcri <ptl.crv0p<onig toO ti:rtpdva4) povoyevo0q oou Yio0, trreO'o6e$i"oyqrdq ei, o$v rQ rcrvcrytrp, rat dya0Q, xcd (oonotQ oou flve6pou, vOv xoi oe't, xcri etq tor5q cririvo4 rtilv cridlvrov.

l, 1u:iq (puourcary) Eriloproto0pdv



'Irpeog(puonrag) flprnv,i[ flp6o1eq, K$pre lqoo0 Xpror6, 6 @edq dltou rororrqqpiou oou, roi drd 0p6vou66lnq qq Bcrorl,etcrg oou, rccrii?"04 eiq rd dyrdoor npAs, 6 dvo tQ llcrtpt ouyrca0{pevoq,rcri dfe ouvcllv.xoi rccto{torov rfi rpctcrtg fipiv dop&rroq oou lerpt petc6o0va,tilpriv toO d.lpcrwou Erbpcr-






Then the Priest, and the Deacon, in his usual place, bow three times, saying: Deacon* me, a sinner. God, cleanse Let us attend.

t6g oou, roi too ttiriou Aipatoq, navti tQ }'ctQ.

rcti 6i ilp6v

The Priest elevates the Holv Bread and savs aloud:


The Holy Thingsfor the Holy. Christ,to the glory of One is holy, one is Lord: Jesus Amen. God the Father.

'IepeoE,bpoia4 rai b Anrovoq' tv Qtioratar I Irtt npoorovci b tot t xaE rPiE' )' ",.r,:,. cyovte 6 Pt 'O @e6g, t),croerltt trror tQ &pcrptol"Q' I ui r <>voq* flp6oXolptev. r t lt:peuE,by6v dv ilyrcv Aprov, t rcqovei' Td &yta toiq altotq. rutiE Eiq Aytog, eig Kuptog, @eo0 tlcrtP6g. APiu. 'lqoo0q Xpror6q, eiq 66lcrv

C O M M U N I O NO F T H E C L E R G YA N D P E O P L E TheSingers continuewith the CommunionChant. On Sundays: praisehim in the highPraisethe Lord from heaven, est.Alleluia,Alleluia,Alleluia. On other days as appointed. TheDeaconentersthe Sanctuary,ties his orarion in theform of a Cross,and standingon the right ofthe Priest says: Master,breakthe holy Bread. ThePriest divides the Lamb intofour parts, saying: The Lamb of God is broken and distributed,broken yet not divided,evereaten yet neverconsumed, but thosewho partake. sanctifies
't 'o 'I

H OEIA KOINONIA TOY KAHPOY KAI TOY AAOY t I ra oi VtiArat d.pXovrarryd'Lc tv rb Kotvtovtxov ' v taiq KttpnrcaiE' Aiveite t6v K$prov ir trirv oipcrvdrv' oiveite crirdv 6v toiq Srytororq. ALlql"o6icr' Atrlq)'oriicr' AIlnl"ouio. v'6t oiq d)J"aq ilpepaq tbq rb Tttnrc|v bpi(et

Anrovoq eioipTetat tv tQ ayiq B1pan, (dtvvuratto tipaptov xcl orag ir Seliov toi'lepio4 )"iyer oraupoetii<,4 M6l.roov, Adonotcr, tdv &Yrov APtov' 'O 6t 'le pe Jq pe Li(et atrbv eiq #ooapaq ltepiSaETtyatv' Melt(etcrt xai 8rc4rept(etar 6 Apvdg toO @eo0' 6 pel.(6pevoq rci pi1 6tc,tpo$pevoq,6 ncrvtote ol'l'cr io0r6pevoq rai pr166nore Ocrnov<bpevoq' to$q Pet6lovtcr4 &1rcr(<'rv'

THE DIVINELITURGY He arranges them on the Paten in the form of a Cross, thus:



X ri ti7rlorv abdq tv rQ dyitp Aiorcq orattpoedc)4 oitru4' IC

IC NI XC The Deacon points to the Chalice with his orarion and says:
K ui b AwrovoE, /.t: re t. fll,f1potoov, t ) 6i \ewvJav oiv




rQ ripapiq tb &yrcv llot1ptov,

Master,fill the holy Cup.

The Priest takes the portion of the Lamb stamped with the letters lC and makes the sign ofthe Cross with it obove the holy Chalice and places it it, saying:


16 &ltov



Fullness of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

'lepeuq, ).aBriw rfiv &vat rceqtiv4v pepi6a, tilv tXoooav rcitE )PpaZcaupbv ixava toi ayiov Ilor4piov xai' x rqpa6lC, norci o[v abr77 iv atrQ, TiYct i yllaTTov ntqv

He takes the hot water and says to the Priest: Master, bless the hot water. The Priest blesses it, saying: Blessed is the fervour of your holy things, always, now and for ever, and to the ages ofages. Amen. The Deacon* pours the hot water into the Chalice in the form of a cross, saying:

p<opo flva$potog A1'tou' Fltr"f .lmovoq Apnu. dv'le pea' Kai TaBrlvd (tov Atyet npbE td (6ov. E$l"6yqoov,Adonotcr, 'O )"tYer 6i'lepebEe5loYtitv Er5troyr1pdvr1 fi 6lorq triv &y'rovoou, nd,vtore,vuv rrirv cridrvov'Apflv' roi aei, xcri etq toriq cri<irvo4 'O Anrovoq* tyTttt d (tov ordupoedaqtv6ov rcu dyiort
ITotrlpior.t ).tyrov' Zdotq [Iver5Patoq hYiou. AP{v.

Fervour of the Holy Spirit.Amen.




