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Scenario 1 Planetfall

A Space Marine scout force has been send to investigate reports of unusual sightings in a remote area by the civilian population. Dispatched with some of the planets top scientists, it becomes clear on arrival that something is amiss

Scenario Outline
This scenario is a game of chance, with a good amount of cat-and-mouse thrown in. Lictors prowl in shadows and genestealers will erupt from anywhere. The Space Marine player must safeguard their valuable scientists from whatever threats lurk in the shadows

Space Marines
Main: Collect 3 Biosamples Bonus: Kill both lictors

Main: Have lictors kill 3 scientists Bonus: Kill Company Master Abraham

Army Composition
Space Marines
o o o Company Master Abraham (Power Sword, Plasma Pistol, Digital Weapons) 3 Squads of 5 Marines (no upgrades) 3 Scientists (Adamantium Clipboard treat as a laspistol)

o o o 3 Broods of 5 Genestealers (no upgrades) 2 broods of 1 Lictor 2 Mycetic Spores (no upgrades)

Special Rules
Space Marines Special Guests - HQ and Scientists may not join
any other squads, however if a scientist enters a Site with a marine squad they are considered to be under the marines protection. Should all the marines die in any ensuing assaults, the genestealers are free to immediately assault the scientist. Local Boys - Before entering a piece of terrain the player may roll D6, on a roll of 6 a squad may snapshot with BS2 until the end of that turn. Urgh, Tourists - See side box 1. Curiosity Killed the - At the end of every Space Marine movement phase roll D6 for each scientist. On a roll of 4+ the scientist is compelled to study something nearby. Roll a scatter dice+D6 and move the scientist accordingly. If it rolls a hit move the scientist in any direction. The scientist may run at half the result rolled during the shooting phase (round up).

Tyranids Lurkers - The Genestealers use the Ymgarls

Dormant rule. Once assigned to a piece of terrain they may not leave or be controlled in any way. They must assault (no charge rolls required) any squad that enters their terrain piece. The Tyranid player may take control of any remaining genestealers if combat is won and they may leave their terrain piece. Shadow Vanguard - Lictors have Deathleapers What was that?, Where is it?, Whered it go? and Killing Strike special rules. The lictors are not subject to the Instinctive Behaviour rule. In addition the lictors require no reserve roll to come into play.

Before placing any other terrain, randomly place 6 large terrain pieces (try to space them out a little) that have been pre-agreed upon to serve as genestealer/biosample sites. These pieces may be buildings, woodland, rocks or simply card circles, anything you like as long as they can comfortably hold 5 genestealers. Number the sites 1-6 and have the Tyranid player roll D6 (away from prying eyes) to determine the placement of the genestealer broods and biosamples (both can share one terrain piece). Write down the results. More terrain may be added as flavour to beef up the table top.

Side Box 1
Imperium scientists, whilst possessed of a level of genius unmatched by many, are essentially dweebs and as such use the following profile: Unit Type: Infantry
WS 2 BS 2 S 2 T 3 W 1 I 1 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+

Before play, the Tyranid player may land their mycetic spores wherever desired, using the Transport Spore rule the lictors may be inside the spore or held in reserve. The Space Marine player goes first, coming in from a pre-agreed table edge.

Scoring and Victory

The Space Marine player acquires Biosamples simply by having a scientist enter terrain pieces that contain a sample (honesty is required on the Tyranid players part this is a game after all) or having the Marines deliver a biosample from a site to the scientist. Note that any Biosample discoveries or genestealer attacks can only happen at the end of the assault phase. If a site contains both genestealers and a biosample, the biosample can only be claimed after all the genestealers are destroyed. For the scientists, the Tyranid player may dispatch them in any way possible. The game is declared over when a player collects/kills 3 of their objectives. The scenario rewards are not mutually exclusive, so both players can walk away with rewards and unlocked bonus missions for the next game phase.

Add Some Drama!

As the Tyranid player knows where the biosamples and genestealers are, its fun to build up to announcing what the Marines have walked into. Remember that any discoveries or genestealer attacks can only be declared at the end of the assault phase (any genestealer attacks are then resolved before ending the turn).

Scenario Rewards
Space Marines
o o o 1 extra AA gun in Scenario 2 per Biosample collected. Bonus: On killing both lictors the bonus scenario 1a-Pest Control is unlocked. RPG: Company Master Abraham gains 10xp if he survives this mission.

o o o 1 extra mycetic spore in Scenario 2 per Scientist killed. Bonus: On killing the Space Marine HQ the bonus scenario 1b-Sabotage is unlocked. RPG: If one or more lictors survive this mission, select one to receive 10xp. In addition, have the Space Marine player name that lictor with an appropriately menacing title (Tyranids dont name themselves, after all). The lictor now uses Deathleapers stat profile and entire rule set.

Bonus Scenario 1a Pest Control

Having successfully dispatched the lictors prowling a Tyranid landing site, the planets Supreme Grand Master has decided to pre-emptively crush the Tyranids primary invasion force before the rest of the Hive fleet arrives. A select group is sent in to stop the Tyranids from getting too comfortable This aint no ordinary bug hunt.

Scenario Outline
This is a chance for the Space Marine player to deny the Tyranids a critical advantage. Expect company as the Tyranids will defend the biomass theyve been steadily gathering with everything theyve got. Lock and load your flamers, youre going in.

Space Marines
Main: Destroy 3 biospores or die trying.

Main: Defend the biospores, kill everything.

