MCA College Project Report Format

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The Project Report must be in the following sequence:

Title page (see last page add only title in that and keep the same page)

College Certificate (see last page) Company Certificate ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS (prepare yourself using the following details)


Organization profile Overview of the problem


Hardware specification Software specification


Existing system (if necessary) Proposed system Feasibility Study


Data Flow Diagram or Process Flow Diagram UML Database design Input/Output design



Sample Code Reports

-----------------------------DESCRIPTION OF THE ABOVE TITLES


Acknowledgements recognize the persons to whom the writer is indebted for guidance and assistance during the study, credit institution for funding, for use of personnel, facilities and other resources. So this page is to acknowledge the people who supported and guided the project work. The order has to be followed like this,

God Principal (Dr. Sr. Elizabeth C.S) Director of Post-Graduate Courses (Dr. Sr. Lalitha Thomas) Head of the Department (Mr. A. Senthil Rajan) Internal Guide External Guide Others (if any) OF CONTENTS


The purpose of a table of contents is to provide an analytical overview of the report together with the order of presentation. The table of contents includes the major divisions of the thesis. The setting out of table of contents is shown below:

The heading TABLE OF CONTENTS is capitals is centered at the top of the page.

Two spaces below this the heading page appears at the right margin. Acknowledgements, List of Tables page appears at the left margin. Chapter headings are typed in full capitals without terminal punctuation and numbered consecutively in roman capitals.

Sub headings are normally indented two spaces under the main headings and the initial letter of the first word and of all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs being capitalized.

Sub-division of sub-headings is further indented two spaces.

The final table of contents cannot be prepared until the entire final draft of a report or thesis is typed.

The form and function of the synopsis of a report include the following:

Definition, providing the essence of the report in a few words Informative form, or descriptive form Length 150-250 words (for longer reports, 1/2-1 page)


This is going to introduce your project.

Organization profile This page is to give the detailed information about the organization. It can include the following:

Organization Chart (if possible) Organization Detail

Overview of the problem This page is to give the overview about the problem. While you describe the problem consider the following:

Avoid unwanted side headings. The full description should be neatly paragraphed. SPECIFICATION


Hardware specification This page is to give the details about the hardware required to develop the system. The following detail has to be give:

Processor RAM Speed of the processor Monitor

Keyboard Mouse Printer

Software specification This page is to give the detail about the software used to develop the system. The following detail has to be give:

Detail about the Front-End tool and Back-end tool Give the features and the specialization about that. Why you have chosen that? How it support this project to develop.


The overview about the analysis of the system can be given in the following two forms

Existing system This page is to give all the details regarding the existing system. The following detail has to be give:

How the problem raised? What are the advantage and disadvantage of the existing system? The detailed study about the entire system.

Proposed system This page is to describe about the current system going to be presented. The following detail has to be given:

The detail study about the system Decision made with existing system

Feasibility study


The overview about the design of new the system can be given in the following three forms

Data Flow Diagram or Process Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) to be prepared for the entire system. Structure chart can also be presented (If necessary).

Database design

The sample database has to be presented in a table format

Input/Output design DESCRIPTION


The Detailed description about your project should be given module by module.



This page is to write about,

How the newly developed system is going to be implemented (at least 1 page)



This page is to write about,

How the system can be modified in future What are all the modules not covered in this?


This page is to write about,

Overall conclusion about the system


Bibliography is the texts consulted but not referred to directly in the report .This page is to write about,

List out the books you referred with the format given below in the formatting page


This page is to write about,

Quote the references with the format given below in the formatting page


Sample Code

The sample code of the project has to be given here (atleast 10 pages)


The sample reports in the project has to be given here (atleast 10)


There are a number of format specifications, which the writer should follow in presenting a thesis or assignment. These specifications allow the writer to encompass his own natural contribution within a conventional framework, which is both logical and sequential. By following stringent format requirement the writer can systematically format and structure his own thinking in terms of theme, unity and clarity. From the beginning the student should aim at the production of a piece of work of high quality. The text should be free of errors and untidy corrections Paper of standard size and good quality should be used (Preferably A4 size & Executive Bond) From the early stage, the student should be aware of the regulations of the institution concerning the submission of thesis Also the student should note the requirements relating to the number of copies to be submitted (3 bound), the method of binding (hard board), colour (Blue) of the hard board paper for the cover, and the lettering which should appear on the spire and front cover. Page and Chapter format Chapter divisions and subdivisions For the interest of readability and ease of reference the chapters of project are usually divided into sections and subsections.