PrayersSaidby the Clergy beforeCommunion I believe,Lord, and I confessthat you aretruly the Christ,the Sonof the living Cod, who cameinto the world to savesinners, of whom I am first.Also I your mostpureBody, and believethatthis is indeed your precious this indeed Blood.Therefore I beseech you, havemercy on me and forgive me my offences, voluntary and involuntary,in word and in deed,in knowledgeand in ignorance, and count me worthy to partakeuncondemned of your most pure Mysteries for forgiveness of sinsand for etemallife. Amen. 2. See,to divineCommunion I draw near; My Maker,burn me not as I partake, For you are fire consumingthe unworthy; But thereforemake me cleanfrom every stain. Of your mysticalSupper, Sonof God,receive me todayasa communicant; for I will not tell of the Mysteryto your enemies; I will not give you a kiss, like Judas; you: Remembut like the Thief I confess ber me, Lord, in your Kingdom. Master,loverof mankind,Lord Jesus Christ,my God, let not theseholy Mysteriesbe for my condemnation because of my unworthiness, but ratherfor the cleansing andsanctification ofboth soulandbody, and asa pledge of the life andkingdomto come.It is good for me to cleave to God,to placein the Lord the hopeof my salvation.

Eirloi roS Kl{pou npd rng Oeicls Metcrlrigeog fhote6o, K6pte, xol 6pol.oytir, 6rr oi ei d],n0Aa 6 Xprot6g, 6 vidq ro0 @eo0toO (rivroq, 6 ii,Odrv eiq tdv r6opov &pcrprol.orSg odroat, <irvnprir6q 'Ett eipt iy<i. nrorer5or, 6n ro0ro crrit6ion t6 dlpcrvtov li4rd, oou, roi ro0ro oir6 iort rd 'El.6r1o6v pe, rtprov Aipo. oou. A6opotoOv oou. por pou, rcri ouy26<irpr1o6v rd naponrcirpcrd td iro$ora rcri rcr dror5orcr, ro iv ),6yrp, ro iv 3py<p, tcr iv yvdret rcri &yvotg,.rcoi d(ior6v pe arorcrrptr<r:qprcror(ivtriv crlpo,vr<ov oou Muorrlpirov, eig d.geotvdpaptrdlv, rat eiq (ror\v cri<ilvtov. pcr6t(tonp6q 0etav Kotv<ov'tcrv. 16o15, fll.crotoupld, pn eMqns pe rfi Merouotg. flOp top $nd.p1erq, tor5qcrva(iougql,6yov. All'oOv xdOopovix nao4q pe rql"i6oq. To0 Aetnvouoou ro0 puonrco0orlpepov,Yii pe ncrpdrl,oBe. @eo0,rcorv<ov6v or3pi1 ycrptoiq o6 gil.rlpcroor i10poi6 oou td Muorriprov ein<'r. 'Ior56oq' 6drro, rca0dnep 6 &i,1,'d,q6 nnornq pou, K6pu, iv r!1 6pol.oyiroor. Mvr'1o0qrt Boorletg oou. 'Iqoo0 K$prc Xpror6, 6 A6onoro qrl.d.v0p<one, Oe6q pou, prfieiq rpipd pot y6vorro to ciTra tcr0ta, 6ra td dvcr(roveivai pe, dl.l.'etq rd0crporv xai eiq rat &lroopdv ryuplq re ral orirprcrtoq, 'Epoi (tDnqxoi Bcrorl.eioq. crpicrp6vopel.}.or5o1q 6) rd npoorcol,laoOar rQ OeQ d1a06v iott, t'tOe pou. oOcrr iv tQ Kuptrp rrjv ilni6a rfrq o<otrlptcrq






lor 4.

Let not the Communionof your holy Mysteries, Lord, be to me for judgementor condemnation, but for healingofsoul andbody.l

l^ll 4.

por yAvotro,K6pte, f1 Mi1 eiq rpipa fl rcrtd.xptpd perdLl.rlyrq dl)" eig tGrv &ytov oou Muonlpt<,1v, iootv trlq ryuxrlq te rcti otirpotoq.l
'leper)6 ovyTtitpryotv dr6 riv iv rQ'le prp rai tQ NaQ, 'l6ou, npoo6plopor XprorQ, rQ

He askstheforgivenessof thosein the Sanctuaryand the rest of the church. Thenhe approaches the Holy Tableand says:Behold, I draw nearto Christ, our immortal King and God. He takes a portion of theprecious Body of Christ, from thepart stamped with the leuersXC, and says:To me the unworthy Priest[and Monk] il. is grantedcommunionofthe preciousand all-holy Body ofour Lord and God and Saviour,Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness ofmy sins and for etemallife. And he receivesthe Holy Bread withfear and great care; and having wipedhis hand over the Paten with the spongehe says: Deacon, draw near. TheDeacon,as he approaches, says: Behold, I draw nearto Christ, our immortal King and God. Grant me, the unworthy Deacon[and Monk] N., communion,Master,of the preciousand all-holy Body of our Lord and God and Saviour,Jesus Christ, forthe forgiveness ofmy sinsand for eternallife. The Priest gives the Deacon a portion ofthe Holy Breadfrom the part stampedwithXC and says:To you, the devout Deacon[and Monk] M is grantedcommunionofthe preciousand all-holy Body ofour Lord and God and Saviour,Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins and for eternallife. TheDeacon kisses the Priest's hand,goesto the back ofthe Holy Table, and communicates like the Priest. Thenthe Priest takesthe Chalice,with the Communion cloth, and says: To me the unworthy Priest[and Monk] N. is grantedcommunionof the preciousand all-holy Blood ofour Lord and God and Saviour,Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of my sins and for etemallife.