Army Composition
Space Marines
o o o Company Master Abraham1 (Power Sword, Plasma Pistol, Digital Weapons) 3 Squads of 5 Marines, 2 flamers per squad 1 Squad of 5 Terminators

o o o o X Genestealers X Lictors 3 Broods of 1 Hive Guard 3 Biospores (See Side box 1)

Special Rules
Space Marines Bug Hunt - In response to the Tyranid threat the
Techmarines have enhanced the standard flamer. All flamers now have S5 AP4.

Tyranids Biomass Harvest - Large swathes of local flora,

fauna, livestock and the civilian population have gone missing. Whats left of them is now stored inside biospores dotted in the hive. See side box 1.

Absolute bad assess! Let's pack 'em in! The Space Marine Terminators have S5 and 3 attacks. Down the Rabbit Hole - Due to the organic and alien nature of the hive, all terrain counts as difficult for the Space Marine forces.

They're coming outta the goddamn walls! Rather than starting with a set number of units, the Tyranid player rolls D6 at the start of every movement phase to determine how many genestealers enter play, and D2 for lictors. The genestealers and lictors may come into play from any wall. Hive Will - No Tyranid units within the hive are subject to the Instinctive Behaviour rule.

If he survived Scenario 1.

This scenario requires some creativity, or a large amount of books, when it comes to terrain setup. Create a network of tunnels, between 4 and 8 inches wide, the more random the better, and create several larger chambers to house the Biospores. There can be up to 2 entrances. Remember: o o The walls count as impassable; youre in a maze. Inside the hive all terrain counts as difficult for the Space Marine force (see Down the Rabbit Hole).

Side Box 1
Biospores are a rare sight. Bloated Tyranid organisms whose sole purpose is to store biomass for repurposing. Completely immobile, theyre woven into the very fabric of the hive and use the following profile: Unit Type: Monstrous Creature
WS 3 BS 3 S 5 T 5 W 2 I 3 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 4+

The Tyranid player places the hive guard wherever they choose, as long as it is inside the hive. The biospores must be placed inside the large chambers. The Tyranid player goes first. The Space Marines may enter from any table side, but only one. The force must enter the hive through an entrance.

Scoring and Victory

The game continues until all the biospores are destroyed or the Space Marine force has been obliterated.

Scenario Rewards
Space Marines
o o 1 less genestealer brood in Scenario 2 per biospore destroyed. RPG: Company Master Abraham gains 10xp if he survives this mission.

o This is an all-or-nothing; you get nothing for winning, but youll lose far more if the marines win. Bonus: On killing the entire Space Marine force the bonus scenario 1b-Sabotage is unlocked if it hasnt already. It cannot be played twice.

Bonus Scenario 1b Sabotage

The dying Company Master Abrahams brain gave the lictors all they needed to know about the nearby strongholds air defences. If the Hive Fleets invasion is to progress smoothly this threat must be dealt with. Night is starting to fall

Scenario Outline
Lictors are lords of the shadow, and will use the cloak of night to their deadly advantage. To sabotage the air defences, the Planetary Communication Array must be destroyed. Be the night.

Space Marines
Main: Defend the planetary communication array.

Main: Destroy the Planetary Communication Array by sabotaging the Power Station, the Relay Network Hub and the Beacon. See side box 1.

Army Composition
Space Marines
o o 4 Squads of 5 Scouts. 1 Squad of 5 Marines (no upgrades)

o o o Hero Lictor2 3 Broods of 5 Genestealers (no upgrades) 3 Broods of 1 Lictor (2 broods if Hero Lictor is present)

Special Rules
Space Marines Searchlights - The communication base is
equipped with powerful searchlights that illuminate the grounds of the base. The beams move at the end of every movement phase with a scatter dice+D6 and illuminate an area the size of a large blast template. Any enemy models that the searchlight passes over or lands on count as exposed and can be freely shot at. If the scatter die lands on a hit, reroll the scatter dice. If the beam would be directed off the table by a roll, reroll both dice. The searchlights require a squad to be within 3 to operate them; if there is no squad nearby, the searchlight will not move or illuminate. The searchlights can be destroyed, see Side Box 2.

Tyranids Saboteurs - Lictors have Deathleapers Where is it?,

Whered it go? and Killing Strike special rules. . The lictors are not subject to the Instinctive Behaviour rule. In addition the lictors require no reserve roll to come into play. Dead of Night - Unless illuminated by a searchlight all Tyranid units have a 2+ cover save, this does not stack with the Stealth rule.

If he survived Scenario 1.

Side Box 1
The various components of the communication array are fairly basic, but well protected by their automated housing. They use the following profile: Unit Type: Infantry
WS 3 BS 3 S 5 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+

Side Box 2
Like any equipment, searchlights will stop work if hit hard enough. They use the following profile: Unit Type: Artillery
WS 1 BS 1 S 2 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 0 Ld 6 Sv 3+

Create 4 raised platforms, one in each corner of the table. Place a searchlight and one squad of scouts on each corner platform. Randomly place 3 markers in the courtyard to act as the 3 elements of the communication array, and then add as much scenery as desired (walls could work well). The Marine squad can be placed wherever desired. The Tyranid player goes first, and determines which side of the table their units enter by using the Outflank rule no reserve rolls are required. The searchlight beams start from the searchlight markers.

Scoring and Victory

The game is declared over when all 3 parts of the Communication Array are destroyed or all the Tyranid forces are eliminated.

Scenario Rewards
Space Marines
o This is an all-or-nothing; you get nothing for winning, but youll lose far more if the Tyranids win. Bonus: On killing the entire Space Marine force the bonus scenario 1a-Pest Control is unlocked if it hasnt already. It cannot be played twice.

o o Random chance for AA guns to cut out in Scenario 2 (one AA gun per objective destroyed). RPG: Hero Lictor gains 10xp if he survives this mission.

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