Chapter division and subdivision formation depends in the number of such divisions to be made.

The kinds of headings employed include centered headings, side headings and paragraph headings.

Each chapter has a chapter number and chapter heading. Conventionally, centered headings are used for major division and side and paragraph headings for subdivisions.

Chapter headings.

Every chapter begins in a new page. This applies even if the last page of the preceding chapter has only two or three lines.

Chapters are identified by a number and a title. Chapter number is typed in capitals and roman numerals with no punctuation. It is centered horizontally two inches from the top of the page.

The chapter title is also typed in capitals with no punctuation. It is centered horizontally one double space below the chapter number.

Three single spaces below the chapter title is the next heading or the first line of text.

Centered headings Centered headings are used for major chapter divisions. The centered heading is centered horizontally on the page and typed in lower case except for the initial letter of key words. Three single spaces separate the centered heading from text from other headings above and below. Side headings Side headings, if used with centered headings, indicate chapter subdivision; if used without centered headings, side headings indicate major chapter divisions. The side heading is typed flush with the left margin and underlined and not normally numbered. Lower case lettering is used except for the initial letter of key words. Three single spaces separate the side heading from text above and one double space from the text below. Paragraph headings Paragraph headings are normally used to indicate divisions within subdivisions. It is typed in lower case, ended with a period, and separated from the text above by three single spaces.

A note regarding headings

All headings should be captions not sentences. Each should be brief, yet informative, a statement rather than a question Heading should not be essential for continuity. Spacing, Pagination and Margins. The body of the text is normally double spaced, though longer theses sometimes use 1 spacing. For quotation, footnotes, tables and Figures and appendices, different spacing are outlined. There are two separate series of page numbers.

The preliminaries are numbered with small roman numerals and they normally appear at the bottom of the page without punctuation, centered, and are positioned one inch from the bottom of the page.

All other pages beginning with the first page of chapter I and including bibliography, appendixes, and pages of tables and figures are numbered with Arabic numerals.

The margin recommended at the left of the page is 1 inches which allows for binding. Margins of 1 inches at the top and bottom of the page give a balance appearance to the whole. References. These are very important. Your report should be sufficient to indicate to the reader what you have done, what you found out AND provide enough information for them to repeat the work if they so wished. You will have made us of information from a variety of sources. There are generally three types of reference according to the source, journal, article, book, and web site.

Book. You need to cite title, authors, date published, edition (if not first), City of publication and publisher. e.g. Elements of Nuclear Physics W. E. Burcham, (London) Longman, 1979.

A journal article, The speed of light by interferometry A. Dixon, Journal of Light, vol. 3, pp. 123-234, 2003.

A web page,




Page No.

[Title of the project]

Project submitted to JYOTI NIVAS COLLEGE (Autonomous) affiliated to Bangalore University in the Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Computer Applications

By Name: [name of the student] Reg. No.: [Reg. No. of the student]

Under the Guidance of [Name] Internal Guide [Name] External Guide

JYOTI NIVAS COLLEGE (Autonomous) Post Graduate Centre

Bangalore 95 May 2013


Post Graduate Centre Bangalore 95

This is to certify that the project entitled .... is the bonafide work carried out by , III Year (VI Semester) MCA, as part of her academic year 2012 2012, in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Applications. the degree of Master of Computer

Internal Guide


Examiners: 1. ..

2. ..

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