I I ru. Taprbv 6 ,trotp)Grat

fi1 dyig Tpaxe(71,ltyav' ,itkrvdrcp Baorlei rcri Oerir flpriv.

I I t a, TaBriv pi av pepi6a rcv dy i ou Aptou ( XC ), 2l 7er' Mercr6t8oroi pot rJr;ivr) rQ dval'r<p llpeopuc5p<g [rccri MovalQ] rd rtprov rci ncrvdytov 'l1oo0 Xproro0, eig L('4ro ro0 Kuptou r<ri @soO xct Xonrlpog fiptiv ,i,pcoiv pou &pcrprrdlv rai eiq (<o4v ci<.bvrov. Kai pen),apBavet rci dyior,t Aprott pcrd <poBouxai xao4g aorpaAeiaq' nafuiptlv 6d rlq poooqg ini rcu

xui anoonoyyioa; tilv &(dv ,\rcrcapioo Aiyer 'lepo6tdrove,

Kai npooeA1r)tv b Awrovo6 Llye r'

np6oel"Oe. 'l6oJ

npoo6plopcri XptotQ, tQ

riOcrvdr<pBcrotl.ei rcri @eQ ilprirv. MerdL8og por, Aionotcr, (6e ivr) tQ rivcliqr Arcrx6v<p [xoi MovolQ] ro titrnov roi nctvdytov lclpo ro0 'lqoo0 XptoroO, eig dgeoiv pou Kuplou roi Oeo0 rai l<orrlpoq ilprirv upaprrdrv rcri eiq (<'ri1v oitilvtov. Kai d'Iepe og, rpativ rbv iiyrov Aptov (XC), Si\root rQ Amovrg Tiyav' Mero.Si6otai oot (\eiw) tQ e0lcBeotct<p Atcrx6v<p [rcri Movcr;6Q] 16 titrlov rcri ncrvdytov ldrpcr ro0 Kupiou rai Oeo0 rcri l<otlpoq ilptirv 'lr1oo0 Xproro0, eig &geotv oou dpaptrdlv rai eiq (<or1vcri<ivrov. 'O 6i Arircovoq, doraodltevoq tilv tot'IeptatE 1eipa, axtpXetat 6rw0ev xai peta)"apBavet otEb'kpe oq.

fiq dyiaE Tpail(4q

EIru, AaBr)* b'Ie pet)E rb dyrcv ilottlptov petd tor.t Kalipparoq, )"iyer Metcr6i8otcri ltor (6eiw) tQ dvc{i<p flpeoBut6p<p [xcri MovcrlQ] ro riprov rcoi ncrvdyrov Aipc toO Kup'tou roi @eo0 rcri lorrlpog fip6v 'lqoo0 Xproro0, ei6 dgeoiv pou &ptcrptrtirvroi eiq (ordv aicbvrov.




lor 4.

Let not the Communionof your holy Mysteries, Lord, be to me for judgementor condemnation, but for healing ofsoul andbody.l

I"H 4.

f1 pot Yfvotro, Kr5pre, Mr\ elg rpipcr ff rcrtd.xptpd. petdllyrg, trirv &ytov oou Muotqptcov,&ll,'eiq icrotv tflq yu14q te roi o<bPotoq.]

He asl<s the forgiveness of those in the Sanctuary and the rest of the church. Then he approaches the Holy Table and says: Behold, I draw near to Christ, our immortal King and God. He takes a portion ofthe precious Body ofChrist, from the part stomped with the letters XC, and says: To me the unworthy Priest [and Monk] N. is granted communion ofthe precious and all-holy Body ofour Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness ofmy sins and for eternal life. And he receives the Holy Bread withfear and great care; and having wiped his hand over the Paten with the sponge he says: Deacon, draw near. The Deacon, as he approaches, sdjrs.'Behold, I draw near to Christ, our immortal King and God. Grant me, the unworthy Deacon [and Monk] N., communion, Master, of the precious and all-holy Body of our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness ofmy sins and for eternal life. The Priest gives the Deacon a portion of the Holy Bread from the part stamped with){C and says: To you, the devout Deacon [and Monk] N. is granted communion ofthe precious and all-holy Body ofour Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness ofyour sins and for etemal life. The Deacon kisses the Priest's hand, goes to the back ofthe Holy Table, and communicotes like the Priest. Then the Priest takes the Chalice, with the Communion cloth, and says: To me the unworthy Priest [and Monk] N. is granted communion of the precious and all-holy Blood of our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of my sins and for etemal life.

I:lta, Lapr)tv b'IepeiE ouyydpqotv drb uiv iv rQ'lepQ rcai <1t Natp, rpoolpTetar rf1 Ayiq Tpaxe(1, )'iyotv''16o6, rpoo6plopo.t XptotQ, rQ ri0crvdtqr Boorl.ei rci OeQ fiprirv. pot EIn, Tapr)vpiav popi\a rco ayiort Aprou (XC), ieTer' Metcr6t6otcr't (<\eivt) rQ ovcr{te tlpeoBut6p<p [xci MovolQ] 16 tiptov ro.i nctvd.ltov 'Ir1coO Xptoto0' eig &,rpct too Kup'rou xoi Oeoo rcri l<otipoq ilptov riqeoiv pou dpcptr6v xoi eiq (coi1v cri<bvtov. Kai pe raLappavet rcD dyiou Aprov ptd cpopott xai xaoqE aorpaAeiaq' xai arooroyyioa6, d1v 6e(rdv ralap4v 6d rilE po$o4E itti toit \oxapioo liyar 'Iepo6t<irove, np6oel0e.

Kai rpooe )"\av b Ataxovoq )'tysr''t6ou rpoodplopctt XptorQ, tQ por, A6onoto, (5e ivr) tQ d0crvdtq Bootl.ei rcri OoQ ilpriv. Me rdL8og dvo{iq Aror6vq [rcri MovcrlQ] ro tiprov roi ncrvdytov liotrrct ro0 'hoo0 Xptoro0' eiq dgeoiv ;rou Kupiou rcri Oeo0 rq,i lcrrtr1poq ipiov (or1v aicirvrov. xoi eig &propttov K ai 6' Iepe uE, xpardv tbv d,yrcv Aptov ( XC ), SistootrQ A movq. ).i yav Mera6i6orcrt cot (6eivr) tQ eril'aBeottittp Atcrx6vq Ixai MovolQ] ro riprov roi nctvd'ytov I,6pcr to0 Kup'tou rci @eo6 rai l,<o'crlpoqflp<irv 'lqoo0 aitbvrov. XptoroD, eiq dgeotv oou d.pcrptr6v roi eig (<,.ri1v 'Iepla4 6i Auirovoq, d,onaocitptvoE rilv rcb xe ipa, anipTerat 6no0tv tilq dyiaq Tpaxi(qE xai petd'apBave t 14 b'Ie peiE 'O b'IepeiE d iiytov llor1prov perd roi Kd'opparoE, Tiyer Metcr6i6orai pot (6eivr) rQ dvo(tQ llpeopur6p<9 [roi MovalQ] td ristov xoi ncvdyrov Aipa toO Kuptou roi @eo0 rai loxnpoq ip6v 'l1oo0 Xproro0, eiq dgeoiv pou dpopttdrv xoi eig (<o1v oiri>vtov. Elta,laBdv



H OEIA AEITOYP|IA \ ',i lttnlapBavet ryi6 t( airoi, rai anoonoyyioaE |td rou rcd.uppatoq ',r tt i6rc pi)"4 rai rb iiyrov ilot4prov, rcaid.oraodpevoq auro, Tiye r l,'r,ro iiytrro rrirv letLA<ovpou.rcri dtgetrei rcrq dvoptcr6 pou rcri ro.q ,,1r, r1't'1qq gou neptrooaptc i. 'lepo8td.xove, I Irtt LtyctrQAnr<6vqt. 6rr np6oelOe. r t ,il: Atd.rcovoS dnooxoyyi(e t pen tilq 1tooo46 rilv ralapr\v avtoi iir ,,t, iryiou Aioxou perd npoooTilq,Tiyav iilta'I6oJ irt npoo6pXol.tct \1rrorQ, rQ dOcvdr<pBcr,orl,eixci Oe4r ilpriv. Merd6og por, A6ororcr, ,i' 1i;,11ev rcrl ncrvd.ytov Aipcr toO Kuptou rcri @so0 xai l<orqpoq 'lr1oo0 ,11rr,rv Xproto0, eiq dgeotv pou &poprrriv rot eig (<oi1v


He drinks three timesfrom the Chalice, wipes his lips and the Chalice t+iththe cloth, and kisses the Chalice,saying: This hastouchedmy lips: it will takeaway my iniquities andcleanse my sins. Thenhe says: Deacon,againdraw near. TheDeacon,havingcarefully wiped his hand over the Patenwith the Sponge, approaches, saying: Behold,againI draw nearto Christ, our immortal King andGod. Grant me communion,Master,of the precious and all-holy Blood ofour Lord and God and Saviour,Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of my sinsand for etemallife. ThePriest takesthe Chalice,with the Communioncloth, and communicatesthe Deacon threetimes,saying: To you, the devoutDeacon[and Monkl N. is grantedcommunionof the preciousand all-holy Blood of our Lord and God and Saviour,Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness ofyour sinsand for eternallife. Thenhe says:This hastouched your lips: it will takeawayyour iniquities your sins. andcleanse TheDeacon* dividesthe two remainingparts of the Lamb (NI cnd KA) into small pieces and places them in the Chalice, which he covers with the Communioncloth. He then lays the Spoonon top of the coveredChalice.

'le l, rti b pe o6, Tapriv d &.yrcv llotrlptov perd. toi KaAupparoq, t t. ru 5i 6oo r at t Q tp i E,)"i yav. Me rcr6tborat o or (5ei w ) tQ eiLcrpe ot<iLtrg \rur6vrp [rcri MovcrlQ] 16 ripttov rai novdytov Aipcr ro0 Kup'rou rccri 'l1oo0 t tr:o0 xcri l<orr'1poqilptilv Xptoto0, eiq drpeoiv oou d.pcrprrriv rrri eiq (tor\v cricirvtov. \ltru),aBovtoq 6i roi Awx6vou, Aiye t b'le pe uq. To0ro iiycrro r<irv 1r;r),icov oou.roi rr;ptxaOcrprei. dgelei rcrq d.voptcrq oou xcri roq dpcrpttctq oou

I lra b AnxovoE* peli(ct td ry4pata roD Aprou (NI rai KA) roi ;.yPaMc t tQ dyirp Ilottlpitp, b orcera(et rQ KaAoppau, inn9eiq iravo riv Aa1i6a.

DISTRIBUTION OF HOLY COMMUNION The Holy Doors are opened and the Priest hands the Chalice to the Deacon, who comes out through the Holy Doors, holding the Chalice, and says:



.)Avory0eio46 tilE'Qpaiaq |Id"r1q, b Amovoq )"apBriverftd.pdroi 'lepia4 d &yrcv llor1ptov, Ko,it(el9av eiE tilv @[pav Ko,ibylAv aoto, trcrpavei.


With fear of God, with faith and love, draw near. Blessed is he who comesin the nameof the Lord to us. The Lord is God and hasappeared


rcri d.yonqqnpooMeta 96Bou@eo0,n'rore<,rg 6l,oete. Eril.oyqpivog6 ipl6pevoq iv 6v6pcrttKuptou. K$proq roi i#qovev fipiv. @e6q



H OEIA AEITOYPIIA r t piv Anxovog 6i6rootrb d,yrcv lTorrlptov tQ'Iepei. Atdq rQ AaQ, )"iyav brcaoult. rtt:rc6i6ator 6i

TheDeaconhandsthe Chalice to the Priest, who gives Communion to the People,saying to eachcommunicanl: The servantof God N. is grantedcommunionof the precious and all-holy Body and Blood ofour Lord Jesus Christ,for the forgiveandGod and Saviour, nessof sinsand for etemallife. WhileCommunionis beinggiven thefollowing is sung,os many timesas is necessary for the numberof communicants: Son of God,receiveme Of your mysticalSupper, for I will not tell of the todayasa communicant; I will not give you a kiss, Mysteryto your enemies; you: Rememlike Judas; but like the Thief I confess ber me, Lord, in your Kingdom.

Metcr6f6orar tQ 6o61.<p ro0 @eo0 (deivr) rd rtprov xoi novdyrov }iryo xui Aipa to0 Kupiou rai 'lr1oo0 @eo0 rai lorqpog ilpriv Xproro0, eiq d.georv crpcrprtrirv rcoi eig (roqv ai<irvrov. I v 6i rQ rotvaveiv ro,iE norcriq yd.).erat iixa( ff nleovaxq, tura rbv apt9trtbvrriv rowavotvtav, rb rapov. To0 Aeinvou oou ro0 puonro0 olpepov, YiA . ori pr\ 1ap roiq @eo0, rorvt'rv6v pe nopd,tr"oBe ilOpoiq oou 16 Muot{prov ein<o.o$ gi},qpd, oor 6cboar,ro0crrep 6 lor56ag. oi,l,'6q 6 Anorrlq 6pol.oytir oor. MvfioO4tt pou, K$pre , iv {1 Bcorl"etg oot. Kan 5i, ti1v xaoTalrcv xepio\ov - ivwlgoi 6t ravtorc rttito. Iiopcr Xproroo percrl.oBete, rrnTnq dOavdtou ( 7'). ye6oco0e. Al,1,11,or5icr 'Ieper)q I lavtav 6i penlapovtav, b d &yrcv llor4prov 6i6<,tor rtpAwxovrp,6q drod94otv attb Av ri1ayiq Tpare(y1. 'O 'lepeiq 6i etAoyei tbv Aaov, Liyav. }ioov, 6 @e6q, rdv Aa6v oou, rccrieil6yqoov rfiv rl"qpovopfav oou. v t6 po{ td d}"q0rv6v, i),oBopev llveOpo Ei8opre q0q, d,8roipetov inoupdvrov, etipopev ntotrv d,tr Tpul'5cr npooruvo0vreq. o$q fdp rtpas Eor,rev.

During Eastertide(in someplaces,always): the Body of Christ; tastefrom the immortal Receive fount.Alleluia.Alleluia.Alleluia. I(hen all havecommunicated. the Priest handsthe Chalice to the Deacon,who placesit on the Holy Tableagain. ThePriest blesses the Peoplewith his hand,saying: People and blessyour inheritance. O God,saveyour people, We haveseenthe true light; we havereceivedthe heavenlySpirit; we have found the true faith, as we worshipthe undividedTrinity; for the Trinity has savedus.




Onfeasts of the Lord and their leave_taking theApolytikion ol the Feast is sung; during Eastertide that ofpaschaMeanwhilethe Deacon* holding the paten abovethe Chalicecarefulty wipestheparticles remainingon the paten into the Chalice, saying: Washaway,Lord, by your holy Blood the sinsof your ser_ vantshereremembered, throughthe prayersof the Mother of God andall your Saints. Amen. TheDeaconsaysto the priest..Master.exalt. The Priest censesthe Chalice three times, saying each time; Beexalted, O God, above the heavens; and your glory over all the earth. Then he gives the paten, with the Covers and the Star, to the Dea_ con, who shows them to the people and then takes them to the table of the Prothesis, going round behind the Hotv Table. He then unties his orarion. The Priest bows, takes the Chalice and [says in a low voice: Blessed is our God, andJ then turns to the people, shows them the Chalice and continues, aloud; People Always, now and for ever, and to the ages ofages. Amen. Let our mouth be filled with your praise, O Lord, that we may sing of your glory, for you have counted us worthy to partake of your holy Mysteries; keep us in your holiness, as we meditate on your righteous_ nessall the day long. Alleluia, alleluia. alleluia.

I i tou Aeononrcfi'Eopt4, Ano\oory atr1q, yd))"e ft rat d Iro)urirtov rfig 'Eopnig Kard.6i n\v xaiXaAov repioiov ytiT)"e rat rc Xprordq ovrior4 ! v roirrpb Allrrorogr, *porrr;lrrUr U;r;r," ,iio*o,,iarr roo Ur,,,",

I lorrypiou, eiorcoyi(er tooag rd.Epe pidaEiv re dyie tTot4pirp 1te ra rio4q dorpale iaq, Aeytov.

Ar6n).uvov, K6pte, td. d,popr4parcr rdrv dv0a6e pvlpoveu06vr<ov 6ot!),r,:v oou te Alporl oou 16 &ytq. npeoBetarq rrlg @eot6rou rcri nd.vrov ootr rtiv Ayicov.

'{) 't)

ArtixovoE Atye t re'le pei. "yryorov, Adonorcr. ' 6t 9opry ryi; tdAyn. ).iyav.,yy<i:0r1rt ini tor)g oripcrvoug, 6 t-lc6q, rai ini nooov tr\v yrlv | 6o[o ootr (ix tpirou). lilru b'lepe uE,AaBdv rbv &yrcv Aiorcov. riTqotv itti rilv r<e Ea|ilv toi lrdKovou. 'O 5i Anrovoq rcpatriv aitdv eulapa4, rai 1eapav E(a np6E riv Aaov, d,ntpye tat 6mo0ev d1E ayiag Tpare(46 eiEtilv llpoleotv, rcai irori9qotv aircv. elra 6i Xil,g t6 dryaprcvawob. {) 6i'lepeuq, npooxrlvtloag rcai AaBriv rd d.yrcv llor4prcv EfitKtKalDp_ ye vov, Tiytt [trp6 fi6 dyiaE Tpart(ng puonrzfo.Eul.oT4rdq 6 Oeoq ilptitv rcail orpagei6 zpbE rbv Aaov. lld.vrote, ai<irvotv. vOv rcri cret, rccri eiq rorig airilvcrq ttilv


Aptiu. fll,4p<rr0rir<rl rd or6pcr flpolv aivdoecir oou. K$pre, 6noq &,vr5pvrio<opev tr1v 6o(av Lou, 6., i(toloq fipcrqtrirv d.yirov oou peraoleiv Muorrlptov. rriploov fffrcrgi" te oe &yraope, 61.4v rr\v ip6pau pel.errivtcrq d1v 6irctoo6vqv oou. ALl.4l"o6.ta.Al,i,ql,or5icr.Ai.i,rllo6ia.






piv 'lepeIE droti9ryor itri tfig iepag IlpoQtoea4 tb &yrcv llotr1ptov, l:ravtpyerat rai \uil.dve t tb Avttlt4votov dnr p46i rowov a &yav ).trroratov trcreoeiv fi ranAery94vat rcoriq ireioe. 't)

The Priest places the Chalice on the Prothesis, returns andfolds up the Antimension,after makingsure that no crumb remains. The Deacon* comes out, goes to his usual place and says: Stand upright. Having received the divine, holy, pure, immortal, heavenly, life-giving and dread Mys. teries of Christ, let us give worthy thanks to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O

People Deacon*

People Deacon*

God, by your grace. Lord, havemercy. Having askedthat the whole day may be perfect, holy, peacefuland sinless,let us entrustourselves and oneanotherand our whole life to Christ our God. To you, O Lord.

'O 6t AwrovoE*, i(ep76opevoq, tv tQ ouvrl9errcxrpLtyer 'Op0oi. Metcrl.oB6vreq r6v Oet<ov, &yi<ov, apdvgptrcov,d0q,vd,t@v, inoupaviorvxoi (<oonor6v, xtiuv toO Xptoto0 Muorqpt<ov,d(io4 e6lcrprodlocopevrQ Kuptq. Aadg Kr5pu, d)"dqoov.
Aorcovo6* Avniropo0, odroov, i16qoov rcc,i6rog61"cr(ov


iffr"g, 6 @e6g, t!1 ofi 1dpto. K6pre, 6l6r1oov.


Atd.rovoE*Tilv fipfpcrv TrAocrv, rel.eicrv,&yiov, eipr'1vrxr1v rcri &vcrpapqtov oitqodpevot, icrurorSg rccri &l),ril"ouq, rai nd.oavr{v (coi1vfiprirv XprotQ rQ @eQncrpcrOripe0cr.. Aa6g Eot, K6pte.

Prayer of Thanksgiving (in Priest a low voice) We thank you, Lord, lover of mankind,benefactorof our souls,that you havecountedus worthy today of your heavenlyand immortal Mysteries.Make straightour way, establish us all in the fear of you, watchover our life, and make firm our steps,through the prayersand intercessions of the glorious Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, and of all your Saints.

Eilcrprotripros ESxri 'lepeuE {puonro6) Erllaptoro0prd v oo r, A6onorcr grl"d,v0porre, e$epydrcr tdlv ryulrilv fipriv, 6n roi ri1 ncpo$oq r]p6pg rcrtrl[totoog ipoq tdrv Broupav'rcov oou rai Muorqpiov.'Op0ot6pqoov fipriv d1v &Oavot<ov 66ov. oo'1pt(ov ipcs iv rQ 96Bq oou toriq nd,vtug. <ppodprloov r\priv rr\v (<o{v. d.ogcr}"roat fi ptirv ro 6taB{pcrra, erilcriq rcoi ixeo'rarqnlg iv6olou




(aloud,as he makesthe sign of the Crosswith the Gospelover the folded Antimension): For you areour sanctification, and to you we give glory, to the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit, now andfor ever,andto the ages ofages. People Amen.

@eor6rou rat detnop06vouMcrptoq,roi nd.vt<ov triv Aytov cou. .luBt)tv traopbv txdvo 6t d &ynv Ebayyt),rcv, rorciv6t'anircD rrit Sutlo9tvtoq fi64Avnpqvoioo rco,i anon9eiqabto, Ltyet

,rads DISMISSAL Priest People Deacon* People Let us go forth in peace. In the nameof the Lord. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. 'lepeoE Aqtic

"Otr ori et 6 oyroopds ip,iv, rcri ooi tr\v 6o(ov d,vcrn6pnopev, rQ llcrrpi xcri rQ YIQ rol rQ Ayte flverSpcrtt,vOv rcoi cret,rcri eig tor)q cirivoq r6v cr.idrvrov. Apiu. ANOAY'IE tsv eip{v1 npo6}"0orpev. tsv 6v6pcrttKuptou.

AwrovoE* To0 Kuptou 6eq0olpev. Aa6E Kr5pw,6l"6r1oov. Kai 6'IepeoE, t(e )"9rivrflEdyiag IIoL4q, rcaiordq xpb tfiEAeononxtlEeirovoq rc6 Xpwroi, trcgavei d1v 'Omo0dpprrrvov E$1riv 'O oe, K6pte, rcri ayreriloyiv ror5q e6l,oyo0vrd6 a(ov tor5qini ool zenor06tag,odrcov rdv lo6v oou xcri e6tr61qoov tilv rl.qpovoptav oou. Td nl,{propa qq tsrrcl"qoioq oou q6lcr[ov. dytaoov to$g d.yand>vrcr6 toO oircou oou. riv erlnpdnerov Lr5orlror5q&vrr66(aoov {1 0etrcfi oou 6uvd,1ret, rcri pr\ iyxarol"inqg fipcr4to0q il.riqovroq Ani oA, Eiprivqv rtir r6opcp oou 6<6pqoc.t, roiq

ThePriest comesout throughthe Holy Doors and standingin front of the icon of Christ, or below the Soleain the middleof the Church,readsthe Prayer behind the Ambo O Lord, you blessthosewho blessyou, and sanctify thosewho haveput their trust in you: saveyour people and blessyour inheritance; protectthe fullnessof your Church; sanctiff thosewho love the beautyof your house;glorifo them in retum by your divine power, and do not forsakeus who hope in you. Give peacato your world, to your churches, to the priests, to our rulers,and to all your people.For every good



H O E I A A E I T O Y P fI A


gift and every perfectgift is from on high, coming down from you, the Fatherof lights; and to you we give glory,thanksgiving andworship,to the Father, the Sonand the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and to the agesofages. Amen. Blessedbe the nameof Lord, from this time forth and for evermore(threetimes).

The Priest returns to the Sanctuary through the Holy Doors, goes to the table of the Prothesis and says, in a low voice:

Deacon* People

Christ,our God,the fulfilmentof the Law and the dispensayou havefulfilled all the Father's Prophets, always, with joy and gladness, tion. Fill our hearts now andfor ever,andto the agesofages.Amen. Let us prayto the Lord. Lord, havemercy.

'Iepe0or, ts,rcrcl"qotc,q oou, roig toiq d,plouorv fip<iv, rat ncrvri rril AcrQ oou, 5tt ncrocr66orq ayoOi1 roi nov &ilpqpc, r6l,erov d.vaffv 6on, rcc.tcrpo.ivovirc coO ro0 flotpdq t6v <ptitr<ov. roi ooi tilv 66[ov rcri e$loprottov roi npoonlvqorv &vcrrcdpnopev, rtir flotpi roi rtir YiQ roi tQ Aytrp llve6patt, v0v rcoi aet, rcri eiq tor56 oi<rlvcrqt6v ci6vov. Apl1v. Eiq rd 6vopro Kupiou eril"oyqpdvov &nd ro0 vOv xai E<og ro0 cidrvog (ixy').

l:ioeA9tbv 6t b'lepebE 6d. rdv ayitoviltil.riv eiq rb'Iepov, rcai ane70tbv t:i; tiTvlTpo9eotv, ).tyct rfiv e[yi1v taor4v ltuourtitq. Td n),fipcopcrtoO N6pou rccrt rdlv flpo<prltriv cr6rdq $ndp21orv,XptotA 6 Oedq ip<'rv, 6 ntr"rlprioog ncrocrvtrlv notprxilv oixovoptcrv, nl,{pooov Xcrpoq rai erigpoodvlg rug ropbtaq r\p<ilv, novtore, vOv roi crsi, rcri eig toriq aidlvaq rriv cr.i<6vov. Apr1v. To0 Kuptou 6e40rirprev. K6pre, il.6r1oov.

The Deacon, having returned through the north door, asks a blessing of the Priest and, goingto the Prothesis, consumes the conlents ofthe Chalice and csrefully punfes it and tidies the holy Vessels.

ThePriest, comingout through the Holy Doors and blessingthe People,says: of the Lord andhis mercycome May the blessing grace you, his and love for mankind,always, upon by now and for ever,and to the agesof ages. Amen.

AnrovoE* Aads

'OAnrcovoq. eiotl9riv 5n trlqBopeiaq xuAr1g xai euToyiav \e(apevoq rapa ro6'le pit4, ittrorpitpet eiE rilv IlpoQeotv rcaiouort)"Let td.Ayn. Arox)"iver ro dyrcvlTottlptov,rca9api(er rd iiyw |xe oq rai 6wri04or xaAotg. 'O6i 'Ie peoq,i(el9r)tv 5n rilE'QpaiaEIItAqg rcaied.oyriv tov Aaov, )"eyer



Eril.o1taKuptou rci 6,i'eoq trr3ro06,)"0or iq'$po.q, tfl crriro0 T6apttr rcri grl"av0prorig, nd,vrote, vOv rccrt aei, rcot eiq ror)q oi6voq r6rv cricllv<ov. Apfu.


H O E I A A E I T O Y P fI A

Priest Reader

Glory to you, ChristGod,our hope,glory to you. Glory to the Father, andto the Son,andto the Holy of ages. and for ever,andto the ages Spirit,bothnow have Lord, have mercy. Lord, Lord, mercy. Amen. give the blessing. havemercy.Holy Master, he who rosefrom the dead,/Christ May (on Sundays: our true God, throughthe prayersof his all-pure and holy Mother,by the power of the preciousand ofthe throughtheprotection life-givingCross, Powers ofheaven,throughthe Bodiless honoured, glorious Prophet, of the honoured, intercessions Forerunner and Baptist,John,of the holy, glorious of the holy, gloriousand triApostles, and all-praised and God-bearing umphantMartyrs, of our venerable Fathersand Motherswho haveshoneforth in the amongthe Saints John life, ofour Father ascetic of the Archbishopof Constantinople, Chrysostom, and forebears ofGod, Joachim holy andrighteous Anna, [of SaintN. (o whomthe Churchis dedicated),1ofSaintN., whosememory we keep havemercyon us and today,andofall the Saints, saveus,for he is goodandlovesmankind. Throughthe prayersofour holy fathers,Lord JesusChrist,our God, havemercy upon us. Amen.



ThePriest, blessingthe People,says: People May the holy Trinity protectyou all. us and sanctifies O Lord, protectthe one who blesses us, for many years.

A6(a oot 6 @e6q, f1 if-niq fiprirv,6ola oor. .4,vay/rqE A6[a tlorpi rccriViri2rcri Ayi<pflveripcrrt. Koi vOv rai oe'r, roi eiq rorSg oirivcrg rtirv oicbvolv. Apriv. Kfpre, 6l6r1oov.Kr5pte, 6l"6qoov.K6pte, il,64oov. A6onotcrd,1te , eril,6yqoov. 'O 'hpaiE (etxtpionKopnrc4), dvoord4 ir vexprrrv Xptotdq 6 dl.r10tvdg@edgfiprirv, rciq zrpeoBe'rorq rrlq ncrvalpd,vtourai ncrvcrpcbpou d,ytcqcrr3to0 Mqrp6g, Ouvdpetro0 n;.riou rcri"(oronoro0 Xroupo0, npootcroia.rg rrirv rrpiorv inoupaviov Auvd,perov d,o<opd,r<ov' irceotarqro0 optou, 6v66(ou flpog{rou, flpo6p6pou rcri Bcrnrtoro0 lod,vvou, rriv &yicov,iv66lolv xoi rcrveugrip<ov Anoor6l,orv, ttirv oy'rrov iv6o[<lv roi rca].],rvixrov Mcrpt6p<ov, tdrv 6ot<'lvrci 0eog6ptovflardpov xoi Mrlrdporvfipriv rrirv Bv oorrioe r l"alryd.vrcov, 'loxivvou toO iv d,ytotgrarpdg flpriv d.plrenrorc6nouKovotovrrvoun6leo4 ro0 Xpuooor6pou, 'lonrelp trirv dytolv rcri 6rroiov Oeoncrt6porv rcri Avvrlq, toO &yiou (Seivoq tou Naou),toO &yiou (6eivoQ,o0 rai qv pvripqv 6nrrel"o0pev, xo,i ndvt<ovrrirv Ay'rov, itre rlocrrxoi oriloor it oS, oA dycr0dqroi gtl"ov0ponoq. At' eixrirv rriv &yiolv rcrtdp<ov flprilv, K$pre lqooO Xptor6, 6 @eo6fiprnv,Bl"6qoovripcrS. Aads Apin. 'O'ItpeiEtuloydv dv Aabv Atyer 'H &yia Tptaq 6togul"a{or ncrvrcrg ipo4. Aa66 T6v er3l.oyo0vtcr xai oyrd(ovto fipc4, Kr5pte, g6l,crtre eiq nol,l"d,Erq.



T H ED I V I N E I,ITURCY I lra b 'lepebE\nvtpet

H OEIAAEITOYPTIA rd Awi\atpov, ),iyaw tvi ircaorrp.

The Priest distributes the Antidoron, saying to each recipient; May the blessing and mercy of the Lord come upon you. The Priest, inviting those who have communicated to begin the Thanksgiving after Communion, says ; Glory to you, O God. Glory to you, O God. Glory to you, O God. Then, if there is no Deocon, he consumesthe contenrsof the Holy Chal_ ice. He then takesoffhis vestments. Llthen the prayers after Communion are.finished he gives the lesser Dismissal. Thenhaving bowedtowards the Holy Table and given thonks to Godfor alt things, he departs. THE END OF THE DIVINE LITURGY OF OUR FATHER THE SAINTSJOHN CHRYSOSTOM AMONG

Erll,oyicr Kupiou xoi il,eoq 31,0orizi oi. (, 'lcp;iE airci rcJg rcorvavrioavtag avayryvrboreN rnv I il1aprcriav petd rilv 0eiav Korvaviav, ltyrov ro. A6[o, oor, 6 Oe6q. 46(o oor, 6 oe66. A6(a oor, 6 @e69. l lra. e.ioix tou AuircovoE, dnipTetat iv t71 tlpo1ioet xai ouodlie t ra '.\yn. EIra dro\uetat dlviepaurcilvaircu otd"r1v. Mcrd d1vEtTapr oriav rotei r1v ptrpd.v AnoAootv dtg ouv40a4.Kai npoorovqoaE rai t rryapot4oa6 rQ @e Q ini ndotv, t(ip1gent.




Tb'ilJ"4wrov Ke ipevov1tt petaEpaorv eiEm Ayyfurca Eil"oyig rilEA.@.[Iavayrctqrcq rcO OiroupewKoD nd.rptd,p)(oo K.K.Bap9oLopaioo A' rf1rpotroBod"ig 6i tilg A.\eBaoprcr4toq too Ap16tcxrcrcorou @oateipotv rcaiMeytiT4qBpetaviaErc.fprlyopiou rpbq, iv Xp4otv toiq'Iepoiq NaoiEd1qApyrcnorcorfiE


The Greek Text together with a Translation into English Issued with the blessing of His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew I on the initiative of His EminenceArchbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain in the Churchesof the Archdiocese use for

O X F O R DU N I V E R S I T YP R E S S 19 9 5

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